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maintenancefilter.go 7.98 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package msgprocessor
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
protoetcdraft "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/orderer/etcdraft"
// MaintenanceFilterSupport provides the resources required for the maintenance filter.
type MaintenanceFilterSupport interface {
// OrdererConfig returns the config.Orderer for the channel and whether the Orderer config exists
OrdererConfig() (channelconfig.Orderer, bool)
ChainID() string
// MaintenanceFilter checks whether the orderer config ConsensusType is in maintenance mode, and if it is,
// validates that the transaction is signed by the orderer org admin.
type MaintenanceFilter struct {
support MaintenanceFilterSupport
// A set of permitted target consensus types
permittedTargetConsensusTypes map[string]bool
// NewMaintenanceFilter creates a new maintenance filter, at every evaluation, the policy manager and orderer config
// are called to retrieve the latest version of the policy and config.
func NewMaintenanceFilter(support MaintenanceFilterSupport) *MaintenanceFilter {
mf := &MaintenanceFilter{
support: support,
permittedTargetConsensusTypes: make(map[string]bool),
mf.permittedTargetConsensusTypes["etcdraft"] = true
mf.permittedTargetConsensusTypes["solo"] = true
mf.permittedTargetConsensusTypes["kafka"] = true
return mf
// Apply applies the maintenance filter on a CONFIG tx.
func (mf *MaintenanceFilter) Apply(message *cb.Envelope) error {
ordererConf, ok := mf.support.OrdererConfig()
if !ok {
logger.Panic("Programming error: orderer config not found")
configEnvelope := &cb.ConfigEnvelope{}
chanHdr, err := utils.UnmarshalEnvelopeOfType(message, cb.HeaderType_CONFIG, configEnvelope)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "envelope unmarshalling failed")
logger.Debugw("Going to inspect maintenance mode transition rules",
"ConsensusState", ordererConf.ConsensusState(), "channel", chanHdr.ChannelId)
err = mf.inspect(configEnvelope, ordererConf)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "config transaction inspection failed")
return nil
// inspect checks whether the next orderer config, extracted from the incoming configEnvelope, respects the
// transition rules of consensus-type migration using maintenance-mode.
func (mf *MaintenanceFilter) inspect(configEnvelope *cb.ConfigEnvelope, ordererConfig channelconfig.Orderer) error {
if configEnvelope.LastUpdate == nil {
return errors.Errorf("updated config does not include a config update")
bundle, err := channelconfig.NewBundle(mf.support.ChainID(), configEnvelope.Config)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse config")
nextOrdererConfig, ok := bundle.OrdererConfig()
if !ok {
return errors.New("next config is missing orderer group")
if !ordererConfig.Capabilities().ConsensusTypeMigration() {
if nextState := nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusState(); nextState != orderer.ConsensusType_STATE_NORMAL {
return errors.Errorf("next config attempted to change ConsensusType.State to %s, but capability is disabled", nextState)
if ordererConfig.ConsensusType() != nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType() {
return errors.Errorf("next config attempted to change ConsensusType.Type from %s to %s, but capability is disabled",
ordererConfig.ConsensusType(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType())
return nil
// Entry to- and exit from- maintenance-mode should not be accompanied by any other change.
if ordererConfig.ConsensusState() != nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusState() {
if err1Change := mf.ensureConsensusTypeChangeOnly(configEnvelope); err1Change != nil {
return err1Change
if ordererConfig.ConsensusType() != nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType() {
return errors.Errorf("attempted to change ConsensusType.Type from %s to %s, but ConsensusType.State is changing from %s to %s",
ordererConfig.ConsensusType(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType(), ordererConfig.ConsensusState(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusState())
if !bytes.Equal(nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusMetadata(), ordererConfig.ConsensusMetadata()) {
return errors.Errorf("attempted to change ConsensusType.Metadata, but ConsensusType.State is changing from %s to %s",
ordererConfig.ConsensusState(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusState())
// ConsensusType.Type can only change in maintenance-mode, and only from kafka to raft (for now).
if ordererConfig.ConsensusType() != nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType() {
if ordererConfig.ConsensusState() == orderer.ConsensusType_STATE_NORMAL {
return errors.Errorf("attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, but current config ConsensusType.State is not in maintenance mode",
ordererConfig.ConsensusType(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType())
if nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusState() == orderer.ConsensusType_STATE_NORMAL {
return errors.Errorf("attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, but next config ConsensusType.State is not in maintenance mode",
ordererConfig.ConsensusType(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType())
if !mf.permittedTargetConsensusTypes[nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType()] {
return errors.Errorf("attempted to change consensus type from %s to %s, transition not supported",
ordererConfig.ConsensusType(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType())
if nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType() == "etcdraft" {
updatedMetadata := &protoetcdraft.ConfigMetadata{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusMetadata(), updatedMetadata); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal etcdraft metadata configuration")
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] consensus-type migration: about to change from %s to %s",
mf.support.ChainID(), ordererConfig.ConsensusType(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusType())
if nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusState() != ordererConfig.ConsensusState() {
logger.Infof("[channel: %s] maintenance mode: ConsensusType.State about to change from %s to %s",
mf.support.ChainID(), ordererConfig.ConsensusState(), nextOrdererConfig.ConsensusState())
return nil
// ensureConsensusTypeChangeOnly checks that the only change is the the Channel/Orderer group, and within that,
// only to the ConsensusType value.
func (mf *MaintenanceFilter) ensureConsensusTypeChangeOnly(configEnvelope *cb.ConfigEnvelope) error {
configUpdateEnv, err := utils.EnvelopeToConfigUpdate(configEnvelope.LastUpdate)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "envelope to config update unmarshaling error")
configUpdate, err := configtx.UnmarshalConfigUpdate(configUpdateEnv.ConfigUpdate)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "config update unmarshaling error")
if len(configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups) == 0 {
return errors.New("config update contains no changes")
if len(configUpdate.WriteSet.Values) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("config update contains changes to values in group %s", channelconfig.ChannelGroupKey)
if len(configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups) > 1 {
return errors.New("config update contains changes to more than one group")
if ordGroup, ok1 := configUpdate.WriteSet.Groups[channelconfig.OrdererGroupKey]; ok1 {
if len(ordGroup.Groups) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("config update contains changes to groups within the %s group",
if _, ok2 := ordGroup.Values[channelconfig.ConsensusTypeKey]; !ok2 {
return errors.Errorf("config update does not contain the %s value", channelconfig.ConsensusTypeKey)
if len(ordGroup.Values) > 1 {
return errors.Errorf("config update contain more then just the %s value in the %s group",
channelconfig.ConsensusTypeKey, channelconfig.OrdererGroupKey)
} else {
return errors.Errorf("update does not contain the %s group", channelconfig.OrdererGroupKey)
return nil
Hyperledger fabric
