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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// To run the node e2e tests remotely against one or more hosts on gce:
// $ go run run_remote.go --logtostderr --v 2 --ssh-env gce --hosts <comma separated hosts>
// To run the node e2e tests remotely against one or more images on gce and provision them:
// $ go run run_remote.go --logtostderr --v 2 --project <project> --zone <zone> --ssh-env gce --images <comma separated images>
package main
import (
compute "google.golang.org/api/compute/v0.beta"
var testArgs = flag.String("test_args", "", "Space-separated list of arguments to pass to Ginkgo test runner.")
var testSuite = flag.String("test-suite", "default", "Test suite the runner initializes with. Currently support default|conformance")
var instanceNamePrefix = flag.String("instance-name-prefix", "", "prefix for instance names")
var zone = flag.String("zone", "", "gce zone the hosts live in")
var project = flag.String("project", "", "gce project the hosts live in")
var imageConfigFile = flag.String("image-config-file", "", "yaml file describing images to run")
var imageConfigDir = flag.String("image-config-dir", "", "(optional)path to image config files")
var imageProject = flag.String("image-project", "", "gce project the hosts live in")
var images = flag.String("images", "", "images to test")
var hosts = flag.String("hosts", "", "hosts to test")
var cleanup = flag.Bool("cleanup", true, "If true remove files from remote hosts and delete temporary instances")
var deleteInstances = flag.Bool("delete-instances", true, "If true, delete any instances created")
var buildOnly = flag.Bool("build-only", false, "If true, build e2e_node_test.tar.gz and exit.")
var instanceMetadata = flag.String("instance-metadata", "", "key/value metadata for instances separated by '=' or '<', 'k=v' means the key is 'k' and the value is 'v'; 'k<p' means the key is 'k' and the value is extracted from the local path 'p', e.g. k1=v1,k2<p2")
var gubernator = flag.Bool("gubernator", false, "If true, output Gubernator link to view logs")
var ginkgoFlags = flag.String("ginkgo-flags", "", "Passed to ginkgo to specify additional flags such as --skip=.")
var systemSpecName = flag.String("system-spec-name", "", "The name of the system spec used for validating the image in the node conformance test. The specs are at test/e2e_node/system/specs/. If unspecified, the default built-in spec (system.DefaultSpec) will be used.")
// envs is the type used to collect all node envs. The key is the env name,
// and the value is the env value
type envs map[string]string
// String function of flag.Value
func (e *envs) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(*e)
// Set function of flag.Value
func (e *envs) Set(value string) error {
kv := strings.SplitN(value, "=", 2)
if len(kv) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid env string")
emap := *e
emap[kv[0]] = kv[1]
return nil
// nodeEnvs is the node envs from the flag `node-env`.
var nodeEnvs = make(envs)
func init() {
flag.Var(&nodeEnvs, "node-env", "An environment variable passed to instance as metadata, e.g. when '--node-env=PATH=/usr/bin' is specified, there will be an extra instance metadata 'PATH=/usr/bin'.")
const (
defaultMachine = "n1-standard-1"
acceleratorTypeResourceFormat = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/beta/projects/%s/zones/%s/acceleratorTypes/%s"
var (
computeService *compute.Service
arc Archive
suite remote.TestSuite
type Archive struct {
path string
err error
type TestResult struct {
output string
err error
host string
exitOk bool
// ImageConfig specifies what images should be run and how for these tests.
// It can be created via the `--images` and `--image-project` flags, or by
// specifying the `--image-config-file` flag, pointing to a json or yaml file
// of the form:
// images:
// short-name:
// image: gce-image-name
// project: gce-image-project
// machine: for benchmark only, the machine type (GCE instance) to run test
// tests: for benchmark only, a list of ginkgo focus strings to match tests
// TODO(coufon): replace 'image' with 'node' in configurations
// and we plan to support testing custom machines other than GCE by specifying host
type ImageConfig struct {
Images map[string]GCEImage `json:"images"`
type Accelerator struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Count int64 `json:"count, omitempty"`
type Resources struct {
Accelerators []Accelerator `json:"accelerators,omitempty"`
type GCEImage struct {
Image string `json:"image, omitempty"`
ImageDesc string `json:"image_description, omitempty"`
Project string `json:"project"`
Metadata string `json:"metadata"`
ImageRegex string `json:"image_regex, omitempty"`
// Defaults to using only the latest image. Acceptible values are [0, # of images that match the regex).
// If the number of existing previous images is lesser than what is desired, the test will use that is available.
PreviousImages int `json:"previous_images, omitempty"`
Machine string `json:"machine, omitempty"`
Resources Resources `json:"resources, omitempty"`
// This test is for benchmark (no limit verification, more result log, node name has format 'machine-image-uuid') if 'Tests' is non-empty.
Tests []string `json:"tests, omitempty"`
type internalImageConfig struct {
images map[string]internalGCEImage
type internalGCEImage struct {
image string
// imageDesc is the description of the image. If empty, the value in the
// 'image' will be used.
imageDesc string
project string
resources Resources
metadata *compute.Metadata
machine string
tests []string
func main() {
switch *testSuite {
case "conformance":
suite = remote.InitConformanceRemote()
// TODO: Add subcommand for node soaking, node conformance, cri validation.
case "default":
// Use node e2e suite by default if no subcommand is specified.
suite = remote.InitNodeE2ERemote()
glog.Fatalf("--test-suite must be one of default or conformance")
if *buildOnly {
// Build the archive and exit
remote.CreateTestArchive(suite, *systemSpecName)
if *hosts == "" && *imageConfigFile == "" && *images == "" {
glog.Fatalf("Must specify one of --image-config-file, --hosts, --images.")
var err error
computeService, err = getComputeClient()
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Unable to create gcloud compute service using defaults. Make sure you are authenticated. %v", err)
gceImages := &internalImageConfig{
images: make(map[string]internalGCEImage),
if *imageConfigFile != "" {
configPath := *imageConfigFile
if *imageConfigDir != "" {
configPath = filepath.Join(*imageConfigDir, *imageConfigFile)
// parse images
imageConfigData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configPath)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Could not read image config file provided: %v", err)
externalImageConfig := ImageConfig{Images: make(map[string]GCEImage)}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(imageConfigData, &externalImageConfig)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Could not parse image config file: %v", err)
for shortName, imageConfig := range externalImageConfig.Images {
var images []string
isRegex, name := false, shortName
if imageConfig.ImageRegex != "" && imageConfig.Image == "" {
isRegex = true
images, err = getGCEImages(imageConfig.ImageRegex, imageConfig.Project, imageConfig.PreviousImages)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Could not retrieve list of images based on image prefix %q: %v", imageConfig.ImageRegex, err)
} else {
images = []string{imageConfig.Image}
for _, image := range images {
metadata := imageConfig.Metadata
if len(strings.TrimSpace(*instanceMetadata)) > 0 {
metadata += "," + *instanceMetadata
gceImage := internalGCEImage{
image: image,
imageDesc: imageConfig.ImageDesc,
project: imageConfig.Project,
metadata: getImageMetadata(metadata),
machine: imageConfig.Machine,
tests: imageConfig.Tests,
resources: imageConfig.Resources,
if gceImage.imageDesc == "" {
gceImage.imageDesc = gceImage.image
if isRegex && len(images) > 1 {
// Use image name when shortName is not unique.
name = image
gceImages.images[name] = gceImage
// Allow users to specify additional images via cli flags for local testing
// convenience; merge in with config file
if *images != "" {
if *imageProject == "" {
glog.Fatal("Must specify --image-project if you specify --images")
cliImages := strings.Split(*images, ",")
for _, img := range cliImages {
gceImage := internalGCEImage{
image: img,
project: *imageProject,
metadata: getImageMetadata(*instanceMetadata),
gceImages.images[img] = gceImage
if len(gceImages.images) != 0 && *zone == "" {
glog.Fatal("Must specify --zone flag")
for shortName, image := range gceImages.images {
if image.project == "" {
glog.Fatalf("Invalid config for %v; must specify a project", shortName)
if len(gceImages.images) != 0 {
if *project == "" {
glog.Fatal("Must specify --project flag to launch images into")
if *instanceNamePrefix == "" {
*instanceNamePrefix = "tmp-node-e2e-" + uuid.NewUUID().String()[:8]
// Setup coloring
stat, _ := os.Stdout.Stat()
useColor := (stat.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) != 0
blue := ""
noColour := ""
if useColor {
blue = "\033[0;34m"
noColour = "\033[0m"
go arc.getArchive()
defer arc.deleteArchive()
results := make(chan *TestResult)
running := 0
for shortName := range gceImages.images {
imageConfig := gceImages.images[shortName]
fmt.Printf("Initializing e2e tests using image %s.\n", shortName)
go func(image *internalGCEImage, junitFilePrefix string) {
results <- testImage(image, junitFilePrefix)
}(&imageConfig, shortName)
if *hosts != "" {
for _, host := range strings.Split(*hosts, ",") {
fmt.Printf("Initializing e2e tests using host %s.\n", host)
go func(host string, junitFilePrefix string) {
results <- testHost(host, *cleanup, "", junitFilePrefix, *ginkgoFlags)
}(host, host)
// Wait for all tests to complete and emit the results
errCount := 0
exitOk := true
for i := 0; i < running; i++ {
tr := <-results
host := tr.host
fmt.Println() // Print an empty line
fmt.Printf("%s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%s\n", blue, noColour)
fmt.Printf("%s> START TEST >%s\n", blue, noColour)
fmt.Printf("%s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%s\n", blue, noColour)
fmt.Printf("Start Test Suite on Host %s\n", host)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", tr.output)
if tr.err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failure Finished Test Suite on Host %s\n%v\n", host, tr.err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Success Finished Test Suite on Host %s\n", host)
exitOk = exitOk && tr.exitOk
fmt.Printf("%s<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<%s\n", blue, noColour)
fmt.Printf("%s< FINISH TEST <%s\n", blue, noColour)
fmt.Printf("%s<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<%s\n", blue, noColour)
fmt.Println() // Print an empty line
// Set the exit code if there were failures
if !exitOk {
fmt.Printf("Failure: %d errors encountered.\n", errCount)
func callGubernator(gubernator bool) {
if gubernator {
fmt.Println("Running gubernator.sh")
output, err := exec.Command("./test/e2e_node/gubernator.sh", "y").Output()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("gubernator.sh Failed")
fmt.Printf("%s", output)
func (a *Archive) getArchive() (string, error) {
a.Do(func() { a.path, a.err = remote.CreateTestArchive(suite, *systemSpecName) })
return a.path, a.err
func (a *Archive) deleteArchive() {
path, err := a.getArchive()
if err != nil {
func getImageMetadata(input string) *compute.Metadata {
if input == "" {
return nil
glog.V(3).Infof("parsing instance metadata: %q", input)
raw := parseInstanceMetadata(input)
glog.V(4).Infof("parsed instance metadata: %v", raw)
metadataItems := []*compute.MetadataItems{}
for k, v := range raw {
val := v
metadataItems = append(metadataItems, &compute.MetadataItems{
Key: k,
Value: &val,
ret := compute.Metadata{Items: metadataItems}
return &ret
// Run tests in archive against host
func testHost(host string, deleteFiles bool, imageDesc, junitFilePrefix, ginkgoFlagsStr string) *TestResult {
instance, err := computeService.Instances.Get(*project, *zone, host).Do()
if err != nil {
return &TestResult{
err: err,
host: host,
exitOk: false,
if strings.ToUpper(instance.Status) != "RUNNING" {
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not in state RUNNING, was %s.", host, instance.Status)
return &TestResult{
err: err,
host: host,
exitOk: false,
externalIp := getExternalIp(instance)
if len(externalIp) > 0 {
remote.AddHostnameIp(host, externalIp)
path, err := arc.getArchive()
if err != nil {
// Don't log fatal because we need to do any needed cleanup contained in "defer" statements
return &TestResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("unable to create test archive: %v.", err),
output, exitOk, err := remote.RunRemote(suite, path, host, deleteFiles, imageDesc, junitFilePrefix, *testArgs, ginkgoFlagsStr, *systemSpecName)
return &TestResult{
output: output,
err: err,
host: host,
exitOk: exitOk,
type imageObj struct {
creationTime time.Time
name string
func (io imageObj) string() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q created %q", io.name, io.creationTime.String())
type byCreationTime []imageObj
func (a byCreationTime) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byCreationTime) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].creationTime.After(a[j].creationTime) }
func (a byCreationTime) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
// Returns a list of image names based on regex and number of previous images requested.
func getGCEImages(imageRegex, project string, previousImages int) ([]string, error) {
ilc, err := computeService.Images.List(project).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to list images in project %q: %v", project, err)
imageObjs := []imageObj{}
imageRe := regexp.MustCompile(imageRegex)
for _, instance := range ilc.Items {
if imageRe.MatchString(instance.Name) {
creationTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, instance.CreationTimestamp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse instance creation timestamp %q: %v", instance.CreationTimestamp, err)
io := imageObj{
creationTime: creationTime,
name: instance.Name,
glog.V(4).Infof("Found image %q based on regex %q in project %q", io.string(), imageRegex, project)
imageObjs = append(imageObjs, io)
images := []string{}
for _, imageObj := range imageObjs {
images = append(images, imageObj.name)
if previousImages < 0 {
return images, nil
// Provision a gce instance using image and run the tests in archive against the instance.
// Delete the instance afterward.
func testImage(imageConfig *internalGCEImage, junitFilePrefix string) *TestResult {
ginkgoFlagsStr := *ginkgoFlags
// Check whether the test is for benchmark.
if len(imageConfig.tests) > 0 {
// Benchmark needs machine type non-empty.
if imageConfig.machine == "" {
imageConfig.machine = defaultMachine
// Use the Ginkgo focus in benchmark config.
ginkgoFlagsStr += (" " + testsToGinkgoFocus(imageConfig.tests))
host, err := createInstance(imageConfig)
if *deleteInstances {
defer deleteInstance(host)
if err != nil {
return &TestResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("unable to create gce instance with running docker daemon for image %s. %v", imageConfig.image, err),
// Only delete the files if we are keeping the instance and want it cleaned up.
// If we are going to delete the instance, don't bother with cleaning up the files
deleteFiles := !*deleteInstances && *cleanup
result := testHost(host, deleteFiles, imageConfig.imageDesc, junitFilePrefix, ginkgoFlagsStr)
// This is a temporary solution to collect serial node serial log. Only port 1 contains useful information.
// TODO(random-liu): Extract out and unify log collection logic with cluste e2e.
serialPortOutput, err := computeService.Instances.GetSerialPortOutput(*project, *zone, host).Port(1).Do()
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to collect serial output from node %q: %v", host, err)
} else {
logFilename := "serial-1.log"
err := remote.WriteLog(host, logFilename, serialPortOutput.Contents)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to write serial output from node %q to %q: %v", host, logFilename, err)
return result
// Provision a gce instance using image
func createInstance(imageConfig *internalGCEImage) (string, error) {
glog.V(1).Infof("Creating instance %+v", *imageConfig)
name := imageToInstanceName(imageConfig)
i := &compute.Instance{
Name: name,
MachineType: machineType(imageConfig.machine),
NetworkInterfaces: []*compute.NetworkInterface{
AccessConfigs: []*compute.AccessConfig{
Name: "External NAT",
Disks: []*compute.AttachedDisk{
AutoDelete: true,
Boot: true,
InitializeParams: &compute.AttachedDiskInitializeParams{
SourceImage: sourceImage(imageConfig.image, imageConfig.project),
DiskSizeGb: 20,
for _, accelerator := range imageConfig.resources.Accelerators {
if i.GuestAccelerators == nil {
autoRestart := true
i.GuestAccelerators = []*compute.AcceleratorConfig{}
i.Scheduling = &compute.Scheduling{
OnHostMaintenance: "TERMINATE",
AutomaticRestart: &autoRestart,
aType := fmt.Sprintf(acceleratorTypeResourceFormat, *project, *zone, accelerator.Type)
ac := &compute.AcceleratorConfig{
AcceleratorCount: accelerator.Count,
AcceleratorType: aType,
i.GuestAccelerators = append(i.GuestAccelerators, ac)
var err error
i.Metadata = imageConfig.metadata
if _, err := computeService.Instances.Get(*project, *zone, i.Name).Do(); err != nil {
op, err := computeService.Instances.Insert(*project, *zone, i).Do()
if err != nil {
ret := fmt.Sprintf("could not create instance %s: API error: %v", name, err)
if op != nil {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", ret, op.Error)
return "", fmt.Errorf(ret)
} else if op.Error != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not create instance %s: %+v", name, op.Error)
instanceRunning := false
for i := 0; i < 30 && !instanceRunning; i++ {
if i > 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 20)
var instance *compute.Instance
instance, err = computeService.Instances.Get(*project, *zone, name).Do()
if err != nil {
if strings.ToUpper(instance.Status) != "RUNNING" {
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not in state RUNNING, was %s.", name, instance.Status)
externalIp := getExternalIp(instance)
if len(externalIp) > 0 {
remote.AddHostnameIp(name, externalIp)
// TODO(random-liu): Remove the docker version check. Use some other command to check
// instance readiness.
var output string
output, err = remote.SSH(name, "docker", "version")
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not running docker daemon - Command failed: %s", name, output)
if !strings.Contains(output, "Server") {
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s not running docker daemon - Server not found: %s", name, output)
instanceRunning = true
// If instance didn't reach running state in time, return with error now.
if err != nil {
return name, err
// Instance reached running state in time, make sure that cloud-init is complete
if isCloudInitUsed(imageConfig.metadata) {
cloudInitFinished := false
for i := 0; i < 60 && !cloudInitFinished; i++ {
if i > 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 20)
var finished string
finished, err = remote.SSH(name, "ls", "/var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished")
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("instance %s has not finished cloud-init script: %s", name, finished)
cloudInitFinished = true
return name, err
func isCloudInitUsed(metadata *compute.Metadata) bool {
if metadata == nil {
return false
for _, item := range metadata.Items {
if item.Key == "user-data" && item.Value != nil && strings.HasPrefix(*item.Value, "#cloud-config") {
return true
return false
func getExternalIp(instance *compute.Instance) string {
for i := range instance.NetworkInterfaces {
ni := instance.NetworkInterfaces[i]
for j := range ni.AccessConfigs {
ac := ni.AccessConfigs[j]
if len(ac.NatIP) > 0 {
return ac.NatIP
return ""
func getComputeClient() (*compute.Service, error) {
const retries = 10
const backoff = time.Second * 6
// Setup the gce client for provisioning instances
// Getting credentials on gce jenkins is flaky, so try a couple times
var err error
var cs *compute.Service
for i := 0; i < retries; i++ {
if i > 0 {
var client *http.Client
client, err = google.DefaultClient(oauth2.NoContext, compute.ComputeScope)
if err != nil {
cs, err = compute.New(client)
if err != nil {
return cs, nil
return nil, err
func deleteInstance(host string) {
glog.Infof("Deleting instance %q", host)
_, err := computeService.Instances.Delete(*project, *zone, host).Do()
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error deleting instance %q: %v", host, err)
func parseInstanceMetadata(str string) map[string]string {
metadata := make(map[string]string)
ss := strings.Split(str, ",")
for _, s := range ss {
kv := strings.Split(s, "=")
if len(kv) == 2 {
metadata[kv[0]] = kv[1]
kp := strings.Split(s, "<")
if len(kp) != 2 {
glog.Fatalf("Invalid instance metadata: %q", s)
metaPath := kp[1]
if *imageConfigDir != "" {
metaPath = filepath.Join(*imageConfigDir, metaPath)
v, err := ioutil.ReadFile(metaPath)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Failed to read metadata file %q: %v", metaPath, err)
metadata[kp[0]] = string(v)
for k, v := range nodeEnvs {
metadata[k] = v
return metadata
func imageToInstanceName(imageConfig *internalGCEImage) string {
if imageConfig.machine == "" {
return *instanceNamePrefix + "-" + imageConfig.image
// For benchmark test, node name has the format 'machine-image-uuid' to run
// different machine types with the same image in parallel
return imageConfig.machine + "-" + imageConfig.image + "-" + uuid.NewUUID().String()[:8]
func sourceImage(image, imageProject string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/global/images/%s", imageProject, image)
func machineType(machine string) string {
if machine == "" {
machine = defaultMachine
return fmt.Sprintf("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s", *zone, machine)
// testsToGinkgoFocus converts the test string list to Ginkgo focus
func testsToGinkgoFocus(tests []string) string {
focus := "--focus=\""
for i, test := range tests {
if i == 0 {
focus += test
} else {
focus += ("|" + test)
return focus + "\""
马建仓 AI 助手
