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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
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package validation
import (
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
genericapirequest "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/request"
type AuthorizationRuleResolver interface {
// GetRoleReferenceRules attempts to resolve the role reference of a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding. The passed namespace should be the namepsace
// of the role binding, the empty string if a cluster role binding.
GetRoleReferenceRules(roleRef rbac.RoleRef, namespace string) ([]rbac.PolicyRule, error)
// RulesFor returns the list of rules that apply to a given user in a given namespace and error. If an error is returned, the slice of
// PolicyRules may not be complete, but it contains all retrievable rules. This is done because policy rules are purely additive and policy determinations
// can be made on the basis of those rules that are found.
RulesFor(user user.Info, namespace string) ([]rbac.PolicyRule, error)
// VisitRulesFor invokes visitor() with each rule that applies to a given user in a given namespace, and each error encountered resolving those rules.
// If visitor() returns false, visiting is short-circuited.
VisitRulesFor(user user.Info, namespace string, visitor func(rule *rbac.PolicyRule, err error) bool)
// ConfirmNoEscalation determines if the roles for a given user in a given namespace encompass the provided role.
func ConfirmNoEscalation(ctx genericapirequest.Context, ruleResolver AuthorizationRuleResolver, rules []rbac.PolicyRule) error {
ruleResolutionErrors := []error{}
user, ok := genericapirequest.UserFrom(ctx)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("no user on context")
namespace, _ := genericapirequest.NamespaceFrom(ctx)
ownerRules, err := ruleResolver.RulesFor(user, namespace)
if err != nil {
// As per AuthorizationRuleResolver contract, this may return a non fatal error with an incomplete list of policies. Log the error and continue.
glog.V(1).Infof("non-fatal error getting local rules for %v: %v", user, err)
ruleResolutionErrors = append(ruleResolutionErrors, err)
ownerRightsCover, missingRights := Covers(ownerRules, rules)
if !ownerRightsCover {
return apierrors.NewUnauthorized(fmt.Sprintf("attempt to grant extra privileges: %v user=%v ownerrules=%v ruleResolutionErrors=%v", missingRights, user, ownerRules, ruleResolutionErrors))
return nil
type DefaultRuleResolver struct {
roleGetter RoleGetter
roleBindingLister RoleBindingLister
clusterRoleGetter ClusterRoleGetter
clusterRoleBindingLister ClusterRoleBindingLister
func NewDefaultRuleResolver(roleGetter RoleGetter, roleBindingLister RoleBindingLister, clusterRoleGetter ClusterRoleGetter, clusterRoleBindingLister ClusterRoleBindingLister) *DefaultRuleResolver {
return &DefaultRuleResolver{roleGetter, roleBindingLister, clusterRoleGetter, clusterRoleBindingLister}
type RoleGetter interface {
GetRole(namespace, name string) (*rbac.Role, error)
type RoleBindingLister interface {
ListRoleBindings(namespace string) ([]*rbac.RoleBinding, error)
type ClusterRoleGetter interface {
GetClusterRole(name string) (*rbac.ClusterRole, error)
type ClusterRoleBindingLister interface {
ListClusterRoleBindings() ([]*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
func (r *DefaultRuleResolver) RulesFor(user user.Info, namespace string) ([]rbac.PolicyRule, error) {
visitor := &ruleAccumulator{}
r.VisitRulesFor(user, namespace, visitor.visit)
return visitor.rules, utilerrors.NewAggregate(visitor.errors)
type ruleAccumulator struct {
rules []rbac.PolicyRule
errors []error
func (r *ruleAccumulator) visit(rule *rbac.PolicyRule, err error) bool {
if rule != nil {
r.rules = append(r.rules, *rule)
if err != nil {
r.errors = append(r.errors, err)
return true
func (r *DefaultRuleResolver) VisitRulesFor(user user.Info, namespace string, visitor func(rule *rbac.PolicyRule, err error) bool) {
if clusterRoleBindings, err := r.clusterRoleBindingLister.ListClusterRoleBindings(); err != nil {
if !visitor(nil, err) {
} else {
for _, clusterRoleBinding := range clusterRoleBindings {
if !appliesTo(user, clusterRoleBinding.Subjects, "") {
rules, err := r.GetRoleReferenceRules(clusterRoleBinding.RoleRef, "")
if err != nil {
if !visitor(nil, err) {
for i := range rules {
if !visitor(&rules[i], nil) {
if len(namespace) > 0 {
if roleBindings, err := r.roleBindingLister.ListRoleBindings(namespace); err != nil {
if !visitor(nil, err) {
} else {
for _, roleBinding := range roleBindings {
if !appliesTo(user, roleBinding.Subjects, namespace) {
rules, err := r.GetRoleReferenceRules(roleBinding.RoleRef, namespace)
if err != nil {
if !visitor(nil, err) {
for i := range rules {
if !visitor(&rules[i], nil) {
// GetRoleReferenceRules attempts to resolve the RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding.
func (r *DefaultRuleResolver) GetRoleReferenceRules(roleRef rbac.RoleRef, bindingNamespace string) ([]rbac.PolicyRule, error) {
switch kind := rbac.RoleRefGroupKind(roleRef); kind {
case rbac.Kind("Role"):
role, err := r.roleGetter.GetRole(bindingNamespace, roleRef.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return role.Rules, nil
case rbac.Kind("ClusterRole"):
clusterRole, err := r.clusterRoleGetter.GetClusterRole(roleRef.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return clusterRole.Rules, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported role reference kind: %q", kind)
func appliesTo(user user.Info, bindingSubjects []rbac.Subject, namespace string) bool {
for _, bindingSubject := range bindingSubjects {
if appliesToUser(user, bindingSubject, namespace) {
return true
return false
func appliesToUser(user user.Info, subject rbac.Subject, namespace string) bool {
switch subject.Kind {
case rbac.UserKind:
return user.GetName() == subject.Name
case rbac.GroupKind:
return has(user.GetGroups(), subject.Name)
case rbac.ServiceAccountKind:
// default the namespace to namespace we're working in if its available. This allows rolebindings that reference
// SAs in th local namespace to avoid having to qualify them.
saNamespace := namespace
if len(subject.Namespace) > 0 {
saNamespace = subject.Namespace
if len(saNamespace) == 0 {
return false
return serviceaccount.MakeUsername(saNamespace, subject.Name) == user.GetName()
return false
// NewTestRuleResolver returns a rule resolver from lists of role objects.
func NewTestRuleResolver(roles []*rbac.Role, roleBindings []*rbac.RoleBinding, clusterRoles []*rbac.ClusterRole, clusterRoleBindings []*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) (AuthorizationRuleResolver, *StaticRoles) {
r := StaticRoles{
roles: roles,
roleBindings: roleBindings,
clusterRoles: clusterRoles,
clusterRoleBindings: clusterRoleBindings,
return newMockRuleResolver(&r), &r
func newMockRuleResolver(r *StaticRoles) AuthorizationRuleResolver {
return NewDefaultRuleResolver(r, r, r, r)
// StaticRoles is a rule resolver that resolves from lists of role objects.
type StaticRoles struct {
roles []*rbac.Role
roleBindings []*rbac.RoleBinding
clusterRoles []*rbac.ClusterRole
clusterRoleBindings []*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding
func (r *StaticRoles) GetRole(namespace, name string) (*rbac.Role, error) {
if len(namespace) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("must provide namespace when getting role")
for _, role := range r.roles {
if role.Namespace == namespace && role.Name == name {
return role, nil
return nil, errors.New("role not found")
func (r *StaticRoles) GetClusterRole(name string) (*rbac.ClusterRole, error) {
for _, clusterRole := range r.clusterRoles {
if clusterRole.Name == name {
return clusterRole, nil
return nil, errors.New("role not found")
func (r *StaticRoles) ListRoleBindings(namespace string) ([]*rbac.RoleBinding, error) {
if len(namespace) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("must provide namespace when listing role bindings")
roleBindingList := []*rbac.RoleBinding{}
for _, roleBinding := range r.roleBindings {
if roleBinding.Namespace != namespace {
// TODO(ericchiang): need to implement label selectors?
roleBindingList = append(roleBindingList, roleBinding)
return roleBindingList, nil
func (r *StaticRoles) ListClusterRoleBindings() ([]*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, error) {
return r.clusterRoleBindings, nil
马建仓 AI 助手
