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autoregister_controller.go 11.97 KB
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Jordan Liggitt 提交于 2017-08-29 23:19 . Sync local APIService objects once
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package autoregister
import (
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
apiregistrationclient "k8s.io/kube-aggregator/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset/typed/apiregistration/internalversion"
informers "k8s.io/kube-aggregator/pkg/client/informers/internalversion/apiregistration/internalversion"
listers "k8s.io/kube-aggregator/pkg/client/listers/apiregistration/internalversion"
const (
AutoRegisterManagedLabel = "kube-aggregator.kubernetes.io/automanaged"
// manageOnStart is a value for the AutoRegisterManagedLabel that indicates the APIService wants to be synced one time when the controller starts.
manageOnStart = "onstart"
// manageContinuously is a value for the AutoRegisterManagedLabel that indicates the APIService wants to be synced continuously.
manageContinuously = "true"
// AutoAPIServiceRegistration is an interface which callers can re-declare locally and properly cast to for
// adding and removing APIServices
type AutoAPIServiceRegistration interface {
// AddAPIServiceToSyncOnStart adds an API service to sync on start.
AddAPIServiceToSyncOnStart(in *apiregistration.APIService)
// AddAPIServiceToSync adds an API service to sync continuously.
AddAPIServiceToSync(in *apiregistration.APIService)
// RemoveAPIServiceToSync removes an API service to auto-register.
RemoveAPIServiceToSync(name string)
// autoRegisterController is used to keep a particular set of APIServices present in the API. It is useful
// for cases where you want to auto-register APIs like TPRs or groups from the core kube-apiserver
type autoRegisterController struct {
apiServiceLister listers.APIServiceLister
apiServiceSynced cache.InformerSynced
apiServiceClient apiregistrationclient.APIServicesGetter
apiServicesToSyncLock sync.RWMutex
apiServicesToSync map[string]*apiregistration.APIService
syncHandler func(apiServiceName string) error
// track which services we have synced
syncedSuccessfullyLock *sync.RWMutex
syncedSuccessfully map[string]bool
// remember names of services that existed when we started
apiServicesAtStart map[string]bool
// queue is where incoming work is placed to de-dup and to allow "easy" rate limited requeues on errors
queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface
func NewAutoRegisterController(apiServiceInformer informers.APIServiceInformer, apiServiceClient apiregistrationclient.APIServicesGetter) *autoRegisterController {
c := &autoRegisterController{
apiServiceLister: apiServiceInformer.Lister(),
apiServiceSynced: apiServiceInformer.Informer().HasSynced,
apiServiceClient: apiServiceClient,
apiServicesToSync: map[string]*apiregistration.APIService{},
apiServicesAtStart: map[string]bool{},
syncedSuccessfullyLock: &sync.RWMutex{},
syncedSuccessfully: map[string]bool{},
queue: workqueue.NewNamedRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter(), "autoregister"),
c.syncHandler = c.checkAPIService
AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
cast := obj.(*apiregistration.APIService)
UpdateFunc: func(_, obj interface{}) {
cast := obj.(*apiregistration.APIService)
DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
cast, ok := obj.(*apiregistration.APIService)
if !ok {
tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
if !ok {
glog.V(2).Infof("Couldn't get object from tombstone %#v", obj)
cast, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*apiregistration.APIService)
if !ok {
glog.V(2).Infof("Tombstone contained unexpected object: %#v", obj)
return c
func (c *autoRegisterController) Run(threadiness int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
// don't let panics crash the process
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
// make sure the work queue is shutdown which will trigger workers to end
defer c.queue.ShutDown()
glog.Infof("Starting autoregister controller")
defer glog.Infof("Shutting down autoregister controller")
// wait for your secondary caches to fill before starting your work
if !controllers.WaitForCacheSync("autoregister", stopCh, c.apiServiceSynced) {
// record APIService objects that existed when we started
if services, err := c.apiServiceLister.List(labels.Everything()); err == nil {
for _, service := range services {
c.apiServicesAtStart[service.Name] = true
// start up your worker threads based on threadiness. Some controllers have multiple kinds of workers
for i := 0; i < threadiness; i++ {
// runWorker will loop until "something bad" happens. The .Until will then rekick the worker
// after one second
go wait.Until(c.runWorker, time.Second, stopCh)
// wait until we're told to stop
func (c *autoRegisterController) runWorker() {
// hot loop until we're told to stop. processNextWorkItem will automatically wait until there's work
// available, so we don't worry about secondary waits
for c.processNextWorkItem() {
// processNextWorkItem deals with one key off the queue. It returns false when it's time to quit.
func (c *autoRegisterController) processNextWorkItem() bool {
// pull the next work item from queue. It should be a key we use to lookup something in a cache
key, quit := c.queue.Get()
if quit {
return false
// you always have to indicate to the queue that you've completed a piece of work
defer c.queue.Done(key)
// do your work on the key. This method will contains your "do stuff" logic
err := c.syncHandler(key.(string))
if err == nil {
// if you had no error, tell the queue to stop tracking history for your key. This will
// reset things like failure counts for per-item rate limiting
return true
// there was a failure so be sure to report it. This method allows for pluggable error handling
// which can be used for things like cluster-monitoring
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%v failed with : %v", key, err))
// since we failed, we should requeue the item to work on later. This method will add a backoff
// to avoid hotlooping on particular items (they're probably still not going to work right away)
// and overall controller protection (everything I've done is broken, this controller needs to
// calm down or it can starve other useful work) cases.
return true
// checkAPIService syncs the current APIService against a list of desired APIService objects
// | A. desired: not found | B. desired: sync on start | C. desired: sync always
// ------------------------------------------------|-----------------------|---------------------------|------------------------
// 1. current: lookup error | error | error | error
// 2. current: not found | - | create once | create
// 3. current: no sync | - | - | -
// 4. current: sync on start, not present at start | - | - | -
// 5. current: sync on start, present at start | delete once | update once | update once
// 6. current: sync always | delete | update once | update
func (c *autoRegisterController) checkAPIService(name string) (err error) {
desired := c.GetAPIServiceToSync(name)
curr, err := c.apiServiceLister.Get(name)
// if we've never synced this service successfully, record a successful sync.
hasSynced := c.hasSyncedSuccessfully(name)
if !hasSynced {
defer func() {
if err == nil {
switch {
// we had a real error, just return it (1A,1B,1C)
case err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err):
return err
// we don't have an entry and we don't want one (2A)
case apierrors.IsNotFound(err) && desired == nil:
return nil
// the local object only wants to sync on start and has already synced (2B,5B,6B "once" enforcement)
case isAutomanagedOnStart(desired) && hasSynced:
return nil
// we don't have an entry and we do want one (2B,2C)
case apierrors.IsNotFound(err) && desired != nil:
_, err := c.apiServiceClient.APIServices().Create(desired)
return err
// we aren't trying to manage this APIService (3A,3B,3C)
case !isAutomanaged(curr):
return nil
// the remote object only wants to sync on start, but was added after we started (4A,4B,4C)
case isAutomanagedOnStart(curr) && !c.apiServicesAtStart[name]:
return nil
// the remote object only wants to sync on start and has already synced (5A,5B,5C "once" enforcement)
case isAutomanagedOnStart(curr) && hasSynced:
return nil
// we have a spurious APIService that we're managing, delete it (5A,6A)
case desired == nil:
return c.apiServiceClient.APIServices().Delete(curr.Name, nil)
// if the specs already match, nothing for us to do
case reflect.DeepEqual(curr.Spec, desired.Spec):
return nil
// we have an entry and we have a desired, now we deconflict. Only a few fields matter. (5B,5C,6B,6C)
apiService := curr.DeepCopy()
apiService.Spec = desired.Spec
_, err = c.apiServiceClient.APIServices().Update(apiService)
return err
func (c *autoRegisterController) GetAPIServiceToSync(name string) *apiregistration.APIService {
defer c.apiServicesToSyncLock.RUnlock()
return c.apiServicesToSync[name]
func (c *autoRegisterController) AddAPIServiceToSyncOnStart(in *apiregistration.APIService) {
c.addAPIServiceToSync(in, manageOnStart)
func (c *autoRegisterController) AddAPIServiceToSync(in *apiregistration.APIService) {
c.addAPIServiceToSync(in, manageContinuously)
func (c *autoRegisterController) addAPIServiceToSync(in *apiregistration.APIService, syncType string) {
defer c.apiServicesToSyncLock.Unlock()
apiService := in.DeepCopy()
if apiService.Labels == nil {
apiService.Labels = map[string]string{}
apiService.Labels[AutoRegisterManagedLabel] = syncType
c.apiServicesToSync[apiService.Name] = apiService
func (c *autoRegisterController) RemoveAPIServiceToSync(name string) {
defer c.apiServicesToSyncLock.Unlock()
delete(c.apiServicesToSync, name)
func (c *autoRegisterController) hasSyncedSuccessfully(name string) bool {
defer c.syncedSuccessfullyLock.RUnlock()
return c.syncedSuccessfully[name]
func (c *autoRegisterController) setSyncedSuccessfully(name string) {
defer c.syncedSuccessfullyLock.Unlock()
c.syncedSuccessfully[name] = true
func automanagedType(service *apiregistration.APIService) string {
if service == nil {
return ""
return service.Labels[AutoRegisterManagedLabel]
func isAutomanagedOnStart(service *apiregistration.APIService) bool {
return automanagedType(service) == manageOnStart
func isAutomanaged(service *apiregistration.APIService) bool {
managedType := automanagedType(service)
return managedType == manageOnStart || managedType == manageContinuously
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