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azure_loadbalancer.go 21.98 KB
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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package azure
import (
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
serviceapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1/service"
// GetLoadBalancer returns whether the specified load balancer exists, and
// if so, what its status is.
func (az *Cloud) GetLoadBalancer(clusterName string, service *v1.Service) (status *v1.LoadBalancerStatus, exists bool, err error) {
lbName := getLoadBalancerName(clusterName)
pipName := getPublicIPName(clusterName, service)
serviceName := getServiceName(service)
_, existsLb, err := az.getAzureLoadBalancer(lbName)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if !existsLb {
glog.V(5).Infof("get(%s): lb(%s) - doesn't exist", serviceName, pipName)
return nil, false, nil
pip, existsPip, err := az.getPublicIPAddress(pipName)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if !existsPip {
glog.V(5).Infof("get(%s): pip(%s) - doesn't exist", serviceName, pipName)
return nil, false, nil
return &v1.LoadBalancerStatus{
Ingress: []v1.LoadBalancerIngress{{IP: *pip.IPAddress}},
}, true, nil
// EnsureLoadBalancer creates a new load balancer 'name', or updates the existing one. Returns the status of the balancer
func (az *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancer(clusterName string, service *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) (*v1.LoadBalancerStatus, error) {
lbName := getLoadBalancerName(clusterName)
pipName := getPublicIPName(clusterName, service)
serviceName := getServiceName(service)
glog.V(2).Infof("ensure(%s): START clusterName=%q lbName=%q", serviceName, clusterName, lbName)
pip, err := az.ensurePublicIPExists(serviceName, pipName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sg, err := az.SecurityGroupsClient.Get(az.ResourceGroup, az.SecurityGroupName, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sg, sgNeedsUpdate, err := az.reconcileSecurityGroup(sg, clusterName, service)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if sgNeedsUpdate {
glog.V(3).Infof("ensure(%s): sg(%s) - updating", serviceName, *sg.Name)
// azure-sdk-for-go introduced contraint validation which breaks the updating here if we don't set these
// to nil. This is a workaround until https://github.com/Azure/go-autorest/issues/112 is fixed
sg.SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat.NetworkInterfaces = nil
sg.SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat.Subnets = nil
_, err := az.SecurityGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(az.ResourceGroup, *sg.Name, sg, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lb, existsLb, err := az.getAzureLoadBalancer(lbName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !existsLb {
lb = network.LoadBalancer{
Name: &lbName,
Location: &az.Location,
LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat: &network.LoadBalancerPropertiesFormat{},
lb, lbNeedsUpdate, err := az.reconcileLoadBalancer(lb, pip, clusterName, service, nodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !existsLb || lbNeedsUpdate {
glog.V(3).Infof("ensure(%s): lb(%s) - updating", serviceName, lbName)
_, err = az.LoadBalancerClient.CreateOrUpdate(az.ResourceGroup, *lb.Name, lb, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the machines to the backend pool if they're not already
lbBackendName := getBackendPoolName(clusterName)
lbBackendPoolID := az.getBackendPoolID(lbName, lbBackendName)
hostUpdates := make([]func() error, len(nodes))
for i, node := range nodes {
localNodeName := node.Name
f := func() error {
err := az.ensureHostInPool(serviceName, types.NodeName(localNodeName), lbBackendPoolID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ensure(%s): lb(%s) - failed to ensure host in pool: %q", serviceName, lbName, err)
return nil
hostUpdates[i] = f
errs := utilerrors.AggregateGoroutines(hostUpdates...)
if errs != nil {
return nil, utilerrors.Flatten(errs)
glog.V(2).Infof("ensure(%s): FINISH - %s", serviceName, *pip.IPAddress)
return &v1.LoadBalancerStatus{
Ingress: []v1.LoadBalancerIngress{{IP: *pip.IPAddress}},
}, nil
// UpdateLoadBalancer updates hosts under the specified load balancer.
func (az *Cloud) UpdateLoadBalancer(clusterName string, service *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) error {
_, err := az.EnsureLoadBalancer(clusterName, service, nodes)
return err
// EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted deletes the specified load balancer if it
// exists, returning nil if the load balancer specified either didn't exist or
// was successfully deleted.
// This construction is useful because many cloud providers' load balancers
// have multiple underlying components, meaning a Get could say that the LB
// doesn't exist even if some part of it is still laying around.
func (az *Cloud) EnsureLoadBalancerDeleted(clusterName string, service *v1.Service) error {
lbName := getLoadBalancerName(clusterName)
pipName := getPublicIPName(clusterName, service)
serviceName := getServiceName(service)
glog.V(2).Infof("delete(%s): START clusterName=%q lbName=%q", serviceName, clusterName, lbName)
// reconcile logic is capable of fully reconcile, so we can use this to delete
service.Spec.Ports = []v1.ServicePort{}
lb, existsLb, err := az.getAzureLoadBalancer(lbName)
if err != nil {
return err
if existsLb {
lb, lbNeedsUpdate, reconcileErr := az.reconcileLoadBalancer(lb, nil, clusterName, service, []*v1.Node{})
if reconcileErr != nil {
return reconcileErr
if lbNeedsUpdate {
if len(*lb.FrontendIPConfigurations) > 0 {
glog.V(3).Infof("delete(%s): lb(%s) - updating", serviceName, lbName)
_, err = az.LoadBalancerClient.CreateOrUpdate(az.ResourceGroup, *lb.Name, lb, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
glog.V(3).Infof("delete(%s): lb(%s) - deleting; no remaining frontendipconfigs", serviceName, lbName)
_, err = az.LoadBalancerClient.Delete(az.ResourceGroup, lbName, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
sg, existsSg, err := az.getSecurityGroup()
if err != nil {
return err
if existsSg {
reconciledSg, sgNeedsUpdate, reconcileErr := az.reconcileSecurityGroup(sg, clusterName, service)
if reconcileErr != nil {
return reconcileErr
if sgNeedsUpdate {
glog.V(3).Infof("delete(%s): sg(%s) - updating", serviceName, az.SecurityGroupName)
// azure-sdk-for-go introduced contraint validation which breaks the updating here if we don't set these
// to nil. This is a workaround until https://github.com/Azure/go-autorest/issues/112 is fixed
sg.SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat.NetworkInterfaces = nil
sg.SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat.Subnets = nil
_, err := az.SecurityGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(az.ResourceGroup, *reconciledSg.Name, reconciledSg, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
err = az.ensurePublicIPDeleted(serviceName, pipName)
if err != nil {
return err
glog.V(2).Infof("delete(%s): FINISH", serviceName)
return nil
func (az *Cloud) ensurePublicIPExists(serviceName, pipName string) (*network.PublicIPAddress, error) {
pip, existsPip, err := az.getPublicIPAddress(pipName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if existsPip {
return &pip, nil
pip.Name = to.StringPtr(pipName)
pip.Location = to.StringPtr(az.Location)
pip.PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat = &network.PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat{
PublicIPAllocationMethod: network.Static,
pip.Tags = &map[string]*string{"service": &serviceName}
glog.V(3).Infof("ensure(%s): pip(%s) - creating", serviceName, *pip.Name)
_, err = az.PublicIPAddressesClient.CreateOrUpdate(az.ResourceGroup, *pip.Name, pip, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pip, err = az.PublicIPAddressesClient.Get(az.ResourceGroup, *pip.Name, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &pip, nil
func (az *Cloud) ensurePublicIPDeleted(serviceName, pipName string) error {
_, deleteErr := az.PublicIPAddressesClient.Delete(az.ResourceGroup, pipName, nil)
_, realErr := checkResourceExistsFromError(deleteErr)
if realErr != nil {
return nil
return nil
// This ensures load balancer exists and the frontend ip config is setup.
// This also reconciles the Service's Ports with the LoadBalancer config.
// This entails adding rules/probes for expected Ports and removing stale rules/ports.
func (az *Cloud) reconcileLoadBalancer(lb network.LoadBalancer, pip *network.PublicIPAddress, clusterName string, service *v1.Service, nodes []*v1.Node) (network.LoadBalancer, bool, error) {
lbName := getLoadBalancerName(clusterName)
serviceName := getServiceName(service)
lbFrontendIPConfigName := getFrontendIPConfigName(service)
lbFrontendIPConfigID := az.getFrontendIPConfigID(lbName, lbFrontendIPConfigName)
lbBackendPoolName := getBackendPoolName(clusterName)
lbBackendPoolID := az.getBackendPoolID(lbName, lbBackendPoolName)
wantLb := len(service.Spec.Ports) > 0
dirtyLb := false
// Ensure LoadBalancer's Backend Pool Configuration
if wantLb {
newBackendPools := []network.BackendAddressPool{}
if lb.BackendAddressPools != nil {
newBackendPools = *lb.BackendAddressPools
foundBackendPool := false
for _, bp := range newBackendPools {
if strings.EqualFold(*bp.Name, lbBackendPoolName) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb backendpool - found wanted backendpool. not adding anything", serviceName, wantLb)
foundBackendPool = true
} else {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb backendpool - found other backendpool %s", serviceName, wantLb, *bp.Name)
if !foundBackendPool {
newBackendPools = append(newBackendPools, network.BackendAddressPool{
Name: to.StringPtr(lbBackendPoolName),
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb backendpool - adding backendpool", serviceName, wantLb)
dirtyLb = true
lb.BackendAddressPools = &newBackendPools
// Ensure LoadBalancer's Frontend IP Configurations
dirtyConfigs := false
newConfigs := []network.FrontendIPConfiguration{}
if lb.FrontendIPConfigurations != nil {
newConfigs = *lb.FrontendIPConfigurations
if !wantLb {
for i := len(newConfigs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
config := newConfigs[i]
if strings.EqualFold(*config.Name, lbFrontendIPConfigName) {
glog.V(3).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb frontendconfig(%s) - dropping", serviceName, wantLb, lbFrontendIPConfigName)
newConfigs = append(newConfigs[:i], newConfigs[i+1:]...)
dirtyConfigs = true
} else {
foundConfig := false
for _, config := range newConfigs {
if strings.EqualFold(*config.Name, lbFrontendIPConfigName) {
foundConfig = true
if !foundConfig {
newConfigs = append(newConfigs,
Name: to.StringPtr(lbFrontendIPConfigName),
FrontendIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat: &network.FrontendIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat{
PublicIPAddress: &network.PublicIPAddress{
ID: pip.ID,
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb frontendconfig(%s) - adding", serviceName, wantLb, lbFrontendIPConfigName)
dirtyConfigs = true
if dirtyConfigs {
dirtyLb = true
lb.FrontendIPConfigurations = &newConfigs
// update probes/rules
expectedProbes := make([]network.Probe, len(service.Spec.Ports))
expectedRules := make([]network.LoadBalancingRule, len(service.Spec.Ports))
for i, port := range service.Spec.Ports {
lbRuleName := getRuleName(service, port)
transportProto, _, probeProto, err := getProtocolsFromKubernetesProtocol(port.Protocol)
if err != nil {
return lb, false, err
if serviceapi.NeedsHealthCheck(service) {
podPresencePath, podPresencePort := serviceapi.GetServiceHealthCheckPathPort(service)
expectedProbes[i] = network.Probe{
Name: &lbRuleName,
ProbePropertiesFormat: &network.ProbePropertiesFormat{
RequestPath: to.StringPtr(podPresencePath),
Protocol: network.ProbeProtocolHTTP,
Port: to.Int32Ptr(podPresencePort),
IntervalInSeconds: to.Int32Ptr(5),
NumberOfProbes: to.Int32Ptr(2),
} else {
expectedProbes[i] = network.Probe{
Name: &lbRuleName,
ProbePropertiesFormat: &network.ProbePropertiesFormat{
Protocol: probeProto,
Port: to.Int32Ptr(port.NodePort),
IntervalInSeconds: to.Int32Ptr(5),
NumberOfProbes: to.Int32Ptr(2),
expectedRules[i] = network.LoadBalancingRule{
Name: &lbRuleName,
LoadBalancingRulePropertiesFormat: &network.LoadBalancingRulePropertiesFormat{
Protocol: transportProto,
FrontendIPConfiguration: &network.SubResource{
ID: to.StringPtr(lbFrontendIPConfigID),
BackendAddressPool: &network.SubResource{
ID: to.StringPtr(lbBackendPoolID),
Probe: &network.SubResource{
ID: to.StringPtr(az.getLoadBalancerProbeID(lbName, lbRuleName)),
FrontendPort: to.Int32Ptr(port.Port),
BackendPort: to.Int32Ptr(port.Port),
EnableFloatingIP: to.BoolPtr(true),
// remove unwanted probes
dirtyProbes := false
var updatedProbes []network.Probe
if lb.Probes != nil {
updatedProbes = *lb.Probes
for i := len(updatedProbes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
existingProbe := updatedProbes[i]
if serviceOwnsRule(service, *existingProbe.Name) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb probe(%s) - considering evicting", serviceName, wantLb, *existingProbe.Name)
keepProbe := false
if findProbe(expectedProbes, existingProbe) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb probe(%s) - keeping", serviceName, wantLb, *existingProbe.Name)
keepProbe = true
if !keepProbe {
updatedProbes = append(updatedProbes[:i], updatedProbes[i+1:]...)
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb probe(%s) - dropping", serviceName, wantLb, *existingProbe.Name)
dirtyProbes = true
// add missing, wanted probes
for _, expectedProbe := range expectedProbes {
foundProbe := false
if findProbe(updatedProbes, expectedProbe) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb probe(%s) - already exists", serviceName, wantLb, *expectedProbe.Name)
foundProbe = true
if !foundProbe {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb probe(%s) - adding", serviceName, wantLb, *expectedProbe.Name)
updatedProbes = append(updatedProbes, expectedProbe)
dirtyProbes = true
if dirtyProbes {
dirtyLb = true
lb.Probes = &updatedProbes
// update rules
dirtyRules := false
var updatedRules []network.LoadBalancingRule
if lb.LoadBalancingRules != nil {
updatedRules = *lb.LoadBalancingRules
// update rules: remove unwanted
for i := len(updatedRules) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
existingRule := updatedRules[i]
if serviceOwnsRule(service, *existingRule.Name) {
keepRule := false
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb rule(%s) - considering evicting", serviceName, wantLb, *existingRule.Name)
if findRule(expectedRules, existingRule) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb rule(%s) - keeping", serviceName, wantLb, *existingRule.Name)
keepRule = true
if !keepRule {
glog.V(3).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb rule(%s) - dropping", serviceName, wantLb, *existingRule.Name)
updatedRules = append(updatedRules[:i], updatedRules[i+1:]...)
dirtyRules = true
// update rules: add needed
for _, expectedRule := range expectedRules {
foundRule := false
if findRule(updatedRules, expectedRule) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb rule(%s) - already exists", serviceName, wantLb, *expectedRule.Name)
foundRule = true
if !foundRule {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): lb rule(%s) adding", serviceName, wantLb, *expectedRule.Name)
updatedRules = append(updatedRules, expectedRule)
dirtyRules = true
if dirtyRules {
dirtyLb = true
lb.LoadBalancingRules = &updatedRules
return lb, dirtyLb, nil
// This reconciles the Network Security Group similar to how the LB is reconciled.
// This entails adding required, missing SecurityRules and removing stale rules.
func (az *Cloud) reconcileSecurityGroup(sg network.SecurityGroup, clusterName string, service *v1.Service) (network.SecurityGroup, bool, error) {
serviceName := getServiceName(service)
wantLb := len(service.Spec.Ports) > 0
sourceRanges, err := serviceapi.GetLoadBalancerSourceRanges(service)
if err != nil {
return sg, false, err
var sourceAddressPrefixes []string
if sourceRanges == nil || serviceapi.IsAllowAll(sourceRanges) {
sourceAddressPrefixes = []string{"Internet"}
} else {
for _, ip := range sourceRanges {
sourceAddressPrefixes = append(sourceAddressPrefixes, ip.String())
expectedSecurityRules := make([]network.SecurityRule, len(service.Spec.Ports)*len(sourceAddressPrefixes))
for i, port := range service.Spec.Ports {
securityRuleName := getRuleName(service, port)
_, securityProto, _, err := getProtocolsFromKubernetesProtocol(port.Protocol)
if err != nil {
return sg, false, err
for j := range sourceAddressPrefixes {
ix := i*len(sourceAddressPrefixes) + j
expectedSecurityRules[ix] = network.SecurityRule{
Name: to.StringPtr(securityRuleName),
SecurityRulePropertiesFormat: &network.SecurityRulePropertiesFormat{
Protocol: securityProto,
SourcePortRange: to.StringPtr("*"),
DestinationPortRange: to.StringPtr(strconv.Itoa(int(port.Port))),
SourceAddressPrefix: to.StringPtr(sourceAddressPrefixes[j]),
DestinationAddressPrefix: to.StringPtr("*"),
Access: network.Allow,
Direction: network.Inbound,
// update security rules
dirtySg := false
var updatedRules []network.SecurityRule
if sg.SecurityRules != nil {
updatedRules = *sg.SecurityRules
// update security rules: remove unwanted
for i := len(updatedRules) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
existingRule := updatedRules[i]
if serviceOwnsRule(service, *existingRule.Name) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): sg rule(%s) - considering evicting", serviceName, wantLb, *existingRule.Name)
keepRule := false
if findSecurityRule(expectedSecurityRules, existingRule) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): sg rule(%s) - keeping", serviceName, wantLb, *existingRule.Name)
keepRule = true
if !keepRule {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): sg rule(%s) - dropping", serviceName, wantLb, *existingRule.Name)
updatedRules = append(updatedRules[:i], updatedRules[i+1:]...)
dirtySg = true
// update security rules: add needed
for _, expectedRule := range expectedSecurityRules {
foundRule := false
if findSecurityRule(updatedRules, expectedRule) {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): sg rule(%s) - already exists", serviceName, wantLb, *expectedRule.Name)
foundRule = true
if !foundRule {
glog.V(10).Infof("reconcile(%s)(%t): sg rule(%s) - adding", serviceName, wantLb, *expectedRule.Name)
nextAvailablePriority, err := getNextAvailablePriority(updatedRules)
if err != nil {
return sg, false, err
expectedRule.Priority = to.Int32Ptr(nextAvailablePriority)
updatedRules = append(updatedRules, expectedRule)
dirtySg = true
if dirtySg {
sg.SecurityRules = &updatedRules
return sg, dirtySg, nil
func findProbe(probes []network.Probe, probe network.Probe) bool {
for _, existingProbe := range probes {
if strings.EqualFold(*existingProbe.Name, *probe.Name) {
return true
return false
func findRule(rules []network.LoadBalancingRule, rule network.LoadBalancingRule) bool {
for _, existingRule := range rules {
if strings.EqualFold(*existingRule.Name, *rule.Name) {
return true
return false
func findSecurityRule(rules []network.SecurityRule, rule network.SecurityRule) bool {
for _, existingRule := range rules {
if strings.EqualFold(*existingRule.Name, *rule.Name) {
return true
return false
// This ensures the given VM's Primary NIC's Primary IP Configuration is
// participating in the specified LoadBalancer Backend Pool.
func (az *Cloud) ensureHostInPool(serviceName string, nodeName types.NodeName, backendPoolID string) error {
vmName := mapNodeNameToVMName(nodeName)
machine, err := az.VirtualMachinesClient.Get(az.ResourceGroup, vmName, "")
if err != nil {
return err
primaryNicID, err := getPrimaryInterfaceID(machine)
if err != nil {
return err
nicName, err := getLastSegment(primaryNicID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check availability set
if az.PrimaryAvailabilitySetName != "" {
expectedAvailabilitySetName := az.getAvailabilitySetID(az.PrimaryAvailabilitySetName)
if !strings.EqualFold(*machine.AvailabilitySet.ID, expectedAvailabilitySetName) {
"nicupdate(%s): skipping nic (%s) since it is not in the primaryAvailabilitSet(%s)",
serviceName, nicName, az.PrimaryAvailabilitySetName)
return nil
nic, err := az.InterfacesClient.Get(az.ResourceGroup, nicName, "")
if err != nil {
return err
var primaryIPConfig *network.InterfaceIPConfiguration
primaryIPConfig, err = getPrimaryIPConfig(nic)
if err != nil {
return err
foundPool := false
newBackendPools := []network.BackendAddressPool{}
if primaryIPConfig.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPools != nil {
newBackendPools = *primaryIPConfig.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPools
for _, existingPool := range newBackendPools {
if strings.EqualFold(backendPoolID, *existingPool.ID) {
foundPool = true
if !foundPool {
newBackendPools = append(newBackendPools,
ID: to.StringPtr(backendPoolID),
primaryIPConfig.LoadBalancerBackendAddressPools = &newBackendPools
glog.V(3).Infof("nicupdate(%s): nic(%s) - updating", serviceName, nicName)
_, err := az.InterfacesClient.CreateOrUpdate(az.ResourceGroup, *nic.Name, nic, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
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