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Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// Package to keep track of API Versions that can be registered and are enabled in api.Scheme.
package registered
import (
// APIRegistrationManager provides the concept of what API groups are enabled.
// TODO: currently, it also provides a "registered" concept. But it's wrong to
// have both concepts in the same object. Therefore the "announced" package is
// going to take over the registered concept. After all the install packages
// are switched to using the announce package instead of this package, then we
// can combine the registered/enabled concepts in this object. Simplifying this
// isn't easy right now because there are so many callers of this package.
type APIRegistrationManager struct {
// registeredGroupVersions stores all API group versions for which RegisterGroup is called.
registeredVersions map[schema.GroupVersion]struct{}
// thirdPartyGroupVersions are API versions which are dynamically
// registered (and unregistered) via API calls to the apiserver
thirdPartyGroupVersions []schema.GroupVersion
// enabledVersions represents all enabled API versions. It should be a
// subset of registeredVersions. Please call EnableVersions() to add
// enabled versions.
enabledVersions map[schema.GroupVersion]struct{}
// map of group meta for all groups.
groupMetaMap map[string]*apimachinery.GroupMeta
// envRequestedVersions represents the versions requested via the
// KUBE_API_VERSIONS environment variable. The install package of each group
// checks this list before add their versions to the latest package and
// Scheme. This list is small and order matters, so represent as a slice
envRequestedVersions []schema.GroupVersion
// NewAPIRegistrationManager constructs a new manager. The argument ought to be
// the value of the KUBE_API_VERSIONS env var, or a value of this which you
// wish to test.
func NewAPIRegistrationManager(kubeAPIVersions string) (*APIRegistrationManager, error) {
m := &APIRegistrationManager{
registeredVersions: map[schema.GroupVersion]struct{}{},
thirdPartyGroupVersions: []schema.GroupVersion{},
enabledVersions: map[schema.GroupVersion]struct{}{},
groupMetaMap: map[string]*apimachinery.GroupMeta{},
envRequestedVersions: []schema.GroupVersion{},
if len(kubeAPIVersions) != 0 {
for _, version := range strings.Split(kubeAPIVersions, ",") {
gv, err := schema.ParseGroupVersion(version)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid api version: %s in KUBE_API_VERSIONS: %s.",
version, kubeAPIVersions)
m.envRequestedVersions = append(m.envRequestedVersions, gv)
return m, nil
func NewOrDie(kubeAPIVersions string) *APIRegistrationManager {
m, err := NewAPIRegistrationManager(kubeAPIVersions)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Could not construct version manager: %v (KUBE_API_VERSIONS=%q)", err, kubeAPIVersions)
return m
// RegisterVersions adds the given group versions to the list of registered group versions.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) RegisterVersions(availableVersions []schema.GroupVersion) {
for _, v := range availableVersions {
m.registeredVersions[v] = struct{}{}
// RegisterGroup adds the given group to the list of registered groups.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) RegisterGroup(groupMeta apimachinery.GroupMeta) error {
groupName := groupMeta.GroupVersion.Group
if _, found := m.groupMetaMap[groupName]; found {
return fmt.Errorf("group %q is already registered in groupsMap: %v", groupName, m.groupMetaMap)
m.groupMetaMap[groupName] = &groupMeta
return nil
// EnableVersions adds the versions for the given group to the list of enabled versions.
// Note that the caller should call RegisterGroup before calling this method.
// The caller of this function is responsible to add the versions to scheme and RESTMapper.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) EnableVersions(versions ...schema.GroupVersion) error {
var unregisteredVersions []schema.GroupVersion
for _, v := range versions {
if _, found := m.registeredVersions[v]; !found {
unregisteredVersions = append(unregisteredVersions, v)
m.enabledVersions[v] = struct{}{}
if len(unregisteredVersions) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Please register versions before enabling them: %v", unregisteredVersions)
return nil
// IsAllowedVersion returns if the version is allowed by the KUBE_API_VERSIONS
// environment variable. If the environment variable is empty, then it always
// returns true.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) IsAllowedVersion(v schema.GroupVersion) bool {
if len(m.envRequestedVersions) == 0 {
return true
for _, envGV := range m.envRequestedVersions {
if v == envGV {
return true
return false
// IsEnabledVersion returns if a version is enabled.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) IsEnabledVersion(v schema.GroupVersion) bool {
_, found := m.enabledVersions[v]
return found
// EnabledVersions returns all enabled versions. Groups are randomly ordered, but versions within groups
// are priority order from best to worst
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) EnabledVersions() []schema.GroupVersion {
ret := []schema.GroupVersion{}
for _, groupMeta := range m.groupMetaMap {
for _, version := range groupMeta.GroupVersions {
if m.IsEnabledVersion(version) {
ret = append(ret, version)
return ret
// EnabledVersionsForGroup returns all enabled versions for a group in order of best to worst
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) EnabledVersionsForGroup(group string) []schema.GroupVersion {
groupMeta, ok := m.groupMetaMap[group]
if !ok {
return []schema.GroupVersion{}
ret := []schema.GroupVersion{}
for _, version := range groupMeta.GroupVersions {
if m.IsEnabledVersion(version) {
ret = append(ret, version)
return ret
// Group returns the metadata of a group if the group is registered, otherwise
// an error is returned.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) Group(group string) (*apimachinery.GroupMeta, error) {
groupMeta, found := m.groupMetaMap[group]
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("group %v has not been registered", group)
groupMetaCopy := *groupMeta
return &groupMetaCopy, nil
// IsRegistered takes a string and determines if it's one of the registered groups
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) IsRegistered(group string) bool {
_, found := m.groupMetaMap[group]
return found
// IsRegisteredVersion returns if a version is registered.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) IsRegisteredVersion(v schema.GroupVersion) bool {
_, found := m.registeredVersions[v]
return found
// RegisteredGroupVersions returns all registered group versions.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) RegisteredGroupVersions() []schema.GroupVersion {
ret := []schema.GroupVersion{}
for groupVersion := range m.registeredVersions {
ret = append(ret, groupVersion)
return ret
// IsThirdPartyAPIGroupVersion returns true if the api version is a user-registered group/version.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) IsThirdPartyAPIGroupVersion(gv schema.GroupVersion) bool {
for ix := range m.thirdPartyGroupVersions {
if m.thirdPartyGroupVersions[ix] == gv {
return true
return false
// AddThirdPartyAPIGroupVersions sets the list of third party versions,
// registers them in the API machinery and enables them.
// Skips GroupVersions that are already registered.
// Returns the list of GroupVersions that were skipped.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) AddThirdPartyAPIGroupVersions(gvs ...schema.GroupVersion) []schema.GroupVersion {
filteredGVs := []schema.GroupVersion{}
skippedGVs := []schema.GroupVersion{}
for ix := range gvs {
if !m.IsRegisteredVersion(gvs[ix]) {
filteredGVs = append(filteredGVs, gvs[ix])
} else {
glog.V(3).Infof("Skipping %s, because its already registered", gvs[ix].String())
skippedGVs = append(skippedGVs, gvs[ix])
if len(filteredGVs) == 0 {
return skippedGVs
m.thirdPartyGroupVersions = append(m.thirdPartyGroupVersions, filteredGVs...)
return skippedGVs
// InterfacesFor is a union meta.VersionInterfacesFunc func for all registered types
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) InterfacesFor(version schema.GroupVersion) (*meta.VersionInterfaces, error) {
groupMeta, err := m.Group(version.Group)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return groupMeta.InterfacesFor(version)
// TODO: This is an expedient function, because we don't check if a Group is
// supported throughout the code base. We will abandon this function and
// checking the error returned by the Group() function.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) GroupOrDie(group string) *apimachinery.GroupMeta {
groupMeta, found := m.groupMetaMap[group]
if !found {
if group == "" {
panic("The legacy v1 API is not registered.")
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Group %s is not registered.", group))
groupMetaCopy := *groupMeta
return &groupMetaCopy
// RESTMapper returns a union RESTMapper of all known types with priorities chosen in the following order:
// 1. if KUBE_API_VERSIONS is specified, then KUBE_API_VERSIONS in order, OR
// 1. legacy kube group preferred version, extensions preferred version, metrics perferred version, legacy
// kube any version, extensions any version, metrics any version, all other groups alphabetical preferred version,
// all other groups alphabetical.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) RESTMapper(versionPatterns ...schema.GroupVersion) meta.RESTMapper {
unionMapper := meta.MultiRESTMapper{}
unionedGroups := sets.NewString()
for enabledVersion := range m.enabledVersions {
if !unionedGroups.Has(enabledVersion.Group) {
groupMeta := m.groupMetaMap[enabledVersion.Group]
unionMapper = append(unionMapper, groupMeta.RESTMapper)
if len(versionPatterns) != 0 {
resourcePriority := []schema.GroupVersionResource{}
kindPriority := []schema.GroupVersionKind{}
for _, versionPriority := range versionPatterns {
resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, versionPriority.WithResource(meta.AnyResource))
kindPriority = append(kindPriority, versionPriority.WithKind(meta.AnyKind))
return meta.PriorityRESTMapper{Delegate: unionMapper, ResourcePriority: resourcePriority, KindPriority: kindPriority}
if len(m.envRequestedVersions) != 0 {
resourcePriority := []schema.GroupVersionResource{}
kindPriority := []schema.GroupVersionKind{}
for _, versionPriority := range m.envRequestedVersions {
resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, versionPriority.WithResource(meta.AnyResource))
kindPriority = append(kindPriority, versionPriority.WithKind(meta.AnyKind))
return meta.PriorityRESTMapper{Delegate: unionMapper, ResourcePriority: resourcePriority, KindPriority: kindPriority}
prioritizedGroups := []string{"", "extensions", "metrics"}
resourcePriority, kindPriority := m.prioritiesForGroups(prioritizedGroups...)
prioritizedGroupsSet := sets.NewString(prioritizedGroups...)
remainingGroups := sets.String{}
for enabledVersion := range m.enabledVersions {
if !prioritizedGroupsSet.Has(enabledVersion.Group) {
remainingResourcePriority, remainingKindPriority := m.prioritiesForGroups(remainingGroups.List()...)
resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, remainingResourcePriority...)
kindPriority = append(kindPriority, remainingKindPriority...)
return meta.PriorityRESTMapper{Delegate: unionMapper, ResourcePriority: resourcePriority, KindPriority: kindPriority}
// prioritiesForGroups returns the resource and kind priorities for a PriorityRESTMapper, preferring the preferred version of each group first,
// then any non-preferred version of the group second.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) prioritiesForGroups(groups ...string) ([]schema.GroupVersionResource, []schema.GroupVersionKind) {
resourcePriority := []schema.GroupVersionResource{}
kindPriority := []schema.GroupVersionKind{}
for _, group := range groups {
availableVersions := m.EnabledVersionsForGroup(group)
if len(availableVersions) > 0 {
resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, availableVersions[0].WithResource(meta.AnyResource))
kindPriority = append(kindPriority, availableVersions[0].WithKind(meta.AnyKind))
for _, group := range groups {
resourcePriority = append(resourcePriority, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: group, Version: meta.AnyVersion, Resource: meta.AnyResource})
kindPriority = append(kindPriority, schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: group, Version: meta.AnyVersion, Kind: meta.AnyKind})
return resourcePriority, kindPriority
// AllPreferredGroupVersions returns the preferred versions of all registered
// groups in the form of "group1/version1,group2/version2,..."
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) AllPreferredGroupVersions() string {
if len(m.groupMetaMap) == 0 {
return ""
var defaults []string
for _, groupMeta := range m.groupMetaMap {
defaults = append(defaults, groupMeta.GroupVersion.String())
return strings.Join(defaults, ",")
// ValidateEnvRequestedVersions returns a list of versions that are requested in
// the KUBE_API_VERSIONS environment variable, but not enabled.
func (m *APIRegistrationManager) ValidateEnvRequestedVersions() []schema.GroupVersion {
var missingVersions []schema.GroupVersion
for _, v := range m.envRequestedVersions {
if _, found := m.enabledVersions[v]; !found {
missingVersions = append(missingVersions, v)
return missingVersions
