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Gitee 极速下载/go-redis-redissource

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/go-redis/redis
universal.go 3.59 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package redis
import "time"
// UniversalOptions information is required by UniversalClient to establish
// connections.
type UniversalOptions struct {
// Either a single address or a seed list of host:port addresses
// of cluster/sentinel nodes.
Addrs []string
// The sentinel master name.
// Only failover clients.
MasterName string
// Database to be selected after connecting to the server.
// Only single-node and failover clients.
DB int
// Enables read only queries on slave nodes.
// Only cluster and single-node clients.
ReadOnly bool
// Only cluster clients.
MaxRedirects int
RouteByLatency bool
// Common options
MaxRetries int
Password string
DialTimeout time.Duration
ReadTimeout time.Duration
WriteTimeout time.Duration
PoolSize int
PoolTimeout time.Duration
IdleTimeout time.Duration
IdleCheckFrequency time.Duration
func (o *UniversalOptions) cluster() *ClusterOptions {
if len(o.Addrs) == 0 {
o.Addrs = []string{""}
return &ClusterOptions{
Addrs: o.Addrs,
MaxRedirects: o.MaxRedirects,
RouteByLatency: o.RouteByLatency,
ReadOnly: o.ReadOnly,
MaxRetries: o.MaxRetries,
Password: o.Password,
DialTimeout: o.DialTimeout,
ReadTimeout: o.ReadTimeout,
WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,
PoolSize: o.PoolSize,
PoolTimeout: o.PoolTimeout,
IdleTimeout: o.IdleTimeout,
IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,
func (o *UniversalOptions) failover() *FailoverOptions {
if len(o.Addrs) == 0 {
o.Addrs = []string{""}
return &FailoverOptions{
SentinelAddrs: o.Addrs,
MasterName: o.MasterName,
DB: o.DB,
MaxRetries: o.MaxRetries,
Password: o.Password,
DialTimeout: o.DialTimeout,
ReadTimeout: o.ReadTimeout,
WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,
PoolSize: o.PoolSize,
PoolTimeout: o.PoolTimeout,
IdleTimeout: o.IdleTimeout,
IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,
func (o *UniversalOptions) simple() *Options {
addr := ""
if len(o.Addrs) > 0 {
addr = o.Addrs[0]
return &Options{
Addr: addr,
DB: o.DB,
ReadOnly: o.ReadOnly,
MaxRetries: o.MaxRetries,
Password: o.Password,
DialTimeout: o.DialTimeout,
ReadTimeout: o.ReadTimeout,
WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,
PoolSize: o.PoolSize,
PoolTimeout: o.PoolTimeout,
IdleTimeout: o.IdleTimeout,
IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// UniversalClient is an abstract client which - based on the provided options -
// can connect to either clusters, or sentinel-backed failover instances or simple
// single-instance servers. This can be useful for testing cluster-specific
// applications locally.
type UniversalClient interface {
Process(cmd Cmder) error
Close() error
// NewUniversalClient returns a new multi client. The type of client returned depends
// on the following three conditions:
// 1. if a MasterName is passed a sentinel-backed FailoverClient will be returned
// 2. if the number of Addrs is two or more, a ClusterClient will be returned
// 3. otherwise, a single-node redis Client will be returned.
func NewUniversalClient(opts *UniversalOptions) UniversalClient {
if opts.MasterName != "" {
return NewFailoverClient(opts.failover())
} else if len(opts.Addrs) > 1 {
return NewClusterClient(opts.cluster())
return NewClient(opts.simple())
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