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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric
config.go 16.47 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package localconfig
import (
cf "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/config"
const (
// Prefix identifies the prefix for the configtxgen-related ENV vars.
Prefix string = "CONFIGTX"
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("common.tools.configtxgen.localconfig")
var configName = strings.ToLower(Prefix)
const (
// TestChainID is the channel name used for testing purposes when one is
// not given
TestChainID = "testchainid"
// SampleInsecureSoloProfile references the sample profile which does not
// include any MSPs and uses solo for ordering.
SampleInsecureSoloProfile = "SampleInsecureSolo"
// SampleDevModeSoloProfile references the sample profile which requires
// only basic membership for admin privileges and uses solo for ordering.
SampleDevModeSoloProfile = "SampleDevModeSolo"
// SampleSingleMSPSoloProfile references the sample profile which includes
// only the sample MSP and uses solo for ordering.
SampleSingleMSPSoloProfile = "SampleSingleMSPSolo"
// SampleInsecureKafkaProfile references the sample profile which does not
// include any MSPs and uses Kafka for ordering.
SampleInsecureKafkaProfile = "SampleInsecureKafka"
// SampleDevModeKafkaProfile references the sample profile which requires only
// basic membership for admin privileges and uses Kafka for ordering.
SampleDevModeKafkaProfile = "SampleDevModeKafka"
// SampleSingleMSPKafkaProfile references the sample profile which includes
// only the sample MSP and uses Kafka for ordering.
SampleSingleMSPKafkaProfile = "SampleSingleMSPKafka"
// SampleDevModeEtcdRaftProfile references the sample profile used for testing
// the etcd/raft-based ordering service.
SampleDevModeEtcdRaftProfile = "SampleDevModeEtcdRaft"
// SampleSingleMSPChannelProfile references the sample profile which
// includes only the sample MSP and is used to create a channel
SampleSingleMSPChannelProfile = "SampleSingleMSPChannel"
// SampleConsortiumName is the sample consortium from the
// sample configtx.yaml
SampleConsortiumName = "SampleConsortium"
// SampleOrgName is the name of the sample org in the sample profiles
SampleOrgName = "SampleOrg"
// AdminRoleAdminPrincipal is set as AdminRole to cause the MSP role of
// type Admin to be used as the admin principal default
AdminRoleAdminPrincipal = "Role.ADMIN"
// MemberRoleAdminPrincipal is set as AdminRole to cause the MSP role of
// type Member to be used as the admin principal default
MemberRoleAdminPrincipal = "Role.MEMBER"
// TopLevel consists of the structs used by the configtxgen tool.
type TopLevel struct {
Profiles map[string]*Profile `yaml:"Profiles"`
Organizations []*Organization `yaml:"Organizations"`
Channel *Profile `yaml:"Channel"`
Application *Application `yaml:"Application"`
Orderer *Orderer `yaml:"Orderer"`
Capabilities map[string]map[string]bool `yaml:"Capabilities"`
Resources *Resources `yaml:"Resources"`
// Profile encodes orderer/application configuration combinations for the
// configtxgen tool.
type Profile struct {
Consortium string `yaml:"Consortium"`
Application *Application `yaml:"Application"`
Orderer *Orderer `yaml:"Orderer"`
Consortiums map[string]*Consortium `yaml:"Consortiums"`
Capabilities map[string]bool `yaml:"Capabilities"`
Policies map[string]*Policy `yaml:"Policies"`
// Policy encodes a channel config policy
type Policy struct {
Type string `yaml:"Type"`
Rule string `yaml:"Rule"`
// Consortium represents a group of organizations which may create channels
// with each other
type Consortium struct {
Organizations []*Organization `yaml:"Organizations"`
// Application encodes the application-level configuration needed in config
// transactions.
type Application struct {
Organizations []*Organization `yaml:"Organizations"`
Capabilities map[string]bool `yaml:"Capabilities"`
Resources *Resources `yaml:"Resources"`
Policies map[string]*Policy `yaml:"Policies"`
ACLs map[string]string `yaml:"ACLs"`
// Resources encodes the application-level resources configuration needed to
// seed the resource tree
type Resources struct {
DefaultModPolicy string
// Organization encodes the organization-level configuration needed in
// config transactions.
type Organization struct {
Name string `yaml:"Name"`
ID string `yaml:"ID"`
MSPDir string `yaml:"MSPDir"`
MSPType string `yaml:"MSPType"`
Policies map[string]*Policy `yaml:"Policies"`
// Note: Viper deserialization does not seem to care for
// embedding of types, so we use one organization struct
// for both orderers and applications.
AnchorPeers []*AnchorPeer `yaml:"AnchorPeers"`
OrdererEndpoints []string `yaml:"OrdererEndpoints"`
// AdminPrincipal is deprecated and may be removed in a future release
// it was used for modifying the default policy generation, but policies
// may now be specified explicitly so it is redundant and unnecessary
AdminPrincipal string `yaml:"AdminPrincipal"`
// AnchorPeer encodes the necessary fields to identify an anchor peer.
type AnchorPeer struct {
Host string `yaml:"Host"`
Port int `yaml:"Port"`
// Orderer contains configuration which is used for the
// bootstrapping of an orderer by the provisional bootstrapper.
type Orderer struct {
OrdererType string `yaml:"OrdererType"`
Addresses []string `yaml:"Addresses"`
BatchTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"BatchTimeout"`
BatchSize BatchSize `yaml:"BatchSize"`
Kafka Kafka `yaml:"Kafka"`
EtcdRaft *etcdraft.ConfigMetadata `yaml:"EtcdRaft"`
Organizations []*Organization `yaml:"Organizations"`
MaxChannels uint64 `yaml:"MaxChannels"`
Capabilities map[string]bool `yaml:"Capabilities"`
Policies map[string]*Policy `yaml:"Policies"`
// BatchSize contains configuration affecting the size of batches.
type BatchSize struct {
MaxMessageCount uint32 `yaml:"MaxMessageCount"`
AbsoluteMaxBytes uint32 `yaml:"AbsoluteMaxBytes"`
PreferredMaxBytes uint32 `yaml:"PreferredMaxBytes"`
// Kafka contains configuration for the Kafka-based orderer.
type Kafka struct {
Brokers []string `yaml:"Brokers"`
var genesisDefaults = TopLevel{
Orderer: &Orderer{
OrdererType: "solo",
Addresses: []string{""},
BatchTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
BatchSize: BatchSize{
MaxMessageCount: 500,
AbsoluteMaxBytes: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
PreferredMaxBytes: 2 * 1024 * 1024,
Kafka: Kafka{
Brokers: []string{""},
EtcdRaft: &etcdraft.ConfigMetadata{
Options: &etcdraft.Options{
TickInterval: "500ms",
ElectionTick: 10,
HeartbeatTick: 1,
MaxInflightBlocks: 5,
SnapshotIntervalSize: 20 * 1024 * 1024, // 20 MB
// LoadTopLevel simply loads the configtx.yaml file into the structs above and
// completes their initialization. Config paths may optionally be provided and
// will be used in place of the FABRIC_CFG_PATH env variable.
// Note, for environment overrides to work properly within a profile, Load
// should be used instead.
func LoadTopLevel(configPaths ...string) *TopLevel {
config := viper.New()
if len(configPaths) > 0 {
for _, p := range configPaths {
} else {
cf.InitViper(config, configName)
// For environment variables
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")
err := config.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("Error reading configuration: ", err)
logger.Debugf("Using config file: %s", config.ConfigFileUsed())
var uconf TopLevel
err = viperutil.EnhancedExactUnmarshal(config, &uconf)
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("Error unmarshaling config into struct: ", err)
logger.Infof("Loaded configuration: %s", config.ConfigFileUsed())
return &uconf
// Load returns the orderer/application config combination that corresponds to
// a given profile. Config paths may optionally be provided and will be used
// in place of the FABRIC_CFG_PATH env variable.
func Load(profile string, configPaths ...string) *Profile {
config := viper.New()
if len(configPaths) > 0 {
for _, p := range configPaths {
} else {
cf.InitViper(config, configName)
// For environment variables
// This replacer allows substitution within the particular profile without
// having to fully qualify the name
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf("profiles.%s.", profile)), "", ".", "_")
err := config.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("Error reading configuration: ", err)
logger.Debugf("Using config file: %s", config.ConfigFileUsed())
var uconf TopLevel
err = viperutil.EnhancedExactUnmarshal(config, &uconf)
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("Error unmarshaling config into struct: ", err)
result, ok := uconf.Profiles[profile]
if !ok {
logger.Panic("Could not find profile: ", profile)
logger.Infof("Loaded configuration: %s", config.ConfigFileUsed())
return result
func (t *TopLevel) completeInitialization(configDir string) {
for _, org := range t.Organizations {
if t.Orderer != nil {
func (p *Profile) completeInitialization(configDir string) {
if p.Application != nil {
for _, org := range p.Application.Organizations {
if p.Application.Resources != nil {
if p.Consortiums != nil {
for _, consortium := range p.Consortiums {
for _, org := range consortium.Organizations {
if p.Orderer != nil {
for _, org := range p.Orderer.Organizations {
// Some profiles will not define orderer parameters
func (r *Resources) completeInitialization() {
for {
switch {
case r.DefaultModPolicy == "":
r.DefaultModPolicy = policies.ChannelApplicationAdmins
func (org *Organization) completeInitialization(configDir string) {
// set the MSP type; if none is specified we assume BCCSP
if org.MSPType == "" {
org.MSPType = msp.ProviderTypeToString(msp.FABRIC)
if org.AdminPrincipal == "" {
org.AdminPrincipal = AdminRoleAdminPrincipal
translatePaths(configDir, org)
func (ord *Orderer) completeInitialization(configDir string) {
for {
switch {
case ord.OrdererType == "":
logger.Infof("Orderer.OrdererType unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.OrdererType)
ord.OrdererType = genesisDefaults.Orderer.OrdererType
case ord.Addresses == nil:
logger.Infof("Orderer.Addresses unset, setting to %s", genesisDefaults.Orderer.Addresses)
ord.Addresses = genesisDefaults.Orderer.Addresses
case ord.BatchTimeout == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.BatchTimeout unset, setting to %s", genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchTimeout)
ord.BatchTimeout = genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchTimeout
case ord.BatchSize.MaxMessageCount == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.BatchSize.MaxMessageCount unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchSize.MaxMessageCount)
ord.BatchSize.MaxMessageCount = genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchSize.MaxMessageCount
case ord.BatchSize.AbsoluteMaxBytes == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.BatchSize.AbsoluteMaxBytes unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchSize.AbsoluteMaxBytes)
ord.BatchSize.AbsoluteMaxBytes = genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchSize.AbsoluteMaxBytes
case ord.BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes)
ord.BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes = genesisDefaults.Orderer.BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes
break loop
logger.Infof("orderer type: %s", ord.OrdererType)
// Additional, consensus type-dependent initialization goes here
// Also using this to panic on unknown orderer type.
switch ord.OrdererType {
case "solo":
// nothing to be done here
case "kafka":
if ord.Kafka.Brokers == nil {
logger.Infof("Orderer.Kafka unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.Kafka.Brokers)
ord.Kafka.Brokers = genesisDefaults.Orderer.Kafka.Brokers
case etcdraft.TypeKey:
if ord.EtcdRaft == nil {
logger.Panicf("%s raft configuration missing", etcdraft.TypeKey)
if ord.EtcdRaft.Options == nil {
logger.Infof("Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options)
ord.EtcdRaft.Options = genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options
for {
switch {
case ord.EtcdRaft.Options.TickInterval == "":
logger.Infof("Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.TickInterval unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.TickInterval)
ord.EtcdRaft.Options.TickInterval = genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.TickInterval
case ord.EtcdRaft.Options.ElectionTick == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.ElectionTick unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.ElectionTick)
ord.EtcdRaft.Options.ElectionTick = genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.ElectionTick
case ord.EtcdRaft.Options.HeartbeatTick == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.HeartbeatTick unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.HeartbeatTick)
ord.EtcdRaft.Options.HeartbeatTick = genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.HeartbeatTick
case ord.EtcdRaft.Options.MaxInflightBlocks == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.MaxInflightBlocks unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.MaxInflightBlocks)
ord.EtcdRaft.Options.MaxInflightBlocks = genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.MaxInflightBlocks
case ord.EtcdRaft.Options.SnapshotIntervalSize == 0:
logger.Infof("Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.SnapshotIntervalSize unset, setting to %v", genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.SnapshotIntervalSize)
ord.EtcdRaft.Options.SnapshotIntervalSize = genesisDefaults.Orderer.EtcdRaft.Options.SnapshotIntervalSize
case len(ord.EtcdRaft.Consenters) == 0:
logger.Panicf("%s configuration did not specify any consenter", etcdraft.TypeKey)
break second_loop
if _, err := time.ParseDuration(ord.EtcdRaft.Options.TickInterval); err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Etcdraft TickInterval (%s) must be in time duration format", ord.EtcdRaft.Options.TickInterval)
// validate the specified members for Options
if ord.EtcdRaft.Options.ElectionTick <= ord.EtcdRaft.Options.HeartbeatTick {
logger.Panicf("election tick must be greater than heartbeat tick")
for _, c := range ord.EtcdRaft.GetConsenters() {
if c.Host == "" {
logger.Panicf("consenter info in %s configuration did not specify host", etcdraft.TypeKey)
if c.Port == 0 {
logger.Panicf("consenter info in %s configuration did not specify port", etcdraft.TypeKey)
if c.ClientTlsCert == nil {
logger.Panicf("consenter info in %s configuration did not specify client TLS cert", etcdraft.TypeKey)
if c.ServerTlsCert == nil {
logger.Panicf("consenter info in %s configuration did not specify server TLS cert", etcdraft.TypeKey)
clientCertPath := string(c.GetClientTlsCert())
cf.TranslatePathInPlace(configDir, &clientCertPath)
c.ClientTlsCert = []byte(clientCertPath)
serverCertPath := string(c.GetServerTlsCert())
cf.TranslatePathInPlace(configDir, &serverCertPath)
c.ServerTlsCert = []byte(serverCertPath)
logger.Panicf("unknown orderer type: %s", ord.OrdererType)
func translatePaths(configDir string, org *Organization) {
cf.TranslatePathInPlace(configDir, &org.MSPDir)
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Hyperledger fabric
