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Gitee 极速下载/atop

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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/Atoptool/atop
atopconvert.c 44.70 KB
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** ATOP - System & Process Monitor
** The program 'atop' offers the possibility to view the activity of
** the system on system-level as well as process-level.
** This program converts a raw logfile created by a particular version
** of atop to (by default) the current version of atop.
** ==========================================================================
** Author: Gerlof Langeveld
** E-mail: gerlof.langeveld@atoptool.nl
** Initial: July/August 2018
** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Gerlof Langeveld
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** See the GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "atop.h"
#include "photosyst.h"
#include "photoproc.h"
#include "rawlog.h"
#include "prev/netstats_wrong.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_200.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_200.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_201.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_201.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_202.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_202.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_203.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_203.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_204.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_204.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_205.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_205.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_206.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_206.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_207.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_207.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_208.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_208.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_209.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_209.h"
#include "prev/photosyst_210.h"
#include "prev/photoproc_210.h"
void justcopy(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void scpu_to_21(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void sdsk_to_21(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void sint_to_22(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void scpu_to_27(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void smem_to_27(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void sdsk_to_27(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void smem_to_28(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void sdsk_to_28(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void smnu_to_28(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void scnu_to_28(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void sllc_to_210(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tgen_to_21(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tmem_to_21(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tgen_to_22(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tcpu_to_26(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tmem_to_26(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tcpu_to_28(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tmem_to_28(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
void tgen_to_210(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
// Conversion functions
// --------------------
// The structures with system level and process level info
// consists of sub-structures, generally for cpu, memory,
// disk and network values. These sub-structures might have
// changed from a specific version of atop to the next version.
// For modified sub-structures, conversion functions have to be
// written. These conversion functions will be called in a chained
// way for one version increment at the time. Suppose that a
// raw log is offered that has been created by atop 2.0 to be
// converted to atop 2.3, every sub-structure will be converted
// from 2.0 to 2.1, from 2.1 to 2.2 and finally from 2.2 to 2.3.
// When a sub-structure has NOT been changed from one version to
// another, it will just be copied by the generic conversion
// function 'justcopy' to the proper location in the structure
// of the next version.
// All conversion steps are controlled by the convs[] table.
// Generic function that just copies an old structure byte-wise to
// a new structure (new structure implicitly padded with binary zeroes)
justcopy(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
if (oldsize)
memcpy(new, old, newsize > oldsize ? oldsize : newsize);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Specific functions that convert an old sstat sub-structure to
// a new sub-structure (system level)
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
scpu_to_21(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// cfuture[1] --> cfuture[4] in struct percpu
struct cpustat_20 *c20 = old;
struct cpustat_21 *c21 = new;
int i;
memcpy(c21, c20, (char *)&c20->all - (char *)c20); // base values
memcpy(&c21->all, &c20->all, sizeof(struct percpu_20));
for (i=0; i < MAXCPU_20; i++)
memcpy( &(c21->cpu[i]), &(c20->cpu[i]), sizeof(struct percpu_20));
sdsk_to_21(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// MAXDSK and MAXLVM have been enlarged
struct dskstat_20 *d20 = old;
struct dskstat_21 *d21 = new;
d21->ndsk = d20->ndsk;
d21->nmdd = d20->nmdd;
d21->nlvm = d20->nlvm;
memcpy(d21->dsk, d20->dsk, sizeof d20->dsk);
memcpy(d21->mdd, d20->mdd, sizeof d20->mdd);
memcpy(d21->lvm, d20->lvm, sizeof d20->lvm);
sint_to_22(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// members 'type' and 'speedp' added to struct perintf
struct intfstat_21 *i21 = old;
struct intfstat_22 *i22 = new;
int i;
i22->nrintf = i21->nrintf;
for (i=0; i < MAXINTF_21; i++)
memcpy(&(i22->intf[i]), &(i21->intf[i]),
sizeof(struct perintf_21));
// correct last members by refilling
i22->intf[i].type = '?';
i22->intf[i].speed = i21->intf[i].speed;
i22->intf[i].speedp = i21->intf[i].speed;
i22->intf[i].duplex = i21->intf[i].duplex;
memset(i22->intf[i].cfuture, 0, sizeof i22->intf[i].cfuture);
scpu_to_27(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// cfuture[2] --> cfuture[4] in struct percpu
struct cpustat_26 *c26 = old;
struct cpustat_27 *c27 = new;
int i;
memcpy(c27, c26, (char *)&c26->all - (char *)c26); // base values
memcpy(&c27->all, &c26->all, sizeof(struct percpu_26));
for (i=0; i < MAXCPU_26; i++)
memcpy( &(c27->cpu[i]), &(c26->cpu[i]), sizeof(struct percpu_26));
smem_to_27(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct memstat_26 *m26 = old;
struct memstat_27 *m27 = new;
memcpy(m27, m26, sizeof *m26);
m27->oomkills = -1; // explicitly define 'unused'
sdsk_to_27(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct dskstat_26 *d26 = old;
struct dskstat_27 *d27 = new;
int i;
memcpy(d27, d26, oldsize);
for (i=0; i < d27->ndsk; i++)
d27->dsk[i].ndisc = -1; // explicitly define 'unused'
for (i=0; i < d27->nmdd; i++)
d27->mdd[i].ndisc = -1; // explicitly define 'unused'
for (i=0; i < d27->nlvm; i++)
d27->lvm[i].ndisc = -1; // explicitly define 'unused'
smem_to_28(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct memstat_27 *m27 = old;
struct memstat_28 *m28 = new;
memcpy(m28, m27, sizeof *m27);
m28->tcpsock = 0; // new counter
m28->udpsock = 0; // new counter
m28->commitlim = m27->commitlim;
m28->committed = m27->committed;
m28->shmem = m27->shmem;
m28->shmrss = m27->shmrss;
m28->shmswp = m27->shmswp;
m28->slabreclaim = m27->slabreclaim;
m28->tothugepage = m27->tothugepage;
m28->freehugepage = m27->freehugepage;
m28->hugepagesz = m27->hugepagesz;
m28->vmwballoon = m27->vmwballoon;
m28->zfsarcsize = m27->zfsarcsize;
m28->swapcached = m27->swapcached;
m28->ksmsharing = m27->ksmsharing;
m28->ksmshared = m27->ksmshared;
m28->zswstored = m27->zswstored;
m28->zswtotpool = m27->zswtotpool;
m28->oomkills = m27->oomkills;
m28->compactstall = m27->compactstall;
m28->pgmigrate = m27->pgmigrate;
m28->numamigrate = m27->numamigrate;
m28->pgouts = 0; // new counter
m28->pgins = 0; // new counter
m28->pagetables = 0; // new counter
memset(m28->cfuture, 0, sizeof m28->cfuture);
sdsk_to_28(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct dskstat_27 *d27 = old;
struct dskstat_28 *d28 = new;
int i;
d28->ndsk = d27->ndsk;
d28->nmdd = d27->nmdd;
d28->nlvm = d27->nlvm;
for (i=0; i < d28->ndsk; i++)
memcpy(&(d28->dsk[i]), &(d27->dsk[i]), sizeof d27->dsk[i]);
for (i=0; i < d28->nmdd; i++)
memcpy(&(d28->mdd[i]), &(d27->mdd[i]), sizeof d27->mdd[i]);
for (i=0; i < d28->nlvm; i++)
memcpy(&(d28->lvm[i]), &(d27->lvm[i]), sizeof d27->lvm[i]);
smnu_to_28(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct memnuma_27 *n27 = old;
struct memnuma_28 *n28 = new;
int i;
n28->nrnuma = n27->nrnuma;
for (i=0; i < n28->nrnuma; i++)
n28->numa[i].numanr = i;
n28->numa[i].frag = n27->numa[i].frag;
n28->numa[i].totmem = n27->numa[i].totmem;
n28->numa[i].freemem = n27->numa[i].freemem;
n28->numa[i].filepage = n27->numa[i].filepage;
n28->numa[i].dirtymem = n27->numa[i].dirtymem;
n28->numa[i].filepage = n27->numa[i].filepage;
n28->numa[i].slabmem = n27->numa[i].slabmem;
n28->numa[i].slabreclaim = n27->numa[i].slabreclaim;
n28->numa[i].active = n27->numa[i].active;
n28->numa[i].inactive = n27->numa[i].inactive;
n28->numa[i].shmem = n27->numa[i].shmem;
n28->numa[i].tothp = n27->numa[i].tothp;
scnu_to_28(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct cpunuma_27 *n27 = old;
struct cpunuma_28 *n28 = new;
int i;
n28->nrnuma = n27->nrnuma;
for (i=0; i < n28->nrnuma; i++)
n28->numa[i].numanr = i;
n28->numa[i].nrcpu = n27->numa[i].nrcpu;
n28->numa[i].stime = n27->numa[i].stime;
n28->numa[i].utime = n27->numa[i].utime;
n28->numa[i].ntime = n27->numa[i].ntime;
n28->numa[i].itime = n27->numa[i].itime;
n28->numa[i].wtime = n27->numa[i].wtime;
n28->numa[i].Itime = n27->numa[i].Itime;
n28->numa[i].Stime = n27->numa[i].Stime;
n28->numa[i].steal = n27->numa[i].steal;
n28->numa[i].guest = n27->numa[i].guest;
sllc_to_210(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct llcstat_29 *l29 = old;
struct llcstat_210 *l210 = new;
int i;
l210->nrllcs = l29->nrllcs;
for (i=0; i < l210->nrllcs; i++)
l210->perllc[i].id = l29->perllc[i].id;
l210->perllc[i].occupancy = l29->perllc[i].occupancy;
l210->perllc[i].mbm_local = l29->perllc[i].mbm_local;
l210->perllc[i].mbm_total = l29->perllc[i].mbm_total;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Specific functions that convert an old tstat sub-structure to
// a new sub-structure (process level)
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
tgen_to_21(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// member 'envid' inserted in struct gen
struct gen_20 *g20 = old;
struct gen_21 *g21 = new;
memcpy(g21, g20, (char *)g20->ifuture - (char *)g20); // base values
g21->envid = 0;
tmem_to_21(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// members 'pmem' and 'cfuture[4]' inserted in struct mem
struct mem_20 *m20 = old;
struct mem_21 *m21 = new;
m21->minflt = m20->minflt;
m21->majflt = m20->majflt;
m21->vexec = m20->vexec;
m21->vmem = m20->vmem;
m21->rmem = m20->rmem;
m21->pmem = 0;
m21->vgrow = m20->vgrow;
m21->rgrow = m20->rgrow;
m21->vdata = m20->vdata;
m21->vstack = m20->vstack;
m21->vlibs = m20->vlibs;
m21->vswap = m20->vswap;
tgen_to_22(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// member 'envid' removed, members 'ctid' and 'vpid' inserted in struct gen
struct gen_21 *g21 = old;
struct gen_22 *g22 = new;
memcpy(g22, g21, (char *)&g21->envid - (char *)g21); // copy base values
g22->ctid = g21->envid;
g22->vpid = 0;
tcpu_to_26(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// unused values appear not to be zeroed in version 2.5
struct cpu_25 *c25 = old;
struct cpu_26 *c26 = new;
memcpy(c26, c25, sizeof *c26); // copy entire struct
memset(&(c26->wchan), 0, sizeof c26->wchan);
c26->rundelay = 0;
tmem_to_26(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// unused values appear not to be zeroed in version 2.5
struct mem_25 *m25 = old;
struct mem_26 *m26 = new;
memcpy(m26, m25, sizeof *m26); // copy entire struct
m26->vlock = 0;
tcpu_to_28(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// cgroup counters inserted
struct cpu_27 *c27 = old;
struct cpu_28 *c28 = new;
c28->utime = c27->utime;
c28->stime = c27->stime;
c28->nice = c27->nice;
c28->prio = c27->prio;
c28->rtprio = c27->rtprio;
c28->policy = c27->policy;
c28->curcpu = c27->curcpu;
c28->sleepavg = c27->sleepavg;
c28->rundelay = c27->rundelay;
memcpy(c28->wchan, c27->wchan, sizeof c28->wchan);
c28->blkdelay = 0;
c28->cgcpuweight= 0;
c28->cgcpumax = 0;
c28->cgcpumaxr = 0;
memset(c28->ifuture, 0, sizeof c28->ifuture);
memset(c28->cfuture, 0, sizeof c28->cfuture);
tmem_to_28(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
struct mem_27 *m27 = old;
struct mem_28 *m28 = new;
memcpy(m28, m27, sizeof *m27); // copy old struct
m28->cgmemmax = 0;
m28->cgmemmaxr = 0;
m28->cgswpmax = 0;
m28->cgswpmaxr = 0;
memset(m28->cfuture, 0, sizeof m28->cfuture);
tgen_to_210(void *old, void *new, count_t oldsize, count_t newsize)
// member 'nthridle' inserted, everything from member 'ctid' must shift
struct gen_29 *g29 = old;
struct gen_210 *g210 = new;
memcpy(g210, g29, (char *)&g29->ctid - (char *)g29); // copy base values
g210->nthridle = 0;
g210->ctid = g29->ctid;
g210->vpid = g29->vpid;
g210->wasinactive = g29->wasinactive;
memcpy(g210->utsname, g29->container, sizeof(g210->utsname));
memcpy(g210->cgpath, g29->cgpath, sizeof(g210->cgpath));
// conversion definition for various structs in sstat and tstat
#define SETVERSION(major, minor) ((major << 8) | minor)
#define STROFFSET(str, begin) ((long)((char *)str - (char *)begin))
struct sconvstruct {
count_t structsize;
void *structptr;
void (*structconv)(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
struct tconvstruct {
count_t structsize;
long structoffset;
void (*structconv)(void *, void *, count_t, count_t);
struct sstat_20 sstat_20;
struct sstat_21 sstat_21;
struct sstat_22 sstat_22;
struct sstat_23 sstat_23;
struct sstat_24 sstat_24;
struct sstat_25 sstat_25;
struct sstat_26 sstat_26;
struct sstat_27 sstat_27;
struct sstat_28 sstat_28;
struct sstat_29 sstat_29;
struct sstat_210 sstat_210;
struct sstat sstat;
struct tstat_20 tstat_20;
struct tstat_21 tstat_21;
struct tstat_22 tstat_22;
struct tstat_23 tstat_23;
struct tstat_24 tstat_24;
struct tstat_25 tstat_25;
struct tstat_26 tstat_26;
struct tstat_27 tstat_27;
struct tstat_28 tstat_28;
struct tstat_29 tstat_29;
struct tstat_210 tstat_210;
struct tstat tstat;
struct convertall {
int version; // version of raw log
unsigned int sstatlen; // length of struct sstat
void *sstat; // pointer to sstat struct
unsigned int tstatlen; // length of struct tstat
void *tstat; // pointer to tstat structs
// conversion definition for subparts within sstat
struct sconvstruct scpu;
struct sconvstruct smem;
struct sconvstruct snet;
struct sconvstruct sintf;
struct sconvstruct sdsk;
struct sconvstruct snfs;
struct sconvstruct scfs;
struct sconvstruct swww;
struct sconvstruct spsi;
struct sconvstruct sgpu;
struct sconvstruct sifb;
struct sconvstruct smnum;
struct sconvstruct scnum;
struct sconvstruct sllc;
// conversion definition for subparts within tstat
struct tconvstruct tgen;
struct tconvstruct tcpu;
struct tconvstruct tdsk;
struct tconvstruct tmem;
struct tconvstruct tnet;
struct tconvstruct tgpu;
} convs[] =
sizeof(struct sstat_20), &sstat_20,
sizeof(struct tstat_20), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_20), &sstat_20.cpu, NULL},
{sizeof(struct memstat_20), &sstat_20.mem, NULL},
{sizeof(struct netstat_20), &sstat_20.net, NULL},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_20), &sstat_20.intf, NULL},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_20), &sstat_20.dsk, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_20), &sstat_20.www, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_20),
STROFFSET(&tstat_20.gen, &tstat_20), NULL},
{sizeof(struct cpu_20),
STROFFSET(&tstat_20.cpu, &tstat_20), NULL},
{sizeof(struct dsk_20),
STROFFSET(&tstat_20.dsk, &tstat_20), NULL},
{sizeof(struct mem_20),
STROFFSET(&tstat_20.mem, &tstat_20), NULL},
{sizeof(struct net_20),
STROFFSET(&tstat_20.net, &tstat_20), NULL},
{0, 0, NULL},
{SETVERSION(2,1), // 2.0 --> 2.1
sizeof(struct sstat_21), &sstat_21,
sizeof(struct tstat_21), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_21), &sstat_21.cpu, scpu_to_21},
{sizeof(struct memstat_21), &sstat_21.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_21), &sstat_21.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_21), &sstat_21.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_21), &sstat_21.dsk, sdsk_to_21},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_21), &sstat_21.www, justcopy},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_21),
STROFFSET(&tstat_21.gen, &tstat_21), tgen_to_21},
{sizeof(struct cpu_21),
STROFFSET(&tstat_21.cpu, &tstat_21), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_21),
STROFFSET(&tstat_21.dsk, &tstat_21), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_21),
STROFFSET(&tstat_21.mem, &tstat_21), tmem_to_21},
{sizeof(struct net_21),
STROFFSET(&tstat_21.net, &tstat_21), justcopy},
{0, 0, NULL},
{SETVERSION(2,2), // 2.1 --> 2.2
sizeof(struct sstat_22), &sstat_22,
sizeof(struct tstat_22), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_22), &sstat_22.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_22), &sstat_22.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_22), &sstat_22.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_22), &sstat_22.intf, sint_to_22},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_22), &sstat_22.dsk, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_22), &sstat_22.nfs, NULL},
{sizeof(struct contstat_22), &sstat_22.cfs, NULL},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_22), &sstat_22.www, justcopy},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_22),
STROFFSET(&tstat_22.gen, &tstat_22), tgen_to_22},
{sizeof(struct cpu_22),
STROFFSET(&tstat_22.cpu, &tstat_22), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_22),
STROFFSET(&tstat_22.dsk, &tstat_22), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_22),
STROFFSET(&tstat_22.mem, &tstat_22), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct net_22),
STROFFSET(&tstat_22.net, &tstat_22), justcopy},
{0, 0, NULL},
{SETVERSION(2,3), // 2.2 --> 2.3
sizeof(struct sstat_23), &sstat_23,
sizeof(struct tstat_23), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_23), &sstat_23.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_23), &sstat_23.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_23), &sstat_23.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_23), &sstat_23.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_23), &sstat_23.dsk, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_23), &sstat_23.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_23), &sstat_23.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_23), &sstat_23.www, justcopy},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_23),
STROFFSET(&tstat_23.gen, &tstat_23), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpu_23),
STROFFSET(&tstat_23.cpu, &tstat_23), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_23),
STROFFSET(&tstat_23.dsk, &tstat_23), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_23),
STROFFSET(&tstat_23.mem, &tstat_23), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct net_23),
STROFFSET(&tstat_23.net, &tstat_23), justcopy},
{0, 0, NULL},
{SETVERSION(2,4), // 2.3 --> 2.4
sizeof(struct sstat_24), &sstat_24,
sizeof(struct tstat_24), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_24), &sstat_24.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_24), &sstat_24.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_24), &sstat_24.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_24), &sstat_24.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_24), &sstat_24.dsk, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_24), &sstat_24.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_24), &sstat_24.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_24), &sstat_24.www, justcopy},
{0, &sstat_24.psi, NULL},
{0, &sstat_24.gpu, NULL},
{0, &sstat_24.ifb, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_24),
STROFFSET(&tstat_24.gen, &tstat_24), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpu_24),
STROFFSET(&tstat_24.cpu, &tstat_24), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_24),
STROFFSET(&tstat_24.dsk, &tstat_24), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_24),
STROFFSET(&tstat_24.mem, &tstat_24), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct net_24),
STROFFSET(&tstat_24.net, &tstat_24), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpu_24),
STROFFSET(&tstat_24.gpu, &tstat_24), justcopy},
{SETVERSION(2,5), // 2.4 --> 2.5
sizeof(struct sstat_25), &sstat_25,
sizeof(struct tstat_25), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_25), &sstat_25.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_25), &sstat_25.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_25), &sstat_25.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_25), &sstat_25.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_25), &sstat_25.dsk, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_25), &sstat_25.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_25), &sstat_25.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_25), &sstat_25.www, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct pressure_25), &sstat_25.psi, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpustat_25), &sstat_25.gpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct ifbstat_25), &sstat_25.ifb, justcopy},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_25),
STROFFSET(&tstat_25.gen, &tstat_25), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpu_25),
STROFFSET(&tstat_25.cpu, &tstat_25), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_25),
STROFFSET(&tstat_25.dsk, &tstat_25), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_25),
STROFFSET(&tstat_25.mem, &tstat_25), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct net_25),
STROFFSET(&tstat_25.net, &tstat_25), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpu_25),
STROFFSET(&tstat_25.gpu, &tstat_25), justcopy},
{SETVERSION(2,6), // 2.5 --> 2.6
sizeof(struct sstat_26), &sstat_26,
sizeof(struct tstat_26), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_26), &sstat_26.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_26), &sstat_26.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_26), &sstat_26.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_26), &sstat_26.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_26), &sstat_26.dsk, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_26), &sstat_26.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_26), &sstat_26.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_26), &sstat_26.www, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct pressure_26), &sstat_26.psi, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpustat_26), &sstat_26.gpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct ifbstat_26), &sstat_26.ifb, justcopy},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_26),
STROFFSET(&tstat_26.gen, &tstat_26), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpu_26),
STROFFSET(&tstat_26.cpu, &tstat_26), tcpu_to_26},
{sizeof(struct dsk_26),
STROFFSET(&tstat_26.dsk, &tstat_26), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_26),
STROFFSET(&tstat_26.mem, &tstat_26), tmem_to_26},
{sizeof(struct net_26),
STROFFSET(&tstat_26.net, &tstat_26), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpu_26),
STROFFSET(&tstat_26.gpu, &tstat_26), justcopy},
{SETVERSION(2,7), // 2.6 --> 2.7
sizeof(struct sstat_27), &sstat_27,
sizeof(struct tstat_27), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_27), &sstat_27.cpu, scpu_to_27},
{sizeof(struct memstat_27), &sstat_27.mem, smem_to_27},
{sizeof(struct netstat_27), &sstat_27.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_27), &sstat_27.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_27), &sstat_27.dsk, sdsk_to_27},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_27), &sstat_27.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_27), &sstat_27.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_27), &sstat_27.www, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct pressure_27), &sstat_27.psi, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpustat_27), &sstat_27.gpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct ifbstat_27), &sstat_27.ifb, justcopy},
{0, &sstat_27.memnuma, NULL},
{0, &sstat_27.cpunuma, NULL},
{0, NULL, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_27),
STROFFSET(&tstat_27.gen, &tstat_27), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpu_27),
STROFFSET(&tstat_27.cpu, &tstat_27), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_27),
STROFFSET(&tstat_27.dsk, &tstat_27), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_27),
STROFFSET(&tstat_27.mem, &tstat_27), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct net_27),
STROFFSET(&tstat_27.net, &tstat_27), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpu_27),
STROFFSET(&tstat_27.gpu, &tstat_27), justcopy},
{SETVERSION(2,8), // 2.7 --> 2.8
sizeof(struct sstat_28), &sstat_28,
sizeof(struct tstat_28), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_28), &sstat_28.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_28), &sstat_28.mem, smem_to_28},
{sizeof(struct netstat_28), &sstat_28.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_28), &sstat_28.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_28), &sstat_28.dsk, sdsk_to_28},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_28), &sstat_28.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_28), &sstat_28.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_28), &sstat_28.www, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct pressure_28), &sstat_28.psi, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpustat_28), &sstat_28.gpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct ifbstat_28), &sstat_28.ifb, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memnuma_28), &sstat_28.memnuma, smnu_to_28},
{sizeof(struct cpunuma_28), &sstat_28.cpunuma, scnu_to_28},
{0, &sstat_28.llc, NULL},
{sizeof(struct gen_28),
STROFFSET(&tstat_28.gen, &tstat_28), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpu_28),
STROFFSET(&tstat_28.cpu, &tstat_28), tcpu_to_28},
{sizeof(struct dsk_28),
STROFFSET(&tstat_28.dsk, &tstat_28), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_28),
STROFFSET(&tstat_28.mem, &tstat_28), tmem_to_28},
{sizeof(struct net_28),
STROFFSET(&tstat_28.net, &tstat_28), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpu_28),
STROFFSET(&tstat_28.gpu, &tstat_28), justcopy},
{SETVERSION(2,9), // 2.8 --> 2.9
sizeof(struct sstat_29), &sstat_29,
sizeof(struct tstat_29), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_29), &sstat_29.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_29), &sstat_29.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_29), &sstat_29.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_29), &sstat_29.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_29), &sstat_29.dsk, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_29), &sstat_29.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_29), &sstat_29.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_29), &sstat_29.www, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct pressure_29), &sstat_29.psi, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpustat_29), &sstat_29.gpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct ifbstat_29), &sstat_29.ifb, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memnuma_29), &sstat_29.memnuma, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpunuma_29), &sstat_29.cpunuma, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct llcstat_29), &sstat_29.llc, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gen_29),
STROFFSET(&tstat_29.gen, &tstat_29), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpu_29),
STROFFSET(&tstat_29.cpu, &tstat_29), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_29),
STROFFSET(&tstat_29.dsk, &tstat_29), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_29),
STROFFSET(&tstat_29.mem, &tstat_29), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct net_29),
STROFFSET(&tstat_29.net, &tstat_29), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpu_29),
STROFFSET(&tstat_29.gpu, &tstat_29), justcopy},
{SETVERSION(2,10), // 2.9 --> 2.10
sizeof(struct sstat_210), &sstat_210,
sizeof(struct tstat_210), NULL,
{sizeof(struct cpustat_210), &sstat_210.cpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memstat_210), &sstat_210.mem, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct netstat_210), &sstat_210.net, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct intfstat_210), &sstat_210.intf, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dskstat_210), &sstat_210.dsk, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct nfsstat_210), &sstat_210.nfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct contstat_210), &sstat_210.cfs, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct wwwstat_210), &sstat_210.www, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct pressure_210), &sstat_210.psi, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpustat_210), &sstat_210.gpu, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct ifbstat_210), &sstat_210.ifb, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct memnuma_210), &sstat_210.memnuma, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct cpunuma_210), &sstat_210.cpunuma, justcopy},
{sizeof(struct llcstat_210), &sstat_210.llc, sllc_to_210},
{sizeof(struct gen_210),
STROFFSET(&tstat_210.gen, &tstat_210), tgen_to_210},
{sizeof(struct cpu_210),
STROFFSET(&tstat_210.cpu, &tstat_210), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct dsk_210),
STROFFSET(&tstat_210.dsk, &tstat_210), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct mem_210),
STROFFSET(&tstat_210.mem, &tstat_210), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct net_210),
STROFFSET(&tstat_210.net, &tstat_210), justcopy},
{sizeof(struct gpu_210),
STROFFSET(&tstat_210.gpu, &tstat_210), justcopy},
int numconvs = sizeof convs / sizeof(struct convertall);
// End of conversion functions
// function prototypes
static int openin(char *);
static void readin(int, void *, int);
static int openout(char *);
static void writeout(int, void *, int);
static void writesamp(int, struct rawrecord *, void *, int, void *,
int, int);
static void copy_file(int, int);
static void convert_samples(int, int, struct rawheader *, int, int);
static void do_sconvert(struct sconvstruct *, struct sconvstruct *);
static void do_tconvert(void *, void *,
struct tconvstruct *, struct tconvstruct *);
static int getrawsstat(int, struct sstat *, int);
static int getrawtstat(int, struct tstat *, int, int);
static void testcompval(int, char *);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ifd, ofd;
struct rawheader irh, orh;
int i, versionix, targetix = -1;
int c, major, minor, targetvers;
char *infile, *outfile;
// verify the command line arguments:
// optional flags and mandatory input and output filename
if (argc < 2)
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "?t:")) != EOF)
switch (c)
case '?': // usage wanted ?
case 't': // target version
if ( sscanf(optarg, "%d.%d", &major, &minor) != 2)
"target version format: major.minor\n");
targetvers = SETVERSION(major, minor);
// search for target version in conversion table
for (i=0, targetix=-1; i < numconvs; i++)
if (targetvers == convs[i].version)
targetix = i;
if (targetix == -1) // incorrect target version?
"target version incorrect!");
if (optind >= argc)
infile = argv[optind++];
// determine target version (default: latest version)
if (targetix == -1) // no specific target version requested?
targetix = numconvs - 1;
// open the input file and verify magic number
if ( (ifd = openin(infile)) == -1)
readin(ifd, &irh, sizeof irh);
if (irh.magic != MYMAGIC)
"File %s does not contain atop/atopsar data "
"(wrong magic number)\n", infile);
printf("Version of %s: %d.%d\n", infile,
(irh.aversion >> 8) & 0x7f, irh.aversion & 0xff);
if (irh.rawheadlen != sizeof(struct rawheader) ||
irh.rawreclen != sizeof(struct rawrecord) )
"File %s created with atop compiled "
"for other CPU architecture\n", infile);
// search for version of input file in conversion table
for (i=0, versionix=-1; i < numconvs; i++)
if (convs[i].version == (irh.aversion & 0x7fff))
versionix = i;
if (versionix == -1)
"This version is not supported for conversion!\n");
if (versionix > targetix)
fprintf(stderr, "Downgrading of version is not supported!\n");
if (irh.sstatlen != convs[versionix].sstatlen ||
irh.tstatlen != convs[versionix].tstatlen )
"File %s contains unexpected internal structures\n",
fprintf(stderr, "sstat: %d/%d, tstat: %d/%d\n",
irh.sstatlen, convs[versionix].sstatlen,
irh.tstatlen, convs[versionix].tstatlen);
// handle the output file
if (optind >= argc)
outfile = argv[optind++];
if (strcmp(infile, outfile) == 0)
"input file and output file should not be identical!\n");
// open the output file
if ( (ofd = openout(outfile)) == -1)
// write raw header to output file
orh = irh;
orh.aversion = convs[targetix].version | 0x8000;
orh.sstatlen = convs[targetix].sstatlen;
orh.tstatlen = convs[targetix].tstatlen;
if (orh.pidwidth == 0) // no pid width know in old raw log?
orh.pidwidth = getpidwidth();
writeout(ofd, &orh, sizeof orh);
printf("Version of %s: %d.%d\n", outfile,
(orh.aversion >> 8) & 0x7f, orh.aversion & 0xff);
// copy and convert every sample, unless the version of the
// input file is identical to the target version (then just copy)
if (versionix < targetix)
convert_samples(ifd, ofd, &irh, versionix, targetix);
copy_file(ifd, ofd);
return 0;
// Function that reads the input file sample-by-sample,
// converts it to an output sample and writes that to the output file
static void
convert_samples(int ifd, int ofd, struct rawheader *irh, int ivix, int ovix)
struct rawrecord irr, orr;
int i, t;
count_t count = 0;
while ( read(ifd, &irr, irh->rawreclen) == irh->rawreclen)
// read compressed system-level statistics and decompress
if ( !getrawsstat(ifd, convs[ivix].sstat, irr.scomplen) )
// read compressed process-level statistics and decompress
convs[ivix].tstat = malloc(convs[ivix].tstatlen * irr.ndeviat);
"Malloc failed for %d stored tasks\n", irr.ndeviat);
if ( !getrawtstat(ifd, convs[ivix].tstat,
irr.pcomplen, irr.ndeviat) )
for (i=ivix; i < ovix; i++)
// convert system-level statistics to newer version
memset(convs[i+1].sstat, 0, convs[i+1].sstatlen);
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].scpu), &(convs[i+1].scpu));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].smem), &(convs[i+1].smem));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].snet), &(convs[i+1].snet));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].sintf), &(convs[i+1].sintf));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].sdsk), &(convs[i+1].sdsk));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].snfs), &(convs[i+1].snfs));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].scfs), &(convs[i+1].scfs));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].spsi), &(convs[i+1].spsi));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].sgpu), &(convs[i+1].sgpu));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].sifb), &(convs[i+1].sifb));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].smnum), &(convs[i+1].smnum));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].scnum), &(convs[i+1].scnum));
do_sconvert(&(convs[i].swww), &(convs[i+1].swww));
// convert process-level statistics to newer version
convs[i+1].tstat = malloc(convs[i+1].tstatlen *
"Malloc failed for %d stored tasks\n", irr.ndeviat);
memset(convs[i+1].tstat, 0, convs[i+1].tstatlen *
for (t=0; t < irr.ndeviat; t++) // for every task
convs[i].tstat +(t*convs[i].tstatlen),
&(convs[i].tgen), &(convs[i+1].tgen));
convs[i].tstat +(t*convs[i].tstatlen),
&(convs[i].tcpu), &(convs[i+1].tcpu));
convs[i].tstat +(t*convs[i].tstatlen),
&(convs[i].tdsk), &(convs[i+1].tdsk));
convs[i].tstat +(t*convs[i].tstatlen),
&(convs[i].tmem), &(convs[i+1].tmem));
convs[i].tstat +(t*convs[i].tstatlen),
&(convs[i].tnet), &(convs[i+1].tnet));
convs[i].tstat +(t*convs[i].tstatlen),
&(convs[i].tgpu), &(convs[i+1].tgpu));
// write new sample to output file
orr = irr;
writesamp(ofd, &orr, convs[ovix].sstat, convs[ovix].sstatlen,
convs[ovix].tstat, convs[ovix].tstatlen,
// cleanup
printf("Samples converted: %llu\n", count);
// Function that calls the appropriate function to convert a struct
// from the sstat structure
static void
do_sconvert(struct sconvstruct *cur, struct sconvstruct *next)
if (next->structconv)
(*(next->structconv))(cur->structptr, next->structptr,
cur->structsize, next->structsize);
// Function that calls the appropriate function to convert a struct
// from one of the tstat structures
static void
do_tconvert(void *curtstat, void *nexttstat,
struct tconvstruct *cur, struct tconvstruct *next)
if (next->structconv)
(*(next->structconv))(curtstat + cur->structoffset,
nexttstat + next->structoffset,
cur->structsize, next->structsize);
// Function to copy input file transparently to output file
static void
copy_file(int ifd, int ofd)
unsigned char buf[64*1024];
int nr, nw;
(void) lseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
(void) lseek(ofd, 0, SEEK_SET);
while ( (nr = read(ifd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
if ( (nw = write(ofd, buf, nr)) < nr)
if (nw == -1)
perror("write output file");
"Output file saturated\n");
if (nr == -1)
perror("read input file");
printf("Raw file copied (version already up-to-date)\n");
// Function that opens an existing raw file and
// verifies the magic number
static int
openin(char *infile)
int rawfd;
** open raw file for reading
if ( (rawfd = open(infile, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "%s - ", infile);
perror("open for reading");
return -1;
return rawfd;
// Function that reads a chunk of bytes from
// the input raw file
static void
readin(int rawfd, void *buf, int size)
** read the requested chunk and verify
if ( read(rawfd, buf, size) < size)
fprintf(stderr, "can not read raw file\n");
// Function that creates a raw log for output
static int
openout(char *outfile)
int rawfd;
** create new output file
if ( (rawfd = creat(outfile, 0666)) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "%s - ", outfile);
perror("create raw output file");
return -1;
return rawfd;
// Function that reads a chunk of bytes from
// the input raw file
static void
writeout(int rawfd, void *buf, int size)
** write the provided chunk and verify
if ( write(rawfd, buf, size) < size)
fprintf(stderr, "can not write raw file\n");
// Function that shows the usage message
prusage(char *name)
"Usage: %s [-t version] rawinput [rawoutput]\n", name);
"\t-t version target version (default: %d.%d) for output\n",
(convs[numconvs-1].version >> 8) & 0x7f,
convs[numconvs-1].version & 0x7f);
// Function to read the system-level statistics from the current offset
static int
getrawsstat(int rawfd, struct sstat *sp, int complen)
Byte *compbuf;
unsigned long uncomplen = sizeof(struct sstat);
int rv;
compbuf = malloc(complen);
ptrverify(compbuf, "Malloc failed for reading compressed sysstats\n");
if ( read(rawfd, compbuf, complen) < complen)
"Failed to read %d bytes for system\n", complen);
return 0;
rv = uncompress((Byte *)sp, &uncomplen, compbuf, complen);
testcompval(rv, "uncompress");
return 1;
// Function to read the process-level statistics from the current offset
static int
getrawtstat(int rawfd, struct tstat *pp, int complen, int ndeviat)
Byte *compbuf;
unsigned long uncomplen = sizeof(struct tstat) * ndeviat;
int rv;
compbuf = malloc(complen);
ptrverify(compbuf, "Malloc failed for reading compressed procstats\n");
if ( read(rawfd, compbuf, complen) < complen)
"Failed to read %d bytes for tasks\n", complen);
return 0;
rv = uncompress((Byte *)pp, &uncomplen, compbuf, complen);
testcompval(rv, "uncompress");
return 1;
// Function that writes a new sample to the output file
static void
writesamp(int ofd, struct rawrecord *rr,
void *sstat, int sstatlen, void *tstat, int tstatlen, int ntask)
int rv;
Byte scompbuf[sstatlen], *pcompbuf;
unsigned long scomplen = sizeof scompbuf;
unsigned long pcomplen = tstatlen * ntask;
** compress system- and process-level statistics
rv = compress(scompbuf, &scomplen,
(Byte *)sstat, (unsigned long)sstatlen);
testcompval(rv, "compress");
pcompbuf = malloc(pcomplen);
ptrverify(pcompbuf, "Malloc failed for compression buffer\n");
rv = compress(pcompbuf, &pcomplen, (Byte *)tstat,
(unsigned long)pcomplen);
testcompval(rv, "compress");
rr->scomplen = scomplen;
rr->pcomplen = pcomplen;
if ( write(ofd, rr, sizeof *rr) == -1)
perror("write raw record");
** write compressed system status structure to file
if ( write(ofd, scompbuf, scomplen) == -1)
perror("write raw status record");
** write compressed list of process status structures to file
if ( write(ofd, pcompbuf, pcomplen) == -1)
perror("write raw process record");
// check success of (de)compression
static void
testcompval(int rv, char *func)
switch (rv)
case Z_OK:
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed due to lack of memory\n", func);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed due to lack of room in buffer\n",
"%s: failed due to corrupted/incomplete data\n", func);
"%s: unexpected error %d\n", func, rv);
// generic pointer verification after malloc
ptrverify(const void *ptr, const char *errormsg, ...)
if (!ptr)
va_list args;
va_start(args, errormsg);
vfprintf(stderr, errormsg, args);
va_end (args);
** return maximum number of digits for PID/TID
** from the current system
FILE *fp;
char linebuf[64];
int numdigits = 5;
if ( (fp = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max", "r")) != NULL)
if ( fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), fp) != NULL)
numdigits = strlen(linebuf) - 1;
return numdigits;
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344bd9b3 5694891 D2dac590 5694891