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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
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// Package webhook implements the authorizer.Authorizer interface using HTTP webhooks.
package webhook
import (
authorizationclient "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authorization/v1beta1"
authorization "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/authorization/v1beta1"
var (
groupVersions = []schema.GroupVersion{authorization.SchemeGroupVersion}
const retryBackoff = 500 * time.Millisecond
// Ensure Webhook implements the authorizer.Authorizer interface.
var _ authorizer.Authorizer = (*WebhookAuthorizer)(nil)
type WebhookAuthorizer struct {
subjectAccessReview authorizationclient.SubjectAccessReviewInterface
responseCache *cache.LRUExpireCache
authorizedTTL time.Duration
unauthorizedTTL time.Duration
initialBackoff time.Duration
// NewFromInterface creates a WebhookAuthorizer using the given subjectAccessReview client
func NewFromInterface(subjectAccessReview authorizationclient.SubjectAccessReviewInterface, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL time.Duration) (*WebhookAuthorizer, error) {
return newWithBackoff(subjectAccessReview, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL, retryBackoff)
// New creates a new WebhookAuthorizer from the provided kubeconfig file.
// The config's cluster field is used to refer to the remote service, user refers to the returned authorizer.
// # clusters refers to the remote service.
// clusters:
// - name: name-of-remote-authz-service
// cluster:
// certificate-authority: /path/to/ca.pem # CA for verifying the remote service.
// server: https://authz.example.com/authorize # URL of remote service to query. Must use 'https'.
// # users refers to the API server's webhook configuration.
// users:
// - name: name-of-api-server
// user:
// client-certificate: /path/to/cert.pem # cert for the webhook plugin to use
// client-key: /path/to/key.pem # key matching the cert
// For additional HTTP configuration, refer to the kubeconfig documentation
// https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/kubeconfig-file/.
func New(kubeConfigFile string, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL time.Duration) (*WebhookAuthorizer, error) {
subjectAccessReview, err := subjectAccessReviewInterfaceFromKubeconfig(kubeConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newWithBackoff(subjectAccessReview, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL, retryBackoff)
// newWithBackoff allows tests to skip the sleep.
func newWithBackoff(subjectAccessReview authorizationclient.SubjectAccessReviewInterface, authorizedTTL, unauthorizedTTL, initialBackoff time.Duration) (*WebhookAuthorizer, error) {
return &WebhookAuthorizer{
subjectAccessReview: subjectAccessReview,
responseCache: cache.NewLRUExpireCache(1024),
authorizedTTL: authorizedTTL,
unauthorizedTTL: unauthorizedTTL,
initialBackoff: initialBackoff,
}, nil
// Authorize makes a REST request to the remote service describing the attempted action as a JSON
// serialized api.authorization.v1beta1.SubjectAccessReview object. An example request body is
// provided bellow.
// {
// "apiVersion": "authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
// "kind": "SubjectAccessReview",
// "spec": {
// "resourceAttributes": {
// "namespace": "kittensandponies",
// "verb": "GET",
// "group": "group3",
// "resource": "pods"
// },
// "user": "jane",
// "group": [
// "group1",
// "group2"
// ]
// }
// }
// The remote service is expected to fill the SubjectAccessReviewStatus field to either allow or
// disallow access. A permissive response would return:
// {
// "apiVersion": "authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
// "kind": "SubjectAccessReview",
// "status": {
// "allowed": true
// }
// }
// To disallow access, the remote service would return:
// {
// "apiVersion": "authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
// "kind": "SubjectAccessReview",
// "status": {
// "allowed": false,
// "reason": "user does not have read access to the namespace"
// }
// }
func (w *WebhookAuthorizer) Authorize(attr authorizer.Attributes) (authorized bool, reason string, err error) {
r := &authorization.SubjectAccessReview{}
if user := attr.GetUser(); user != nil {
r.Spec = authorization.SubjectAccessReviewSpec{
User: user.GetName(),
Groups: user.GetGroups(),
Extra: convertToSARExtra(user.GetExtra()),
if attr.IsResourceRequest() {
r.Spec.ResourceAttributes = &authorization.ResourceAttributes{
Namespace: attr.GetNamespace(),
Verb: attr.GetVerb(),
Group: attr.GetAPIGroup(),
Version: attr.GetAPIVersion(),
Resource: attr.GetResource(),
Subresource: attr.GetSubresource(),
Name: attr.GetName(),
} else {
r.Spec.NonResourceAttributes = &authorization.NonResourceAttributes{
Path: attr.GetPath(),
Verb: attr.GetVerb(),
key, err := json.Marshal(r.Spec)
if err != nil {
return false, "", err
if entry, ok := w.responseCache.Get(string(key)); ok {
r.Status = entry.(authorization.SubjectAccessReviewStatus)
} else {
var (
result *authorization.SubjectAccessReview
err error
webhook.WithExponentialBackoff(w.initialBackoff, func() error {
result, err = w.subjectAccessReview.Create(r)
return err
if err != nil {
// An error here indicates bad configuration or an outage. Log for debugging.
glog.Errorf("Failed to make webhook authorizer request: %v", err)
return false, "", err
r.Status = result.Status
if r.Status.Allowed {
w.responseCache.Add(string(key), r.Status, w.authorizedTTL)
} else {
w.responseCache.Add(string(key), r.Status, w.unauthorizedTTL)
return r.Status.Allowed, r.Status.Reason, nil
func convertToSARExtra(extra map[string][]string) map[string]authorization.ExtraValue {
if extra == nil {
return nil
ret := map[string]authorization.ExtraValue{}
for k, v := range extra {
ret[k] = authorization.ExtraValue(v)
return ret
// NOTE: client-go doesn't provide a registry. client-go does registers the
// authorization/v1beta1. We construct a registry that acknowledges
// authorization/v1beta1 as an enabled version to pass a check enforced in
// NewGenericWebhook.
var registry = registered.NewOrDie("")
func init() {
if err := registry.EnableVersions(groupVersions...); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to enable version %v", groupVersions))
// subjectAccessReviewInterfaceFromKubeconfig builds a client from the specified kubeconfig file,
// and returns a SubjectAccessReviewInterface that uses that client. Note that the client submits SubjectAccessReview
// requests to the exact path specified in the kubeconfig file, so arbitrary non-API servers can be targeted.
func subjectAccessReviewInterfaceFromKubeconfig(kubeConfigFile string) (authorizationclient.SubjectAccessReviewInterface, error) {
gw, err := webhook.NewGenericWebhook(registry, scheme.Codecs, kubeConfigFile, groupVersions, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &subjectAccessReviewClient{gw}, nil
type subjectAccessReviewClient struct {
w *webhook.GenericWebhook
func (t *subjectAccessReviewClient) Create(subjectAccessReview *authorization.SubjectAccessReview) (*authorization.SubjectAccessReview, error) {
result := &authorization.SubjectAccessReview{}
err := t.w.RestClient.Post().Body(subjectAccessReview).Do().Into(result)
return result, err
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