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Gitee 极速下载/go-redis-redissource

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/go-redis/redis
options.go 2.92 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package redis
import (
type Options struct {
// The network type, either tcp or unix.
// Default is tcp.
Network string
// host:port address.
Addr string
// Dialer creates new network connection and has priority over
// Network and Addr options.
Dialer func() (net.Conn, error)
// An optional password. Must match the password specified in the
// requirepass server configuration option.
Password string
// A database to be selected after connecting to server.
DB int64
// The maximum number of retries before giving up.
// Default is to not retry failed commands.
MaxRetries int
// Sets the deadline for establishing new connections. If reached,
// dial will fail with a timeout.
// Default is 5 seconds.
DialTimeout time.Duration
// Sets the deadline for socket reads. If reached, commands will
// fail with a timeout instead of blocking.
ReadTimeout time.Duration
// Sets the deadline for socket writes. If reached, commands will
// fail with a timeout instead of blocking.
WriteTimeout time.Duration
// The maximum number of socket connections.
// Default is 10 connections.
PoolSize int
// Specifies amount of time client waits for connection if all
// connections are busy before returning an error.
// Default is 1 second.
PoolTimeout time.Duration
// Specifies amount of time after which client closes idle
// connections. Should be less than server's timeout.
// Default is to not close idle connections.
IdleTimeout time.Duration
func (opt *Options) getNetwork() string {
if opt.Network == "" {
return "tcp"
return opt.Network
func (opt *Options) getDialer() func() (net.Conn, error) {
if opt.Dialer != nil {
return opt.Dialer
return func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.DialTimeout(opt.getNetwork(), opt.Addr, opt.getDialTimeout())
func (opt *Options) getPoolSize() int {
if opt.PoolSize == 0 {
return 10
return opt.PoolSize
func (opt *Options) getDialTimeout() time.Duration {
if opt.DialTimeout == 0 {
return 5 * time.Second
return opt.DialTimeout
func (opt *Options) getPoolTimeout() time.Duration {
if opt.PoolTimeout == 0 {
return 1 * time.Second
return opt.PoolTimeout
func (opt *Options) getIdleTimeout() time.Duration {
return opt.IdleTimeout
func newConnPool(opt *Options) *pool.ConnPool {
return pool.NewConnPool(
opt.getDialer(), opt.getPoolSize(), opt.getPoolTimeout(), opt.getIdleTimeout())
// PoolStats contains pool state information and accumulated stats.
type PoolStats struct {
Requests uint32 // number of times a connection was requested by the pool
Hits uint32 // number of times free connection was found in the pool
Waits uint32 // number of times the pool had to wait for a connection
Timeouts uint32 // number of times a wait timeout occurred
TotalConns uint32 // the number of total connections in the pool
FreeConns uint32 // the number of free connections in the pool
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