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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/goadesign/goa
mux.go 2.79 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Raphael Simon 提交于 2017-07-26 21:10 . Improve example design
package http
import (
type (
// Muxer is the HTTP request multiplexer interface used by the generated
// code. ServerHTTP must match the HTTP method and URL of each incoming
// request against the list of registered patterns and call the handler
// for the corresponding method and the pattern that most closely
// matches the URL.
// The patterns may include wildcards that identify URL segments that
// must be captured.
// There are two forms of wildcards the implementation must support:
// - "{name}" wildcards capture a single path segment, for example the
// pattern "/images/{name}" captures "/images/favicon.ico" and adds
// the key "name" with the value "favicon.ico" to the map returned
// by Vars.
// - "{*name}" wildcards must appear at the end of the pattern and
// captures the entire path starting where the wildcard matches. For
// example the pattern "/images/{*filename}" captures
// "/images/public/thumbnail.jpg" and associates the key key
// "filename" with "public/thumbnail.jpg" in the map returned by
// Vars.
// The names of wildcards must match the regular expression
// "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+".
Muxer interface {
// Handle registers the handler function for the given method
// and pattern.
Handle(method, pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc)
// ServeHTTP dispatches the request to the handler whose method
// matches the request method and whose pattern most closely
// matches the request URL.
ServeHTTP(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
// Vars returns the path variables captured for the given
// request.
Vars(*http.Request) map[string]string
// mux is the default Muxer implementation. It leverages the
// httptreemux router and simply substitutes the syntax used to define
// wildcards from ":wildcard" and "*wildcard" to "{wildcard}" and
// "{*wildcard}" respectively.
mux struct {
// NewMuxer returns a Muxer implementation based on the httptreemux router.
func NewMuxer() Muxer {
r := httptreemux.NewContextMux()
r.EscapeAddedRoutes = true
return &mux{r}
// Handle maps the wildcard format used by goa to the one used by httptreemux.
func (m *mux) Handle(method, pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
m.ContextMux.Handle(method, treemuxify(pattern), handler)
// Vars extracts the path variables from the request context.
func (m *mux) Vars(r *http.Request) map[string]string {
return httptreemux.ContextParams(r.Context())
var wildSeg = regexp.MustCompile(`/{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}`)
var wildPath = regexp.MustCompile(`/{\*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}`)
func treemuxify(pattern string) string {
pattern = wildSeg.ReplaceAllString(pattern, "/:$1")
pattern = wildPath.ReplaceAllString(pattern, "/*$1")
return pattern
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