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Gitee 极速下载 / sorbet

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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet
lldbinit.py 3.77 KB
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Jake Zimmerman 提交于 2024-04-30 11:09 . Remove the Sorbet Compiler (#7849)
# TODO(jez) Figure out what to do about this warning:
# error: There is a .lldbinit file in the current directory which is not being read.
# To silence this warning without sourcing in the local .lldbinit,
# add the following to the lldbinit file in your home directory:
# settings set target.load-cwd-lldbinit false
# To allow lldb to source .lldbinit files in the current working directory,
# set the value of this variable to true. Only do so if you understand and
# accept the security risk.
# Options for now:
# lldb --local-lldbinit <normal lldb args...>
# command script import lldbinit.py
# co sc i lldbinit.py
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Run only as script from LLDB... Not as standalone program!")
import lldb
import re
import os
# Bazel builds all binaries from a username-specific cache location
# for lldb to work properly we need to map that path back to our main source
project_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
bazel_workspace = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(project_root, "bazel-sorbet"))
if not(os.path.isdir(bazel_workspace)):
print("You need to compile Sorbet first before loading this file")
print("(lldb) Mapping paths in ./bazel-sorbet to the project root")
source_map_command = 'settings set -- target.source-map "%s" "%s"' % (bazel_workspace, project_root)
ci = lldb.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
ci.HandleCommand(source_map_command, res)
def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
result = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
ci = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
ci.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldbinit.cmd_rubysourcemap rubysourcemap", result)
ci.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldbinit.cmd_bazelsourcemap bazelsourcemap", result)
ci.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldbinit.cmd_dump_ruby_stack rubystack", result)
print("(lldb) Run %srubysourcemap%s to set up Ruby source maps" % (cyan, cnone))
print("(lldb) Run %sbazelsourcemap%s to set up LLVM source maps" % (cyan, cnone))
print("(lldb) Run %srubystack%s to dump the ruby stack" % (cyan, cnone))
def cmd_rubysourcemap(debugger, command, result, dict):
ci = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
ci.HandleCommand('list main', result)
output = result.GetOutput()
dir_search = re.search('^File: (.*)/main.c', output)
if dir_search:
dirname = dir_search.group(1)
ruby_path = ('%s/bazel-sorbet/bazel/sorbet_ruby_3_1' % project_root)
source_map_command = 'settings set -- target.source-map %s %s' % (dirname, ruby_path)
print('(lldb) %s' % source_map_command)
ci.HandleCommand(source_map_command, result)
def cmd_bazelsourcemap(debugger, command, result, dict):
ci = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
external_path = ('%s/bazel-sorbet/external' % project_root)
# TODO(jez) This hardcodes /proc/self/cwd to get it to work on the buildbox.
# We should probably do something like the `list main` trick for rubysourcemap to make this more portable.
source_map_command = 'settings set -- target.source-map /proc/self/cwd/external %s' % external_path
print('(lldb) %s' % source_map_command)
ci.HandleCommand(source_map_command, result)
def cmd_dump_ruby_stack(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
Print out the cfp that's given, or the top of the ruby stack by default.
ci = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
if command:
cfp = command
cfp = 'ruby_current_execution_context_ptr->cfp'
dump_command = 'call rb_vmdebug_stack_dump_raw(ruby_current_execution_context_ptr, {})'.format(cfp)
print('(lldb) {}'.format(dump_command))
ci.HandleCommand(dump_command, result)


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