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DeepONet Description

DeepONet is a new network with small generalization error, consisting of a DNN for encoding the input function space and another for encoding the output function domain. It can learn explicit and implicit operators and has been tested on 16 diverse applications.

In this repository, two problems, which are related to Poisson equations, are solved using the Deep Ritz method.

paper: Lu L, Jin P, Pang G, et al. Learning nonlinear operators via DeepONet based on the universal approximation theorem of operators[J]. Nature machine intelligence, 2021, 3(3): 218-229.


The training and validation dataset and pretrained checkpoint files will be downloaded automatically at the first launch.

The dataset contains 2 cases: 1D Caputo fractional derivative and 2D fractional Laplacian.

Dataset used: [1D Caputo fractional derivative] and [2D fractional Laplacian]

  • Dataset size
    • 1D Caputo fractional derivative
      • length of u vector: m = 15
      • dim of (y, alpha): d = 2
      • number of training records: 1e6
      • number of test records: 1e6
      • number of test0 records: 1e2
    • 2D fractional Laplacian
      • length of u vector: m = 225
      • dim of (x, y, alpha): d = 3
      • number of training records: 1e6
      • number of test records: 1e6
      • number of test0 records: 1e2
  • Data format: .npz files
    • Note: Data will be processed in process.py
  • The dataset is in the ./data directory, the directory structure is as follows:
├── data
│   ├── 1d_caputo
│   │   ├── test.npz
│   │   ├── test0.npz
│   │   └── train.npz
│   ├── 2d_fractional_laplacian
│   │   ├── test.npz
│   │   ├── test0.npz
│   │   └── train.npz

Environment Requirements

Quick Start

After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows:

  • running on Ascend or on GPU


python train.py

A full command for 1D Caputo fractional derivative is as follows:

python train.py \
    --problem 1d_caputo \
    --layers_u 15 80 80 80 \
    --layers_y 2 80 80 80 \
    --save_ckpt true \
    --load_ckpt false \
    --save_ckpt_path ./checkpoints/1d_caputo \
    --load_ckpt_path ./checkpoints/1d_caputo/model_50000_float16.ckpt \
    --save_fig true \
    --figures_path ./figures/1d_caputo \
    --save_data true \
    --load_data_path ./data/1d_caputo \
    --save_data_path ./data/1d_caputo \
    --log_path ./logs \
    --lr 1e-3 \
    --epochs 20001 \
    --batch_size 100000 \
    --print_interval 10 \
    --download_data deeponet \
    --force_download false \
    --amp_level O3 \
    --device_id 0 \
    --mode 0

If you want to run full command for 2D fractional Laplacian case, please switch the problem in config.yaml.

Script Description

Script and Sample Code

File structures are as follows:

├── deeponet
│   ├── checkpoints                     # checkpoints files
│   ├── data                            # data files
│   ├── figures                         # plot figures
│   ├── logs                            # log files
│   ├── src                             # source codes
│   │   ├── network.py                  # network architecture
│   │   ├── plot.py                     # network architecture
│   │   └── process.py                  # data process
│   ├── config.yaml                     # hyper-parameters configuration
│   ├── README.md                       # English model descriptions
│   ├── README_CN.md                    # Chinese model description
│   ├── train.py                        # python training script
│   └── eval.py                         # python evaluation script

Script Parameters

There are two problem cases. In config.yaml or command parameter, the case can be chosen by the parameter problem.

parameter description default value
problem problem case to be solved, 1d_caputo or 2d_fractional_laplacian 1d_caputo

For each problem case, the parameters are as follows.

parameter description default value
layers_u neural network widths 15 80 80 80
layers_y neural network widths 2 80 80 80
save_ckpt whether save checkpoint or not true
load_ckpt whether load checkpoint or not false
save_ckpt_path checkpoint saving path ./checkpoints/1d_caputo
load_ckpt_path checkpoint loading path ./checkpoints/1d_caputo/1d_caputo.ckpt
save_fig whether save and plot figures or not true
figures_path figures saving path ./figures/1d_caputo
save_data whether save data or not true
load_data_path path to load data ./data/1d_caputo
save_data_path path to save data ./data/1d_caputo
log_path log saving path ./logs
lr learning rate 1e-3
epochs number of training epochs 20001
batch_size number of recoreds per batch 10000
print_interval time and loss print interval 10
download_data necessary dataset and/or checkpoints deeponet
force_download whether download the dataset or not by force false
amp_level MindSpore auto mixed precision O3
device_id device id to set None
mode MindSpore Graph mode(0) or Pynative mode(1) 0

Training Process

  • running on GPU/Ascend

    python train.py

    The loss values during training will be printed in the console, which can also be inspected after training in log file.

     # grep "loss:" log
      epoch:0, step: 0/10, loss: 0.9956, interval: 33.33840894699097s, total: 33.33840894699097s
      Epoch: 1, Training loss: 0.8623, Test loss: 0.853619, Test loss0: 1.567865, RelErr: 0.923920750617981,  RelErr0: 1.25214421749115
      epoch:1, step: 0/10, loss: 0.853, interval: 18.432061195373535s, total: 51.7704701423645s
      epoch:2, step: 0/10, loss: 0.8345, interval: 0.27780890464782715s, total: 52.04827904701233s
      epoch:3, step: 0/10, loss: 0.818, interval: 0.2761566638946533s, total: 52.32443571090698s
      epoch:4, step: 0/10, loss: 0.816, interval: 0.2772941589355469s, total: 52.60172986984253s
      epoch:5, step: 0/10, loss: 0.8013, interval: 0.278522253036499s, total: 52.88025212287903s
      epoch:6, step: 0/10, loss: 0.795, interval: 0.2778182029724121s, total: 53.15807032585144s
      epoch:7, step: 0/10, loss: 0.794, interval: 0.2756061553955078s, total: 53.43367648124695s
      epoch:8, step: 0/10, loss: 0.791, interval: 0.272977352142334s, total: 53.70665383338928s
      epoch:9, step: 0/10, loss: 0.7837, interval: 0.2748894691467285s, total: 53.98154330253601s
      epoch:10, step: 0/10, loss: 0.7754, interval: 0.2739229202270508s, total: 54.25546622276306s

    The model checkpoint will be saved in save_ckpt_path, ./checkpoint directory by default.

Evaluation Process

Before running the command below, please check the checkpoint loading path load_ckpt_path specified in config.yaml for evaluation.

  • running on GPU/Ascend

    python eval.py

    You can view the process and results through the log_path, ./logs by default. The result pictures are saved in figures_path, ./figures by default.

