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reader_concurrency_semaphore.hh 21.37 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
* Copyright (C) 2017-present ScyllaDB
#pragma once
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <seastar/core/future.hh>
#include <seastar/core/gate.hh>
#include <seastar/core/condition-variable.hh>
#include <seastar/core/metrics_registration.hh>
#include "reader_permit.hh"
#include "utils/updateable_value.hh"
namespace bi = boost::intrusive;
using namespace seastar;
class flat_mutation_reader_v2;
using flat_mutation_reader_v2_opt = optimized_optional<flat_mutation_reader_v2>;
/// Specific semaphore for controlling reader concurrency
/// Use `make_permit()` to create a permit to track the resource consumption
/// of a specific read. The permit should be created before the read is even
/// started so it is available to track resource consumption from the start.
/// Reader concurrency is dual limited by count and memory.
/// The semaphore can be configured with the desired limits on
/// construction. New readers will only be admitted when there is both
/// enough count and memory units available. Readers are admitted in
/// FIFO order.
/// Semaphore's `name` must be provided in ctor and its only purpose is
/// to increase readability of exceptions: both timeout exceptions and
/// queue overflow exceptions (read below) include this `name` in messages.
/// It's also possible to specify the maximum allowed number of waiting
/// readers by the `max_queue_length` constructor parameter. When the
/// number of waiting readers becomes equal or greater than
/// `max_queue_length` (upon calling `obtain_permit()`) an exception of
/// type `std::runtime_error` is thrown. Optionally, some additional
/// code can be executed just before throwing (`prethrow_action`
/// constructor parameter).
/// The semaphore has 3 layers of defense against consuming more memory
/// than desired:
/// 1) After memory consumption is larger than the configured memory limit,
/// no more reads are admitted
/// 2) After memory consumption is larger than `_serialize_limit_multiplier`
/// times the configured memory limit, reads are serialized: only one of them
/// is allowed to make progress, the rest is made to wait before they can
/// consume more memory. Enforced via `request_memory()`.
/// 4) After memory consumption is larger than `_kill_limit_multiplier`
/// times the configured memory limit, reads are killed, by `consume()`
/// throwing `std::bad_alloc`.
/// This makes `_kill_limit_multiplier` times the memory limit the effective
/// upper bound of the memory consumed by reads.
/// The semaphore also acts as an execution stage for reads. This
/// functionality is exposed via \ref with_permit() and \ref
/// with_ready_permit().
class reader_concurrency_semaphore {
using resources = reader_resources;
friend class reader_permit;
enum class evict_reason {
permit, // evicted due to permit shortage
time, // evicted due to expiring ttl
manual, // evicted manually via `try_evict_one_inactive_read()`
using eviction_notify_handler = noncopyable_function<void(evict_reason)>;
struct stats {
// The number of inactive reads evicted to free up permits.
uint64_t permit_based_evictions = 0;
// The number of inactive reads evicted due to expiring.
uint64_t time_based_evictions = 0;
// The number of inactive reads currently registered.
uint64_t inactive_reads = 0;
// Total number of successful reads executed through this semaphore.
uint64_t total_successful_reads = 0;
// Total number of failed reads executed through this semaphore.
uint64_t total_failed_reads = 0;
// Total number of reads rejected because the admission queue reached its max capacity
uint64_t total_reads_shed_due_to_overload = 0;
// Total number of reads killed due to the memory consumption reaching the kill limit.
uint64_t total_reads_killed_due_to_kill_limit = 0;
// Total number of reads admitted, via all admission paths.
uint64_t reads_admitted = 0;
// Total number of reads enqueued to wait for admission.
uint64_t reads_enqueued_for_admission = 0;
// Total number of reads enqueued to wait for memory.
uint64_t reads_enqueued_for_memory = 0;
// Total number of reads admitted immediately, without queueing
uint64_t reads_admitted_immediately = 0;
// Total number of reads enqueued because ready_list wasn't empty
uint64_t reads_queued_because_ready_list = 0;
// Total number of reads enqueued because there are permits who need CPU to make progress
uint64_t reads_queued_because_need_cpu_permits = 0;
// Total number of reads enqueued because there weren't enough memory resources
uint64_t reads_queued_because_memory_resources = 0;
// Total number of reads enqueued because there weren't enough count resources
uint64_t reads_queued_because_count_resources = 0;
// Total number of reads enqueued to be maybe admitted after evicting some inactive reads
uint64_t reads_queued_with_eviction = 0;
// Total number of permits created so far.
uint64_t total_permits = 0;
// Current number of permits.
uint64_t current_permits = 0;
// Current number permits needing CPU to make progress.
uint64_t need_cpu_permits = 0;
// Current number of permits awaiting I/O or an operation running on a remote shard.
uint64_t awaits_permits = 0;
// Current number of reads reading from the disk.
uint64_t disk_reads = 0;
// The number of sstables read currently.
uint64_t sstables_read = 0;
// Permits waiting on something: admission, memory or execution
uint64_t waiters = 0;
using permit_list_type = bi::list<
using read_func = noncopyable_function<future<>(reader_permit)>;
struct inactive_read;
class inactive_read_handle {
reader_permit_opt _permit;
friend class reader_concurrency_semaphore;
void abandon() noexcept;
explicit inactive_read_handle(reader_permit permit) noexcept;
inactive_read_handle() = default;
inactive_read_handle(inactive_read_handle&& o) noexcept;
inactive_read_handle& operator=(inactive_read_handle&& o) noexcept;
~inactive_read_handle() {
explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return bool(_permit);
resources _initial_resources;
resources _resources;
struct wait_queue {
// Stores entries for permits waiting to be admitted.
permit_list_type _admission_queue;
// Stores entries for serialized permits waiting to obtain memory.
permit_list_type _memory_queue;
bool empty() const {
return _admission_queue.empty() && _memory_queue.empty();
void push_to_admission_queue(reader_permit::impl& p);
void push_to_memory_queue(reader_permit::impl& p);
reader_permit::impl& front();
const reader_permit::impl& front() const;
wait_queue _wait_list;
permit_list_type _ready_list;
condition_variable _ready_list_cv;
permit_list_type _inactive_reads;
// Stores permits that are not in any of the above list.
permit_list_type _permit_list;
sstring _name;
size_t _max_queue_length = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
utils::updateable_value<uint32_t> _serialize_limit_multiplier;
utils::updateable_value<uint32_t> _kill_limit_multiplier;
stats _stats;
std::optional<seastar::metrics::metric_groups> _metrics;
bool _stopped = false;
bool _evicting = false;
gate _close_readers_gate;
gate _permit_gate;
std::optional<future<>> _execution_loop_future;
reader_permit::impl* _blessed_permit = nullptr;
void do_detach_inactive_reader(reader_permit::impl&, evict_reason reason) noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] flat_mutation_reader_v2 detach_inactive_reader(reader_permit::impl&, evict_reason reason) noexcept;
void evict(reader_permit::impl&, evict_reason reason) noexcept;
bool has_available_units(const resources& r) const;
bool all_need_cpu_permits_are_awaiting() const;
[[nodiscard]] std::exception_ptr check_queue_size(std::string_view queue_name);
// Add the permit to the wait queue and return the future which resolves when
// the permit is admitted (popped from the queue).
enum class wait_on { admission, memory };
future<> enqueue_waiter(reader_permit::impl& permit, wait_on wait);
void evict_readers_in_background();
future<> do_wait_admission(reader_permit::impl& permit);
// Check whether permit can be admitted or not.
// The wait list is not taken into consideration, this is the caller's
// responsibility.
// A return value of can_admit::maybe means admission might be possible if
// some of the inactive readers are evicted.
enum class can_admit { no, maybe, yes };
enum class reason { all_ok = 0, ready_list, need_cpu_permits, memory_resources, count_resources };
struct admit_result { can_admit decision; reason why; };
admit_result can_admit_read(const reader_permit::impl& permit) const noexcept;
bool should_evict_inactive_read() const noexcept;
void maybe_admit_waiters() noexcept;
// Request more memory for the permit.
// Request is instantly granted while memory consumption of all reads is
// below _kill_limit_multiplier.
// After memory consumption goes above the above limit, only one reader
// (permit) is allowed to make progress, this method will block for all other
// one, until:
// * The blessed read finishes and a new blessed permit is chosen.
// * Memory consumption falls below the limit.
future<> request_memory(reader_permit::impl& permit, size_t memory);
void dequeue_permit(reader_permit::impl&);
void on_permit_created(reader_permit::impl&);
void on_permit_destroyed(reader_permit::impl&) noexcept;
void on_permit_need_cpu() noexcept;
void on_permit_not_need_cpu() noexcept;
void on_permit_awaits() noexcept;
void on_permit_not_awaits() noexcept;
std::runtime_error stopped_exception();
// closes reader in the background.
void close_reader(flat_mutation_reader_v2 reader);
future<> execution_loop() noexcept;
uint64_t get_serialize_limit() const;
uint64_t get_kill_limit() const;
// Throws std::bad_alloc if memory consumed is oom_kill_limit_multiply_threshold more than the memory limit.
void consume(reader_permit::impl& permit, resources r);
void signal(const resources& r) noexcept;
future<> with_ready_permit(reader_permit::impl& permit);
struct no_limits { };
using register_metrics = bool_class<class register_metrics_clas>;
/// Create a semaphore with the specified limits
/// The semaphore's name has to be unique!
reader_concurrency_semaphore(int count,
ssize_t memory,
sstring name,
size_t max_queue_length,
utils::updateable_value<uint32_t> serialize_limit_multiplier,
utils::updateable_value<uint32_t> kill_limit_multiplier,
register_metrics metrics);
/// Create a semaphore with practically unlimited count and memory.
/// And conversely, no queue limit either.
/// The semaphore's name has to be unique!
explicit reader_concurrency_semaphore(no_limits, sstring name, register_metrics metrics);
/// A helper constructor *only for tests* that supplies default arguments.
/// The other constructors have default values removed so 'production-code'
/// is forced to specify all of them manually to avoid bugs.
struct for_tests{};
reader_concurrency_semaphore(for_tests, sstring name,
int count = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
ssize_t memory = std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::max(),
size_t max_queue_length = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),
utils::updateable_value<uint32_t> serialize_limit_multipler = utils::updateable_value(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()),
utils::updateable_value<uint32_t> kill_limit_multipler = utils::updateable_value(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()),
register_metrics metrics = register_metrics::no)
: reader_concurrency_semaphore(count, memory, std::move(name), max_queue_length, std::move(serialize_limit_multipler),
std::move(kill_limit_multipler), register_metrics::no)
virtual ~reader_concurrency_semaphore();
reader_concurrency_semaphore(const reader_concurrency_semaphore&) = delete;
reader_concurrency_semaphore& operator=(const reader_concurrency_semaphore&) = delete;
reader_concurrency_semaphore(reader_concurrency_semaphore&&) = delete;
reader_concurrency_semaphore& operator=(reader_concurrency_semaphore&&) = delete;
/// Returns the name of the semaphore
/// If the semaphore has no name, "unnamed reader concurrency semaphore" is returned.
std::string_view name() const {
return _name.empty() ? "unnamed reader concurrency semaphore" : std::string_view(_name);
/// Register an inactive read.
/// The semaphore will evict this read when there is a shortage of
/// permits. This might be immediate, during this register call.
/// Clients can use the returned handle to unregister the read, when it
/// stops being inactive and hence evictable, or to set the optional
/// notify_handler and ttl.
/// The semaphore takes ownership of the passed in reader for the duration
/// of its inactivity and it may evict it to free up resources if necessary.
inactive_read_handle register_inactive_read(flat_mutation_reader_v2 ir) noexcept;
/// Set the inactive read eviction notification handler and optionally eviction ttl.
/// The semaphore may evict this read when there is a shortage of
/// permits or after the given ttl expired.
/// The notification handler will be called when the inactive read is evicted
/// passing with the reason it was evicted to the handler.
/// Note that the inactive read might have already been evicted if
/// the caller may yield after the register_inactive_read returned the handle
/// and before calling set_notify_handler. In this case, the caller must revalidate
/// the inactive_read_handle before calling this function.
void set_notify_handler(inactive_read_handle& irh, eviction_notify_handler&& handler, std::optional<std::chrono::seconds> ttl);
/// Unregister the previously registered inactive read.
/// If the read was not evicted, the inactive read object, passed in to the
/// register call, will be returned. Otherwise a nullptr is returned.
flat_mutation_reader_v2_opt unregister_inactive_read(inactive_read_handle irh);
/// Try to evict an inactive read.
/// Return true if an inactive read was evicted and false otherwise
/// (if there was no reader to evict).
bool try_evict_one_inactive_read(evict_reason = evict_reason::manual);
/// Clear all inactive reads.
void clear_inactive_reads();
/// Evict all inactive reads the belong to the table designated by the id.
future<> evict_inactive_reads_for_table(table_id id) noexcept;
// The following two functions are extension points for
// future inheriting classes that needs to run some stop
// logic just before or just after the current stop logic.
virtual future<> stop_ext_pre() {
return make_ready_future<>();
virtual future<> stop_ext_post() {
return make_ready_future<>();
/// Stop the reader_concurrency_semaphore and clear all inactive reads.
/// Wait on all async background work to complete.
future<> stop() noexcept;
const stats& get_stats() const {
return _stats;
stats& get_stats() {
return _stats;
/// Make an admitted permit
/// The permit is already in an admitted state after being created, this
/// method includes waiting for admission.
/// The permit is associated with a schema, which is the schema of the table
/// the read is executed against, and the operation name, which should be a
/// name such that we can identify the operation which created this permit.
/// Ideally this should be a unique enough name that we not only can identify
/// the kind of read, but the exact code-path that was taken.
/// Some permits cannot be associated with any table, so passing nullptr as
/// the schema parameter is allowed.
future<reader_permit> obtain_permit(schema_ptr schema, const char* const op_name, size_t memory, db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_ptr);
future<reader_permit> obtain_permit(schema_ptr schema, sstring&& op_name, size_t memory, db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_ptr);
/// Make a tracking only permit
/// The permit is not admitted. It is intended for reads that bypass the
/// normal concurrency control, but whose resource usage we still want to
/// keep track of, as part of that concurrency control.
/// The permit is associated with a schema, which is the schema of the table
/// the read is executed against, and the operation name, which should be a
/// name such that we can identify the operation which created this permit.
/// Ideally this should be a unique enough name that we not only can identify
/// the kind of read, but the exact code-path that was taken.
/// Some permits cannot be associated with any table, so passing nullptr as
/// the schema parameter is allowed.
reader_permit make_tracking_only_permit(schema_ptr schema, const char* const op_name, db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_ptr);
reader_permit make_tracking_only_permit(schema_ptr schema, sstring&& op_name, db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_ptr);
/// Run the function through the semaphore's execution stage with an admitted permit
/// First a permit is obtained via the normal admission route, as if
/// it was created with \ref obtain_permit(), then func is enqueued to be
/// run by the semaphore's execution loop. This emulates an execution stage,
/// as it allows batching multiple funcs to be run together. Unlike an
/// execution stage, with_permit() accepts a type-erased function, which
/// allows for more flexibility in what functions are batched together.
/// Use only functions that share most of their code to benefit from the
/// instruction-cache warm-up!
/// The permit is associated with a schema, which is the schema of the table
/// the read is executed against, and the operation name, which should be a
/// name such that we can identify the operation which created this permit.
/// Ideally this should be a unique enough name that we not only can identify
/// the kind of read, but the exact code-path that was taken.
/// Some permits cannot be associated with any table, so passing nullptr as
/// the schema parameter is allowed.
future<> with_permit(schema_ptr schema, const char* const op_name, size_t memory, db::timeout_clock::time_point timeout, tracing::trace_state_ptr trace_ptr, read_func func);
/// Run the function through the semaphore's execution stage with a pre-admitted permit
/// Same as \ref with_permit(), but it uses an already admitted
/// permit. Should only be used when a permit is already readily
/// available, e.g. when resuming a saved read. Using
/// \ref obtain_permit(), then \ref with_ready_permit() is less
/// optimal then just using \ref with_permit().
future<> with_ready_permit(reader_permit permit, read_func func);
/// Set the total resources of the semaphore to \p r.
/// After this call, \ref initial_resources() will reflect the new value.
/// Available resources will be adjusted by the delta.
void set_resources(resources r);
const resources initial_resources() const {
return _initial_resources;
bool is_unlimited() const {
return _initial_resources == reader_resources{std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::max()};
const resources available_resources() const {
return _resources;
const resources consumed_resources() const {
return _initial_resources - _resources;
void broken(std::exception_ptr ex = {});
/// Dump diagnostics printout
/// Use max-lines to cap the number of (permit) lines in the report.
/// Use 0 for unlimited.
std::string dump_diagnostics(unsigned max_lines = 0) const;
void set_max_queue_length(size_t size) {
_max_queue_length = size;
uint64_t active_reads() const noexcept {
return _stats.current_permits - _stats.inactive_reads - _stats.waiters;
void foreach_permit(noncopyable_function<void(const reader_permit::impl&)> func) const;
void foreach_permit(noncopyable_function<void(const reader_permit&)> func) const;
uintptr_t get_blessed_permit() const noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(_blessed_permit); }
