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db.go 7.37 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package privacyenabledstate
import (
// DBProvider provides handle to a PvtVersionedDB
type DBProvider interface {
// GetDBHandle returns a handle to a PvtVersionedDB
GetDBHandle(id string) (DB, error)
// Close closes all the PvtVersionedDB instances and releases any resources held by VersionedDBProvider
// DB extends VersionedDB interface. This interface provides additional functions for managing private data state
type DB interface {
IsBulkOptimizable() bool
LoadCommittedVersionsOfPubAndHashedKeys(pubKeys []*statedb.CompositeKey, hashedKeys []*HashedCompositeKey) error
GetCachedKeyHashVersion(namespace, collection string, keyHash []byte) (*version.Height, bool)
GetChaincodeEventListener() cceventmgmt.ChaincodeLifecycleEventListener
GetPrivateData(namespace, collection, key string) (*statedb.VersionedValue, error)
GetValueHash(namespace, collection string, keyHash []byte) (*statedb.VersionedValue, error)
GetKeyHashVersion(namespace, collection string, keyHash []byte) (*version.Height, error)
GetPrivateDataMultipleKeys(namespace, collection string, keys []string) ([]*statedb.VersionedValue, error)
GetPrivateDataRangeScanIterator(namespace, collection, startKey, endKey string) (statedb.ResultsIterator, error)
GetStateMetadata(namespace, key string) ([]byte, error)
GetPrivateDataMetadataByHash(namespace, collection string, keyHash []byte) ([]byte, error)
ExecuteQueryOnPrivateData(namespace, collection, query string) (statedb.ResultsIterator, error)
ApplyPrivacyAwareUpdates(updates *UpdateBatch, height *version.Height) error
// PvtdataCompositeKey encloses Namespace, CollectionName and Key components
type PvtdataCompositeKey struct {
Namespace string
CollectionName string
Key string
// HashedCompositeKey encloses Namespace, CollectionName and KeyHash components
type HashedCompositeKey struct {
Namespace string
CollectionName string
KeyHash string
// UpdateBatch encapsulates the updates to Public, Private, and Hashed data.
// This is expected to contain a consistent set of updates
type UpdateBatch struct {
PubUpdates *PubUpdateBatch
HashUpdates *HashedUpdateBatch
PvtUpdates *PvtUpdateBatch
// PubUpdateBatch contains update for the public data
type PubUpdateBatch struct {
// HashedUpdateBatch contains updates for the hashes of the private data
type HashedUpdateBatch struct {
// PvtUpdateBatch contains updates for the private data
type PvtUpdateBatch struct {
// UpdateMap maintains entries of tuple <Namespace, UpdatesForNamespace>
type UpdateMap map[string]nsBatch
// nsBatch contains updates related to one namespace
type nsBatch struct {
// NewUpdateBatch creates and empty UpdateBatch
func NewUpdateBatch() *UpdateBatch {
return &UpdateBatch{NewPubUpdateBatch(), NewHashedUpdateBatch(), NewPvtUpdateBatch()}
// NewPubUpdateBatch creates an empty PubUpdateBatch
func NewPubUpdateBatch() *PubUpdateBatch {
return &PubUpdateBatch{statedb.NewUpdateBatch()}
// NewHashedUpdateBatch creates an empty HashedUpdateBatch
func NewHashedUpdateBatch() *HashedUpdateBatch {
return &HashedUpdateBatch{make(map[string]nsBatch)}
// NewPvtUpdateBatch creates an empty PvtUpdateBatch
func NewPvtUpdateBatch() *PvtUpdateBatch {
return &PvtUpdateBatch{make(map[string]nsBatch)}
// IsEmpty returns true if there exists any updates
func (b UpdateMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(b) == 0
// Put sets the value in the batch for a given combination of namespace and collection name
func (b UpdateMap) Put(ns, coll, key string, value []byte, version *version.Height) {
b.PutValAndMetadata(ns, coll, key, value, nil, version)
// PutValAndMetadata adds a key with value and metadata
func (b UpdateMap) PutValAndMetadata(ns, coll, key string, value []byte, metadata []byte, version *version.Height) {
b.getOrCreateNsBatch(ns).PutValAndMetadata(coll, key, value, metadata, version)
// Delete adds a delete marker in the batch for a given combination of namespace and collection name
func (b UpdateMap) Delete(ns, coll, key string, version *version.Height) {
b.getOrCreateNsBatch(ns).Delete(coll, key, version)
// Get retrieves the value from the batch for a given combination of namespace and collection name
func (b UpdateMap) Get(ns, coll, key string) *statedb.VersionedValue {
nsPvtBatch, ok := b[ns]
if !ok {
return nil
return nsPvtBatch.Get(coll, key)
// Contains returns true if the given <ns,coll,key> tuple is present in the batch
func (b UpdateMap) Contains(ns, coll, key string) bool {
nsBatch, ok := b[ns]
if !ok {
return false
return nsBatch.Exists(coll, key)
func (nsb nsBatch) GetCollectionNames() []string {
return nsb.GetUpdatedNamespaces()
func (b UpdateMap) getOrCreateNsBatch(ns string) nsBatch {
batch, ok := b[ns]
if !ok {
batch = nsBatch{statedb.NewUpdateBatch()}
b[ns] = batch
return batch
// Contains returns true if the given <ns,coll,keyHash> tuple is present in the batch
func (h HashedUpdateBatch) Contains(ns, coll string, keyHash []byte) bool {
return h.UpdateMap.Contains(ns, coll, string(keyHash))
// Put overrides the function in UpdateMap for allowing the key to be a []byte instead of a string
func (h HashedUpdateBatch) Put(ns, coll string, key []byte, value []byte, version *version.Height) {
h.PutValHashAndMetadata(ns, coll, key, value, nil, version)
// PutValHashAndMetadata adds a key with value and metadata
// TODO introducing a new function to limit the refactoring. Later in a separate CR, the 'Put' function above should be removed
func (h HashedUpdateBatch) PutValHashAndMetadata(ns, coll string, key []byte, value []byte, metadata []byte, version *version.Height) {
h.UpdateMap.PutValAndMetadata(ns, coll, string(key), value, metadata, version)
// Delete overrides the function in UpdateMap for allowing the key to be a []byte instead of a string
func (h HashedUpdateBatch) Delete(ns, coll string, key []byte, version *version.Height) {
h.UpdateMap.Delete(ns, coll, string(key), version)
// ToCompositeKeyMap rearranges the update batch data in the form of a single map
func (h HashedUpdateBatch) ToCompositeKeyMap() map[HashedCompositeKey]*statedb.VersionedValue {
m := make(map[HashedCompositeKey]*statedb.VersionedValue)
for ns, nsBatch := range h.UpdateMap {
for _, coll := range nsBatch.GetCollectionNames() {
for key, vv := range nsBatch.GetUpdates(coll) {
m[HashedCompositeKey{ns, coll, key}] = vv
return m
// ToCompositeKeyMap rearranges the update batch data in the form of a single map
func (p PvtUpdateBatch) ToCompositeKeyMap() map[PvtdataCompositeKey]*statedb.VersionedValue {
m := make(map[PvtdataCompositeKey]*statedb.VersionedValue)
for ns, nsBatch := range p.UpdateMap {
for _, coll := range nsBatch.GetCollectionNames() {
for key, vv := range nsBatch.GetUpdates(coll) {
m[PvtdataCompositeKey{ns, coll, key}] = vv
return m
// String returns a print friendly form of HashedCompositeKey
func (hck *HashedCompositeKey) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ns=%s, collection=%s, keyHash=%x", hck.Namespace, hck.CollectionName, hck.KeyHash)
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