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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package upgrade
import (
// Upgrade defines an upgrade possibility to upgrade from a current version to a new one
type Upgrade struct {
Description string
Before ClusterState
After ClusterState
// CanUpgradeKubelets returns whether an upgrade of any kubelet in the cluster is possible
func (u *Upgrade) CanUpgradeKubelets() bool {
// If there are multiple different versions now, an upgrade is possible (even if only for a subset of the nodes)
if len(u.Before.KubeletVersions) > 1 {
return true
// Don't report something available for upgrade if we don't know the current state
if len(u.Before.KubeletVersions) == 0 {
return false
// if the same version number existed both before and after, we don't have to upgrade it
_, sameVersionFound := u.Before.KubeletVersions[u.After.KubeVersion]
return !sameVersionFound
// ClusterState describes the state of certain versions for a cluster
type ClusterState struct {
// KubeVersion describes the version of the Kubernetes API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler and Proxy.
KubeVersion string
// DNSVersion describes the version of the kube-dns images used and manifest version
DNSVersion string
// KubeadmVersion describes the version of the kubeadm CLI
KubeadmVersion string
// KubeletVersions is a map with a version number linked to the amount of kubelets running that version in the cluster
KubeletVersions map[string]uint16
// GetAvailableUpgrades fetches all versions from the specified VersionGetter and computes which
// kinds of upgrades can be performed
func GetAvailableUpgrades(versionGetterImpl VersionGetter, experimentalUpgradesAllowed, rcUpgradesAllowed bool) ([]Upgrade, error) {
fmt.Println("[upgrade] Fetching available versions to upgrade to")
// Collect the upgrades kubeadm can do in this list
upgrades := []Upgrade{}
// Get the cluster version
clusterVersionStr, clusterVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.ClusterVersion()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get current kubeadm CLI version
kubeadmVersionStr, kubeadmVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.KubeadmVersion()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get and output the current latest stable version
stableVersionStr, stableVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel("stable", "stable version")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] WARNING: %v\n", err)
fmt.Println("[upgrade/versions] WARNING: Falling back to current kubeadm version as latest stable version")
stableVersionStr, stableVersion = kubeadmVersionStr, kubeadmVersion
// Get the kubelet versions in the cluster
kubeletVersions, err := versionGetterImpl.KubeletVersions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Construct a descriptor for the current state of the world
beforeState := ClusterState{
KubeVersion: clusterVersionStr,
DNSVersion: dns.GetKubeDNSVersion(clusterVersion),
KubeadmVersion: kubeadmVersionStr,
KubeletVersions: kubeletVersions,
// Do a "dumb guess" that a new minor upgrade is available just because the latest stable version is higher than the cluster version
// This guess will be corrected once we know if there is a patch version available
canDoMinorUpgrade := clusterVersion.LessThan(stableVersion)
// A patch version doesn't exist if the cluster version is higher than or equal to the current stable version
// in the case that a user is trying to upgrade from, let's say, v1.8.0-beta.2 to v1.8.0-rc.1 (given we support such upgrades experimentally)
// a stable-1.8 branch doesn't exist yet. Hence this check.
if patchVersionBranchExists(clusterVersion, stableVersion) {
currentBranch := getBranchFromVersion(clusterVersionStr)
versionLabel := fmt.Sprintf("stable-%s", currentBranch)
description := fmt.Sprintf("version in the v%s series", currentBranch)
// Get and output the latest patch version for the cluster branch
patchVersionStr, patchVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel(versionLabel, description)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[upgrade/versions] WARNING: %v\n", err)
} else {
// Check if a minor version upgrade is possible when a patch release exists
// It's only possible if the latest patch version is higher than the current patch version
// If that's the case, they must be on different branches => a newer minor version can be upgraded to
canDoMinorUpgrade = minorUpgradePossibleWithPatchRelease(stableVersion, patchVersion)
// If the cluster version is lower than the newest patch version, we should inform about the possible upgrade
if patchUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, patchVersion) {
// The kubeadm version has to be upgraded to the latest patch version
newKubeadmVer := patchVersionStr
if kubeadmVersion.AtLeast(patchVersion) {
// In this case, the kubeadm CLI version is new enough. Don't display an update suggestion for kubeadm by making .NewKubeadmVersion equal .CurrentKubeadmVersion
newKubeadmVer = kubeadmVersionStr
upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
Description: description,
Before: beforeState,
After: ClusterState{
KubeVersion: patchVersionStr,
DNSVersion: dns.GetKubeDNSVersion(patchVersion),
KubeadmVersion: newKubeadmVer,
// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
if canDoMinorUpgrade {
upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
Description: "stable version",
Before: beforeState,
After: ClusterState{
KubeVersion: stableVersionStr,
DNSVersion: dns.GetKubeDNSVersion(stableVersion),
KubeadmVersion: stableVersionStr,
// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
if experimentalUpgradesAllowed || rcUpgradesAllowed {
// dl.k8s.io/release/latest.txt is ALWAYS an alpha.X version
// dl.k8s.io/release/latest-1.X.txt is first v1.X.0-alpha.0 -> v1.X.0-alpha.Y, then v1.X.0-beta.0 to v1.X.0-beta.Z, then v1.X.0-rc.1 to v1.X.0-rc.W.
// After the v1.X.0 release, latest-1.X.txt is always a beta.0 version. Let's say the latest stable version on the v1.7 branch is v1.7.3, then the
// latest-1.7 version is v1.7.4-beta.0
// Worth noticing is that when the release-1.X branch is cut; there are two versions tagged: v1.X.0-beta.0 AND v1.(X+1).alpha.0
// The v1.(X+1).alpha.0 is pretty much useless and should just be ignored, as more betas may be released that have more features than the initial v1.(X+1).alpha.0
// So what we do below is getting the latest overall version, always an v1.X.0-alpha.Y version. Then we get latest-1.(X-1) version. This version may be anything
// between v1.(X-1).0-beta.0 and v1.(X-1).Z-beta.0. At some point in time, latest-1.(X-1) will point to v1.(X-1).0-rc.1. Then we should show it.
// The flow looks like this (with time on the X axis):
// v1.8.0-alpha.1 -> v1.8.0-alpha.2 -> v1.8.0-alpha.3 | release-1.8 branch | v1.8.0-beta.0 -> v1.8.0-beta.1 -> v1.8.0-beta.2 -> v1.8.0-rc.1 -> v1.8.0 -> v1.8.1
// v1.9.0-alpha.0 -> v1.9.0-alpha.1 -> v1.9.0-alpha.2
// Get and output the current latest unstable version
latestVersionStr, latestVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel("latest", "experimental version")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
minorUnstable := latestVersion.Components()[1]
// Get and output the current latest unstable version
previousBranch := fmt.Sprintf("latest-1.%d", minorUnstable-1)
previousBranchLatestVersionStr, previousBranchLatestVersion, err := versionGetterImpl.VersionFromCILabel(previousBranch, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If that previous latest version is an RC, RCs are allowed and the cluster version is lower than the RC version, show the upgrade
if rcUpgradesAllowed && rcUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, previousBranchLatestVersion) {
upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
Description: "release candidate version",
Before: beforeState,
After: ClusterState{
KubeVersion: previousBranchLatestVersionStr,
DNSVersion: dns.GetKubeDNSVersion(previousBranchLatestVersion),
KubeadmVersion: previousBranchLatestVersionStr,
// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
// Show the possibility if experimental upgrades are allowed
if experimentalUpgradesAllowed && clusterVersion.LessThan(latestVersion) {
// Default to assume that the experimental version to show is the unstable one
unstableKubeVersion := latestVersionStr
unstableKubeDNSVersion := dns.GetKubeDNSVersion(latestVersion)
// Ẃe should not display alpha.0. The previous branch's beta/rc versions are more relevant due how the kube branching process works.
if latestVersion.PreRelease() == "alpha.0" {
unstableKubeVersion = previousBranchLatestVersionStr
unstableKubeDNSVersion = dns.GetKubeDNSVersion(previousBranchLatestVersion)
upgrades = append(upgrades, Upgrade{
Description: "experimental version",
Before: beforeState,
After: ClusterState{
KubeVersion: unstableKubeVersion,
DNSVersion: unstableKubeDNSVersion,
KubeadmVersion: unstableKubeVersion,
// KubeletVersions is unset here as it is not used anywhere in .After
// Add a newline in the end of this output to leave some space to the next output section
return upgrades, nil
func getBranchFromVersion(version string) string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(version, "v")[:3]
func patchVersionBranchExists(clusterVersion, stableVersion *version.Version) bool {
return stableVersion.AtLeast(clusterVersion)
func patchUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, patchVersion *version.Version) bool {
return clusterVersion.LessThan(patchVersion)
func rcUpgradePossible(clusterVersion, previousBranchLatestVersion *version.Version) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(previousBranchLatestVersion.PreRelease(), "rc") && clusterVersion.LessThan(previousBranchLatestVersion)
func minorUpgradePossibleWithPatchRelease(stableVersion, patchVersion *version.Version) bool {
return patchVersion.LessThan(stableVersion)
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