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Test Fail: simple softmax case

2021-04-13 17:32
name about labels
Bug Report run topi.nn.softmax() fail kind/bug

When I run the softmax in akg, fail occurs.
It seems that it is caused by wrongly using sharedmemory.
Pls check this bug.


  • Hardware Environment(Ascend/GPU/CPU):

Uncomment only one /device <> line, hit enter to put that in a new line, and remove leading whitespaces from that line:

/device gpu

  • Software Environment:
    -- MindSpore version (source or binary):
    -- Python version (e.g., Python 3.7.5):
    -- OS platform and distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04):
    -- GCC/Compiler version (if compiled from source):

Related testcase

Steps to reproduce the issue

Code to reproduce:

import numpy as np
from akg.utils import kernel_exec as utils
from akg.utils.result_analysis import gpu_profiling
from akg.utils.format_transform import to_tvm_nd_array
from akg import topi
import scipy

def softmax(data1):
    return topi.nn.softmax(data1)

def gen_data(shape, dtype):
    in_data = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=shape).astype(dtype)

    expect = scipy.special.softmax(in_data)

    # import tensorflow as tf
    # tf.compat.v1.enable_eager_execution()
    # expect = tf.math.softmax(in_data).numpy()

    output = np.full(expect.shape, np.nan, dtype)
    return in_data, output, expect

def test_ms_softmax(shape, dtype, poly_sch=False):
    if poly_sch:
        mod = utils.op_build_test(softmax, (shape,), (dtype,), kernel_name="softmax", attrs={"target": "cuda","enable_akg_reduce_lib":True,"dim":"0 0 1 1 0 1 1001 1","bind_block":"1 1","bind_thread":"1001 1"})

    in_data, output, expect = gen_data(shape, dtype)
    output = utils.mod_launch(mod, (in_data, output), expect=expect)
    res = np.allclose(output, expect, rtol=1e-03, atol=1.e-3)
    print("Test {}".format("Pass" if res else "Fail"))
    if not res:
        print("Error cuda:========================")
        raise AssertionError("Test fail")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_ms_softmax((1, 1001), "float32", True)

Describe the current behavior

Describe the expected behavior

Related log / screenshot

Special notes for this issue

评论 (4)

Yanzhi_YI 创建了Bug-Report
Yanzhi_YI 关联仓库设置为MindSpore/akg

Hey yiyanzhi_akane, Welcome to MindSpore Community.
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Yanzhi_YI 优先级设置为次要
Yanzhi_YI 修改了描述
anyrenwei 负责人设置为yangsijia
anyrenwei 添加协作者Yanzhi_YI
anyrenwei 添加了
anyrenwei 关联分支设置为master
anyrenwei 计划截止日期设置为2021-06-30

What is the current behavior? Is there any screenshot of the error?

[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.300.687 [poly.cc:46] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], GenIsl spent 4.14875 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.300.741 [scop.cc:144] [poly] ====== Reduce op type ========
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.300.830 [scop.cc:146] [poly] S_3 -> SumOp
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.300.896 [scop.cc:146] [poly] S_1 -> MaxOp
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.301.074 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass InitSchedule
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.309.864 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], InitSchedule spent 8.72858 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.311.121 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass ConstrainSchedule
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.314.503 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], ConstrainSchedule spent 3.32793 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.315.497 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass ComputeSchedule
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.316.871 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], ComputeSchedule spent 1.32603 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.317.809 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass GpuDmaAnalysis
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.321.258 [scop.cc:244] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], NodeFrom spent 2.684 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.323.500 [scop.cc:279] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], IslEmitter spent 2.19311 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.329.594 [tiling.cc:447] [tiling] This dim is generated by auto tiling
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.333.361 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], GpuDmaAnalysis spent 15.4926 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.334.421 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass TileOuterBand
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.335.460 [tile_outer_band.cc:263] [schedule_pass] No: 0, tiling_flag: 0
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.335.480 [tile_outer_band.cc:272] [schedule_pass] index: 0, axis: 0, c1_size: 1, c0_size: 1, seq: 0, is inner: 0
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.335.492 [tile_outer_band.cc:272] [schedule_pass] index: 0, axis: 1, c1_size: 1001, c0_size: 1, seq: 1, is inner: 0
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.336.307 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], TileOuterBand spent 1.8231 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.337.257 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass MappingOuterBand
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.342.102 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], MappingOuterBand spent 4.78755 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.343.192 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass SharedMemoryManager
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.364.321 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], SharedMemoryManager spent 21.0531 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.366.172 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass RegisterMemoryManager
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.383.362 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], RegisterMemoryManager spent 17.0989 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.385.426 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:55] [poly] Running poly pass RealizeManager
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.386.254 [schedule_pass_mgr.cc:71] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], RealizeManager spent 0.772184 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.388.084 [poly.cc:51] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], Transform spent 87.3507 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.413.464 [scop.cc:244] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], NodeFrom spent 25.2141 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.429.559 [scop.cc:279] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], IslEmitter spent 16.0373 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.429.950 [poly.cc:56] [poly] [ Polyhedral exec time ], GenHalide spent 41.8455 ms
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.755 [swizzle_gpu.cc:729] [pass] BEGIN_PASS SwizzleGPU on softmax_float32_1_1001_0
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.826 [swizzle_gpu.cc:435] [pass] Visit statement
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.839 [swizzle_gpu.cc:42] [pass] Thread extent (threadIdx.z) : 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.859 [swizzle_gpu.cc:232] [pass] Allocate : T_softmax_maxelem_shared size 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.891 [swizzle_gpu.cc:232] [pass] Allocate : T_softmax_expsum_shared size 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.908 [swizzle_gpu.cc:232] [pass] Allocate : T_softmax_expsum_shared size 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.922 [swizzle_gpu.cc:232] [pass] Allocate : T_softmax_maxelem_shared size 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.935 [swizzle_gpu.cc:42] [pass] Thread extent (threadIdx.y) : 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.949 [swizzle_gpu.cc:42] [pass] Thread extent (threadIdx.x) : 1001
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.960 [swizzle_gpu.cc:42] [pass] Thread extent (blockIdx.z) : 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.972 [swizzle_gpu.cc:42] [pass] Thread extent (blockIdx.y) : 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.441.984 [swizzle_gpu.cc:42] [pass] Thread extent (blockIdx.x) : 1
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.017 [swizzle_gpu.cc:227] [pass] End Store T_softmax_maxelem_shared
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.030 [swizzle_gpu.cc:227] [pass] End Store T_softmax_maxelem_shared
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.043 [swizzle_gpu.cc:227] [pass] End Store T_softmax_expsum_shared
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.053 [swizzle_gpu.cc:227] [pass] End Store T_softmax_expsum_shared
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.073 [swizzle_gpu.cc:227] [pass] End Store T_softmax_expsum_shared
[DEBUG] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.086 [swizzle_gpu.cc:227] [pass] End Store T_softmax_norm
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.100 [swizzle_gpu.cc:444] [pass] Total swizzled loops for softmax_float32_1_1001_0 : 0
[INFO] AKG:2021-05-28-17:22:53.442.110 [swizzle_gpu.cc:733] [pass] END_PASS
func_time_required func:op_build_test, running:0.721295 seconds
func_time_required func:mod_launch, running:0.412954 seconds
[[4.1422942e-01 1.1544185e+01 1.2185507e+00 ... 6.8597146e-04
  5.3936224e+00 1.0000000e+00]]
[[2.2479408e-06 6.2648018e-05 6.6128327e-06 ... 3.7226335e-09
  2.9270133e-05 5.4268007e-06]]
Test Fail
Error cuda:========================
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
#define __CUDA_ARCH__ 700
// built-in for half swizzle
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
struct __device_builtin__ __align__(8) half4 { half x, y, z, w; };

#if defined(__CUDACC_RTC__)
#define __CUDA_FP16_DECL__ __host__ __device__
#define __CUDA_FP16_DECL__ static __device__ __inline__

// half4 ldg function support
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64)) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(__CUDACC_RTC__)
#define __LDG_PTR   "l"
// not sure about this one, it was copied from the half2 ldg() function
#define __LDG_PTR   "r"
#endif /*(defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_WIN64)) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(__CUDACC_RTC__)*/

#define __HALF4_TO_UI(var) *(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long *>(&(var)))
__CUDA_FP16_DECL__ half4 __ldg(const  half4 *ptr)
    half4 ret;
    asm ("ld.global.nc.b64 %0, [%1];"  : "=l"(__HALF4_TO_UI(ret)) : __LDG_PTR(ptr));
    return ret;

extern "C" __global__ void softmax_float32_1_1001_kernel0( float* __restrict__ input_1,  float* __restrict__ T_softmax_norm) {
  __shared__ float T_softmax_maxelem_shared[1];
  __shared__ float T_softmax_expsum_shared[1];
  __shared__ float T_softmax_expsum_shared1[1];
  __shared__ float T_softmax_maxelem_shared1[1];
  for (int cc0 = 0; cc0 < 2000; ++cc0) {
    if (((int)threadIdx.x) == 0) {
      if (cc0 == 0) {
        T_softmax_maxelem_shared[0] = -3.402823e+38f;
      if (cc0 <= 1000) {
        T_softmax_maxelem_shared[0] = max(T_softmax_maxelem_shared[0], input_1[cc0]);
      if (1000 <= cc0) {
        T_softmax_expsum_shared[0] = (T_softmax_expsum_shared[0] + __expf((input_1[(cc0 - 1000)] - T_softmax_maxelem_shared[0])));
      } else {
        if (cc0 == 0) {
          T_softmax_expsum_shared[0] = 0.000000e+00f;
  for (int cc01 = 2000; cc01 < 3001; ++cc01) {
    if (((int)threadIdx.x) == 0) {
      if (cc01 == 2000) {
        T_softmax_expsum_shared1[0] = (T_softmax_expsum_shared1[0] + __expf((input_1[1000] - T_softmax_maxelem_shared1[0])));
      T_softmax_norm[(cc01 - 2000)] = (__expf((input_1[(cc01 - 2000)] - T_softmax_maxelem_shared1[0])) / T_softmax_expsum_shared1[0]);

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "issue.py", line 45, in <module>
    test_ms_softmax((1, 1001), "float32", True)

  File "issue.py", line 42, in test_ms_softmax
    raise AssertionError("Test fail")

AssertionError: Test fail

Hi @chengbin , I reproduce this issue on 6ea218d03af7a4923ef90d9431e3867761a734b7.

yangsijia 修改了描述
Yanzhi_YI 任务状态TODO 修改为DONE

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