Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package plugins
import (
// Env represents an environment variable with its name and value
type Env struct {
N string
V string
func (e Env) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", e.N, e.V)
// EnvList is a list of Env
type EnvList []Env
func (e EnvList) Slice() []string {
envs := []string{}
for _, env := range e {
envs = append(envs, env.String())
return envs
func (e EnvList) Merge(s ...string) EnvList {
newList := e
newList = append(newList, fromSlice(s)...)
return newList
// EnvProvider provides the environment in which the plugin will run.
type EnvProvider interface {
Env() (EnvList, error)
// MultiEnvProvider is an EnvProvider for multiple env providers, returns on first error.
type MultiEnvProvider []EnvProvider
func (p MultiEnvProvider) Env() (EnvList, error) {
env := EnvList{}
for _, provider := range p {
pEnv, err := provider.Env()
if err != nil {
return EnvList{}, err
env = append(env, pEnv...)
return env, nil
// PluginCallerEnvProvider provides env with the path to the caller binary (usually full path to 'kubectl').
type PluginCallerEnvProvider struct{}
func (p *PluginCallerEnvProvider) Env() (EnvList, error) {
caller, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return EnvList{}, err
return EnvList{
}, nil
// PluginDescriptorEnvProvider provides env vars with information about the running plugin.
type PluginDescriptorEnvProvider struct {
Plugin *Plugin
func (p *PluginDescriptorEnvProvider) Env() (EnvList, error) {
if p.Plugin == nil {
return []Env{}, fmt.Errorf("plugin not present to extract env")
env := EnvList{
{prefix + "NAME", p.Plugin.Name},
{prefix + "SHORT_DESC", p.Plugin.ShortDesc},
{prefix + "LONG_DESC", p.Plugin.LongDesc},
{prefix + "EXAMPLE", p.Plugin.Example},
{prefix + "COMMAND", p.Plugin.Command},
return env, nil
// OSEnvProvider provides current environment from the operating system.
type OSEnvProvider struct{}
func (p *OSEnvProvider) Env() (EnvList, error) {
return fromSlice(os.Environ()), nil
type EmptyEnvProvider struct{}
func (p *EmptyEnvProvider) Env() (EnvList, error) {
return EnvList{}, nil
func FlagToEnvName(flagName, prefix string) string {
envName := strings.TrimPrefix(flagName, "--")
envName = strings.ToUpper(envName)
envName = strings.Replace(envName, "-", "_", -1)
envName = prefix + envName
return envName
func FlagToEnv(flag *pflag.Flag, prefix string) Env {
envName := FlagToEnvName(flag.Name, prefix)
return Env{envName, flag.Value.String()}
func fromSlice(envs []string) EnvList {
list := EnvList{}
for _, env := range envs {
list = append(list, parseEnv(env))
return list
func parseEnv(env string) Env {
if !strings.Contains(env, "=") {
env = env + "="
parsed := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
return Env{parsed[0], parsed[1]}
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