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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package openapi
import (
const (
aggregatorUser = "system:aggregator"
specDownloadTimeout = 60 * time.Second
localDelegateChainNamePattern = "k8s_internal_local_delegation_chain_%010d"
// A randomly generated UUID to differentiate local and remote eTags.
locallyGeneratedEtagPrefix = "\"6E8F849B434D4B98A569B9D7718876E9-"
type specAggregator struct {
// mutex protects all members of this struct.
rwMutex sync.RWMutex
// Map of API Services' OpenAPI specs by their name
openAPISpecs map[string]*openAPISpecInfo
// provided for dynamic OpenAPI spec
openAPIService *handler.OpenAPIService
var _ AggregationManager = &specAggregator{}
// This function is not thread safe as it only being called on startup.
func (s *specAggregator) addLocalSpec(spec *spec.Swagger, localHandler http.Handler, name, etag string) {
localAPIService := apiregistration.APIService{}
localAPIService.Name = name
s.openAPISpecs[name] = &openAPISpecInfo{
etag: etag,
apiService: localAPIService,
handler: localHandler,
spec: spec,
// BuildAndRegisterAggregator registered OpenAPI aggregator handler. This function is not thread safe as it only being called on startup.
func BuildAndRegisterAggregator(downloader *Downloader, delegationTarget server.DelegationTarget, webServices []*restful.WebService,
config *common.Config, pathHandler common.PathHandler) (AggregationManager, error) {
s := &specAggregator{
openAPISpecs: map[string]*openAPISpecInfo{},
i := 0
// Build Aggregator's spec
aggregatorOpenAPISpec, err := builder.BuildOpenAPISpec(
webServices, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Reserving non-name spec for aggregator's Spec.
s.addLocalSpec(aggregatorOpenAPISpec, nil, fmt.Sprintf(localDelegateChainNamePattern, i), "")
for delegate := delegationTarget; delegate != nil; delegate = delegate.NextDelegate() {
handler := delegate.UnprotectedHandler()
if handler == nil {
delegateSpec, etag, _, err := downloader.Download(handler, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if delegateSpec == nil {
s.addLocalSpec(delegateSpec, handler, fmt.Sprintf(localDelegateChainNamePattern, i), etag)
// Build initial spec to serve.
specToServe, err := s.buildOpenAPISpec()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Install handler
s.openAPIService, err = handler.RegisterOpenAPIService(
specToServe, "/swagger.json", pathHandler)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
// openAPISpecInfo is used to store OpenAPI spec with its priority.
// It can be used to sort specs with their priorities.
type openAPISpecInfo struct {
apiService apiregistration.APIService
// Specification of this API Service. If null then the spec is not loaded yet.
spec *spec.Swagger
handler http.Handler
etag string
// byPriority can be used in sort.Sort to sort specs with their priorities.
type byPriority struct {
specs []openAPISpecInfo
groupPriorities map[string]int32
func (a byPriority) Len() int { return len(a.specs) }
func (a byPriority) Swap(i, j int) { a.specs[i], a.specs[j] = a.specs[j], a.specs[i] }
func (a byPriority) Less(i, j int) bool {
// All local specs will come first
// WARNING: This will result in not following priorities for local APIServices.
if a.specs[i].apiService.Spec.Service == nil {
// Sort local specs with their name. This is the order in the delegation chain (aggregator first).
return a.specs[i].apiService.Name < a.specs[j].apiService.Name
var iPriority, jPriority int32
if a.specs[i].apiService.Spec.Group == a.specs[j].apiService.Spec.Group {
iPriority = a.specs[i].apiService.Spec.VersionPriority
jPriority = a.specs[i].apiService.Spec.VersionPriority
} else {
iPriority = a.groupPriorities[a.specs[i].apiService.Spec.Group]
jPriority = a.groupPriorities[a.specs[j].apiService.Spec.Group]
if iPriority != jPriority {
// Sort by priority, higher first
return iPriority > jPriority
// Sort by service name.
return a.specs[i].apiService.Name < a.specs[j].apiService.Name
func sortByPriority(specs []openAPISpecInfo) {
b := byPriority{
specs: specs,
groupPriorities: map[string]int32{},
for _, spec := range specs {
if spec.apiService.Spec.Service == nil {
if pr, found := b.groupPriorities[spec.apiService.Spec.Group]; !found || spec.apiService.Spec.GroupPriorityMinimum > pr {
b.groupPriorities[spec.apiService.Spec.Group] = spec.apiService.Spec.GroupPriorityMinimum
// buildOpenAPISpec aggregates all OpenAPI specs. It is not thread-safe. The caller is responsible to hold proper locks.
func (s *specAggregator) buildOpenAPISpec() (specToReturn *spec.Swagger, err error) {
specs := []openAPISpecInfo{}
for _, specInfo := range s.openAPISpecs {
if specInfo.spec == nil {
specs = append(specs, *specInfo)
if len(specs) == 0 {
return &spec.Swagger{}, nil
for _, specInfo := range specs {
// TODO: Make kube-openapi.MergeSpec(s) accept nil or empty spec as destination and just clone the spec in that case.
if specToReturn == nil {
specToReturn, err = aggregator.CloneSpec(specInfo.spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := aggregator.MergeSpecsIgnorePathConflict(specToReturn, specInfo.spec); err != nil {
return nil, err
return specToReturn, nil
// updateOpenAPISpec aggregates all OpenAPI specs. It is not thread-safe. The caller is responsible to hold proper locks.
func (s *specAggregator) updateOpenAPISpec() error {
if s.openAPIService == nil {
return nil
specToServe, err := s.buildOpenAPISpec()
if err != nil {
return err
return s.openAPIService.UpdateSpec(specToServe)
// tryUpdatingServiceSpecs tries updating openAPISpecs map with specified specInfo, and keeps the map intact
// if the update fails.
func (s *specAggregator) tryUpdatingServiceSpecs(specInfo *openAPISpecInfo) error {
orgSpecInfo, exists := s.openAPISpecs[specInfo.apiService.Name]
s.openAPISpecs[specInfo.apiService.Name] = specInfo
if err := s.updateOpenAPISpec(); err != nil {
if exists {
s.openAPISpecs[specInfo.apiService.Name] = orgSpecInfo
} else {
delete(s.openAPISpecs, specInfo.apiService.Name)
return err
return nil
// tryDeleteServiceSpecs tries delete specified specInfo from openAPISpecs map, and keeps the map intact
// if the update fails.
func (s *specAggregator) tryDeleteServiceSpecs(apiServiceName string) error {
orgSpecInfo, exists := s.openAPISpecs[apiServiceName]
if !exists {
return nil
delete(s.openAPISpecs, apiServiceName)
if err := s.updateOpenAPISpec(); err != nil {
s.openAPISpecs[apiServiceName] = orgSpecInfo
return err
return nil
// UpdateAPIServiceSpec updates the api service's OpenAPI spec. It is thread safe.
func (s *specAggregator) UpdateAPIServiceSpec(apiServiceName string, spec *spec.Swagger, etag string) error {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
specInfo, existingService := s.openAPISpecs[apiServiceName]
if !existingService {
return fmt.Errorf("APIService %q does not exists", apiServiceName)
// For APIServices (non-local) specs, only merge their /apis/ prefixed endpoint as it is the only paths
// proxy handler delegates.
if specInfo.apiService.Spec.Service != nil {
aggregator.FilterSpecByPaths(spec, []string{"/apis/"})
return s.tryUpdatingServiceSpecs(&openAPISpecInfo{
apiService: specInfo.apiService,
spec: spec,
handler: specInfo.handler,
etag: etag,
// AddUpdateAPIService adds or updates the api service. It is thread safe.
func (s *specAggregator) AddUpdateAPIService(handler http.Handler, apiService *apiregistration.APIService) error {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
if apiService.Spec.Service == nil {
// All local specs should be already aggregated using local delegate chain
return nil
newSpec := &openAPISpecInfo{
apiService: *apiService,
handler: handler,
if specInfo, existingService := s.openAPISpecs[apiService.Name]; existingService {
newSpec.etag = specInfo.etag
newSpec.spec = specInfo.spec
return s.tryUpdatingServiceSpecs(newSpec)
// RemoveAPIServiceSpec removes an api service from OpenAPI aggregation. If it does not exist, no error is returned.
// It is thread safe.
func (s *specAggregator) RemoveAPIServiceSpec(apiServiceName string) error {
defer s.rwMutex.Unlock()
if _, existingService := s.openAPISpecs[apiServiceName]; !existingService {
return nil
return s.tryDeleteServiceSpecs(apiServiceName)
// GetAPIServiceSpec returns api service spec info
func (s *specAggregator) GetAPIServiceInfo(apiServiceName string) (handler http.Handler, etag string, exists bool) {
defer s.rwMutex.RUnlock()
if info, existingService := s.openAPISpecs[apiServiceName]; existingService {
return info.handler, info.etag, true
return nil, "", false
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