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runc v1.2.0-rc.1 -- "There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."

This is the first release candidate for the 1.2.0 branch of runc. It includes
all patches and bugfixes included in runc 1.1 patch releases (up to and
including 1.1.12). A fair few new features have been added, and some changes
have been made which may affect users. Please help us thoroughly test this
release before we release 1.2.0.

runc now requires a minimum of Go 1.20 to compile.

NOTE: runc currently will not work properly when compiled with Go 1.22 or
newer. This is due to some unfortunate glibc behaviour that Go 1.22
exacerbates in a way that results in containers not being able to start on
some systems. See this issue for more information.


  • Several aspects of how mount options work has been adjusted in a way that
    could theoretically break users that have very strange mount option strings.
    This was necessary to fix glaring issues in how mount options were being
    treated. The key changes are:

    • Mount options on bind-mounts that clear a mount flag are now always
      applied. Previously, if a user requested a bind-mount with only clearing
      options (such as rw,exec,dev) the options would be ignored and the
      original bind-mount options would be set. Unfortunately this also means
      that container configurations which specified only clearing mount options
      will now actually get what they asked for, which could break existing
      containers (though it seems unlikely that a user who requested a specific
      mount option would consider it "broken" to get the mount options they
      asked foruser who requested a specific mount option would consider it
      "broken" to get the mount options they asked for). This also allows us to
      silently add locked mount flags the user did not explicitly request to be
      in rootless mode, allowing for easier use of bind-mounts for
      rootless containers. (#3967)

    • Container configurations using bind-mounts with superblock mount flags
      (i.e. filesystem-specific mount flags, referred to as "data" in
      mount(2), as opposed to VFS generic mount flags like MS_NODEV) will
      now return an error. This is because superblock mount flags will also
      affect the host mount (as the superblock is shared when bind-mounting),
      which is obviously not acceptable. Previously, these flags were silently
      ignored so this change simply tells users that runc cannot fulfil their
      request rather than just ignoring it. (#3990)

    If any of these changes cause problems in real-world workloads, please open
    an issue
    so we
    can adjust the behaviour to avoid compatibility issues.


  • runc has been updated to OCI runtime-spec 1.2.0, and supports all Linux
    features with a few minor exceptions. See
    for more details.
  • runc now supports id-mapped mounts for bind-mounts (with no restrictions on
    the mapping used for each mount). Other mount types are not currently
    supported. This feature requires MOUNT_ATTR_IDMAP kernel support (Linux
    5.12 or newer) as well as kernel support for the underlying filesystem used
    for the bind-mount. See mount_setattr(2) for a list of
    supported filesystems and other restrictions. (#3717, #3985, #3993)
  • Two new mechanisms for reducing the memory usage of our protections against
    CVE-2019-5736 have been introduced:
    • runc-dmz is a minimal binary (~8K) which acts as an additional execve
      stage, allowing us to only need to protect the smaller binary. It should
      be noted that there have been several compatibility issues reported with
      the usage of runc-dmz (namely related to capabilities and SELinux). As
      such, this mechanism is opt-in and can be enabled by running runc
      with the environment variable RUNC_DMZ=true (setting this environment
      variable in config.json will have no effect). This feature can be
      disabled at build time using the runc_nodmz build tag. (#3983, #3987)
    • contrib/memfd-bind is a helper daemon which will bind-mount a memfd copy
      of /usr/bin/runc on top of /usr/bin/runc. This entirely eliminates
      per-container copies of the binary, but requires care to ensure that
      upgrades to runc are handled properly, and requires a long-running daemon
      (unfortunately memfds cannot be bind-mounted directly and thus require a
      daemon to keep them alive). (#3987)
  • runc will now use cgroup.kill if available to kill all processes in a
    container (such as when doing runc kill). (#3135, #3825)
  • Add support for setting the umask for runc exec. (#3661)
  • libct/cg: support SCHED_IDLE for runc cgroupfs. (#3377)
  • checkpoint/restore: implement --manage-cgroups-mode=ignore. (#3546)
  • seccomp: refactor flags support; add flags to features, set SPEC_ALLOW by
    default. (#3588)
  • libct/cg/sd: use systemd v240+ new MAJOR:* syntax. (#3843)
  • Support CFS bandwidth burst for CPU. (#3749, #3145)
  • Support time namespaces. (#3876)
  • Reduce the runc binary size by ~11% by updating
    github.com/checkpoint-restore/go-criu. (#3652)
  • Add --pidfd-socket to runc run and runc exec to allow for management
    processes to receive a pidfd for the new process, allowing them to avoid pid
    reuse attacks. (#4045)


  • runc option --criu is now ignored (with a warning), and the option will
    be removed entirely in a future release. Users who need a non-standard
    criu binary should rely on the standard way of looking up binaries in
    $PATH. (#3316)
  • runc kill option -a is now deprecated. Previously, it had to be specified
    to kill a container (with SIGKILL) which does not have its own private PID
    namespace (so that runc would send SIGKILL to all processes). Now, this is
    done automatically. (#3864, #3825)
  • github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/user is now deprecated, please
    use github.com/moby/sys/user instead. It will be removed in a future
    release. (#4017)


  • When Intel RDT feature is not available, its initialization is skipped,
    resulting in slightly faster runc exec and runc run. (#3306)
  • runc features is no longer experimental. (#3861)
  • libcontainer users that create and kill containers from a daemon process
    (so that the container init is a child of that process) must now implement
    a proper child reaper in case a container does not have its own private PID
    namespace, as documented in container.Signal. (#3825)
  • Sum anon and file from memory.stat for cgroupv2 root usage,
    as the root does not have memory.current for cgroupv2.
    This aligns cgroupv2 root usage more closely with cgroupv1 reporting.
    Additionally, report root swap usage as sum of swap and memory usage,
    aligned with v1 and existing non-root v2 reporting. (#3933)
  • Add swapOnlyUsage in MemoryStats. This field reports swap-only usage.
    For cgroupv1, Usage and Failcnt are set by subtracting memory usage
    from memory+swap usage. For cgroupv2, Usage, Limit, and MaxUsage
    are set. (#4010)
  • libcontainer users that create and kill containers from a daemon process
    (so that the container init is a child of that process) must now implement
    a proper child reaper in case a container does not have its own private PID
    namespace, as documented in container.Signal. (#3825)
  • libcontainer: container.Signal no longer takes an all argument. Whether
    or not it is necessary to kill all processes in the container individually
    is now determined automatically. (#3825, #3885)
  • seccomp: enable seccomp binary tree optimization. (#3405)
  • runc run/runc exec: ignore SIGURG. (#3368)
  • Remove tun/tap from the default device allowlist. (#3468)
  • runc --root non-existent-dir list now reports an error for non-existent
    root directory. (#3374)


  • In case the runc binary resides on tmpfs, runc init no longer re-execs
    itself twice. (#3342)
  • Our seccomp -ENOSYS stub now correctly handles multiplexed syscalls on
    s390 and s390x. This solves the issue where syscalls the host kernel did not
    support would return -EPERM despite the existence of the -ENOSYS stub
    code (this was due to how s390x does syscall multiplexing). (#3474)
  • Remove tun/tap from the default device rules. (#3468)
  • specconv: avoid mapping "acl" to MS_POSIXACL. (#3739)
  • libcontainer: fix private PID namespace detection when killing the
    container. (#3866, #3825)
  • systemd socket notification: fix race where runc exited before systemd
    properly handled the READY notification. (#3291, #3293)
  • The -ENOSYS seccomp stub is now always generated for the native
    architecture that runc is running on. This is needed to work around some
    arguably specification-incompliant behaviour from Docker on architectures
    such as ppc64le, where the allowed architecture list is set to null. This
    ensures that we always generate at least one -ENOSYS stub for the native
    architecture even with these weird configs. (#4219)


  • In order to fix performance issues in the "lightweight" bindfd protection
    against CVE-2019-5736, the temporary ro bind-mount of
    /proc/self/exe has been removed. runc now creates a binary copy in all
    cases. See the above notes about memfd-bind and runc-dmz as well as
    contrib/cmd/memfd-bind/README.md for more information about how this
    (minor) change in memory usage can be further reduced. (#3987, #3599, #2532,
  • libct/cg: Remove EnterPid (a function with no users). (#3797)
  • libcontainer: Remove {Pre,Post}MountCmds which were never used and are
    obsoleted by more generic container hooks. (#3350)

Thanks to the following contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2024-03-14 14:03

v1.1.12 -- "Now you're thinking with Portals™!"

This is the twelfth patch release in the 1.1.z release branch of runc.
It fixes a high-severity container breakout vulnerability involving
leaked file descriptors, and users are strongly encouraged to update as
soon as possible.

  • Fix CVE-2024-21626, a container breakout attack that took advantage of
    a file descriptor that was leaked internally within runc (but never
    leaked to the container process).

    In addition to fixing the leak, several strict hardening measures were
    added to ensure that future internal leaks could not be used to break
    out in this manner again.

    Based on our research, while no other container runtime had a similar
    leak, none had any of the hardening steps we've introduced (and some
    runtimes would not check for any file descriptors that a calling
    process may have leaked to them, allowing for container breakouts due
    to basic user error).

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2024-01-18 09:17

v1.1.11 -- "Happy New Year!"

This is the eleventh patch release in the 1.1.z release branch of runc.
It primarily fixes a few issues with runc's handling of containers that
are configured to join existing user namespaces, as well as improvements
to cgroupv2 support.

  • Fix several issues with userns path handling. (#4122, #4124, #4134, #4144)
  • Support memory.peak and memory.swap.peak in cgroups v2.
    Add swapOnlyUsage in MemoryStats. This field reports swap-only usage.
    For cgroupv1, Usage and Failcnt are set by subtracting memory usage
    from memory+swap usage. For cgroupv2, Usage, Limit, and MaxUsage
    are set. (#4000, #4010, #4131)
  • build(deps): bump github.com/cyphar/filepath-securejoin. (#4140)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2024-01-01 23:21

v1.1.10 -- "Śruba, przykręcona we śnie, nie zmieni sytuacji, jaka panuje na jawie."

This is the tenth (and most likely final) patch release in the 1.1.z
release branch of runc. It mainly fixes a few issues in cgroups, and a
umask-related issue in tmpcopyup.

  • Add support for hugetlb.<pagesize>.rsvd limiting and accounting.
    Fixes the issue of postres failing when hugepage limits are set.
    (#3859, #4077)
  • Fixed permissions of a newly created directories to not depend on the value
    of umask in tmpcopyup feature implementation. (#3991, #4060)
  • libcontainer: cgroup v1 GetStats now ignores missing kmem.limit_in_bytes
    (fixes the compatibility with Linux kernel 6.1+). (#4028)
  • Fix a semi-arbitrary cgroup write bug when given a malicious hugetlb
    configuration. This issue is not a security issue because it requires a
    malicious config.json, which is outside of our threat model. (#4103)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2023-10-24 06:32

v1.1.9 -- "There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

This is the ninth patch release of the 1.1.z release branch of runc.
It fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.8, a bugfix in intelrdt, and
a libcontainer fix to cgroup v2 statistics reporting.

  • Added go 1.21 to the CI matrix; other CI updates. (#3976, #3958)
  • Fixed losing sticky bit on tmpfs (a regression in 1.1.8). (#3952, #3961)
  • intelrdt: fixed ignoring ClosID on some systems. (#3550, #3978)
  • Sum anon and file from memory.stat for cgroupv2 root usage,
    as the root does not have memory.current for cgroupv2.
    This aligns cgroupv2 root usage more closely with cgroupv1 reporting.
    Additionally, report root swap usage as sum of swap and memory usage,
    aligned with v1 and existing non-root v2 reporting. (#3933)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2023-08-11 01:32

v1.1.8 -- "海纳百川 有容乃大"

This is the eighth patch release of the 1.1.z release branch of runc.
The most notable change is the addition of RISC-V support, along with a
few bug fixes.

  • Support riscv64. (#3905)
  • init: do not print environment variable value. (#3879)
  • libct: fix a race with systemd removal. (#3877)
  • tests/int: increase num retries for oom tests. (#3891)
  • man/runc: fixes. (#3892)
  • Fix tmpfs mode opts when dir already exists. (#3916)
  • docs/systemd: fix a broken link. (#3917)
  • ci/cirrus: enable some rootless tests on cs9. (#3918)
  • runc delete: call systemd's reset-failed. (#3932)
  • libct/cg/sd/v1: do not update non-frozen cgroup after frozen failed. (#3921)
  • CI: bump Fedora, Vagrant, bats. (#3878)
  • .codespellrc: update for 2.2.5. (#3909)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2023-07-18 22:07

v1.1.7 -- "Ночевала тучка золотая на груди утеса-великана."

This is the seventh patch release in the 1.1.z release of runc, and is
the last planned release of the 1.1.z series. It contains a fix for
cgroup device rules with systemd when handling device rules for devices
that don't exist (though for devices whose drivers don't correctly
register themselves in the kernel -- such as the NVIDIA devices -- the
full fix only works with systemd v240+).

  • When used with systemd v240+, systemd cgroup drivers no longer skip
    DeviceAllow rules if the device does not exist (a regression introduced
    in runc 1.1.3). This fix also reverts the workaround added in runc 1.1.5,
    removing an extra warning emitted by runc run/start. (#3845, #3708, #3671)
  • The source code now has a new file, runc.keyring, which contains the keys
    used to sign runc releases. (#3838)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2023-04-26 02:57

v1.1.6 -- "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."

This is the sixth path release in the 1.1.z series of runc, which fixes
a series of cgroup-related issues.

Note that this release can no longer be built from sources using Go
1.16. Using a latest maintained Go 1.20.x or Go 1.19.x release is
recommended. Go 1.17 can still be used.

  • systemd cgroup v1 and v2 drivers were deliberately ignoring UnitExist error
    from systemd while trying to create a systemd unit, which in some scenarios
    may result in a container not being added to the proper systemd unit and
    cgroup. (#3780, #3806)
  • systemd cgroup v2 driver was incorrectly translating cpuset range from spec's
    resources.cpu.cpus to systemd unit property (AllowedCPUs) in case of more
    than 8 CPUs, resulting in the wrong AllowedCPUs setting. (#3808)
  • systemd cgroup v1 driver was prefixing container's cgroup path with the path
    of PID 1 cgroup, resulting in inability to place PID 1 in a non-root cgroup.
  • runc run/start may return "permission denied" error when starting a rootless
    container when the file to be executed does not have executable bit set for
    the user, not taking the CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE capability into account. This is
    a regression in runc 1.1.4, as well as in Go 1.20 and 1.20.1 (#3715, #3817)
  • cgroup v1 drivers are now aware of misc controller. (#3823)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2023-04-07 07:59

v1.1.5 -- "囚われた屈辱は 反撃の嚆矢だ"

This is the fifth patch release in the 1.1.z series of runc, which fixes
three CVEs found in runc.

In addition, the following other fixes are included in this release:

  • Fix the inability to use /dev/null when inside a container. (#3620)
  • Fix changing the ownership of host's /dev/null caused by fd redirection
    (a regression in 1.1.1). (#3674, #3731)
  • Fix rare runc exec/enter unshare error on older kernels, including
    CentOS < 7.7. (#3776)
  • nsexec: Check for errors in write_log(). (#3721)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

[Due to the security-critical nature of this release, it was released
without a direct vote but was agreed to by the required number of

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2023-03-29 14:45

v1.1.4 -- "If you look for perfection, you'll never be content."

This is the fourth patch release in the 1.1.z series of runc, primarily
fixing a regression introduced in 1.1.3 related to device rules. It also
fixes a few other bugs.

  • Fix mounting via wrong proc fd. When the user and mount namespaces are
    used, and the bind mount is followed by the cgroup mount in the spec,
    the cgroup was mounted using the bind mount's mount fd. (#3511)
  • Switch kill() in libcontainer/nsenter to sane_kill(). (#3536)
  • Fix "permission denied" error from runc run on noexec fs. (#3541)
  • Fix failed exec after systemctl daemon-reload. Due to a regression
    in v1.1.3, the DeviceAllow=char-pts rwm rule was no longer added and
    was causing an error open /dev/pts/0: operation not permitted: unknown when systemd was reloaded. (#3554)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2022-08-24 08:44

v1.1.3 -- "In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded."

This is the third release of the 1.1.z series of runc, and contains
various minor improvements and bugfixes.

  • Our seccomp -ENOSYS stub now correctly handles multiplexed syscalls on
    s390 and s390x. This solves the issue where syscalls the host kernel did not
    support would return -EPERM despite the existence of the -ENOSYS stub
    code (this was due to how s390x does syscall multiplexing). (#3478)
  • Retry on dbus disconnect logic in libcontainer/cgroups/systemd now works as
    intended; this fix does not affect runc binary itself but is important for
    libcontainer users such as Kubernetes. (#3476)
  • Inability to compile with recent clang due to an issue with duplicate
    constants in libseccomp-golang. (#3477)
  • When using systemd cgroup driver, skip adding device paths that don't exist,
    to stop systemd from emitting warnings about those paths. (#3504)
  • Socket activation was failing when more than 3 sockets were used. (#3494)
  • Various CI fixes. (#3472, #3479)
  • Allow to bind mount /proc/sys/kernel/ns_last_pid to inside container. (#3493)
  • runc static binaries are now linked against libseccomp v2.5.4. (#3481)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2022-05-27 04:24

v1.1.2 -- "I should think I’m going to be a perpetual student."

This is the second patch release of the runc 1.1 release branch. It
fixes CVE-2022-29162, a minor security issue (which appears to not be
exploitable) related to process capabilities.

This is a similar bug to the ones found and fixed in Docker and
containerd recently (CVE-2022-24769).

  • A bug was found in runc where runc exec --cap executed processes with
    non-empty inheritable Linux process capabilities, creating an atypical Linux
    environment. For more information, see GHSA-f3fp-gc8g-vw66 and
  • runc spec no longer sets any inheritable capabilities in the created
    example OCI spec (config.json) file.

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2022-05-06 03:49

v1.1.1 -- "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."

This is the first stable release in the 1.1 branch, fixing a few issues
with runc 1.1.0.


  • runc run/start can now run a container with read-only /dev in OCI spec,
    rather than error out. (#3355)
  • runc exec now ensures that --cgroup argument is a sub-cgroup. (#3403)
  • libcontainer systemd v2 manager no longer errors out if one of the files
    listed in /sys/kernel/cgroup/delegate do not exist in container's
    cgroup. (#3387, #3404)
  • Loosen OCI spec validation to avoid bogus "Intel RDT is not supported"
    error. (#3406)
  • libcontainer/cgroups no longer panics in cgroup v1 managers if stat
    of /sys/fs/cgroup/unified returns an error other than ENOENT. (#3435)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Kir Kolyshkin kolyshkin@gmail.com

2022-03-29 02:44

v1.1.0 -- "A plan depends as much upon execution as it does upon concept."

This release only contains very minor changes from v1.1.0-rc.1 and is
the first release of the 1.1.y release series of runc.


  • libcontainer will now refuse to build without the nsenter package being
    correctly compiled (specifically this requires CGO to be enabled). This
    should avoid folks accidentally creating broken runc binaries (and
    incorrectly importing our internal libraries into their projects). (#3331)

Thanks to the following people who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2022-01-14 12:43

v1.1.0~rc1 -- "He who controls the spice controls the universe."

This release is the first release candidate for the next minor release
following runc 1.0. It contains all of the bugfixes included in runc 1.0
patch releases (up to and including 1.0.3).

A fair few new features have been added, and several features have been
deprecated (with plans for removal in runc 1.2). At the moment we only
plan to do a single release candidate for runc 1.1, and once 1.1.0 is
released we will not continue updating the 1.0.z runc branch.


  • runc run/start now warns if a new container cgroup is non-empty or frozen;
    this warning will become an error in runc 1.2. (#3132, #3223)
  • runc can only be built with Go 1.16 or later from this release onwards.
    (#3100, #3245)


  • cgroup.GetHugePageSizes has been removed entirely, and been replaced with
    cgroup.HugePageSizes which is more efficient. (#3234)
  • intelrdt.GetIntelRdtPath has been removed. Users who were using this
    function to get the intelrdt root should use the new intelrdt.Root
    instead. (#2920, #3239)


  • Add support for RDMA cgroup added in Linux 4.11. (#2883)
  • runc exec now produces exit code of 255 when the exec failed.
    This may help in distinguishing between runc exec failures
    (such as invalid options, non-running container or non-existent
    binary etc.) and failures of the command being executed. (#3073)
  • runc run: new --keep option to skip removal exited containers artefacts.
    This might be useful to check the state (e.g. of cgroup controllers) after
    the container hasexited. (#2817, #2825)
  • seccomp: add support for SCMP_ACT_KILL_PROCESS and SCMP_ACT_KILL_THREAD
    (the latter is just an alias for SCMP_ACT_KILL). (#3204)
  • seccomp: add support for SCMP_ACT_NOTIFY (seccomp actions). This allows
    users to create sophisticated seccomp filters where syscalls can be
    efficiently emulated by privileged processes on the host. (#2682)
  • checkpoint/restore: add an option (--lsm-mount-context) to set
    a different LSM mount context on restore. (#3068)
  • runc releases are now cross-compiled for several architectures. Static
    builds for said architectures will be available for all future releases.
  • intelrdt: support ClosID parameter. (#2920)
  • runc exec --cgroup: an option to specify a (non-top) in-container cgroup
    to use for the process being executed. (#3040, #3059)
  • cgroup v1 controllers now support hybrid hierarchy (i.e. when on a cgroup v1
    machine a cgroup2 filesystem is mounted to /sys/fs/cgroup/unified, runc
    run/exec now adds the container to the appropriate cgroup under it). (#2087,
  • sysctl: allow slashes in sysctl names, to better match sysctl(8)'s
    behaviour. (#3254, #3257)
  • mounts: add support for bind-mounts which are inaccessible after switching
    the user namespace. Note that this does not permit the container any
    additional access to the host filesystem, it simply allows containers to
    have bind-mounts configured for paths the user can access but have
    restrictive access control settings for other users. (#2576)
  • Add support for recursive mount attributes using mount_setattr(2). These
    have the same names as the proposed mount(8) options -- just prepend r
    to the option name (such as rro). (#3272)
  • Add runc features subcommand to allow runc users to detect what features
    runc has been built with. This includes critical information such as
    supported mount flags, hook names, and so on. Note that the output of this
    command is subject to change and will not be considered stable until runc
    1.2 at the earliest. The runtime-spec specification for this feature is
    being developed in opencontainers/runtime-spec#1130. (#3296)


  • system: improve performance of /proc/$pid/stat parsing. (#2696)
  • cgroup2: when /sys/fs/cgroup is configured as a read-write mount, change
    the ownership of certain cgroup control files (as per
    /sys/kernel/cgroup/delegate) to allow for proper deferral to the container
    process. (#3057)
  • docs: series of improvements to man pages to make them easier to read and
    use. (#3032)

Libcontainer API:

  • internal api: remove internal error types and handling system, switch to Go
    wrapped errors. (#3033)
  • New configs.Cgroup structure fields (#3177):
    • Systemd (whether to use systemd cgroup manager); and
    • Rootless (whether to use rootless cgroups).
  • New cgroups/manager package aiming to simplify cgroup manager instantiation.
  • All cgroup managers' instantiation methods now initialize cgroup paths and
    can return errors. This allows to use any cgroup manager method (e.g.
    Exists, Destroy, Set, GetStats) right after instantiation, which was not
    possible before (as paths were initialized in Apply only). (#3178)


  • nsenter: do not try to close already-closed fds during container setup and
    bail on close(2) failures. (#3058)
  • runc checkpoint/restore: fixed for containers with an external bind mount
    which destination is a symlink. (#3047).
  • cgroup: improve openat2 handling for cgroup directory handle hardening.
  • runc delete -f now succeeds (rather than timing out) on a paused
    container. (#3134)
  • runc run/start/exec now refuses a frozen cgroup (paused container in case of
    exec). Users can disable this using --ignore-paused. (#3132, #3223)
  • config: do not permit null bytes in mount fields. (#3287)

Thanks to the following people who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2021-12-09 14:07

v1.0.3 -- "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."

This is the third stable release in the 1.0 branch, fixing a handful of medium
priority issues related to mounts and cgroups, as well as a potential security

This release is expected to be the last point release in the 1.0 branch, as we
are planning to release runc 1.1 in the near future.


  • A potential vulnerability was discovered in runc (related to an internal
    usage of netlink), however upon further investigation we discovered that
    while this bug was exploitable on the master branch of runc, no released
    version of runc could be exploited using this bug. The exploit required
    being able to create a netlink attribute with a length that would overflow a
    uint16 but this was not possible in any released version of runc. For more
    information see GHSA-v95c-p5hm-xq8f and CVE-2021-43784.

    Due to an abundance of caution we decided to do an emergency release with
    this fix, but to reiterate we do not believe this vulnerability was
    possible to exploit
    . Thanks to Felix Wilhelm from Google Project Zero for
    discovering and reporting this vulnerability so quickly.


  • Fixed inability to start a container with read-write bind mount of a
    read-only fuse host mount (#3292)
  • Fixed inability to start when read-only /dev in set in spec (#3277)
  • Fixed not removing sub-cgroups upon container delete, when rootless cgroup v2
    is used with older systemd (#3297)
  • Fixed returning error from GetStats when hugetlb is unsupported (which causes
    excessive logging for kubernetes) (#3295)
  • [CI only] Fixed criu 3.16 compatibility issue (#3282)
  • [CI only] Add Go 1.17 to the testing matrix (#3299)


  • Improved an error message when dbus-user-session is not installed and
    rootless + cgroup2 + systemd are used (#3212)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2021-12-03 08:01

v1.0.2 -- "Given the right lever, you can move a planet."

This is a second stable release in 1.0 branch, fixing a few medium and
high priority issues, including one that affects Kubernetes' usage of
runc's libcontainer.


  • Fixed a failure to set CPU quota period in some cases on cgroup v1. (#3115)
  • Fixed the inability to start a container with the "adding seccomp filter
    rule for syscall ..." error, caused by redundant seccomp rules (i.e. those
    that has action equal to the default one). Such redundant rules are now
    skipped. (#3129)
  • Made release builds reproducible from now on. (#3142)
  • Fixed a rare debug log race in runc init, which can result in occasional
    harmful "failed to decode ..." errors from runc run or exec. (#3130)
  • Fixed the check in cgroup v1 systemd manager if a container needs to be
    frozen before Set, and add a setting to skip such freeze unconditionally.
    The previous fix for that issue, done in runc 1.0.1, was not working.

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2021-08-20 15:24

v1.0.1 -- "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."

This is the first stable release in the 1.0 branch, fixing a few medium
and high priority issues with runc 1.0.0, including a few that affect
Kubernetes' usage of libcontainer.


  • Fixed occasional runc exec/run failure ("interrupted system call") on an
    Azure volume. (#3074)
  • Fixed "unable to find groups ... token too long" error with /etc/group
    containing lines longer than 64K characters. (#3079)
  • cgroup/systemd/v1: fix leaving cgroup frozen after Set if a parent cgroup is
    frozen. This is a regression in 1.0.0, not affecting runc itself but some
    of libcontainer users (e.g Kubernetes). (#3085)
  • cgroupv2: bpf: Ignore inaccessible existing programs in case of
    permission error when handling replacement of existing bpf cgroup
    programs. This fixes a regression in 1.0.0, where some SELinux
    policies would block runc from being able to run entirely. (#3087)
  • cgroup/systemd/v2: don't freeze cgroup on Set. (#3092)
  • cgroup/systemd/v1: avoid unnecessary freeze on Set. (#3093)

Thanks to all of the contributors who made this release possible:

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2021-07-16 12:39

v1.0.0 -- "A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to."

This release fixes a few bugs found (almost all related to cgroupv2
handling), and is the first non-rc release of runc in 5 years
(v1.0.0-rc1 was released in 2016). It's been a very long road, and we
thank the many contributors and maintainers that helped us get to this
point (approximately 422 people in total).

As runc follows Semantic Versioning, we will endeavor to not make any
breaking changes without bumping the major version number of runc.

However, it should be noted that Go API usage of runc's internal
implementation (libcontainer) is not covered by this policy -- for
historical reasons, this code was not moved into an "internal" package
(this feature did not exist in Go at the time) and because certain
projects currently depend on this, we have not yet moved this code into
an internal package. Despite this, we reserve the right to make breaking
changes in our Go APIs (though we will note such changes in our
changelog, and will try to avoid needless disruption if possible).

Breaking changes:

  • Removed libcontainer/configs.Device* identifiers (deprecated since rc94,
    use libcontainer/devices) (#2999)
  • Removed libcontainer/system.RunningInUserNS function (deprecated since
    rc94, use libcontainer/userns) (#2999)


  • The usage of relative paths for mountpoints will now produce a warning
    (such configurations are outside of the spec, and in future runc will
    produce an error when given such configurations). (#2917, #3004)


  • cgroupv2: devices: rework the filter generation to produce consistent
    results with cgroupv1, and always clobber any existing eBPF
    program(s) to fix runc update and avoid leaking eBPF programs
    (resulting in errors when managing containers). (#2951)
  • cgroupv2: correctly convert "number of IOs" statistics in a
    cgroupv1-compatible way. (#2965, #2967, #2968, #2964)
  • cgroupv2: support larger than 32-bit IO statistics on 32-bit architectures.
  • cgroupv2: wait for freeze to finish before returning from the freezing
    code, optimize the method for checking whether a cgroup is frozen. (#2955)
  • cgroups/systemd: fixed "retry on dbus disconnect" logic introduced in rc94
  • cgroups/systemd: fixed returning "unit already exists" error from a systemd
    cgroup manager (regression in rc94) (#2997, #2996)


  • cgroupv2: support SkipDevices with systemd driver (#2958, #3019)
  • cgroup/systemd: return, not ignore, stop unit error from Destroy (#2946)
  • Fix all golangci-lint failures. (#2781, #2962)
  • Make "runc --version" output sane even when built with go get or
    otherwise outside of our build scripts. (#2962)
  • cgroups: set SkipDevices during runc update (so we don't modify
    cgroups at all during runc update). (#2994)
  • cgroup1: blkio: support BFQ weights. (#3010)
  • cgroupv2: set per-device io weights if BFQ IO scheduler is available.

Thanks to the following people who made this release possible:

Vote: +5 -0 %2
Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2021-06-01 17:09

v1.0.0-rc95 -- "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

This release of runc contains a fix for CVE-2021-304651, and users are
strongly recommended to update (especially if you are providing
semi-limited access to spawn containers to untrusted users).

Aside from this security fix, only a few other changes were made since
v1.0.0-rc94 (the only user-visible change was the addition of support
for defaultErrnoRet in seccomp profiles).

Thanks to the following people who made this release possible:

Due to the nature of this release, it didn't go through the normal
public release procedure. However, this break from procedure was agreed
upon on the security mailing list.

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai cyphar@cyphar.com

2021-05-19 14:59
