package codegen
import (
// goTypeDef returns the Go code that defines the struct corresponding to ma.
// It differs from the function defined in the codegen package in the following
// ways:
// - It defines marshaler tags on each fields using the HTTP element names.
// - It produced fields with pointers even if the corresponding attribute is
// required when ptr is true so that the generated code may validate
// explicitly.
// useDefault directs whether fields holding primitive types with default values
// should hold pointers when ptr is false. If it is true then the fields are
// values even when not required (to account for the fact that they have a
// default value so cannot be nil) otherwise the fields are values only when
// required.
func goTypeDef(scope *codegen.NameScope, att *expr.AttributeExpr, ptr, useDefault bool) string {
switch actual := att.Type.(type) {
case expr.Primitive:
if t, _ := codegen.GetMetaType(att); t != "" {
return t
return codegen.GoNativeTypeName(actual)
case *expr.Array:
d := goTypeDef(scope, actual.ElemType, ptr, useDefault)
if expr.IsObject(actual.ElemType.Type) {
d = "*" + d
return "[]" + d
case *expr.Map:
keyDef := goTypeDef(scope, actual.KeyType, ptr, useDefault)
if expr.IsObject(actual.KeyType.Type) {
keyDef = "*" + keyDef
elemDef := goTypeDef(scope, actual.ElemType, ptr, useDefault)
if expr.IsObject(actual.ElemType.Type) {
elemDef = "*" + elemDef
return fmt.Sprintf("map[%s]%s", keyDef, elemDef)
case *expr.Object:
var ss []string
ss = append(ss, "struct {")
ma := expr.NewMappedAttributeExpr(att)
mat := ma.Attribute()
codegen.WalkMappedAttr(ma, func(name, elem string, required bool, at *expr.AttributeExpr) error {
var (
fn string
tdef string
desc string
tags string
fn = codegen.GoifyAtt(at, name, true)
tdef = goTypeDef(scope, at, ptr, useDefault)
if expr.IsPrimitive(at.Type) {
if (ptr || mat.IsPrimitivePointer(name, useDefault)) && at.Type != expr.Bytes && at.Type != expr.Any {
tdef = "*" + tdef
} else if expr.IsObject(at.Type) {
tdef = "*" + tdef
if at.Description != "" {
desc = codegen.Comment(at.Description) + "\n\t"
var optional bool
switch {
case ptr:
optional = true
case useDefault:
optional = !ma.IsRequired(name) && !ma.HasDefaultValue(name)
optional = !ma.IsRequired(name)
tags = attributeTags(mat, at, elem, optional)
ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("\t%s%s %s%s", desc, fn, tdef, tags))
return nil
ss = append(ss, "}")
return strings.Join(ss, "\n")
case expr.UserType:
return scope.GoTypeName(att)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown data type %T", actual)) // bug
// attributeTags computes the struct field tags.
func attributeTags(parent, att *expr.AttributeExpr, t string, optional bool) string {
if tags := codegen.AttributeTags(parent, att); tags != "" {
return tags
var o string
if optional {
o = ",omitempty"
return fmt.Sprintf(" `form:\"%s%s\" json:\"%s%s\" xml:\"%s%s\"`", t, o, t, o, t, o)
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