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validation.go 5.59 KB
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Konstantin Lepa 提交于 2018-07-01 21:33 . Add RFC3339 date format. (#1788)
package goa
import (
// Format defines a validation format.
type Format string
const (
// FormatDate describes RFC3339 date values.
FormatDate Format = "date"
// FormatDateTime describes RFC3339 date time values.
FormatDateTime Format = "date-time"
// FormatUUID describes RFC4122 UUID values.
FormatUUID = "uuid"
// FormatEmail describes RFC5322 email addresses.
FormatEmail = "email"
// FormatHostname describes RFC1035 Internet hostnames.
FormatHostname = "hostname"
// FormatIPv4 describes RFC2373 IPv4 address values.
FormatIPv4 = "ipv4"
// FormatIPv6 describes RFC2373 IPv6 address values.
FormatIPv6 = "ipv6"
// FormatIP describes RFC2373 IPv4 or IPv6 address values.
FormatIP = "ip"
// FormatURI describes RFC3986 URI values.
FormatURI = "uri"
// FormatMAC describes IEEE 802 MAC-48, EUI-48 or EUI-64 MAC address values.
FormatMAC = "mac"
// FormatCIDR describes RFC4632 and RFC4291 CIDR notation IP address values.
FormatCIDR = "cidr"
// FormatRegexp describes regular expression syntax accepted by RE2.
FormatRegexp = "regexp"
// FormatJSON describes JSON text.
FormatJSON = "json"
// FormatRFC1123 describes RFC1123 date time values.
FormatRFC1123 = "rfc1123"
var (
hostnameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]\-]{0,61}[[:alnum:]]|[[:alpha:]]$`)
ipv4Regex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$`)
uuidURNPrefix = []byte("urn:uuid:")
uuidByteGroups = []int{8, 4, 4, 4, 12}
// ValidateFormat validates val against f. It returns nil if the string conforms
// to the format, an error otherwise. name is the name of the variable used in
// error messages. where in a data structure the error occurred if any. The
// format specification follows the json schema draft 4 validation extension.
// see http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor105
// Supported formats are:
// - "date": RFC3339 date value
// - "date-time": RFC3339 date time value
// - "email": RFC5322 email address
// - "hostname": RFC1035 Internet host name
// - "ipv4", "ipv6", "ip": RFC2673 and RFC2373 IP address values
// - "uri": RFC3986 URI value
// - "mac": IEEE 802 MAC-48, EUI-48 or EUI-64 MAC address value
// - "cidr": RFC4632 and RFC4291 CIDR notation IP address value
// - "regexp": Regular expression syntax accepted by RE2
// - "rfc1123": RFC1123 date time value
func ValidateFormat(name string, val string, f Format) error {
var err error
switch f {
case FormatDate:
_, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02", val)
case FormatDateTime:
_, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, val)
case FormatUUID:
err = validateUUID(val)
case FormatEmail:
_, err = mail.ParseAddress(val)
case FormatHostname:
if !hostnameRegex.MatchString(val) {
err = fmt.Errorf("hostname value '%s' does not match %s",
val, hostnameRegex.String())
case FormatIPv4, FormatIPv6, FormatIP:
ip := net.ParseIP(val)
if ip == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("\"%s\" is an invalid %s value", val, f)
if f == FormatIPv4 {
if !ipv4Regex.MatchString(val) {
err = fmt.Errorf("\"%s\" is an invalid ipv4 value", val)
if f == FormatIPv6 {
if ipv4Regex.MatchString(val) {
err = fmt.Errorf("\"%s\" is an invalid ipv6 value", val)
case FormatURI:
_, err = url.ParseRequestURI(val)
case FormatMAC:
_, err = net.ParseMAC(val)
case FormatCIDR:
_, _, err = net.ParseCIDR(val)
case FormatRegexp:
_, err = regexp.Compile(val)
case FormatJSON:
if !json.Valid([]byte(val)) {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid JSON")
case FormatRFC1123:
_, err = time.Parse(time.RFC1123, val)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown format %#v", f)
if err != nil {
return InvalidFormatError(name, val, f, err)
return nil
// knownPatterns records the compiled patterns.
// TBD: refactor all this so that the generated code initializes the map on start to get rid of the
// need for a RW mutex.
var knownPatterns = make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp)
// knownPatternsLock is the mutex used to access knownPatterns
var knownPatternsLock = &sync.RWMutex{}
// ValidatePattern returns an error if val does not match the regular expression
// p. It makes an effort to minimize the number of times the regular expression
// needs to be compiled. name is the name of the variable used in error messages.
func ValidatePattern(name, val, p string) error {
r, ok := knownPatterns[p]
if !ok {
r = regexp.MustCompile(p) // DSL validation makes sure regexp is valid
knownPatterns[p] = r
if !r.MatchString(val) {
return InvalidPatternError(name, val, p)
return nil
// The following formats are supported:
// "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8",
// "{6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8}",
// "urn:uuid:6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"
func validateUUID(uuid string) error {
if len(uuid) < 32 {
return fmt.Errorf("uuid: UUID string too short: %s", uuid)
t := []byte(uuid)
braced := false
if bytes.Equal(t[:9], uuidURNPrefix) {
t = t[9:]
} else if t[0] == '{' {
t = t[1:]
braced = true
for i, byteGroup := range uuidByteGroups {
if i > 0 {
if t[0] != '-' {
return fmt.Errorf("uuid: invalid string format")
t = t[1:]
if len(t) < byteGroup {
return fmt.Errorf("uuid: UUID string too short: %s", uuid)
if i == 4 && len(t) > byteGroup &&
((braced && t[byteGroup] != '}') || len(t[byteGroup:]) > 1 || !braced) {
return fmt.Errorf("uuid: UUID string too long: %s", uuid)
t = t[byteGroup:]
return nil


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