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// Package shim provides APIs for the chaincode to access its state
// variables, transaction context and call other chaincodes.
package shim
import (
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
// Logger for the shim package.
var mockLogger = logging.MustGetLogger("mock")
// MockStub is an implementation of ChaincodeStubInterface for unit testing chaincode.
// Use this instead of ChaincodeStub in your chaincode's unit test calls to Init or Invoke.
type MockStub struct {
// arguments the stub was called with
args [][]byte
// A pointer back to the chaincode that will invoke this, set by constructor.
// If a peer calls this stub, the chaincode will be invoked from here.
cc Chaincode
// A nice name that can be used for logging
Name string
// State keeps name value pairs
State map[string][]byte
// Keys stores the list of mapped values in lexical order
Keys *list.List
// registered list of other MockStub chaincodes that can be called from this MockStub
Invokables map[string]*MockStub
// stores a transaction uuid while being Invoked / Deployed
// TODO if a chaincode uses recursion this may need to be a stack of TxIDs or possibly a reference counting map
TxID string
TxTimestamp *timestamp.Timestamp
// mocked signedProposal
signedProposal *pb.SignedProposal
func (stub *MockStub) GetTxID() string {
return stub.TxID
func (stub *MockStub) GetArgs() [][]byte {
return stub.args
func (stub *MockStub) GetStringArgs() []string {
args := stub.GetArgs()
strargs := make([]string, 0, len(args))
for _, barg := range args {
strargs = append(strargs, string(barg))
return strargs
func (stub *MockStub) GetFunctionAndParameters() (function string, params []string) {
allargs := stub.GetStringArgs()
function = ""
params = []string{}
if len(allargs) >= 1 {
function = allargs[0]
params = allargs[1:]
// Used to indicate to a chaincode that it is part of a transaction.
// This is important when chaincodes invoke each other.
// MockStub doesn't support concurrent transactions at present.
func (stub *MockStub) MockTransactionStart(txid string) {
stub.TxID = txid
// End a mocked transaction, clearing the UUID.
func (stub *MockStub) MockTransactionEnd(uuid string) {
stub.signedProposal = nil
stub.TxID = ""
// Register a peer chaincode with this MockStub
// invokableChaincodeName is the name or hash of the peer
// otherStub is a MockStub of the peer, already intialised
func (stub *MockStub) MockPeerChaincode(invokableChaincodeName string, otherStub *MockStub) {
stub.Invokables[invokableChaincodeName] = otherStub
// Initialise this chaincode, also starts and ends a transaction.
func (stub *MockStub) MockInit(uuid string, args [][]byte) pb.Response {
stub.args = args
res := stub.cc.Init(stub)
return res
// Invoke this chaincode, also starts and ends a transaction.
func (stub *MockStub) MockInvoke(uuid string, args [][]byte) pb.Response {
stub.args = args
res := stub.cc.Invoke(stub)
return res
// Invoke this chaincode, also starts and ends a transaction.
func (stub *MockStub) MockInvokeWithSignedProposal(uuid string, args [][]byte, sp *pb.SignedProposal) pb.Response {
stub.args = args
stub.signedProposal = sp
res := stub.cc.Invoke(stub)
return res
// GetState retrieves the value for a given key from the ledger
func (stub *MockStub) GetState(key string) ([]byte, error) {
value := stub.State[key]
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Getting", key, value)
return value, nil
// PutState writes the specified `value` and `key` into the ledger.
func (stub *MockStub) PutState(key string, value []byte) error {
if stub.TxID == "" {
mockLogger.Error("Cannot PutState without a transactions - call stub.MockTransactionStart()?")
return errors.New("Cannot PutState without a transactions - call stub.MockTransactionStart()?")
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Putting", key, value)
stub.State[key] = value
// insert key into ordered list of keys
for elem := stub.Keys.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
elemValue := elem.Value.(string)
comp := strings.Compare(key, elemValue)
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Compared", key, elemValue, " and got ", comp)
if comp < 0 {
// key < elem, insert it before elem
stub.Keys.InsertBefore(key, elem)
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Key", key, " inserted before", elem.Value)
} else if comp == 0 {
// keys exists, no need to change
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Key", key, "already in State")
} else { // comp > 0
// key > elem, keep looking unless this is the end of the list
if elem.Next() == nil {
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Key", key, "appended")
// special case for empty Keys list
if stub.Keys.Len() == 0 {
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Key", key, "is first element in list")
return nil
// DelState removes the specified `key` and its value from the ledger.
func (stub *MockStub) DelState(key string) error {
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Deleting", key, stub.State[key])
delete(stub.State, key)
for elem := stub.Keys.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
if strings.Compare(key, elem.Value.(string)) == 0 {
return nil
func (stub *MockStub) GetStateByRange(startKey, endKey string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
if err := validateSimpleKeys(startKey, endKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewMockStateRangeQueryIterator(stub, startKey, endKey), nil
// GetQueryResult function can be invoked by a chaincode to perform a
// rich query against state database. Only supported by state database implementations
// that support rich query. The query string is in the syntax of the underlying
// state database. An iterator is returned which can be used to iterate (next) over
// the query result set
func (stub *MockStub) GetQueryResult(query string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
// Not implemented since the mock engine does not have a query engine.
// However, a very simple query engine that supports string matching
// could be implemented to test that the framework supports queries
return nil, errors.New("Not Implemented")
// GetHistoryForKey function can be invoked by a chaincode to return a history of
// key values across time. GetHistoryForKey is intended to be used for read-only queries.
func (stub *MockStub) GetHistoryForKey(key string) (HistoryQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Not Implemented")
//GetStateByPartialCompositeKey function can be invoked by a chaincode to query the
//state based on a given partial composite key. This function returns an
//iterator which can be used to iterate over all composite keys whose prefix
//matches the given partial composite key. This function should be used only for
//a partial composite key. For a full composite key, an iter with empty response
//would be returned.
func (stub *MockStub) GetStateByPartialCompositeKey(objectType string, attributes []string) (StateQueryIteratorInterface, error) {
partialCompositeKey, err := stub.CreateCompositeKey(objectType, attributes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewMockStateRangeQueryIterator(stub, partialCompositeKey, partialCompositeKey+string(maxUnicodeRuneValue)), nil
// CreateCompositeKey combines the list of attributes
//to form a composite key.
func (stub *MockStub) CreateCompositeKey(objectType string, attributes []string) (string, error) {
return createCompositeKey(objectType, attributes)
// SplitCompositeKey splits the composite key into attributes
// on which the composite key was formed.
func (stub *MockStub) SplitCompositeKey(compositeKey string) (string, []string, error) {
return splitCompositeKey(compositeKey)
// InvokeChaincode calls a peered chaincode.
// E.g. stub1.InvokeChaincode("stub2Hash", funcArgs, channel)
// Before calling this make sure to create another MockStub stub2, call stub2.MockInit(uuid, func, args)
// and register it with stub1 by calling stub1.MockPeerChaincode("stub2Hash", stub2)
func (stub *MockStub) InvokeChaincode(chaincodeName string, args [][]byte, channel string) pb.Response {
// Internally we use chaincode name as a composite name
if channel != "" {
chaincodeName = chaincodeName + "/" + channel
// TODO "args" here should possibly be a serialized pb.ChaincodeInput
otherStub := stub.Invokables[chaincodeName]
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Invoking peer chaincode", otherStub.Name, args)
// function, strings := getFuncArgs(args)
res := otherStub.MockInvoke(stub.TxID, args)
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub", stub.Name, "Invoked peer chaincode", otherStub.Name, "got", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", res))
return res
// Not implemented
func (stub *MockStub) GetCreator() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
// Not implemented
func (stub *MockStub) GetTransient() (map[string][]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
// Not implemented
func (stub *MockStub) GetBinding() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
// Not implemented
func (stub *MockStub) GetSignedProposal() (*pb.SignedProposal, error) {
return stub.signedProposal, nil
func (stub *MockStub) setSignedProposal(sp *pb.SignedProposal) {
stub.signedProposal = sp
// Not implemented
func (stub *MockStub) GetArgsSlice() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
func (stub *MockStub) setTxTimestamp(time *timestamp.Timestamp) {
stub.TxTimestamp = time
func (stub *MockStub) GetTxTimestamp() (*timestamp.Timestamp, error) {
if stub.TxTimestamp == nil {
return nil, errors.New("TxTimestamp not set.")
return stub.TxTimestamp, nil
// Not implemented
func (stub *MockStub) SetEvent(name string, payload []byte) error {
return nil
// Constructor to initialise the internal State map
func NewMockStub(name string, cc Chaincode) *MockStub {
mockLogger.Debug("MockStub(", name, cc, ")")
s := new(MockStub)
s.Name = name
s.cc = cc
s.State = make(map[string][]byte)
s.Invokables = make(map[string]*MockStub)
s.Keys = list.New()
return s
Range Query Iterator
type MockStateRangeQueryIterator struct {
Closed bool
Stub *MockStub
StartKey string
EndKey string
Current *list.Element
// HasNext returns true if the range query iterator contains additional keys
// and values.
func (iter *MockStateRangeQueryIterator) HasNext() bool {
if iter.Closed {
// previously called Close()
mockLogger.Error("HasNext() but already closed")
return false
if iter.Current == nil {
mockLogger.Error("HasNext() couldn't get Current")
return false
current := iter.Current
for current != nil {
// if this is an open-ended query for all keys, return true
if iter.StartKey == "" && iter.EndKey == "" {
return true
comp1 := strings.Compare(current.Value.(string), iter.StartKey)
comp2 := strings.Compare(current.Value.(string), iter.EndKey)
if comp1 >= 0 {
if comp2 <= 0 {
mockLogger.Debug("HasNext() got next")
return true
} else {
mockLogger.Debug("HasNext() but no next")
return false
current = current.Next()
// we've reached the end of the underlying values
mockLogger.Debug("HasNext() but no next")
return false
// Next returns the next key and value in the range query iterator.
func (iter *MockStateRangeQueryIterator) Next() (*queryresult.KV, error) {
if iter.Closed == true {
mockLogger.Error("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Next() called after Close()")
return nil, errors.New("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Next() called after Close()")
if iter.HasNext() == false {
mockLogger.Error("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Next() called when it does not HaveNext()")
return nil, errors.New("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Next() called when it does not HaveNext()")
for iter.Current != nil {
comp1 := strings.Compare(iter.Current.Value.(string), iter.StartKey)
comp2 := strings.Compare(iter.Current.Value.(string), iter.EndKey)
// compare to start and end keys. or, if this is an open-ended query for
// all keys, it should always return the key and value
if (comp1 >= 0 && comp2 <= 0) || (iter.StartKey == "" && iter.EndKey == "") {
key := iter.Current.Value.(string)
value, err := iter.Stub.GetState(key)
iter.Current = iter.Current.Next()
return &queryresult.KV{Key: key, Value: value}, err
iter.Current = iter.Current.Next()
mockLogger.Error("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Next() went past end of range")
return nil, errors.New("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Next() went past end of range")
// Close closes the range query iterator. This should be called when done
// reading from the iterator to free up resources.
func (iter *MockStateRangeQueryIterator) Close() error {
if iter.Closed == true {
mockLogger.Error("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Close() called after Close()")
return errors.New("MockStateRangeQueryIterator.Close() called after Close()")
iter.Closed = true
return nil
func (iter *MockStateRangeQueryIterator) Print() {
mockLogger.Debug("MockStateRangeQueryIterator {")
mockLogger.Debug("Closed?", iter.Closed)
mockLogger.Debug("Stub", iter.Stub)
mockLogger.Debug("StartKey", iter.StartKey)
mockLogger.Debug("EndKey", iter.EndKey)
mockLogger.Debug("Current", iter.Current)
mockLogger.Debug("HasNext?", iter.HasNext())
func NewMockStateRangeQueryIterator(stub *MockStub, startKey string, endKey string) *MockStateRangeQueryIterator {
mockLogger.Debug("NewMockStateRangeQueryIterator(", stub, startKey, endKey, ")")
iter := new(MockStateRangeQueryIterator)
iter.Closed = false
iter.Stub = stub
iter.StartKey = startKey
iter.EndKey = endKey
iter.Current = stub.Keys.Front()
return iter
func getBytes(function string, args []string) [][]byte {
bytes := make([][]byte, 0, len(args)+1)
bytes = append(bytes, []byte(function))
for _, s := range args {
bytes = append(bytes, []byte(s))
return bytes
func getFuncArgs(bytes [][]byte) (string, []string) {
mockLogger.Debugf("getFuncArgs(%x)", bytes)
function := string(bytes[0])
args := make([]string, len(bytes)-1)
for i := 1; i < len(bytes); i++ {
mockLogger.Debugf("getFuncArgs - i:%x, len(bytes):%x", i, len(bytes))
args[i-1] = string(bytes[i])
return function, args
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