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conversions.go 11.52 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
majun 提交于 2023-08-24 16:44 . chore: update module name
package api
import (
// ConvertLogicalBreakpoint converts a proc.LogicalBreakpoint into an API breakpoint.
func ConvertLogicalBreakpoint(lbp *proc.LogicalBreakpoint) *Breakpoint {
b := &Breakpoint{
ID: lbp.LogicalID,
FunctionName: lbp.FunctionName,
File: lbp.File,
Line: lbp.Line,
Name: lbp.Name,
Tracepoint: lbp.Tracepoint,
TraceReturn: lbp.TraceReturn,
Stacktrace: lbp.Stacktrace,
Goroutine: lbp.Goroutine,
Variables: lbp.Variables,
LoadArgs: LoadConfigFromProc(lbp.LoadArgs),
LoadLocals: LoadConfigFromProc(lbp.LoadLocals),
TotalHitCount: lbp.TotalHitCount,
Disabled: !lbp.Enabled,
UserData: lbp.UserData,
b.HitCount = map[string]uint64{}
for idx := range lbp.HitCount {
b.HitCount[strconv.FormatInt(idx, 10)] = lbp.HitCount[idx]
if lbp.HitCond != nil {
b.HitCond = fmt.Sprintf("%s %d", lbp.HitCond.Op.String(), lbp.HitCond.Val)
b.HitCondPerG = lbp.HitCondPerG
var buf bytes.Buffer
printer.Fprint(&buf, token.NewFileSet(), lbp.Cond)
b.Cond = buf.String()
return b
// ConvertPhysicalBreakpoints adds informations from physical breakpoints to an API breakpoint.
func ConvertPhysicalBreakpoints(b *Breakpoint, lbp *proc.LogicalBreakpoint, pids []int, bps []*proc.Breakpoint) {
if len(bps) == 0 {
if lbp != nil {
b.ExprString = lbp.Set.ExprString
b.WatchExpr = bps[0].WatchExpr
b.WatchType = WatchType(bps[0].WatchType)
lg := false
for i, bp := range bps {
b.Addrs = append(b.Addrs, bp.Addr)
b.AddrPid = append(b.AddrPid, pids[i])
if b.FunctionName != bp.FunctionName && b.FunctionName != "" {
if !lg {
b.FunctionName = removeTypeParams(b.FunctionName)
lg = true
fn := removeTypeParams(bp.FunctionName)
if b.FunctionName != fn {
b.FunctionName = "(multiple functions)"
if len(b.Addrs) > 0 {
b.Addr = b.Addrs[0]
func removeTypeParams(name string) string {
fn := proc.Function{Name: name}
return fn.NameWithoutTypeParams()
// ConvertThread converts a proc.Thread into an
// api thread.
func ConvertThread(th proc.Thread, bp *Breakpoint) *Thread {
var (
function *Function
file string
line int
pc uint64
gid int64
loc, err := th.Location()
if err == nil {
pc = loc.PC
file = loc.File
line = loc.Line
function = ConvertFunction(loc.Fn)
if g, _ := proc.GetG(th); g != nil {
gid = g.ID
return &Thread{
ID: th.ThreadID(),
PC: pc,
File: file,
Line: line,
Function: function,
GoroutineID: gid,
Breakpoint: bp,
// ConvertThreads converts a slice of proc.Thread into a slice of api.Thread.
func ConvertThreads(threads []proc.Thread, convertBreakpoint func(proc.Thread) *Breakpoint) []*Thread {
r := make([]*Thread, len(threads))
for i := range threads {
r[i] = ConvertThread(threads[i], convertBreakpoint(threads[i]))
return r
func PrettyTypeName(typ godwarf.Type) string {
if typ == nil {
return ""
if typ.Common().Name != "" {
return typ.Common().Name
r := typ.String()
if r == "*void" {
return "unsafe.Pointer"
return r
func convertFloatValue(v *proc.Variable, sz int) string {
switch v.FloatSpecial {
case proc.FloatIsPosInf:
return "+Inf"
case proc.FloatIsNegInf:
return "-Inf"
case proc.FloatIsNaN:
return "NaN"
f, _ := constant.Float64Val(v.Value)
return strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'f', -1, sz)
// ConvertVar converts from proc.Variable to api.Variable.
func ConvertVar(v *proc.Variable) *Variable {
r := Variable{
Addr: v.Addr,
OnlyAddr: v.OnlyAddr,
Name: v.Name,
Kind: v.Kind,
Len: v.Len,
Cap: v.Cap,
Flags: VariableFlags(v.Flags),
Base: v.Base,
LocationExpr: v.LocationExpr.String(),
DeclLine: v.DeclLine,
r.Type = PrettyTypeName(v.DwarfType)
r.RealType = PrettyTypeName(v.RealType)
if v.Unreadable != nil {
r.Unreadable = v.Unreadable.Error()
r.Value = VariableValueAsString(v)
switch v.Kind {
case reflect.Complex64:
r.Children = make([]Variable, 2)
r.Len = 2
r.Children[0].Name = "real"
r.Children[0].Kind = reflect.Float32
r.Children[1].Name = "imaginary"
r.Children[1].Kind = reflect.Float32
if v.Value != nil {
real, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Real(v.Value))
r.Children[0].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(real, 'f', -1, 32)
imag, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Imag(v.Value))
r.Children[1].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(imag, 'f', -1, 32)
} else {
r.Children[0].Value = "nil"
r.Children[1].Value = "nil"
case reflect.Complex128:
r.Children = make([]Variable, 2)
r.Len = 2
r.Children[0].Name = "real"
r.Children[0].Kind = reflect.Float64
r.Children[1].Name = "imaginary"
r.Children[1].Kind = reflect.Float64
if v.Value != nil {
real, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Real(v.Value))
r.Children[0].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(real, 'f', -1, 64)
imag, _ := constant.Float64Val(constant.Imag(v.Value))
r.Children[1].Value = strconv.FormatFloat(imag, 'f', -1, 64)
} else {
r.Children[0].Value = "nil"
r.Children[1].Value = "nil"
r.Children = make([]Variable, len(v.Children))
for i := range v.Children {
r.Children[i] = *ConvertVar(&v.Children[i])
return &r
func VariableValueAsString(v *proc.Variable) string {
if v.Value == nil {
return ""
switch v.Kind {
case reflect.Float32:
return convertFloatValue(v, 32)
case reflect.Float64:
return convertFloatValue(v, 64)
case reflect.String, reflect.Func, reflect.Struct:
return constant.StringVal(v.Value)
if cd := v.ConstDescr(); cd != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", cd, v.Value.String())
} else {
return v.Value.String()
// ConvertVars converts from []*proc.Variable to []api.Variable.
func ConvertVars(pv []*proc.Variable) []Variable {
if pv == nil {
return nil
vars := make([]Variable, 0, len(pv))
for _, v := range pv {
vars = append(vars, *ConvertVar(v))
return vars
// ConvertFunction converts from gosym.Func to
// api.Function.
func ConvertFunction(fn *proc.Function) *Function {
if fn == nil {
return nil
// fn here used to be a *gosym.Func, the fields Type and GoType below
// corresponded to the homonymous field of gosym.Func. Since the contents of
// those fields is not documented their value was replaced with 0 when
// gosym.Func was replaced by debug_info entries.
return &Function{
Name_: fn.Name,
Type: 0,
Value: fn.Entry,
GoType: 0,
Optimized: fn.Optimized(),
// ConvertGoroutine converts from proc.G to api.Goroutine.
func ConvertGoroutine(tgt *proc.Target, g *proc.G) *Goroutine {
th := g.Thread
tid := 0
if th != nil {
tid = th.ThreadID()
if g.Unreadable != nil {
return &Goroutine{Unreadable: g.Unreadable.Error()}
return &Goroutine{
ID: g.ID,
CurrentLoc: ConvertLocation(g.CurrentLoc),
UserCurrentLoc: ConvertLocation(g.UserCurrent()),
GoStatementLoc: ConvertLocation(g.Go()),
StartLoc: ConvertLocation(g.StartLoc(tgt)),
ThreadID: tid,
WaitSince: g.WaitSince,
WaitReason: g.WaitReason,
Labels: g.Labels(),
Status: g.Status,
// ConvertGoroutines converts from []*proc.G to []*api.Goroutine.
func ConvertGoroutines(tgt *proc.Target, gs []*proc.G) []*Goroutine {
goroutines := make([]*Goroutine, len(gs))
for i := range gs {
goroutines[i] = ConvertGoroutine(tgt, gs[i])
return goroutines
// ConvertLocation converts from proc.Location to api.Location.
func ConvertLocation(loc proc.Location) Location {
return Location{
PC: loc.PC,
File: loc.File,
Line: loc.Line,
Function: ConvertFunction(loc.Fn),
// ConvertAsmInstruction converts from proc.AsmInstruction to api.AsmInstruction.
func ConvertAsmInstruction(inst proc.AsmInstruction, text string) AsmInstruction {
var destloc *Location
if inst.DestLoc != nil {
r := ConvertLocation(*inst.DestLoc)
destloc = &r
return AsmInstruction{
Loc: ConvertLocation(inst.Loc),
DestLoc: destloc,
Text: text,
Bytes: inst.Bytes,
Breakpoint: inst.Breakpoint,
AtPC: inst.AtPC,
// LoadConfigToProc converts an api.LoadConfig to proc.LoadConfig.
func LoadConfigToProc(cfg *LoadConfig) *proc.LoadConfig {
if cfg == nil {
return nil
return &proc.LoadConfig{
FollowPointers: cfg.FollowPointers,
MaxVariableRecurse: cfg.MaxVariableRecurse,
MaxStringLen: cfg.MaxStringLen,
MaxArrayValues: cfg.MaxArrayValues,
MaxStructFields: cfg.MaxStructFields,
MaxMapBuckets: 0, // MaxMapBuckets is set internally by pkg/proc, read its documentation for an explanation.
// LoadConfigFromProc converts a proc.LoadConfig to api.LoadConfig.
func LoadConfigFromProc(cfg *proc.LoadConfig) *LoadConfig {
if cfg == nil {
return nil
return &LoadConfig{
FollowPointers: cfg.FollowPointers,
MaxVariableRecurse: cfg.MaxVariableRecurse,
MaxStringLen: cfg.MaxStringLen,
MaxArrayValues: cfg.MaxArrayValues,
MaxStructFields: cfg.MaxStructFields,
var canonicalRegisterOrder = map[string]int{
// amd64
"rip": 0,
"rsp": 1,
"rax": 2,
"rbx": 3,
"rcx": 4,
"rdx": 5,
// arm64
"pc": 0,
"sp": 1,
// ConvertRegisters converts proc.Register to api.Register for a slice.
func ConvertRegisters(in *op.DwarfRegisters, dwarfRegisterToString func(int, *op.DwarfRegister) (string, bool, string), floatingPoint bool) (out []Register) {
out = make([]Register, 0, in.CurrentSize())
for i := 0; i < in.CurrentSize(); i++ {
reg := in.Reg(uint64(i))
if reg == nil {
name, fp, repr := dwarfRegisterToString(i, reg)
if !floatingPoint && fp {
out = append(out, Register{name, repr, i})
// Sort the registers in a canonical order we prefer, this is mostly
// because the DWARF register numbering for AMD64 is weird.
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := out[i], out[j]
an, aok := canonicalRegisterOrder[strings.ToLower(a.Name)]
bn, bok := canonicalRegisterOrder[strings.ToLower(b.Name)]
// Registers that don't appear in canonicalRegisterOrder sort after registers that do.
if !aok {
an = 1000
if !bok {
bn = 1000
if an == bn {
// keep registers that don't appear in canonicalRegisterOrder in DWARF order
return a.DwarfNumber < b.DwarfNumber
return an < bn
// ConvertImage converts proc.Image to api.Image.
func ConvertImage(image *proc.Image) Image {
err := image.LoadError()
lerr := ""
if err != nil {
lerr = err.Error()
return Image{Path: image.Path, Address: image.StaticBase, LoadError: lerr}
// ConvertDumpState converts proc.DumpState to api.DumpState.
func ConvertDumpState(dumpState *proc.DumpState) *DumpState {
defer dumpState.Mutex.Unlock()
r := &DumpState{
Dumping: dumpState.Dumping,
AllDone: dumpState.AllDone,
ThreadsDone: dumpState.ThreadsDone,
ThreadsTotal: dumpState.ThreadsTotal,
MemDone: dumpState.MemDone,
MemTotal: dumpState.MemTotal,
if dumpState.Err != nil {
r.Err = dumpState.Err.Error()
return r
// ConvertTarget converts a proc.Target into a api.Target.
func ConvertTarget(tgt *proc.Target, convertThreadBreakpoint func(proc.Thread) *Breakpoint) *Target {
return &Target{
Pid: tgt.Pid(),
CmdLine: tgt.CmdLine,
CurrentThread: ConvertThread(tgt.CurrentThread(), convertThreadBreakpoint(tgt.CurrentThread())),
