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CHANGELOG_v3.md 4.65 KB
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Igor Spasić 提交于 2018-06-14 21:11 . Changelog 3 and 4

Jodd v3.x Changelog


Bug Fixes

  • proxetta - fixed the bug with nested generics.
  • madvoc - fixed bug with move result.
  • dboom - fixed the issue with the MSSQL and custom behaviour.


  • dboom - Added support for SQLite.

Breaking changes

  • db - DbDetector now returns a new type.
  • swingspy - removed :)


Bug Fixes

  • http - fixed bug with multiple headers.
  • db - CallableStatement are supported in debug mode #420.
  • proxetta - added all interfaces while scanning the target class info.
  • proxetta - fixed generic array #418.


  • http - Added strict headers flag for storing headers as they are passed to the engine.
  • json - Added two JsonParser methods for easier parsing to a map and a list.
  • json - New generic JSON classes added: JsonArray and JsonObject.
  • core - Added MapEntry implementations.
  • core - Added snapshot() method to Cache.
  • proxetta - Added TypeInfo for tracking method arguments and return types.

Breaking changes

  • http - Http headers was removed in favor of headerNames().
  • json - strings are now not strictly parsed (/ is not longer escaped).
  • proxetta - all interfaces are scanned now when looking for the target info.
  • core - iterator() removed from the Cache.
  • proxetta - MethodInfo interface is changed.


Bug Fixes

  • core - fixes downloadFile to download bigger files as well.
  • lagarto - bug introduced in 3.8.5; bad parsing of pseudo-function arguments #407.


  • http - default user agent now can be set #410.
  • log - added Log4j2 support.
  • jtx - added ReadWriteTransaction annotation to codebase.

Breaking changes

  • log - factories are now called "providers", now stored in each logger.
  • email - Content-Disposition and Content-ID flags are now separate #404.


Bug Fixes

  • db - SqlBuilder#generateQuery may be called multiple times.
  • http - response#cookies() does not throw exception on invalid cookies.
  • http - fixed special case with Cookie parsing.
  • core - natural comparison has been fixed to follow comparator contracts.


  • core - added FileLRUCache.
  • proxetta - added AopProxy, simple tool for aop using just java.
  • core - added AppendableWriter.
  • email - SendMailSession is now AutoCloseable.
  • db - added Db detector #401.
  • db - added basic callable support #389.
  • lagarto - allow strings in css selector pseudo functions without quotation marks #301.
  • db - added resetAll method for hard-resetting the queries.
  • http - address parsing and exception message is much better.
  • http - added optional encoding for HttpRequest#readFrom.
  • email - email parser is improved.
  • core - natural comparison improved and accents added.
  • core - added ThreadFactoryBuilder.
  • core - added Futures utilities.
  • core - added stream-related Collection utilities.

Breaking changes

  • core - ClassUtil#invoke methods are gone.
  • core - ReflectUtil is now ClassUtil: sorry, but the name was super ugly.
  • core - PreattyStringBuilder simplified the interface.
  • core - DirWatcher now accepts Consumers instead of custom listener.
  • core - FindFile interface changed to match Java8.
  • core - renamed methods in Cache interface.
  • email - renamed EmailAddress, it is used now as a Email parser.
  • dboom - method _ has been removed. Use append instead.


  • gradle - updated to Gradle 3.4.1


Bug Fixes

  • core - fixed issue with StringBand calculation.


  • core - added performance check for StringBand.


  • lagarto - added contents, .after, replaceWith, unwrap, prepend, prevAll(), nextAll to Jerry.
  • http - added trustAllCerts to http client.
  • core - added Chalk class.

Breaking changes

  • core - CommandLine removes custom shell execution code.
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