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sio_client.go 14.98 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package scaleio
import (
sio "github.com/codedellemc/goscaleio"
siotypes "github.com/codedellemc/goscaleio/types/v1"
var (
sioDiskIDPath = "/dev/disk/by-id"
type sioVolumeID string
type sioInterface interface {
FindVolume(name string) (*siotypes.Volume, error)
Volume(sioVolumeID) (*siotypes.Volume, error)
CreateVolume(name string, sizeGB int64) (*siotypes.Volume, error)
AttachVolume(sioVolumeID, bool) error
DetachVolume(sioVolumeID) error
DeleteVolume(sioVolumeID) error
IID() (string, error)
Devs() (map[string]string, error)
WaitForAttachedDevice(token string) (string, error)
WaitForDetachedDevice(token string) error
GetVolumeRefs(sioVolumeID) (int, error)
type sioClient struct {
client *sio.Client
gateway string
username string
password string
insecure bool
certsEnabled bool
system *siotypes.System
sysName string
sysClient *sio.System
protectionDomain *siotypes.ProtectionDomain
pdName string
pdClient *sio.ProtectionDomain
storagePool *siotypes.StoragePool
spName string
spClient *sio.StoragePool
provisionMode string
sdcPath string
sdcGuid string
instanceID string
inited bool
diskRegex *regexp.Regexp
mtx sync.Mutex
exec mount.Exec
func newSioClient(gateway, username, password string, sslEnabled bool, exec mount.Exec) (*sioClient, error) {
client := new(sioClient)
client.gateway = gateway
client.username = username
client.password = password
client.exec = exec
if sslEnabled {
client.insecure = false
client.certsEnabled = true
} else {
client.insecure = true
client.certsEnabled = false
r, err := regexp.Compile(`^emc-vol-\w*-\w*$`)
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to compile regex: %v", err))
return nil, err
client.diskRegex = r
// delay client setup/login until init()
return client, nil
// init setups client and authenticate
func (c *sioClient) init() error {
defer c.mtx.Unlock()
if c.inited {
return nil
glog.V(4).Infoln(log("initializing scaleio client"))
client, err := sio.NewClientWithArgs(c.gateway, "", c.insecure, c.certsEnabled)
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to create client: %v", err))
return err
c.client = client
if _, err = c.client.Authenticate(
Endpoint: c.gateway,
Version: "",
Username: c.username,
Password: c.password},
); err != nil {
glog.Error(log("client authentication failed: %v", err))
return err
// retrieve system
if c.system, err = c.findSystem(c.sysName); err != nil {
glog.Error(log("unable to find system %s: %v", c.sysName, err))
return err
// retrieve protection domain
if c.protectionDomain, err = c.findProtectionDomain(c.pdName); err != nil {
glog.Error(log("unable to find protection domain %s: %v", c.protectionDomain, err))
return err
// retrieve storage pool
if c.storagePool, err = c.findStoragePool(c.spName); err != nil {
glog.Error(log("unable to find storage pool %s: %v", c.storagePool, err))
return err
c.inited = true
return nil
func (c *sioClient) Volumes() ([]*siotypes.Volume, error) {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
vols, err := c.getVolumes()
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to retrieve volumes: %v", err))
return nil, err
return vols, nil
func (c *sioClient) Volume(id sioVolumeID) (*siotypes.Volume, error) {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
vols, err := c.getVolumesByID(id)
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to retrieve volume by id: %v", err))
return nil, err
vol := vols[0]
if vol == nil {
glog.V(4).Info(log("volume not found, id %s", id))
return nil, errors.New("volume not found")
return vol, nil
func (c *sioClient) FindVolume(name string) (*siotypes.Volume, error) {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
glog.V(4).Info(log("searching for volume %s", name))
volumes, err := c.getVolumesByName(name)
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to find volume by name %v", err))
return nil, err
for _, volume := range volumes {
if volume.Name == name {
glog.V(4).Info(log("found volume %s", name))
return volume, nil
glog.V(4).Info(log("volume not found, name %s", name))
return nil, errors.New("volume not found")
func (c *sioClient) CreateVolume(name string, sizeGB int64) (*siotypes.Volume, error) {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
params := &siotypes.VolumeParam{
Name: name,
VolumeSizeInKb: strconv.Itoa(int(sizeGB) * 1024 * 1024),
VolumeType: c.provisionMode,
createResponse, err := c.client.CreateVolume(params, c.storagePool.Name)
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to create volume %s: %v", name, err))
return nil, err
return c.Volume(sioVolumeID(createResponse.ID))
// AttachVolume maps the scaleio volume to an sdc node. If the multipleMappings flag
// is true, ScaleIO will allow other SDC to map to that volume.
func (c *sioClient) AttachVolume(id sioVolumeID, multipleMappings bool) error {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to init'd client in attach volume: %v", err))
return err
iid, err := c.IID()
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to get instanceIID for attach volume: %v", err))
return err
params := &siotypes.MapVolumeSdcParam{
SdcID: iid,
AllowMultipleMappings: strconv.FormatBool(multipleMappings),
AllSdcs: "",
volClient := sio.NewVolume(c.client)
volClient.Volume = &siotypes.Volume{ID: string(id)}
if err := volClient.MapVolumeSdc(params); err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to attach volume id %s: %v", id, err))
return err
glog.V(4).Info(log("volume %s attached successfully", id))
return nil
// DetachVolume detaches the volume with specified id.
func (c *sioClient) DetachVolume(id sioVolumeID) error {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
return err
iid, err := c.IID()
if err != nil {
return err
params := &siotypes.UnmapVolumeSdcParam{
SdcID: "",
IgnoreScsiInitiators: "true",
AllSdcs: iid,
volClient := sio.NewVolume(c.client)
volClient.Volume = &siotypes.Volume{ID: string(id)}
if err := volClient.UnmapVolumeSdc(params); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DeleteVolume deletes the volume with the specified id
func (c *sioClient) DeleteVolume(id sioVolumeID) error {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
return err
vol, err := c.Volume(id)
if err != nil {
return err
volClient := sio.NewVolume(c.client)
volClient.Volume = vol
if err := volClient.RemoveVolume("ONLY_ME"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IID returns the scaleio instance id for node
func (c *sioClient) IID() (string, error) {
if err := c.init(); err != nil {
return "", err
// if instanceID not set, retrieve it
if c.instanceID == "" {
guid, err := c.getGuid()
if err != nil {
return "", err
sdc, err := c.sysClient.FindSdc("SdcGuid", guid)
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to retrieve sdc info %s", err))
return "", err
c.instanceID = sdc.Sdc.ID
glog.V(4).Info(log("retrieved instanceID %s", c.instanceID))
return c.instanceID, nil
// getGuid returns instance GUID, if not set using resource labels
// it attemps to fallback to using drv_cfg binary
func (c *sioClient) getGuid() (string, error) {
if c.sdcGuid == "" {
glog.V(4).Info(log("sdc guid label not set, falling back to using drv_cfg"))
cmd := c.getSdcCmd()
output, err := c.exec.Run(cmd, "--query_guid")
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("drv_cfg --query_guid failed: %v", err))
return "", err
c.sdcGuid = strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
return c.sdcGuid, nil
// getSioDiskPaths traverse local disk devices to retrieve device path
// The path is extracted from /dev/disk/by-id; each sio device path has format:
// emc-vol-<mdmID-volID> e.g.:
// emc-vol-788d9efb0a8f20cb-a2b8419300000000
func (c *sioClient) getSioDiskPaths() ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(sioDiskIDPath)
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to ReadDir %s: %v", sioDiskIDPath, err))
return nil, err
result := []os.FileInfo{}
for _, file := range files {
if c.diskRegex.MatchString(file.Name()) {
result = append(result, file)
return result, nil
// GetVolumeRefs counts the number of references an SIO volume has a disk device.
// This is useful in preventing premature detach.
func (c *sioClient) GetVolumeRefs(volId sioVolumeID) (refs int, err error) {
files, err := c.getSioDiskPaths()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, file := range files {
if strings.Contains(file.Name(), string(volId)) {
// Devs returns a map of local devices as map[<volume.id>]<deviceName>
func (c *sioClient) Devs() (map[string]string, error) {
volumeMap := make(map[string]string)
// grab the sdc tool output
out, err := c.exec.Run(c.getSdcCmd(), "--query_vols")
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("sdc --query_vols failed: %v", err))
return nil, err
// --query_vols output is a heading followed by list of attached vols as follows:
// Retrieve ? volume(s)
// VOL-ID a2b8419300000000 MDM-ID 788d9efb0a8f20cb
// ...
// parse output and store it in a map as map[<mdmID-volID>]volID
// that map is used later to retrieve device path (next section)
result := string(out)
mdmMap := make(map[string]string)
lines := strings.Split(result, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
//line e.g.: "VOL-ID a2b8419300000000 MDM-ID 788d9efb0a8f20cb"
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "VOL-ID") {
//split[1] = volID; split[3] = mdmID
split := strings.Split(line, " ")
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", split[3], split[1])
mdmMap[key] = split[1]
files, err := c.getSioDiskPaths()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, f := range files {
// remove emec-vol- prefix to be left with concated mdmID-volID
mdmVolumeID := strings.Replace(f.Name(), "emc-vol-", "", 1)
devPath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", sioDiskIDPath, f.Name()))
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("devicepath-to-volID mapping error: %v", err))
return nil, err
// map volID to devicePath
if volumeID, ok := mdmMap[mdmVolumeID]; ok {
volumeMap[volumeID] = devPath
return volumeMap, nil
// WaitForAttachedDevice sets up a timer to wait for an attached device to appear in the instance's list.
func (c *sioClient) WaitForAttachedDevice(token string) (string, error) {
if token == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid attach token")
// wait for device to show up in local device list
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
timer := time.NewTimer(30 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
devMap, err := c.Devs()
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed while waiting for volume to attach: %v", err))
return "", err
go func() {
glog.V(4).Infof(log("waiting for volume %s to be mapped/attached", token))
if path, ok := devMap[token]; ok {
glog.V(4).Info(log("device %s mapped to vol %s", path, token))
return path, nil
case <-timer.C:
glog.Error(log("timed out while waiting for volume to be mapped to a device"))
return "", fmt.Errorf("volume attach timeout")
// waitForDetachedDevice waits for device to be detached
func (c *sioClient) WaitForDetachedDevice(token string) error {
if token == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid detach token")
// wait for attach.Token to show up in local device list
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
timer := time.NewTimer(30 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
devMap, err := c.Devs()
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed while waiting for volume to unmap/detach: %v", err))
return err
go func() {
glog.V(4).Infof(log("waiting for volume %s to be unmapped/detached", token))
// cant find vol id, then ok.
if _, ok := devMap[token]; !ok {
return nil
case <-timer.C:
glog.Error(log("timed out while waiting for volume %s to be unmapped/detached", token))
return fmt.Errorf("volume detach timeout")
// ***********************************************************************
// Little Helpers!
// ***********************************************************************
func (c *sioClient) findSystem(sysname string) (sys *siotypes.System, err error) {
if c.sysClient, err = c.client.FindSystem("", sysname, ""); err != nil {
return nil, err
systems, err := c.client.GetInstance("")
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to retrieve instances: %v", err))
return nil, err
for _, sys = range systems {
if sys.Name == sysname {
return sys, nil
glog.Error(log("system %s not found", sysname))
return nil, errors.New("system not found")
func (c *sioClient) findProtectionDomain(pdname string) (*siotypes.ProtectionDomain, error) {
c.pdClient = sio.NewProtectionDomain(c.client)
if c.sysClient != nil {
protectionDomain, err := c.sysClient.FindProtectionDomain("", pdname, "")
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to retrieve protection domains: %v", err))
return nil, err
c.pdClient.ProtectionDomain = protectionDomain
return protectionDomain, nil
glog.Error(log("protection domain %s not set", pdname))
return nil, errors.New("protection domain not set")
func (c *sioClient) findStoragePool(spname string) (*siotypes.StoragePool, error) {
c.spClient = sio.NewStoragePool(c.client)
if c.pdClient != nil {
sp, err := c.pdClient.FindStoragePool("", spname, "")
if err != nil {
glog.Error(log("failed to retrieve storage pool: %v", err))
return nil, err
c.spClient.StoragePool = sp
return sp, nil
glog.Error(log("storage pool %s not set", spname))
return nil, errors.New("storage pool not set")
func (c *sioClient) getVolumes() ([]*siotypes.Volume, error) {
return c.client.GetVolume("", "", "", "", true)
func (c *sioClient) getVolumesByID(id sioVolumeID) ([]*siotypes.Volume, error) {
return c.client.GetVolume("", string(id), "", "", true)
func (c *sioClient) getVolumesByName(name string) ([]*siotypes.Volume, error) {
return c.client.GetVolume("", "", "", name, true)
func (c *sioClient) getSdcPath() string {
return sdcRootPath
func (c *sioClient) getSdcCmd() string {
return path.Join(c.getSdcPath(), "drv_cfg")
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