.PHONY: clean test lint init docs format formatter build-docker build-docker-full build-docker-mitie-en build-docker-spacy-en build-docker-spacy-de
JOBS ?= 1
INTEGRATION_TEST_FOLDER = tests/integration_tests/
INTEGRATION_TEST_PYTEST_MARKERS ?= "sequential or not sequential"
PLATFORM ?= "linux/amd64"
@echo "make"
@echo " clean"
@echo " Remove Python/build artifacts."
@echo " install"
@echo " Install rasa."
@echo " install-full"
@echo " Install rasa with all extras (transformers, tensorflow_text, spacy, jieba)."
@echo " formatter"
@echo " Apply black formatting to code."
@echo " lint"
@echo " Lint code with ruff, and check if black formatter should be applied."
@echo " lint-docstrings"
@echo " Check docstring conventions in changed files."
@echo " types"
@echo " Check for type errors using mypy."
@echo " static-checks"
@echo " Run all python static checks."
@echo " prepare-tests-ubuntu"
@echo " Install system requirements for running tests on Ubuntu and Debian based systems."
@echo " prepare-tests-macos"
@echo " Install system requirements for running tests on macOS."
@echo " prepare-tests-windows"
@echo " Install system requirements for running tests on Windows."
@echo " prepare-spacy"
@echo " Download models needed for spacy tests."
@echo " prepare-mitie"
@echo " Download the standard english mitie model."
@echo " prepare-transformers"
@echo " Download all models needed for testing LanguageModelFeaturizer."
@echo " test"
@echo " Run pytest on tests/."
@echo " Use the JOBS environment variable to configure number of workers (default: 1)."
@echo " test-integration"
@echo " Run integration tests using pytest."
@echo " Use the JOBS environment variable to configure number of workers (default: 1)."
@echo " livedocs"
@echo " Build the docs locally."
@echo " release"
@echo " Prepare a release."
@echo " build-docker"
@echo " Build Rasa Open Source Docker image."
@echo " run-integration-containers"
@echo " Run the integration test containers."
@echo " stop-integration-containers"
@echo " Stop the integration test containers."
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
rm -rf build/
rm -rf .mypy_cache/
rm -rf dist/
rm -rf docs/build
rm -rf docs/.docusaurus
poetry run python -m pip install -U pip
poetry install
poetry run python -m pip install -U pip
poetry run python -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/tmbo/MITIE.git#egg=mitie
install-full: install-mitie
poetry install -E full
cd docs/ && yarn install
poetry run black rasa tests
format: formatter
# Ignore docstring errors when running on the entire project
poetry run ruff check rasa tests --ignore D
poetry run black --check rasa tests
make lint-docstrings
# Compare against `main` if no branch was provided
BRANCH ?= main
./scripts/lint_python_docstrings.sh $(BRANCH)
poetry run bandit -ll -ii -r --config pyproject.toml rasa/*
poetry run mypy rasa
static-checks: lint lint-security types
poetry run python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
poetry run python -m spacy download de_core_news_sm
wget --progress=dot:giga -N -P data/ https://github.com/mit-nlp/MITIE/releases/download/v0.4/MITIE-models-v0.2.tar.bz2
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
7z x data/MITIE-models-v0.2.tar.bz2 -bb3
7z x MITIE-models-v0.2.tar -bb3
cp MITIE-models/english/total_word_feature_extractor.dat data/
rm -r MITIE-models
rm MITIE-models-v0.2.tar
tar -xvjf data/MITIE-models-v0.2.tar.bz2 --strip-components 2 -C data/ MITIE-models/english/total_word_feature_extractor.dat
rm data/MITIE*.bz2
while read -r MODEL; do poetry run python scripts/download_transformer_model.py $$MODEL ; done < data/test/hf_transformers_models.txt
if ! [ $(CI) ]; then poetry run python scripts/download_transformer_model.py rasa/LaBSE; fi
brew install wget graphviz || true
sudo apt-get -y install graphviz graphviz-dev python-tk
choco install wget graphviz
# GitHub Action has pre-installed a helper function for installing Chocolatey packages
# It will retry the installation 5 times if it fails
# See: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/main/images/win/scripts/ImageHelpers/ChocoHelpers.ps1
powershell -command "Install-ChocoPackage wget graphviz"
test: clean
# OMP_NUM_THREADS can improve overall performance using one thread by process (on tensorflow), avoiding overload
# TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 sets C code log level for tensorflow to error suppressing lower log events
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 poetry run pytest tests -n $(JOBS) --dist loadscope --cov rasa --ignore $(INTEGRATION_TEST_FOLDER)
# OMP_NUM_THREADS can improve overall performance using one thread by process (on tensorflow), avoiding overload
# TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 sets C code log level for tensorflow to error suppressing lower log events
ifeq (,$(wildcard tests_deployment/.env))
set -o allexport; source tests_deployment/.env && OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 poetry run pytest $(INTEGRATION_TEST_FOLDER) -n $(JOBS) -m $(INTEGRATION_TEST_PYTEST_MARKERS) --dist loadgroup && set +o allexport
test-cli: PYTEST_MARKER=category_cli and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-cli: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-cli: test-marker
test-core-featurizers: PYTEST_MARKER=category_core_featurizers and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-core-featurizers: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-core-featurizers: test-marker
test-policies: PYTEST_MARKER=category_policies and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-policies: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-policies: test-marker
test-nlu-featurizers: PYTEST_MARKER=category_nlu_featurizers and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-nlu-featurizers: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-nlu-featurizers: prepare-spacy prepare-mitie prepare-transformers test-marker
test-nlu-predictors: PYTEST_MARKER=category_nlu_predictors and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-nlu-predictors: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-nlu-predictors: prepare-spacy prepare-mitie test-marker
test-full-model-training: PYTEST_MARKER=category_full_model_training and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-full-model-training: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-full-model-training: prepare-spacy prepare-mitie prepare-transformers test-marker
test-other-unit-tests: PYTEST_MARKER=category_other_unit_tests and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-other-unit-tests: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-other-unit-tests: prepare-spacy prepare-mitie test-marker
test-performance: PYTEST_MARKER=category_performance and (not flaky) and (not acceptance)
test-performance: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-performance: test-marker
test-flaky: PYTEST_MARKER=flaky and (not acceptance)
test-flaky: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-flaky: prepare-spacy prepare-mitie test-marker
test-acceptance: PYTEST_MARKER=acceptance and (not flaky)
test-acceptance: DD_ARGS := $(or $(DD_ARGS),)
test-acceptance: prepare-spacy prepare-mitie test-marker
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 poetry run pytest .github/tests --cov .github/scripts
test-marker: clean
# OMP_NUM_THREADS can improve overall performance using one thread by process (on tensorflow), avoiding overload
# TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 sets C code log level for tensorflow to error suppressing lower log events
TRANSFORMERS_OFFLINE=1 OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=2 poetry run pytest tests -n $(JOBS) --dist loadscope -m "$(PYTEST_MARKER)" --cov rasa --ignore $(INTEGRATION_TEST_FOLDER) $(DD_ARGS)
poetry run python -c "from scripts import release; release.generate_changelog('major.minor.patch')"
# this is a helper to cleanup your git status locally after running "make test-docs"
# it's not run on CI at the moment
git status --porcelain | sed -n '/^D */s///p' | xargs git reset HEAD
git reset HEAD CHANGELOG.mdx
git ls-files --deleted | xargs git checkout
git checkout CHANGELOG.mdx
test-docs: generate-pending-changelog docs
poetry run pytest tests/docs/*
lint-docs: generate-pending-changelog docs
cd docs/ && yarn mdx-lint
cd docs/ && poetry run yarn pre-build
docs: prepare-docs
cd docs/ && yarn build
cd docs/ && poetry run yarn start
cd docs/ && yarn build && yarn deploy-preview --alias=${PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER} --message="Preview for Pull Request #${PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}"
cd docs/ && yarn build && yarn deploy
poetry run python scripts/release.py
export IMAGE_NAME=rasa && \
docker buildx use default && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-poetry && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-builder && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl default
export IMAGE_NAME=rasa && \
docker buildx use default && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-images && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-builder && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl full
export IMAGE_NAME=rasa && \
docker buildx use default && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-images && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-builder && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl mitie-en
export IMAGE_NAME=rasa && \
docker buildx use default && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-poetry && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-builder && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl spacy-en
export IMAGE_NAME=rasa && \
docker buildx use default && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-poetry && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-builder && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl spacy-de
export IMAGE_NAME=rasa && \
docker buildx use default && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-poetry && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl base-builder && \
docker buildx bake --set default.platform=${PLATFORM} -f docker/docker-bake.hcl spacy-it
build-tests-deployment-env: ## Create environment files (.env) for docker-compose.
cd tests_deployment && \
test -f .env || cat .env.example >> .env
run-integration-containers: build-tests-deployment-env ## Run the integration test containers.
cd tests_deployment && \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.integration.yml up &
stop-integration-containers: ## Stop the integration test containers.
cd tests_deployment && \
docker-compose -f docker-compose.integration.yml down
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