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types.go 18.13 KB
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package expr
import (
type (
// A Kind defines the conceptual type that a DataType represents.
Kind uint
// DataType is the common interface to all types.
DataType interface {
// Kind of data type, one of the Kind enum.
Kind() Kind
// Name returns the type name.
Name() string
// IsCompatible checks whether val has a Go type that is compatible with the data
// type.
IsCompatible(interface{}) bool
// Example generates a pseudo-random value using the given random generator.
Example(*Random) interface{}
// Hash returns a unique hash value for the instance of the type.
Hash() string
// Primitive is the type for null, boolean, integer, number, string, and time.
Primitive Kind
// Array is the type used to describe field arrays or repeated fields.
Array struct {
ElemType *AttributeExpr
// Map is the type used to describe maps of fields.
Map struct {
KeyType *AttributeExpr
ElemType *AttributeExpr
// NamedAttributeExpr describes object attributes together with their
// names.
NamedAttributeExpr struct {
// Name of attribute
Name string
// Attribute
Attribute *AttributeExpr
// Object is the type used to describe composite data structures.
// Note: not a map because order matters.
Object []*NamedAttributeExpr
// UserType is the interface implemented by all user type
// implementations. Plugins may leverage this interface to introduce
// their own types.
UserType interface {
// Finalizes the underlying type.
// Provides the underlying type and validations.
// ID returns the identifier for the user type.
ID() string
// Rename changes the type name to the given value.
// SetAttribute updates the underlying attribute.
// Dup makes a shallow copy of the type and assigns its
// attribute with att.
Dup(att *AttributeExpr) UserType
// Validate checks that the user type expression is consistent.
Validate(ctx string, parent eval.Expression) *eval.ValidationErrors
// ArrayVal is the type used to set the default value for arrays.
ArrayVal []interface{}
// MapVal is the type used to set the default value for maps.
MapVal map[interface{}]interface{}
const (
// BooleanKind represents a boolean.
BooleanKind Kind = iota + 1
// IntKind represents a signed integer.
// Int32Kind represents a signed 32-bit integer.
// Int64Kind represents a signed 64-bit integer.
// UIntKind represents an unsigned integer.
// UInt32Kind represents an unsigned 32-bit integer.
// UInt64Kind represents an unsigned 64-bit integer.
// Float32Kind represents a 32-bit floating number.
// Float64Kind represents a 64-bit floating number.
// StringKind represents a JSON string.
// BytesKind represent a series of bytes (binary data).
// ArrayKind represents a JSON array.
// ObjectKind represents a JSON object.
// MapKind represents a JSON object where the keys are not known in
// advance.
// UserTypeKind represents a user type.
// ResultTypeKind represents a result type.
// AnyKind represents an unknown type.
const (
// Boolean is the type for a JSON boolean.
Boolean = Primitive(BooleanKind)
// Int is the type for a signed integer.
Int = Primitive(IntKind)
// Int32 is the type for a signed 32-bit integer.
Int32 = Primitive(Int32Kind)
// Int64 is the type for a signed 64-bit integer.
Int64 = Primitive(Int64Kind)
// UInt is the type for an unsigned integer.
UInt = Primitive(UIntKind)
// UInt32 is the type for an unsigned 32-bit integer.
UInt32 = Primitive(UInt32Kind)
// UInt64 is the type for an unsigned 64-bit integer.
UInt64 = Primitive(UInt64Kind)
// Float32 is the type for a 32-bit floating number.
Float32 = Primitive(Float32Kind)
// Float64 is the type for a 64-bit floating number.
Float64 = Primitive(Float64Kind)
// String is the type for a JSON string.
String = Primitive(StringKind)
// Bytes is the type for binary data.
Bytes = Primitive(BytesKind)
// Any is the type for an arbitrary JSON value (interface{} in Go).
Any = Primitive(AnyKind)
// Built-in composite types
// Empty represents empty values.
var Empty = &UserTypeExpr{
TypeName: "Empty",
AttributeExpr: &AttributeExpr{
Description: "Empty represents empty values",
Type: &Object{},
// Convenience methods
// AsObject returns the type underlying object if any, nil otherwise.
func AsObject(dt DataType) *Object {
switch t := dt.(type) {
case *UserTypeExpr:
return AsObject(t.Type)
case *ResultTypeExpr:
return AsObject(t.Type)
case *Object:
return t
return nil
// AsArray returns the type underlying array if any, nil otherwise.
func AsArray(dt DataType) *Array {
switch t := dt.(type) {
case *UserTypeExpr:
return AsArray(t.Type)
case *ResultTypeExpr:
return AsArray(t.Type)
case *Array:
return t
return nil
// AsMap returns the type underlying map if any, nil otherwise.
func AsMap(dt DataType) *Map {
switch t := dt.(type) {
case *UserTypeExpr:
return AsMap(t.Type)
case *ResultTypeExpr:
return AsMap(t.Type)
case *Map:
return t
return nil
// IsObject returns true if the data type is an object.
func IsObject(dt DataType) bool { return AsObject(dt) != nil }
// IsArray returns true if the data type is an array.
func IsArray(dt DataType) bool { return AsArray(dt) != nil }
// IsMap returns true if the data type is a map.
func IsMap(dt DataType) bool { return AsMap(dt) != nil }
// IsPrimitive returns true if the data type is a primitive type.
func IsPrimitive(dt DataType) bool {
switch t := dt.(type) {
case Primitive:
return true
case *UserTypeExpr:
return IsPrimitive(t.Type)
case *ResultTypeExpr:
return IsPrimitive(t.Type)
return false
// Equal compares the types recursively and returns true if they are equal. Two
// types are equal if:
// - both types have the same kind
// - array types have elements whose types are equal
// - map types have keys and elements whose types are equal
// - objects have the same attribute names and the attribute types are equal
// Note: calling Equal is not equivalent to evaluation dt.Hash() == dt2.Hash()
// as the former may return true for two user types with different names and
// thus with different hash values.
func Equal(dt, dt2 DataType) bool {
bs := *equal(dt, dt2)
for _, b := range bs {
if !*b {
return false
return true
// Support recursive types by doing lazy evaluation.
func equal(dt, dt2 DataType, seen ...map[string]*[]*bool) *[]*bool {
f := false
fs := []*bool{&f}
if dt.Kind() != dt2.Kind() {
return &fs
var s map[string]*[]*bool
if len(seen) > 0 {
s = seen[0]
} else {
s = make(map[string]*[]*bool)
switch actual := dt.(type) {
case *Array:
return equal(actual.ElemType.Type, AsArray(dt2).ElemType.Type, s)
case *Map:
s1 := equal(actual.ElemType.Type, AsMap(dt2).ElemType.Type, s)
s2 := equal(actual.KeyType.Type, AsMap(dt2).KeyType.Type, s)
s3 := append(*s1, *s2...)
return &s3
case *Object:
if len(*actual) != len(*AsObject(dt2)) {
return &fs
var bs []*bool
for _, nat := range *actual {
obj := AsObject(dt2)
at := obj.Attribute(nat.Name)
if at == nil {
return &fs
bs = append(bs, *equal(nat.Attribute.Type, at.Type, s)...)
return &bs
case UserType:
key := actual.Name() + "=" + dt2.Name()
if v, ok := s[key]; ok {
return v
var res []*bool
pres := &res
s[key] = pres
if IsObject(actual) {
*pres = *equal(AsObject(dt), AsObject(dt2), s)
} else if IsMap(actual) {
// Map aliased as UserType
*pres = *equal(AsMap(dt), AsMap(dt2), s)
} else if IsArray(actual) {
// Array aliased as UserType or CollectionOf
*pres = *equal(AsArray(dt), AsArray(dt2), s)
} else {
// Primitive type aliased as UserType
*pres = *equal(dt, dt2, s)
return pres
t := true
ts := []*bool{&t}
return &ts
// DataType implementation
// Kind implements DataKind.
func (p Primitive) Kind() Kind { return Kind(p) }
// Name returns the type name appropriate for logging.
func (p Primitive) Name() string {
switch p {
case Boolean:
return "boolean"
case Int:
return "int"
case Int32:
return "int32"
case Int64:
return "int64"
case UInt:
return "uint"
case UInt32:
return "uint32"
case UInt64:
return "uint64"
case Float32:
return "float32"
case Float64:
return "float64"
case String:
return "string"
case Bytes:
return "bytes"
case Any:
return "any"
panic("unknown primitive type") // bug
// IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.
func (p Primitive) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool {
if p == Any {
return true
switch val.(type) {
case bool:
return p == Boolean
case int, int8, int16, int32, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32:
return p == Int || p == Int32 || p == Int64 ||
p == UInt || p == UInt32 || p == UInt64 ||
p == Float32 || p == Float64
case int64, uint64:
return p == Int64 || p == UInt64 || p == Float32 || p == Float64
case float32, float64:
return p == Float32 || p == Float64
case string:
return p == String || p == Bytes
case []byte:
return p == Bytes
return false
// Example generates a pseudo-random primitive value using the given random
// generator.
func (p Primitive) Example(r *Random) interface{} {
switch p {
case Boolean:
return r.Bool()
case Int:
return r.Int()
case Int32:
return r.Int32()
case Int64:
return r.Int64()
case UInt:
return r.UInt()
case UInt32:
return r.UInt32()
case UInt64:
return r.UInt64()
case Float32:
return r.Float32()
case Float64:
return r.Float64()
case String, Any:
return r.String()
case Bytes:
return []byte(r.String())
panic("unknown primitive type") // bug
// Hash returns a unique hash value for p.
func (p Primitive) Hash() string {
return p.Name()
// Kind implements DataKind.
func (a *Array) Kind() Kind { return ArrayKind }
// Name returns the type name.
func (a *Array) Name() string {
return "array"
// Hash returns a unique hash value for a.
func (a *Array) Hash() string {
return "_array_+" + a.ElemType.Type.Hash()
// IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.
func (a *Array) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool {
k := reflect.TypeOf(val).Kind()
if k != reflect.Array && k != reflect.Slice {
return false
v := reflect.ValueOf(val)
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
compat := (a.ElemType.Type != nil) && a.ElemType.Type.IsCompatible(v.Index(i).Interface())
if !compat {
return false
return true
// Example generates a pseudo-random array value using the given random
// generator.
func (a *Array) Example(r *Random) interface{} {
count := r.Int()%3 + 2
res := make([]interface{}, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
res[i] = a.ElemType.Example(r)
if res[i] == nil {
// Handle the case of recursive data structures
res[i] = make(map[string]interface{})
return a.MakeSlice(res)
// MakeSlice examines the key type from the Array and create a slice with
// builtin type if possible. The idea is to avoid generating []interface{} and
// produce more precise types.
func (a *Array) MakeSlice(s []interface{}) interface{} {
slice := reflect.MakeSlice(toReflectType(a), 0, len(s))
for _, item := range s {
slice = reflect.Append(slice, reflect.ValueOf(item))
return slice.Interface()
// ToSlice converts an ArrayVal into a slice.
func (a ArrayVal) ToSlice() []interface{} {
arr := make([]interface{}, len(a))
for i, elem := range a {
switch actual := elem.(type) {
case ArrayVal:
arr[i] = actual.ToSlice()
case MapVal:
arr[i] = actual.ToMap()
arr[i] = actual
return arr
// Attribute returns the attribute with the given name if any, nil otherwise.
func (o *Object) Attribute(name string) *AttributeExpr {
for _, nat := range *o {
if nat.Name == name {
return nat.Attribute
return nil
// Set replaces the object named attribute n if any - creates a new object by
// appending to the slice of named attributes otherwise. The resulting object is
// returned in both cases.
func (o *Object) Set(n string, att *AttributeExpr) {
for _, nat := range *o {
if nat.Name == n {
nat.Attribute = att
*o = append(*o, &NamedAttributeExpr{n, att})
// Delete creates a new object with the same named attributes as o but without
// the named attribute n if any.
func (o *Object) Delete(n string) {
index := -1
for i, nat := range *o {
if nat.Name == n {
index = i
if index == -1 {
*o = append((*o)[:index], (*o)[index+1:]...)
// Rename changes the name of the named attribute n to m. Rename does nothing if
// o does not have an attribute named n.
func (o *Object) Rename(n, m string) {
for _, nat := range *o {
if nat.Name == n {
nat.Name = m
// Kind implements DataKind.
func (o *Object) Kind() Kind { return ObjectKind }
// Name returns the type name.
func (o *Object) Name() string { return "object" }
// Hash returns a unique hash value for o.
func (o *Object) Hash() string {
h := "_object_"
for _, nat := range *o {
h += "+" + nat.Name + "/" + nat.Attribute.Type.Hash()
return h
// Merge creates a new object consisting of the named attributes of o appended
// with duplicates of the named attributes of other. Named attributes of o that
// have an identical name to named attributes of other get overridden.
func (o *Object) Merge(other *Object) *Object {
res := o
for _, nat := range *other {
res.Set(nat.Name, DupAtt(nat.Attribute))
return res
// IsCompatible returns true if o describes the (Go) type of val.
func (o *Object) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool {
k := reflect.TypeOf(val).Kind()
return k == reflect.Map || k == reflect.Struct
// Example returns a random value of the object.
func (o *Object) Example(r *Random) interface{} {
res := make(map[string]interface{})
for _, nat := range *o {
if v := nat.Attribute.Example(r); v != nil {
res[nat.Name] = v
return res
// Kind implements DataKind.
func (m *Map) Kind() Kind { return MapKind }
// Name returns the type name.
func (m *Map) Name() string { return "map" }
// Hash returns a unique hash value for m.
func (m *Map) Hash() string {
return "_map_+" + m.KeyType.Type.Hash() + ":" + m.ElemType.Type.Hash()
// IsCompatible returns true if o describes the (Go) type of val.
func (m *Map) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool {
k := reflect.TypeOf(val).Kind()
if k != reflect.Map {
return false
v := reflect.ValueOf(val)
for _, key := range v.MapKeys() {
keyCompat := m.KeyType.Type == nil || m.KeyType.Type.IsCompatible(key.Interface())
elemCompat := m.ElemType.Type == nil || m.ElemType.Type.IsCompatible(v.MapIndex(key).Interface())
if !keyCompat || !elemCompat {
return false
return true
// Example returns a random hash value.
func (m *Map) Example(r *Random) interface{} {
if IsObject(m.KeyType.Type) || IsArray(m.KeyType.Type) || IsMap(m.KeyType.Type) {
// not much we can do for non hashable Go types
return nil
count := r.Int()%3 + 1
pair := map[interface{}]interface{}{}
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
k := m.KeyType.Example(r)
v := m.ElemType.Example(r)
if k != nil && v != nil {
pair[k] = v
return m.MakeMap(pair)
// MakeMap examines the key type from a Map and create a map with builtin type
// if possible. The idea is to avoid generating map[interface{}]interface{},
// which cannot be handled by json.Marshal.
func (m *Map) MakeMap(raw map[interface{}]interface{}) interface{} {
ma := reflect.MakeMap(toReflectType(m))
for key, value := range raw {
ma.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(key), reflect.ValueOf(value))
return ma.Interface()
// ToMap converts a MapVal to a map.
func (m MapVal) ToMap() map[interface{}]interface{} {
mp := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
switch actual := v.(type) {
case ArrayVal:
mp[k] = actual.ToSlice()
case MapVal:
mp[k] = actual.ToMap()
mp[k] = actual
return mp
// QualifiedTypeName returns the qualified type name for the given data type.
// The qualified type name includes the name of the type of the elements of
// array or map types. This is useful in reporting types in error messages,
// examples of qualified type names:
// "array<string>"
// "map<string, string>"
// "map<string, array<int32>>"
func QualifiedTypeName(t DataType) string {
switch t.Kind() {
case ArrayKind:
a := t.(*Array)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>",
case MapKind:
h := t.(*Map)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s, %s>",
return t.Name()
// toReflectType converts the DataType to reflect.Type.
func toReflectType(dtype DataType) reflect.Type {
switch dtype.Kind() {
case BooleanKind:
return reflect.TypeOf(true)
case IntKind:
return reflect.TypeOf(int(0))
case Int32Kind:
return reflect.TypeOf(int32(0))
case Int64Kind:
return reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))
case UIntKind:
return reflect.TypeOf(uint(0))
case UInt32Kind:
return reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0))
case UInt64Kind:
return reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0))
case Float32Kind:
return reflect.TypeOf(float32(0))
case Float64Kind:
return reflect.TypeOf(float64(0))
case StringKind:
return reflect.TypeOf("")
case BytesKind:
return reflect.TypeOf([]byte{})
case ObjectKind:
return reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}{})
case UserTypeKind:
return toReflectType(dtype.(*UserTypeExpr).Attribute().Type)
case ResultTypeKind:
return toReflectType(dtype.(*ResultTypeExpr).Attribute().Type)
case ArrayKind:
return reflect.SliceOf(toReflectType(dtype.(*Array).ElemType.Type))
case MapKind:
m := dtype.(*Map)
// avoid complication: not allow object as the map key
var ktype reflect.Type
if m.KeyType.Type.Kind() != ObjectKind {
ktype = toReflectType(m.KeyType.Type)
} else {
ktype = reflect.TypeOf([]interface{}{}).Elem()
return reflect.MapOf(ktype, toReflectType(m.ElemType.Type))
return reflect.TypeOf([]interface{}{}).Elem()
