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Deep Ritz Description

The Deep Ritz Method is a deep learning-based method for numerically solving variational problems, particularly the ones that arise from partial differential equations.

In this repository, two problems, which are related to Poisson equations, are solved using the Deep Ritz method.

paper: W E, B Yu. The Deep Ritz method: A deep learning-based numerical algorithm for solving variational problems. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics 2018, 6:1-12.


The training dataset is generated randomly during runtime. The size of dataset is controlled by parameter body_batch and bdry_batch in config.yaml, and by default are 1024 and 1024. The validation dataset and pretrained checkpoint files will be downloaded automatically at the first launch.

If you need to download the validation dataset or checkpoint files manually, please visit this link.

Environment Requirements

Quick Start

After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows:

  • running on Ascend or on GPU


python train.py

A full command for poisson-hole case is as follows:

python train.py \
    --layers 2 8 8 8 1 \
    --save_ckpt true \
    --load_ckpt false \
    --save_ckpt_path ./checkpoints/hole \
    --load_ckpt_path ./checkpoints/hole/model_50000_float32.ckpt \
    --save_fig true \
    --figures_path ./figures \
    --save_data true \
    --save_data_path ./data/hole \
    --log_path ./logs \
    --lr 0.01 \
    --train_epoch 50000 \
    --train_epoch_pre 0 \
    --body_batch 1024 \
    --bdry_batch 1024 \
    --write_step 50 \
    --sample_step 10 \
    --step_size 5000 \
    --num_quad 40000 \
    --radius 1 \
    --penalty 500 \
    --diff 0.001 \
    --gamma 0.3 \
    --decay 0.00001 \
    --autograd true \
    --download_data deep_ritz \
    --force_download false \
    --amp_level O2 \
    --device_id 0 \
    --mode 0

If you want to run full command for poisson-ls case, please switch the problem in config.yaml.

Script Description

Script and Sample Code

File structures are as follows:

├── deep_ritz
│   ├── checkpoints                     # checkpoints files
│   ├── data                            # data files
│   ├── figures                         # plot figures
│   ├── logs                            # log files
│   ├── src                             # source codes
│   │   ├── process.py                  # data process
│   │   ├── poisson_hole.py             # problem definition for hole case
│   │   ├── poisson_ls.py               # problem definition for ls case
│   │   ├── network.py                  # network architecture
│   │   └── plot.py                     # plotting and recording functions
│   ├── config.yaml                     # hyper-parameters configuration
│   ├── README.md                       # English model descriptions
│   ├── README_CN.md                    # Chinese model description
│   ├── train.py                        # python training script
│   └── eval.py                         # python evaluation script

Script Parameters

There are two problem cases. In config.yaml, the case can be chosen by the parameter --problem.

--problem:            Problem case to be solved, poisson_hole or poisson_ls.
                      Default: poisson_hole

For each problem case, the parameters are as follows.

parameter description default value
layers neural network widths 2 8 8 8 1
save_ckpt whether save checkpoint or not true
load_ckpt whether load checkpoint or not false
save_ckpt_path checkpoint saving path ./checkpoints/hole
load_ckpt_path checkpoint loading path ./checkpoints/hole/model_50000_float32.ckpt
save_fig whether save and plot figures or not true
figures_path figures saving path ./figures
save_data whether save data or not true
save_data_path path to save data ./data/hole
log_path log saving path ./logs
lr learning rate 1e-2
train_epoch number of training epochs 50000
train_epoch_pre number of pre-training epochs 0
body_batch sampling size for disk 1024
bdry_batch sampling size for surface 1024
write_step printing steps for loss 50
sample_step re-sampling steps during training 10
step_size exponentially decay step for lr 5000
num_quad sampling number for validation 40000
radius disk radius 1
penalty loss penalty for loss2 during training 500
diff differential step size 1e-3
gamma exponentially decay rate for lr 0.3
decay weight decay 1e-5
autograd whether use auto gradient or not true
download_data necessary dataset and/or checkpoints deep_ritz
force_download whether download the dataset or not by force false
amp_level MindSpore auto mixed precision level O2
device_id device id to set None
mode MindSpore Graph mode(0) or Pynative mode(1) 0

Training Process

  • running on GPU/Ascend

    python train.py

    The loss values during training will be printed in the console, which can also be inspected after training in log file.

    # grep "loss:" log
    step: 0, total loss: 166.09909, loss: 165.08899, error: 1.0101029, interval: 29.70781683921814s, total: 29.70781683921814s
    step: 50, total loss: 5.871787, loss: 5.261068, error: 0.6107192, interval: 1.2001934051513672s, total: 30.908010244369507s
    step: 100, total loss: 0.80151683, loss: 0.43523002, error: 0.3662868, interval: 1.1730225086212158s, total: 32.08103275299072s
    step: 150, total loss: 0.5899545, loss: 0.36189145, error: 0.22806305, interval: 1.1766719818115234s, total: 33.257704734802246s
    step: 200, total loss: 0.5207778, loss: 0.3336542, error: 0.18712364, interval: 1.1791396141052246s, total: 34.43684434890747s
    step: 250, total loss: 0.5430529, loss: 0.36813667, error: 0.17491627, interval: 1.1709723472595215s, total: 35.60781669616699s
    step: 300, total loss: 0.554542, loss: 0.39627352, error: 0.1582685, interval: 1.1721374988555908s, total: 36.77995419502258s
    step: 350, total loss: 0.42904806, loss: 0.28422767, error: 0.14482038, interval: 1.167961597442627s, total: 37.94791579246521s
  • After training, you can still review the training process through the log file saved in log_path, ./logs directory by default.

  • The model checkpoint will be saved in save_ckpt_path, ./checkpoint directory by default.

Evaluation Process

Before running the command below, please check the checkpoint loading path load_ckpt_path specified in config.yaml for evaluation.

  • running on GPU/Ascend

    python eval.py

    You can view the process and results through the log_path, ./logs by default. The result pictures are saved in figures_path, ./figures by default.

