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endpoint.go 12.47 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package service
import (
type (
// endpointsData contains the data necessary to render the
// service endpoints struct template.
endpointsData struct {
// Name is the service name.
Name string
// Description is the service description.
Description string
// VarName is the endpoint struct name.
VarName string
// ClientVarName is the client struct name.
ClientVarName string
// ServiceVarName is the service interface name.
ServiceVarName string
// Methods lists the endpoint struct methods.
Methods []*endpointMethodData
// ClientInitArgs lists the arguments needed to instantiate the client.
ClientInitArgs string
// Schemes contains the security schemes types used by the
// all the endpoints.
Schemes SchemesData
// endpointMethodData describes a single endpoint method.
endpointMethodData struct {
// ArgName is the name of the argument used to initialize the client
// struct method field.
ArgName string
// ClientVarName is the corresponding client struct field name.
ClientVarName string
// ServiceName is the name of the owner service.
ServiceName string
// ServiceVarName is the name of the owner service Go interface.
ServiceVarName string
const (
// endpointsStructName is the name of the generated endpoints data
// structure.
endpointsStructName = "Endpoints"
// serviceInterfaceName is the name of the generated service interface.
serviceInterfaceName = "Service"
// EndpointFile returns the endpoint file for the given service.
func EndpointFile(genpkg string, service *expr.ServiceExpr) *codegen.File {
svc := Services.Get(service.Name)
svcName := codegen.SnakeCase(svc.VarName)
path := filepath.Join(codegen.Gendir, svcName, "endpoints.go")
data := endpointData(service)
var (
sections []*codegen.SectionTemplate
header := codegen.Header(service.Name+" endpoints", svc.PkgName,
{Path: "context"},
{Path: "io"},
{Path: "fmt"},
{Name: "goa", Path: "goa.design/goa"},
{Path: "goa.design/goa/security"},
{Path: genpkg + "/" + svcName + "/" + "views", Name: svc.ViewsPkg},
def := &codegen.SectionTemplate{
Name: "endpoints-struct",
Source: serviceEndpointsT,
Data: data,
sections = []*codegen.SectionTemplate{header, def}
for _, m := range data.Methods {
if m.ServerStream != nil {
sections = append(sections, &codegen.SectionTemplate{
Name: "endpoint-input-struct",
Source: serviceEndpointStreamStructT,
Data: m,
if m.SkipRequestBodyEncodeDecode {
sections = append(sections, &codegen.SectionTemplate{
Name: "request-body-struct",
Source: serviceRequestBodyStructT,
Data: m,
if m.SkipResponseBodyEncodeDecode {
sections = append(sections, &codegen.SectionTemplate{
Name: "response-body-struct",
Source: serviceResponseBodyStructT,
Data: m,
sections = append(sections, &codegen.SectionTemplate{
Name: "endpoints-init",
Source: serviceEndpointsInitT,
Data: data,
sections = append(sections, &codegen.SectionTemplate{
Name: "endpoints-use",
Source: serviceEndpointsUseT,
Data: data,
for _, m := range data.Methods {
sections = append(sections, &codegen.SectionTemplate{
Name: "endpoint-method",
Source: serviceEndpointMethodT,
Data: m,
FuncMap: map[string]interface{}{"payloadVar": payloadVar},
return &codegen.File{Path: path, SectionTemplates: sections}
func endpointData(service *expr.ServiceExpr) *endpointsData {
svc := Services.Get(service.Name)
methods := make([]*endpointMethodData, len(svc.Methods))
names := make([]string, len(svc.Methods))
for i, m := range svc.Methods {
methods[i] = &endpointMethodData{
MethodData: m,
ArgName: codegen.Goify(m.VarName, false),
ServiceName: svc.Name,
ServiceVarName: serviceInterfaceName,
ClientVarName: clientStructName,
names[i] = codegen.Goify(m.VarName, false)
desc := fmt.Sprintf("%s wraps the %q service endpoints.", endpointsStructName, service.Name)
return &endpointsData{
Name: service.Name,
Description: desc,
VarName: endpointsStructName,
ClientVarName: clientStructName,
ServiceVarName: serviceInterfaceName,
ClientInitArgs: strings.Join(names, ", "),
Methods: methods,
Schemes: svc.Schemes,
func payloadVar(e *endpointMethodData) string {
if e.ServerStream != nil {
return "ep.Payload"
return "p"
// input: endpointsData
const serviceEndpointsT = `{{ comment .Description }}
type {{ .VarName }} struct {
{{- range .Methods}}
{{ .VarName }} goa.Endpoint
{{- end }}
// input: endpointsData
const serviceEndpointsInitT = `{{ printf "New%s wraps the methods of the %q service with endpoints." .VarName .Name | comment }}
func New{{ .VarName }}(s {{ .ServiceVarName }}) *{{ .VarName }} {
{{- if .Schemes }}
// Casting service to Auther interface
a := s.(Auther)
{{- end }}
return &{{ .VarName }}{
{{- range .Methods }}
{{ .VarName }}: New{{ .VarName }}Endpoint(s{{ range .Schemes }}, a.{{ .Type }}Auth{{ end }}),
{{- end }}
// input: endpointMethodData
const serviceEndpointStreamStructT = `{{ printf "%s holds both the payload and the server stream of the %q method." .ServerStream.EndpointStruct .Name | comment }}
type {{ .ServerStream.EndpointStruct }} struct {
{{- if .PayloadRef }}
{{ comment "Payload is the method payload." }}
Payload {{ .PayloadRef }}
{{- end }}
{{ printf "Stream is the server stream used by the %q method to send data." .Name | comment }}
Stream {{ .ServerStream.Interface }}
// input: endpointMethodData
const serviceRequestBodyStructT = `{{ printf "%s holds both the payload and the HTTP request body reader of the %q method." .RequestStruct .Name | comment }}
type {{ .RequestStruct }} struct {
{{- if .PayloadRef }}
{{ comment "Payload is the method payload." }}
Payload {{ .PayloadRef }}
{{- end }}
{{ comment "Body streams the HTTP request body." }}
Body io.ReadCloser
// input: endpointMethodData
const serviceResponseBodyStructT = `{{ printf "%s holds both the result and the HTTP response body reader of the %q method." .ResponseStruct .Name | comment }}
type {{ .ResponseStruct }} struct {
{{- if .ResultRef }}
{{ comment "Result is the method result." }}
Result {{ .ResultRef }}
{{- end }}
{{ comment "Body streams the HTTP response body." }}
Body io.ReadCloser
// input: endpointMethodData
const serviceEndpointMethodT = `{{ printf "New%sEndpoint returns an endpoint function that calls the method %q of service %q." .VarName .Name .ServiceName | comment }}
func New{{ .VarName }}Endpoint(s {{ .ServiceVarName }}{{ range .Schemes }}, auth{{ .Type }}Fn security.Auth{{ .Type }}Func{{ end }}) goa.Endpoint {
return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
{{- if or .ServerStream }}
ep := req.(*{{ .ServerStream.EndpointStruct }})
{{- else if .SkipRequestBodyEncodeDecode }}
ep := req.(*{{ .RequestStruct }})
{{- else if .PayloadRef }}
p := req.({{ .PayloadRef }})
{{- end }}
{{- $payload := payloadVar . }}
{{- if .Requirements }}
var err error
{{- range $ridx, $r := .Requirements }}
{{- if ne $ridx 0 }}
if err != nil {
{{- end }}
{{- range $sidx, $s := .Schemes }}
{{- if ne $sidx 0 }}
if err == nil {
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .Type "Basic" }}
sc := security.BasicScheme{
Name: {{ printf "%q" .SchemeName }},
Scopes: []string{ {{- range .Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
RequiredScopes: []string{ {{- range $r.Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
{{- if .UsernamePointer }}
var user string
if {{ $payload }}.{{ .UsernameField }} != nil {
user = *{{ $payload }}.{{ .UsernameField }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .PasswordPointer }}
var pass string
if {{ $payload }}.{{ .PasswordField }} != nil {
pass = *{{ $payload }}.{{ .PasswordField }}
{{- end }}
ctx, err = auth{{ .Type }}Fn(ctx, {{ if .UsernamePointer }}user{{ else }}{{ $payload }}.{{ .UsernameField }}{{ end }},
{{- if .PasswordPointer }}pass{{ else }}{{ $payload }}.{{ .PasswordField }}{{ end }}, &sc)
{{- else if eq .Type "APIKey" }}
sc := security.APIKeyScheme{
Name: {{ printf "%q" .SchemeName }},
Scopes: []string{ {{- range .Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
RequiredScopes: []string{ {{- range $r.Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
{{- if $s.CredPointer }}
var key string
if {{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }} != nil {
key = *{{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }}
{{- end }}
ctx, err = auth{{ .Type }}Fn(ctx, {{ if $s.CredPointer }}key{{ else }}{{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }}{{ end }}, &sc)
{{- else if eq .Type "JWT" }}
sc := security.JWTScheme{
Name: {{ printf "%q" .SchemeName }},
Scopes: []string{ {{- range .Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
RequiredScopes: []string{ {{- range $r.Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
{{- if $s.CredPointer }}
var token string
if {{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }} != nil {
token = *{{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }}
{{- end }}
ctx, err = auth{{ .Type }}Fn(ctx, {{ if $s.CredPointer }}token{{ else }}{{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }}{{ end }}, &sc)
{{- else if eq .Type "OAuth2" }}
sc := security.OAuth2Scheme{
Name: {{ printf "%q" .SchemeName }},
Scopes: []string{ {{- range .Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
RequiredScopes: []string{ {{- range $r.Scopes }}{{ printf "%q" . }}, {{ end }} },
{{- if .Flows }}
Flows: []*security.OAuthFlow{
{{- range .Flows }}
Type: "{{ .Type }}",
{{- if .AuthorizationURL }}
AuthorizationURL: {{ printf "%q" .AuthorizationURL }},
{{- end }}
{{- if .TokenURL }}
TokenURL: {{ printf "%q" .TokenURL }},
{{- end }}
{{- if .RefreshURL }}
RefreshURL: {{ printf "%q" .RefreshURL }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $s.CredPointer }}
var token string
if {{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }} != nil {
token = *{{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }}
{{- end }}
ctx, err = auth{{ .Type }}Fn(ctx, {{ if $s.CredPointer }}token{{ else }}{{ $payload }}.{{ $s.CredField }}{{ end }}, &sc)
{{- end }}
{{- if ne $sidx 0 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if ne $ridx 0 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
if err != nil {
return nil, err
{{- end }}
{{- if .ServerStream }}
return nil, s.{{ .VarName }}(ctx, {{ if .PayloadRef }}{{ $payload }}, {{ end }}ep.Stream)
{{- else if .SkipRequestBodyEncodeDecode }}
{{- if .SkipResponseBodyEncodeDecode }}
{{ if .ResultRef }}res, {{ end }}body, err := s.{{ .VarName }}(ctx, {{ if .PayloadRef }}ep.Payload, {{ end }}ep.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &{{ .ResponseStruct }}{ {{ if .ResultRef }}Result: res, {{ end }}Body: body }, nil
{{- else if .ViewedResult }}
res, {{ if not .ViewedResult.ViewName }}view, {{ end }}err := s.{{ .VarName }}(ctx, {{ if .PayloadRef }}ep.Payload, {{ end }}ep.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vres := {{ $.ViewedResult.Init.Name }}(res, {{ if .ViewedResult.ViewName }}{{ printf "%q" .ViewedResult.ViewName }}{{ else }}view{{ end }})
return vres, nil
{{- else }}
return {{ if not .ResultRef }}nil, {{ end }}s.{{ .VarName }}(ctx, {{ if .PayloadRef }}ep.Payload, {{ end }}ep.Body)
{{- end }}
{{- else if .ViewedResult }}
res, {{ if not .ViewedResult.ViewName }}view, {{ end }}err := s.{{ .VarName }}(ctx{{ if .PayloadRef }}, {{ $payload }}{{ end }})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vres := {{ $.ViewedResult.Init.Name }}(res, {{ if .ViewedResult.ViewName }}{{ printf "%q" .ViewedResult.ViewName }}{{ else }}view{{ end }})
return vres, nil
{{- else if .SkipResponseBodyEncodeDecode }}
{{ if .ResultRef }}res, {{ end }}body, err := s.{{ .VarName }}(ctx{{ if .PayloadRef }}, {{ $payload}}{{ end }})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &{{ .ResponseStruct }}{ {{ if .ResultRef }}Result: res, {{ end }}Body: body }, nil
{{- else }}
return {{ if not .ResultRef }}nil, {{ end }}s.{{ .VarName }}(ctx{{ if .PayloadRef }}, {{ $payload }}{{ end }})
{{- end }}
// input: endpointMethodData
const serviceEndpointsUseT = `{{ printf "Use applies the given middleware to all the %q service endpoints." .Name | comment }}
func (e *{{ .VarName }}) Use(m func(goa.Endpoint) goa.Endpoint) {
{{- range .Methods }}
e.{{ .VarName }} = m(e.{{ .VarName }})
{{- end }}
