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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
mcs.go 12.66 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package gossip
import (
pcommon "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
var mcsLogger = flogging.MustGetLogger("peer.gossip.mcs")
// MSPMessageCryptoService implements the MessageCryptoService interface
// using the peer MSPs (local and channel-related)
// In order for the system to be secure it is vital to have the
// MSPs to be up-to-date. Channels' MSPs are updated via
// configuration transactions distributed by the ordering service.
// A similar mechanism needs to be in place to update the local MSP, as well.
// This implementation assumes that these mechanisms are all in place and working.
type MSPMessageCryptoService struct {
channelPolicyManagerGetter policies.ChannelPolicyManagerGetter
localSigner crypto.LocalSigner
deserializer mgmt.DeserializersManager
// NewMCS creates a new instance of MSPMessageCryptoService
// that implements MessageCryptoService.
// The method takes in input:
// 1. a policies.ChannelPolicyManagerGetter that gives access to the policy manager of a given channel via the Manager method.
// 2. an instance of crypto.LocalSigner
// 3. an identity deserializer manager
func NewMCS(channelPolicyManagerGetter policies.ChannelPolicyManagerGetter, localSigner crypto.LocalSigner, deserializer mgmt.DeserializersManager) *MSPMessageCryptoService {
return &MSPMessageCryptoService{channelPolicyManagerGetter: channelPolicyManagerGetter, localSigner: localSigner, deserializer: deserializer}
// ValidateIdentity validates the identity of a remote peer.
// If the identity is invalid, revoked, expired it returns an error.
// Else, returns nil
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) ValidateIdentity(peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType) error {
// As prescribed by the contract of method,
// below we check only that peerIdentity is not
// invalid, revoked or expired.
_, _, err := s.getValidatedIdentity(peerIdentity)
return err
// GetPKIidOfCert returns the PKI-ID of a peer's identity
// If any error occurs, the method return nil
// The PKid of a peer is computed as the SHA2-256 of peerIdentity which
// is supposed to be the serialized version of MSP identity.
// This method does not validate peerIdentity.
// This validation is supposed to be done appropriately during the execution flow.
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) GetPKIidOfCert(peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType) common.PKIidType {
// Validate arguments
if len(peerIdentity) == 0 {
mcsLogger.Error("Invalid Peer Identity. It must be different from nil.")
return nil
sid, err := s.deserializer.Deserialize(peerIdentity)
if err != nil {
mcsLogger.Errorf("Failed getting validated identity from peer identity [% x]: [%s]", peerIdentity, err)
return nil
// concatenate msp-id and idbytes
// idbytes is the low-level representation of an identity.
// it is supposed to be already in its minimal representation
mspIdRaw := []byte(sid.Mspid)
raw := append(mspIdRaw, sid.IdBytes...)
// Hash
digest, err := factory.GetDefault().Hash(raw, &bccsp.SHA256Opts{})
if err != nil {
mcsLogger.Errorf("Failed computing digest of serialized identity [% x]: [%s]", peerIdentity, err)
return nil
return digest
// VerifyBlock returns nil if the block is properly signed, and the claimed seqNum is the
// sequence number that the block's header contains.
// else returns error
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) VerifyBlock(chainID common.ChainID, seqNum uint64, signedBlock []byte) error {
// - Convert signedBlock to common.Block.
block, err := utils.GetBlockFromBlockBytes(signedBlock)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed unmarshalling block bytes on channel [%s]: [%s]", chainID, err)
if block.Header == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Block on channel [%s]. Header must be different from nil.", chainID)
blockSeqNum := block.Header.Number
if seqNum != blockSeqNum {
return fmt.Errorf("Claimed seqNum is [%d] but actual seqNum inside block is [%d]", seqNum, blockSeqNum)
// - Extract channelID and compare with chainID
channelID, err := utils.GetChainIDFromBlock(block)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed getting channel id from block with id [%d] on channel [%s]: [%s]", block.Header.Number, chainID, err)
if channelID != string(chainID) {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid block's channel id. Expected [%s]. Given [%s]", chainID, channelID)
// - Unmarshal medatada
if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Block with id [%d] on channel [%s] does not have metadata. Block not valid.", block.Header.Number, chainID)
metadata, err := utils.GetMetadataFromBlock(block, pcommon.BlockMetadataIndex_SIGNATURES)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed unmarshalling medatata for signatures [%s]", err)
// - Verify that Header.DataHash is equal to the hash of block.Data
// This is to ensure that the header is consistent with the data carried by this block
if !bytes.Equal(block.Data.Hash(), block.Header.DataHash) {
return fmt.Errorf("Header.DataHash is different from Hash(block.Data) for block with id [%d] on channel [%s]", block.Header.Number, chainID)
// - Get Policy for block validation
// Get the policy manager for channelID
cpm, ok := s.channelPolicyManagerGetter.Manager(channelID)
if cpm == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not acquire policy manager for channel %s", channelID)
// ok is true if it was the manager requested, or false if it is the default manager
mcsLogger.Debugf("Got policy manager for channel [%s] with flag [%t]", channelID, ok)
// Get block validation policy
policy, ok := cpm.GetPolicy(policies.BlockValidation)
// ok is true if it was the policy requested, or false if it is the default policy
mcsLogger.Debugf("Got block validation policy for channel [%s] with flag [%t]", channelID, ok)
// - Prepare SignedData
signatureSet := []*pcommon.SignedData{}
for _, metadataSignature := range metadata.Signatures {
shdr, err := utils.GetSignatureHeader(metadataSignature.SignatureHeader)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed unmarshalling signature header for block with id [%d] on channel [%s]: [%s]", block.Header.Number, chainID, err)
signatureSet = append(
Identity: shdr.Creator,
Data: util.ConcatenateBytes(metadata.Value, metadataSignature.SignatureHeader, block.Header.Bytes()),
Signature: metadataSignature.Signature,
// - Evaluate policy
return policy.Evaluate(signatureSet)
// Sign signs msg with this peer's signing key and outputs
// the signature if no error occurred.
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) Sign(msg []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return s.localSigner.Sign(msg)
// Verify checks that signature is a valid signature of message under a peer's verification key.
// If the verification succeeded, Verify returns nil meaning no error occurred.
// If peerIdentity is nil, then the verification fails.
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) Verify(peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType, signature, message []byte) error {
identity, chainID, err := s.getValidatedIdentity(peerIdentity)
if err != nil {
mcsLogger.Errorf("Failed getting validated identity from peer identity [%s]", err)
return err
if len(chainID) == 0 {
// At this stage, this means that peerIdentity
// belongs to this peer's LocalMSP.
// The signature is validated directly
return identity.Verify(message, signature)
// At this stage, the signature must be validated
// against the reader policy of the channel
// identified by chainID
return s.VerifyByChannel(chainID, peerIdentity, signature, message)
// VerifyByChannel checks that signature is a valid signature of message
// under a peer's verification key, but also in the context of a specific channel.
// If the verification succeeded, Verify returns nil meaning no error occurred.
// If peerIdentity is nil, then the verification fails.
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) VerifyByChannel(chainID common.ChainID, peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType, signature, message []byte) error {
// Validate arguments
if len(peerIdentity) == 0 {
return errors.New("Invalid Peer Identity. It must be different from nil.")
// Get the policy manager for channel chainID
cpm, flag := s.channelPolicyManagerGetter.Manager(string(chainID))
if cpm == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not acquire policy manager for channel %s", string(chainID))
mcsLogger.Debugf("Got policy manager for channel [%s] with flag [%t]", string(chainID), flag)
// Get channel reader policy
policy, flag := cpm.GetPolicy(policies.ChannelApplicationReaders)
mcsLogger.Debugf("Got reader policy for channel [%s] with flag [%t]", string(chainID), flag)
return policy.Evaluate(
Data: message,
Identity: []byte(peerIdentity),
Signature: signature,
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) Expiration(peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType) (time.Time, error) {
id, _, err := s.getValidatedIdentity(peerIdentity)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to extract msp.Identity from peer Identity")
return id.ExpiresAt(), nil
func (s *MSPMessageCryptoService) getValidatedIdentity(peerIdentity api.PeerIdentityType) (msp.Identity, common.ChainID, error) {
// Validate arguments
if len(peerIdentity) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("Invalid Peer Identity. It must be different from nil.")
sId, err := s.deserializer.Deserialize(peerIdentity)
if err != nil {
mcsLogger.Error("failed deserializing identity", err)
return nil, nil, err
// Notice that peerIdentity is assumed to be the serialization of an identity.
// So, first step is the identity deserialization and then verify it.
// First check against the local MSP.
// If the peerIdentity is in the same organization of this node then
// the local MSP is required to take the final decision on the validity
// of the signature.
lDes := s.deserializer.GetLocalDeserializer()
identity, err := lDes.DeserializeIdentity([]byte(peerIdentity))
if err == nil {
// No error means that the local MSP successfully deserialized the identity.
// We now check additional properties.
if err := lDes.IsWellFormed(sId); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "identity is not well formed")
// TODO: The following check will be replaced by a check on the organizational units
// when we allow the gossip network to have organization unit (MSP subdivisions)
// scoped messages.
// The following check is consistent with the SecurityAdvisor#OrgByPeerIdentity
// implementation.
// TODO: Notice that the following check saves us from the fact
// that DeserializeIdentity does not yet enforce MSP-IDs consistency.
// This check can be removed once DeserializeIdentity will be fixed.
if identity.GetMSPIdentifier() == s.deserializer.GetLocalMSPIdentifier() {
// Check identity validity
// Notice that at this stage we don't have to check the identity
// against any channel's policies.
// This will be done by the caller function, if needed.
return identity, nil, identity.Validate()
// Check against managers
for chainID, mspManager := range s.deserializer.GetChannelDeserializers() {
// Deserialize identity
identity, err := mspManager.DeserializeIdentity([]byte(peerIdentity))
if err != nil {
mcsLogger.Debugf("Failed deserialization identity [% x] on [%s]: [%s]", peerIdentity, chainID, err)
// We managed deserializing the identity with this MSP manager. Now we check if it's well formed.
if err := mspManager.IsWellFormed(sId); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "identity is not well formed")
// Check identity validity
// Notice that at this stage we don't have to check the identity
// against any channel's policies.
// This will be done by the caller function, if needed.
if err := identity.Validate(); err != nil {
mcsLogger.Debugf("Failed validating identity [% x] on [%s]: [%s]", peerIdentity, chainID, err)
mcsLogger.Debugf("Validation succeeded [% x] on [%s]", peerIdentity, chainID)
return identity, common.ChainID(chainID), nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Peer Identity [% x] cannot be validated. No MSP found able to do that.", peerIdentity)
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Hyperledger fabric
