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why-people-hate-your-framework_jesusabdullah.md 2.24 KB
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Joshua Holbrook authored 2013-08-08 18:36 . Fixed bad link

#Why People Hate Your Framework


Today's JavaScript community suffers from a divide. On one side of the divide are those people who praise npm's module system over all else, eschew even the most micro of frameworks, loathe CoffeeScript and demand that promises get off their respective lawns. On the other are those which yearn for the "rails of node", write everything in CoffeeScript, love Angular to pieces and extoll the virtues of promises at every opportunity.

Having been involved in the node.js community for some time, and having talked shop with some of today's foremost JavaScript philosophers, I've began to develop a theory explaining the root causes of this divide, the truth behind both extremes in position, and how best to balance the concerns of both forces.

##Speaker Bio


In late 2010, as I was in grad school for an engineering degree tangentially related to software at best, @substack showed me this newfangled platform for writing webservers called node.js and insisted that it was way better than MATLAB. Within a year I had ditched engineering and moved from Alaska to the Bay Area to go on a JavaScript adventure.

While there, I began working for Nodejitsu and dived into supporting their public cloud, maintaining and contributing to Flatiron, and learning how to write software that only crashed when it was supposed to. I've also hacked on the Big framework, wrote one of the more popular static fileserving libraries for node, and inadvertently trolled everybody that's ever published to npm. Now, I'm working at i.TV in sunny Utah, learning a whole new stack of libraries and reflecting on all my javascript experiences thus far.

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