Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
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package version
import (
// Version is an opqaue representation of a version number
type Version struct {
components []uint
semver bool
preRelease string
buildMetadata string
var (
// versionMatchRE splits a version string into numeric and "extra" parts
versionMatchRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*v?([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)(.*)*$`)
// extraMatchRE splits the "extra" part of versionMatchRE into semver pre-release and build metadata; it does not validate the "no leading zeroes" constraint for pre-release
extraMatchRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?\s*$`)
func parse(str string, semver bool) (*Version, error) {
parts := versionMatchRE.FindStringSubmatch(str)
if parts == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse %q as version", str)
numbers, extra := parts[1], parts[2]
components := strings.Split(numbers, ".")
if (semver && len(components) != 3) || (!semver && len(components) < 2) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal version string %q", str)
v := &Version{
components: make([]uint, len(components)),
semver: semver,
for i, comp := range components {
if (i == 0 || semver) && strings.HasPrefix(comp, "0") && comp != "0" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal zero-prefixed version component %q in %q", comp, str)
num, err := strconv.ParseUint(comp, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal non-numeric version component %q in %q: %v", comp, str, err)
v.components[i] = uint(num)
if semver && extra != "" {
extraParts := extraMatchRE.FindStringSubmatch(extra)
if extraParts == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse pre-release/metadata (%s) in version %q", extra, str)
v.preRelease, v.buildMetadata = extraParts[1], extraParts[2]
for _, comp := range strings.Split(v.preRelease, ".") {
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(comp, 10, 0); err == nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(comp, "0") && comp != "0" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal zero-prefixed version component %q in %q", comp, str)
return v, nil
// ParseGeneric parses a "generic" version string. The version string must consist of two
// or more dot-separated numeric fields (the first of which can't have leading zeroes),
// followed by arbitrary uninterpreted data (which need not be separated from the final
// numeric field by punctuation). For convenience, leading and trailing whitespace is
// ignored, and the version can be preceded by the letter "v". See also ParseSemantic.
func ParseGeneric(str string) (*Version, error) {
return parse(str, false)
// MustParseGeneric is like ParseGeneric except that it panics on error
func MustParseGeneric(str string) *Version {
v, err := ParseGeneric(str)
if err != nil {
return v
// ParseSemantic parses a version string that exactly obeys the syntax and semantics of
// the "Semantic Versioning" specification (http://semver.org/) (although it ignores
// leading and trailing whitespace, and allows the version to be preceded by "v"). For
// version strings that are not guaranteed to obey the Semantic Versioning syntax, use
// ParseGeneric.
func ParseSemantic(str string) (*Version, error) {
return parse(str, true)
// MustParseSemantic is like ParseSemantic except that it panics on error
func MustParseSemantic(str string) *Version {
v, err := ParseSemantic(str)
if err != nil {
return v
// Major returns the major release number
func (v *Version) Major() uint {
return v.components[0]
// Minor returns the minor release number
func (v *Version) Minor() uint {
return v.components[1]
// Patch returns the patch release number if v is a Semantic Version, or 0
func (v *Version) Patch() uint {
if len(v.components) < 3 {
return 0
return v.components[2]
// BuildMetadata returns the build metadata, if v is a Semantic Version, or ""
func (v *Version) BuildMetadata() string {
return v.buildMetadata
// PreRelease returns the prerelease metadata, if v is a Semantic Version, or ""
func (v *Version) PreRelease() string {
return v.preRelease
// Components returns the version number components
func (v *Version) Components() []uint {
return v.components
// String converts a Version back to a string; note that for versions parsed with
// ParseGeneric, this will not include the trailing uninterpreted portion of the version
// number.
func (v *Version) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for i, comp := range v.components {
if i > 0 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", comp))
if v.preRelease != "" {
if v.buildMetadata != "" {
return buffer.String()
// compareInternal returns -1 if v is less than other, 1 if it is greater than other, or 0
// if they are equal
func (v *Version) compareInternal(other *Version) int {
for i := range v.components {
switch {
case i >= len(other.components):
if v.components[i] != 0 {
return 1
case other.components[i] < v.components[i]:
return 1
case other.components[i] > v.components[i]:
return -1
if !v.semver || !other.semver {
return 0
switch {
case v.preRelease == "" && other.preRelease != "":
return 1
case v.preRelease != "" && other.preRelease == "":
return -1
case v.preRelease == other.preRelease: // includes case where both are ""
return 0
vPR := strings.Split(v.preRelease, ".")
oPR := strings.Split(other.preRelease, ".")
for i := range vPR {
if i >= len(oPR) {
return 1
vNum, err := strconv.ParseUint(vPR[i], 10, 0)
if err == nil {
oNum, err := strconv.ParseUint(oPR[i], 10, 0)
if err == nil {
switch {
case oNum < vNum:
return 1
case oNum > vNum:
return -1
if oPR[i] < vPR[i] {
return 1
} else if oPR[i] > vPR[i] {
return -1
return 0
// AtLeast tests if a version is at least equal to a given minimum version. If both
// Versions are Semantic Versions, this will use the Semantic Version comparison
// algorithm. Otherwise, it will compare only the numeric components, with non-present
// components being considered "0" (ie, "1.4" is equal to "1.4.0").
func (v *Version) AtLeast(min *Version) bool {
return v.compareInternal(min) != -1
// LessThan tests if a version is less than a given version. (It is exactly the opposite
// of AtLeast, for situations where asking "is v too old?" makes more sense than asking
// "is v new enough?".)
func (v *Version) LessThan(other *Version) bool {
return v.compareInternal(other) == -1
// Compare compares v against a version string (which will be parsed as either Semantic
// or non-Semantic depending on v). On success it returns -1 if v is less than other, 1 if
// it is greater than other, or 0 if they are equal.
func (v *Version) Compare(other string) (int, error) {
ov, err := parse(other, v.semver)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return v.compareInternal(ov), nil
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