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policy_static.go 7.69 KB
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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limitations under the License.
package cpumanager
import (
v1qos "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper/qos"
// PolicyStatic is the name of the static policy
const PolicyStatic policyName = "static"
var _ Policy = &staticPolicy{}
// staticPolicy is a CPU manager policy that does not change CPU
// assignments for exclusively pinned guaranteed containers after the main
// container process starts.
// This policy allocates CPUs exclusively for a container if all the following
// conditions are met:
// - The pod QoS class is Guaranteed.
// - The CPU request is a positive integer.
// The static policy maintains the following sets of logical CPUs:
// - SHARED: Burstable, BestEffort, and non-integral Guaranteed containers
// run here. Initially this contains all CPU IDs on the system. As
// exclusive allocations are created and destroyed, this CPU set shrinks
// and grows, accordingly. This is stored in the state as the default
// CPU set.
// - RESERVED: A subset of the shared pool which is not exclusively
// allocatable. The membership of this pool is static for the lifetime of
// the Kubelet. The size of the reserved pool is
// ceil(systemreserved.cpu + kubereserved.cpu).
// Reserved CPUs are taken topologically starting with lowest-indexed
// physical core, as reported by cAdvisor.
// - ASSIGNABLE: Equal to SHARED - RESERVED. Exclusive CPUs are allocated
// from this pool.
// - EXCLUSIVE ALLOCATIONS: CPU sets assigned exclusively to one container.
// These are stored as explicit assignments in the state.
// When an exclusive allocation is made, the static policy also updates the
// default cpuset in the state abstraction. The CPU manager's periodic
// reconcile loop takes care of rewriting the cpuset in cgroupfs for any
// containers that may be running in the shared pool. For this reason,
// applications running within exclusively-allocated containers must tolerate
// potentially sharing their allocated CPUs for up to the CPU manager
// reconcile period.
type staticPolicy struct {
// cpu socket topology
topology *topology.CPUTopology
// set of CPUs that is not available for exclusive assignment
reserved cpuset.CPUSet
// Ensure staticPolicy implements Policy interface
var _ Policy = &staticPolicy{}
// NewStaticPolicy returns a CPU manager policy that does not change CPU
// assignments for exclusively pinned guaranteed containers after the main
// container process starts.
func NewStaticPolicy(topology *topology.CPUTopology, numReservedCPUs int) Policy {
allCPUs := topology.CPUDetails.CPUs()
// takeByTopology allocates CPUs associated with low-numbered cores from
// allCPUs.
// For example: Given a system with 8 CPUs available and HT enabled,
// if numReservedCPUs=2, then reserved={0,4}
reserved, _ := takeByTopology(topology, allCPUs, numReservedCPUs)
if reserved.Size() != numReservedCPUs {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("[cpumanager] unable to reserve the required amount of CPUs (size of %s did not equal %d)", reserved, numReservedCPUs))
glog.Infof("[cpumanager] reserved %d CPUs (\"%s\") not available for exclusive assignment", reserved.Size(), reserved)
return &staticPolicy{
topology: topology,
reserved: reserved,
func (p *staticPolicy) Name() string {
return string(PolicyStatic)
func (p *staticPolicy) Start(s state.State) {
if err := p.validateState(s); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("[cpumanager] static policy invalid state: %s\n", err.Error())
panic("[cpumanager] - please drain node and remove policy state file")
func (p *staticPolicy) validateState(s state.State) error {
tmpAssignments := s.GetCPUAssignments()
tmpDefaultCPUset := s.GetDefaultCPUSet()
// Default cpuset cannot be empty when assignments exist
if tmpDefaultCPUset.IsEmpty() {
if len(tmpAssignments) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("default cpuset cannot be empty")
// state is empty initialize
allCPUs := p.topology.CPUDetails.CPUs()
return nil
// State has already been initialized from file (is not empty)
// 1 Check if the reserved cpuset is not part of default cpuset because:
// - kube/system reserved have changed (increased) - may lead to some containers not being able to start
// - user tampered with file
if !p.reserved.Intersection(tmpDefaultCPUset).Equals(p.reserved) {
return fmt.Errorf("not all reserved cpus: \"%s\" are present in defaultCpuSet: \"%s\"",
p.reserved.String(), tmpDefaultCPUset.String())
// 2. Check if state for static policy is consistent
for cID, cset := range tmpAssignments {
// None of the cpu in DEFAULT cset should be in s.assignments
if !tmpDefaultCPUset.Intersection(cset).IsEmpty() {
return fmt.Errorf("container id: %s cpuset: \"%s\" overlaps with default cpuset \"%s\"",
cID, cset.String(), tmpDefaultCPUset.String())
return nil
// assignableCPUs returns the set of unassigned CPUs minus the reserved set.
func (p *staticPolicy) assignableCPUs(s state.State) cpuset.CPUSet {
return s.GetDefaultCPUSet().Difference(p.reserved)
func (p *staticPolicy) AddContainer(s state.State, pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, containerID string) error {
glog.Infof("[cpumanager] static policy: AddContainer (pod: %s, container: %s, container id: %s)", pod.Name, container.Name, containerID)
if numCPUs := guaranteedCPUs(pod, container); numCPUs != 0 {
// container belongs in an exclusively allocated pool
cpuset, err := p.allocateCPUs(s, numCPUs)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("[cpumanager] unable to allocate %d CPUs (container id: %s, error: %v)", numCPUs, containerID, err)
return err
s.SetCPUSet(containerID, cpuset)
// container belongs in the shared pool (nothing to do; use default cpuset)
return nil
func (p *staticPolicy) RemoveContainer(s state.State, containerID string) error {
glog.Infof("[cpumanager] static policy: RemoveContainer (container id: %s)", containerID)
if toRelease, ok := s.GetCPUSet(containerID); ok {
// Mutate the shared pool, adding released cpus.
return nil
func (p *staticPolicy) allocateCPUs(s state.State, numCPUs int) (cpuset.CPUSet, error) {
glog.Infof("[cpumanager] allocateCpus: (numCPUs: %d)", numCPUs)
result, err := takeByTopology(p.topology, p.assignableCPUs(s), numCPUs)
if err != nil {
return cpuset.NewCPUSet(), err
// Remove allocated CPUs from the shared CPUSet.
glog.Infof("[cpumanager] allocateCPUs: returning \"%v\"", result)
return result, nil
func guaranteedCPUs(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) int {
if v1qos.GetPodQOS(pod) != v1.PodQOSGuaranteed {
return 0
cpuQuantity := container.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceCPU]
if cpuQuantity.Value()*1000 != cpuQuantity.MilliValue() {
return 0
// Safe downcast to do for all systems with < 2.1 billion CPUs.
// Per the language spec, `int` is guaranteed to be at least 32 bits wide.
// https://golang.org/ref/spec#Numeric_types
return int(cpuQuantity.Value())
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