Copyright IBM Corp. 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package txvalidator
import (
coreUtil "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/util"
ledgerUtil "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/ledger/util"
// Support provides all of the needed to evaluate the VSCC
type Support interface {
// Ledger returns the ledger associated with this validator
Ledger() ledger.PeerLedger
// MSPManager returns the MSP manager for this chain
MSPManager() msp.MSPManager
// Apply attempts to apply a configtx to become the new config
Apply(configtx *common.ConfigEnvelope) error
//Validator interface which defines API to validate block transactions
// and return the bit array mask indicating invalid transactions which
// didn't pass validation.
type Validator interface {
Validate(block *common.Block) error
// private interface to decouple tx validator
// and vscc execution, in order to increase
// testability of txValidator
type vsccValidator interface {
VSCCValidateTx(payload *common.Payload, envBytes []byte) error
// vsccValidator implementation which used to call
// vscc chaincode and validate block transactions
type vsccValidatorImpl struct {
support Support
ccprovider ccprovider.ChaincodeProvider
// implementation of Validator interface, keeps
// reference to the ledger to enable tx simulation
// and execution of vscc
type txValidator struct {
support Support
vscc vsccValidator
var logger *logging.Logger // package-level logger
func init() {
// Init logger with module name
logger = logging.MustGetLogger("txvalidator")
// NewTxValidator creates new transactions validator
func NewTxValidator(support Support) Validator {
// Encapsulates interface implementation
return &txValidator{support, &vsccValidatorImpl{support: support, ccprovider: ccprovider.GetChaincodeProvider()}}
func (v *txValidator) chainExists(chain string) bool {
// TODO: implement this function!
return true
func (v *txValidator) Validate(block *common.Block) error {
logger.Debug("START Block Validation")
defer logger.Debug("END Block Validation")
// Initialize trans as valid here, then set invalidation reason code upon invalidation below
txsfltr := ledgerUtil.NewTxValidationFlags(len(block.Data.Data))
for tIdx, d := range block.Data.Data {
if d != nil {
if env, err := utils.GetEnvelopeFromBlock(d); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("Error getting tx from block(%s)", err)
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_INVALID_OTHER_REASON)
} else if env != nil {
// validate the transaction: here we check that the transaction
// is properly formed, properly signed and that the security
// chain binding proposal to endorsements to tx holds. We do
// NOT check the validity of endorsements, though. That's a
// job for VSCC below
logger.Debug("Validating transaction peer.ValidateTransaction()")
var payload *common.Payload
var err error
var txResult peer.TxValidationCode
if payload, txResult = validation.ValidateTransaction(env); txResult != peer.TxValidationCode_VALID {
logger.Errorf("Invalid transaction with index %d, error %s", tIdx, err)
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, txResult)
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
logger.Warning("Could not unmarshal channel header, err %s, skipping", err)
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_INVALID_OTHER_REASON)
channel := chdr.ChannelId
logger.Debug("Transaction is for chain %s", channel)
if !v.chainExists(channel) {
logger.Errorf("Dropping transaction for non-existent chain %s", channel)
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_TARGET_CHAIN_NOT_FOUND)
if common.HeaderType(chdr.Type) == common.HeaderType_ENDORSER_TRANSACTION {
// Check duplicate transactions
txID := chdr.TxId
if _, err := v.support.Ledger().GetTransactionByID(txID); err == nil {
logger.Error("Duplicate transaction found, ", txID, ", skipping")
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_DUPLICATE_TXID)
//the payload is used to get headers
logger.Debug("Validating transaction vscc tx validate")
if err = v.vscc.VSCCValidateTx(payload, d); err != nil {
txID := txID
logger.Errorf("VSCCValidateTx for transaction txId = %s returned error %s", txID, err)
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_ENDORSEMENT_POLICY_FAILURE)
} else if common.HeaderType(chdr.Type) == common.HeaderType_CONFIG {
configEnvelope, err := configtx.UnmarshalConfigEnvelope(payload.Data)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshaling config which passed initial validity checks: %s", err)
return err
if err := v.support.Apply(configEnvelope); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Error validating config which passed initial validity checks: %s", err)
return err
logger.Debugf("config transaction received for chain %s", channel)
if _, err := proto.Marshal(env); err != nil {
logger.Warningf("Cannot marshal transaction due to %s", err)
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_MARSHAL_TX_ERROR)
// Succeeded to pass down here, transaction is valid
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_VALID)
} else {
logger.Warning("Nil tx from block")
txsfltr.SetFlag(tIdx, peer.TxValidationCode_NIL_ENVELOPE)
// Initialize metadata structure
block.Metadata.Metadata[common.BlockMetadataIndex_TRANSACTIONS_FILTER] = txsfltr
return nil
func (v *vsccValidatorImpl) VSCCValidateTx(payload *common.Payload, envBytes []byte) error {
chdr, err := utils.UnmarshalChannelHeader(payload.Header.ChannelHeader)
if err != nil {
return err
// Chain ID
chainID := chdr.ChannelId
if chainID == "" {
err := fmt.Errorf("transaction header does not contain an chain ID")
logger.Errorf("%s", err)
return err
// Get transaction id
txid := chdr.TxId
if txid == "" {
err := fmt.Errorf("transaction header does not contain transaction ID")
logger.Errorf("%s", err)
return err
ctxt, err := v.ccprovider.GetContext(v.support.Ledger())
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Cannot obtain context for txid=%s, err %s", txid, err)
return err
defer v.ccprovider.ReleaseContext()
// get header extensions so we have the visibility field
hdrExt, err := utils.GetChaincodeHeaderExtension(payload.Header)
if err != nil {
return err
// LCCC should not undergo standard VSCC type of
// validation. It should instead go through system
// policy validation to determine whether the issuer
// is entitled to deploy a chaincode on our chain
// VSCCValidateTx should
if hdrExt.ChaincodeId.Name == "lccc" {
// TODO: until FAB-1934 is in, we need to stop here
logger.Debugf("Invocation of LCCC detected, no further VSCC validation necessary")
return nil
// obtain name of the VSCC and the policy from LCCC
vscc, policy, err := v.ccprovider.GetCCValidationInfoFromLCCC(ctxt, txid, nil, nil, chainID, hdrExt.ChaincodeId.Name)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Unable to get chaincode data from LCCC for txid %s, due to %s", txid, err)
return err
// build arguments for VSCC invocation
// args[0] - function name (not used now)
// args[1] - serialized Envelope
// args[2] - serialized policy
args := [][]byte{[]byte(""), envBytes, policy}
vscctxid := coreUtil.GenerateUUID()
// Get chaincode version
version := coreUtil.GetSysCCVersion()
cccid := v.ccprovider.GetCCContext(chainID, vscc, version, vscctxid, true, nil, nil)
// invoke VSCC
logger.Debug("Invoking VSCC txid", txid, "chaindID", chainID)
res, _, err := v.ccprovider.ExecuteChaincode(ctxt, cccid, args)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Invoke VSCC failed for transaction txid=%s, error %s", txid, err)
return err
if res.Status != shim.OK {
logger.Errorf("VSCC check failed for transaction txid=%s, error %s", txid, res.Message)
return fmt.Errorf("%s", res.Message)
return nil
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