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interface.go 4.11 KB
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awssdkgo 提交于 2017-11-29 19:20 . Release v1.12.36
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
// Package iotjobsdataplaneiface provides an interface to enable mocking the AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane service client
// for testing your code.
// It is important to note that this interface will have breaking changes
// when the service model is updated and adds new API operations, paginators,
// and waiters.
package iotjobsdataplaneiface
import (
// IoTJobsDataPlaneAPI provides an interface to enable mocking the
// iotjobsdataplane.IoTJobsDataPlane service client's API operation,
// paginators, and waiters. This make unit testing your code that calls out
// to the SDK's service client's calls easier.
// The best way to use this interface is so the SDK's service client's calls
// can be stubbed out for unit testing your code with the SDK without needing
// to inject custom request handlers into the SDK's request pipeline.
// // myFunc uses an SDK service client to make a request to
// // AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane.
// func myFunc(svc iotjobsdataplaneiface.IoTJobsDataPlaneAPI) bool {
// // Make svc.DescribeJobExecution request
// }
// func main() {
// sess := session.New()
// svc := iotjobsdataplane.New(sess)
// myFunc(svc)
// }
// In your _test.go file:
// // Define a mock struct to be used in your unit tests of myFunc.
// type mockIoTJobsDataPlaneClient struct {
// iotjobsdataplaneiface.IoTJobsDataPlaneAPI
// }
// func (m *mockIoTJobsDataPlaneClient) DescribeJobExecution(input *iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionInput) (*iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionOutput, error) {
// // mock response/functionality
// }
// func TestMyFunc(t *testing.T) {
// // Setup Test
// mockSvc := &mockIoTJobsDataPlaneClient{}
// myfunc(mockSvc)
// // Verify myFunc's functionality
// }
// It is important to note that this interface will have breaking changes
// when the service model is updated and adds new API operations, paginators,
// and waiters. Its suggested to use the pattern above for testing, or using
// tooling to generate mocks to satisfy the interfaces.
type IoTJobsDataPlaneAPI interface {
DescribeJobExecution(*iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionInput) (*iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionOutput, error)
DescribeJobExecutionWithContext(aws.Context, *iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionInput, ...request.Option) (*iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionOutput, error)
DescribeJobExecutionRequest(*iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionInput) (*request.Request, *iotjobsdataplane.DescribeJobExecutionOutput)
GetPendingJobExecutions(*iotjobsdataplane.GetPendingJobExecutionsInput) (*iotjobsdataplane.GetPendingJobExecutionsOutput, error)
GetPendingJobExecutionsWithContext(aws.Context, *iotjobsdataplane.GetPendingJobExecutionsInput, ...request.Option) (*iotjobsdataplane.GetPendingJobExecutionsOutput, error)
GetPendingJobExecutionsRequest(*iotjobsdataplane.GetPendingJobExecutionsInput) (*request.Request, *iotjobsdataplane.GetPendingJobExecutionsOutput)
StartNextPendingJobExecution(*iotjobsdataplane.StartNextPendingJobExecutionInput) (*iotjobsdataplane.StartNextPendingJobExecutionOutput, error)
StartNextPendingJobExecutionWithContext(aws.Context, *iotjobsdataplane.StartNextPendingJobExecutionInput, ...request.Option) (*iotjobsdataplane.StartNextPendingJobExecutionOutput, error)
StartNextPendingJobExecutionRequest(*iotjobsdataplane.StartNextPendingJobExecutionInput) (*request.Request, *iotjobsdataplane.StartNextPendingJobExecutionOutput)
UpdateJobExecution(*iotjobsdataplane.UpdateJobExecutionInput) (*iotjobsdataplane.UpdateJobExecutionOutput, error)
UpdateJobExecutionWithContext(aws.Context, *iotjobsdataplane.UpdateJobExecutionInput, ...request.Option) (*iotjobsdataplane.UpdateJobExecutionOutput, error)
UpdateJobExecutionRequest(*iotjobsdataplane.UpdateJobExecutionInput) (*request.Request, *iotjobsdataplane.UpdateJobExecutionOutput)
var _ IoTJobsDataPlaneAPI = (*iotjobsdataplane.IoTJobsDataPlane)(nil)
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