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ledger_interface.go 24.91 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package ledger
import (
commonledger "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/ledger"
// Initializer encapsulates dependencies for PeerLedgerProvider
type Initializer struct {
StateListeners []StateListener
DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider
MembershipInfoProvider MembershipInfoProvider
MetricsProvider metrics.Provider
// PeerLedgerProvider provides handle to ledger instances
type PeerLedgerProvider interface {
Initialize(initializer *Initializer) error
// Create creates a new ledger with the given genesis block.
// This function guarantees that the creation of ledger and committing the genesis block would an atomic action
// The chain id retrieved from the genesis block is treated as a ledger id
Create(genesisBlock *common.Block) (PeerLedger, error)
// Open opens an already created ledger
Open(ledgerID string) (PeerLedger, error)
// Exists tells whether the ledger with given id exists
Exists(ledgerID string) (bool, error)
// List lists the ids of the existing ledgers
List() ([]string, error)
// Close closes the PeerLedgerProvider
// PeerLedger differs from the OrdererLedger in that PeerLedger locally maintain a bitmask
// that tells apart valid transactions from invalid ones
type PeerLedger interface {
// GetTransactionByID retrieves a transaction by id
GetTransactionByID(txID string) (*peer.ProcessedTransaction, error)
// GetBlockByHash returns a block given it's hash
GetBlockByHash(blockHash []byte) (*common.Block, error)
// GetBlockByTxID returns a block which contains a transaction
GetBlockByTxID(txID string) (*common.Block, error)
// GetTxValidationCodeByTxID returns reason code of transaction validation
GetTxValidationCodeByTxID(txID string) (peer.TxValidationCode, error)
// NewTxSimulator gives handle to a transaction simulator.
// A client can obtain more than one 'TxSimulator's for parallel execution.
// Any snapshoting/synchronization should be performed at the implementation level if required
NewTxSimulator(txid string) (TxSimulator, error)
// NewQueryExecutor gives handle to a query executor.
// A client can obtain more than one 'QueryExecutor's for parallel execution.
// Any synchronization should be performed at the implementation level if required
NewQueryExecutor() (QueryExecutor, error)
// NewHistoryQueryExecutor gives handle to a history query executor.
// A client can obtain more than one 'HistoryQueryExecutor's for parallel execution.
// Any synchronization should be performed at the implementation level if required
NewHistoryQueryExecutor() (HistoryQueryExecutor, error)
// GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum returns the block and the corresponding pvt data.
// The pvt data is filtered by the list of 'ns/collections' supplied
// A nil filter does not filter any results and causes retrieving all the pvt data for the given blockNum
GetPvtDataAndBlockByNum(blockNum uint64, filter PvtNsCollFilter) (*BlockAndPvtData, error)
// GetPvtDataByNum returns only the pvt data corresponding to the given block number
// The pvt data is filtered by the list of 'ns/collections' supplied in the filter
// A nil filter does not filter any results and causes retrieving all the pvt data for the given blockNum
GetPvtDataByNum(blockNum uint64, filter PvtNsCollFilter) ([]*TxPvtData, error)
// CommitWithPvtData commits the block and the corresponding pvt data in an atomic operation
CommitWithPvtData(blockAndPvtdata *BlockAndPvtData) error
// Purge removes private read-writes set generated by endorsers at block height lesser than
// a given maxBlockNumToRetain. In other words, Purge only retains private read-write sets
// that were generated at block height of maxBlockNumToRetain or higher.
PurgePrivateData(maxBlockNumToRetain uint64) error
// PrivateDataMinBlockNum returns the lowest retained endorsement block height
PrivateDataMinBlockNum() (uint64, error)
//Prune prunes the blocks/transactions that satisfy the given policy
Prune(policy commonledger.PrunePolicy) error
// GetConfigHistoryRetriever returns the ConfigHistoryRetriever
GetConfigHistoryRetriever() (ConfigHistoryRetriever, error)
// CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks commits the private data corresponding to already committed block
// If hashes for some of the private data supplied in this function does not match
// the corresponding hash present in the block, the unmatched private data is not
// committed and instead the mismatch inforation is returned back
CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks(blockPvtData []*BlockPvtData) ([]*PvtdataHashMismatch, error)
// GetMissingPvtDataTracker return the MissingPvtDataTracker
GetMissingPvtDataTracker() (MissingPvtDataTracker, error)
// ValidatedLedger represents the 'final ledger' after filtering out invalid transactions from PeerLedger.
// Post-v1
type ValidatedLedger interface {
// SimpleQueryExecutor encapsulates basic functions
type SimpleQueryExecutor interface {
// GetState gets the value for given namespace and key. For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
GetState(namespace string, key string) ([]byte, error)
// GetStateRangeScanIterator returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
// startKey is included in the results and endKey is excluded. An empty startKey refers to the first available key
// and an empty endKey refers to the last available key. For scanning all the keys, both the startKey and the endKey
// can be supplied as empty strings. However, a full scan should be used judiciously for performance reasons.
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in protos/ledger/queryresult.
GetStateRangeScanIterator(namespace string, startKey string, endKey string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
// QueryExecutor executes the queries
// Get* methods are for supporting KV-based data model. ExecuteQuery method is for supporting a rich datamodel and query support
// ExecuteQuery method in the case of a rich data model is expected to support queries on
// latest state, historical state and on the intersection of state and transactions
type QueryExecutor interface {
// GetStateMetadata returns the metadata for given namespace and key
GetStateMetadata(namespace, key string) (map[string][]byte, error)
// GetStateMultipleKeys gets the values for multiple keys in a single call
GetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, keys []string) ([][]byte, error)
// GetStateRangeScanIteratorWithMetadata returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
// startKey is included in the results and endKey is excluded. An empty startKey refers to the first available key
// and an empty endKey refers to the last available key. For scanning all the keys, both the startKey and the endKey
// can be supplied as empty strings. However, a full scan should be used judiciously for performance reasons.
// metadata is a map of additional query parameters
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in protos/ledger/queryresult.
GetStateRangeScanIteratorWithMetadata(namespace string, startKey, endKey string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (QueryResultsIterator, error)
// ExecuteQuery executes the given query and returns an iterator that contains results of type specific to the underlying data store.
// Only used for state databases that support query
// For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in protos/ledger/queryresult.
ExecuteQuery(namespace, query string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
// ExecuteQueryWithMetadata executes the given query and returns an iterator that contains results of type specific to the underlying data store.
// metadata is a map of additional query parameters
// Only used for state databases that support query
// For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in protos/ledger/queryresult.
ExecuteQueryWithMetadata(namespace, query string, metadata map[string]interface{}) (QueryResultsIterator, error)
// GetPrivateData gets the value of a private data item identified by a tuple <namespace, collection, key>
GetPrivateData(namespace, collection, key string) ([]byte, error)
// GetPrivateDataMetadata gets the metadata of a private data item identified by a tuple <namespace, collection, key>
GetPrivateDataMetadata(namespace, collection, key string) (map[string][]byte, error)
// GetPrivateDataMetadataByHash gets the metadata of a private data item identified by a tuple <namespace, collection, keyhash>
GetPrivateDataMetadataByHash(namespace, collection string, keyhash []byte) (map[string][]byte, error)
// GetPrivateDataMultipleKeys gets the values for the multiple private data items in a single call
GetPrivateDataMultipleKeys(namespace, collection string, keys []string) ([][]byte, error)
// GetPrivateDataRangeScanIterator returns an iterator that contains all the key-values between given key ranges.
// startKey is included in the results and endKey is excluded. An empty startKey refers to the first available key
// and an empty endKey refers to the last available key. For scanning all the keys, both the startKey and the endKey
// can be supplied as empty strings. However, a full scan shuold be used judiciously for performance reasons.
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in protos/ledger/queryresult.
GetPrivateDataRangeScanIterator(namespace, collection, startKey, endKey string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
// ExecuteQuery executes the given query and returns an iterator that contains results of type specific to the underlying data store.
// Only used for state databases that support query
// For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KV which is defined in protos/ledger/queryresult.
ExecuteQueryOnPrivateData(namespace, collection, query string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
// Done releases resources occupied by the QueryExecutor
// HistoryQueryExecutor executes the history queries
type HistoryQueryExecutor interface {
// GetHistoryForKey retrieves the history of values for a key.
// The returned ResultsIterator contains results of type *KeyModification which is defined in protos/ledger/queryresult.
GetHistoryForKey(namespace string, key string) (commonledger.ResultsIterator, error)
// TxSimulator simulates a transaction on a consistent snapshot of the 'as recent state as possible'
// Set* methods are for supporting KV-based data model. ExecuteUpdate method is for supporting a rich datamodel and query support
type TxSimulator interface {
// SetState sets the given value for the given namespace and key. For a chaincode, the namespace corresponds to the chaincodeId
SetState(namespace string, key string, value []byte) error
// DeleteState deletes the given namespace and key
DeleteState(namespace string, key string) error
// SetMultipleKeys sets the values for multiple keys in a single call
SetStateMultipleKeys(namespace string, kvs map[string][]byte) error
// SetStateMetadata sets the metadata associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, key>
SetStateMetadata(namespace, key string, metadata map[string][]byte) error
// DeleteStateMetadata deletes the metadata (if any) associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, key>
DeleteStateMetadata(namespace, key string) error
// ExecuteUpdate for supporting rich data model (see comments on QueryExecutor above)
ExecuteUpdate(query string) error
// SetPrivateData sets the given value to a key in the private data state represented by the tuple <namespace, collection, key>
SetPrivateData(namespace, collection, key string, value []byte) error
// SetPrivateDataMultipleKeys sets the values for multiple keys in the private data space in a single call
SetPrivateDataMultipleKeys(namespace, collection string, kvs map[string][]byte) error
// DeletePrivateData deletes the given tuple <namespace, collection, key> from private data
DeletePrivateData(namespace, collection, key string) error
// SetPrivateDataMetadata sets the metadata associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, collection, key>
SetPrivateDataMetadata(namespace, collection, key string, metadata map[string][]byte) error
// DeletePrivateDataMetadata deletes the metadata associated with an existing key-tuple <namespace, collection, key>
DeletePrivateDataMetadata(namespace, collection, key string) error
// GetTxSimulationResults encapsulates the results of the transaction simulation.
// This should contain enough detail for
// - The update in the state that would be caused if the transaction is to be committed
// - The environment in which the transaction is executed so as to be able to decide the validity of the environment
// (at a later time on a different peer) during committing the transactions
// Different ledger implementation (or configurations of a single implementation) may want to represent the above two pieces
// of information in different way in order to support different data-models or optimize the information representations.
// Returned type 'TxSimulationResults' contains the simulation results for both the public data and the private data.
// The public data simulation results are expected to be used as in V1 while the private data simulation results are expected
// to be used by the gossip to disseminate this to the other endorsers (in phase-2 of sidedb)
GetTxSimulationResults() (*TxSimulationResults, error)
// QueryResultsIterator - an iterator for query result set
type QueryResultsIterator interface {
// GetBookmarkAndClose returns a paging bookmark and releases resources occupied by the iterator
GetBookmarkAndClose() string
// TxPvtData encapsulates the transaction number and pvt write-set for a transaction
type TxPvtData struct {
SeqInBlock uint64
WriteSet *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
// TxPvtDataMap is a map from txNum to the pvtData
type TxPvtDataMap map[uint64]*TxPvtData
// MissingPvtData contains a namespace and collection for
// which the pvtData is not present. It also denotes
// whether the missing pvtData is eligible (i.e., whether
// the peer is member of the [namespace, collection]
type MissingPvtData struct {
Namespace string
Collection string
IsEligible bool
// TxMissingPvtDataMap is a map from txNum to the list of
// missing pvtData
type TxMissingPvtDataMap map[uint64][]*MissingPvtData
// BlockAndPvtData encapsulates the block and a map that contains the tuples <seqInBlock, *TxPvtData>
// The map is expected to contain the entries only for the transactions that has associated pvt data
type BlockAndPvtData struct {
Block *common.Block
PvtData TxPvtDataMap
MissingPvtData TxMissingPvtDataMap
// BlockPvtData contains the private data for a block
type BlockPvtData struct {
BlockNum uint64
WriteSets TxPvtDataMap
// Add adds a given missing private data in the MissingPrivateDataList
func (txMissingPvtData TxMissingPvtDataMap) Add(txNum uint64, ns, coll string, isEligible bool) {
txMissingPvtData[txNum] = append(txMissingPvtData[txNum], &MissingPvtData{ns, coll, isEligible})
// PvtCollFilter represents the set of the collection names (as keys of the map with value 'true')
type PvtCollFilter map[string]bool
// PvtNsCollFilter specifies the tuple <namespace, PvtCollFilter>
type PvtNsCollFilter map[string]PvtCollFilter
// NewPvtNsCollFilter constructs an empty PvtNsCollFilter
func NewPvtNsCollFilter() PvtNsCollFilter {
return make(map[string]PvtCollFilter)
// Has returns true if the pvtdata includes the data for collection <ns,coll>
func (pvtdata *TxPvtData) Has(ns string, coll string) bool {
if pvtdata.WriteSet == nil {
return false
for _, nsdata := range pvtdata.WriteSet.NsPvtRwset {
if nsdata.Namespace == ns {
for _, colldata := range nsdata.CollectionPvtRwset {
if colldata.CollectionName == coll {
return true
return false
// Add adds a namespace-collection tuple to the filter
func (filter PvtNsCollFilter) Add(ns string, coll string) {
collFilter, ok := filter[ns]
if !ok {
collFilter = make(map[string]bool)
filter[ns] = collFilter
collFilter[coll] = true
// Has returns true if the filter has the entry for tuple namespace-collection
func (filter PvtNsCollFilter) Has(ns string, coll string) bool {
collFilter, ok := filter[ns]
if !ok {
return false
return collFilter[coll]
// TxSimulationResults captures the details of the simulation results
type TxSimulationResults struct {
PubSimulationResults *rwset.TxReadWriteSet
PvtSimulationResults *rwset.TxPvtReadWriteSet
// GetPubSimulationBytes returns the serialized bytes of public readwrite set
func (txSim *TxSimulationResults) GetPubSimulationBytes() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(txSim.PubSimulationResults)
// GetPvtSimulationBytes returns the serialized bytes of private readwrite set
func (txSim *TxSimulationResults) GetPvtSimulationBytes() ([]byte, error) {
if !txSim.ContainsPvtWrites() {
return nil, nil
return proto.Marshal(txSim.PvtSimulationResults)
// ContainsPvtWrites returns true if the simulation results include the private writes
func (txSim *TxSimulationResults) ContainsPvtWrites() bool {
return txSim.PvtSimulationResults != nil
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/state_listener.go -fake-name StateListener . StateListener
// StateListener allows a custom code for performing additional stuff upon state change
// for a perticular namespace against which the listener is registered.
// This helps to perform custom tasks other than the state updates.
// A ledger implemetation is expected to invoke Function `HandleStateUpdates` once per block and
// the `stateUpdates` parameter passed to the function captures the state changes caused by the block
// for the namespace. The actual data type of stateUpdates depends on the data model enabled.
// For instance, for KV data model, the actual type would be proto message
// `github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/ledger/rwset/kvrwset.KVWrite`
// Function `HandleStateUpdates` is expected to be invoked before block is committed and if this
// function returns an error, the ledger implementation is expected to halt block commit operation
// and result in a panic
type StateListener interface {
InterestedInNamespaces() []string
HandleStateUpdates(trigger *StateUpdateTrigger) error
StateCommitDone(channelID string)
// StateUpdateTrigger encapsulates the information and helper tools that may be used by a StateListener
type StateUpdateTrigger struct {
LedgerID string
StateUpdates StateUpdates
CommittingBlockNum uint64
CommittedStateQueryExecutor SimpleQueryExecutor
PostCommitQueryExecutor SimpleQueryExecutor
// StateUpdates is the generic type to represent the state updates
type StateUpdates map[string]interface{}
// ConfigHistoryRetriever allow retrieving history of collection configs
type ConfigHistoryRetriever interface {
CollectionConfigAt(blockNum uint64, chaincodeName string) (*CollectionConfigInfo, error)
MostRecentCollectionConfigBelow(blockNum uint64, chaincodeName string) (*CollectionConfigInfo, error)
// MissingPvtDataTracker allows getting information about the private data that is not missing on the peer
type MissingPvtDataTracker interface {
GetMissingPvtDataInfoForMostRecentBlocks(maxBlocks int) (MissingPvtDataInfo, error)
// MissingPvtDataInfo is a map of block number to MissingBlockPvtdataInfo
type MissingPvtDataInfo map[uint64]MissingBlockPvtdataInfo
// MissingBlockPvtdataInfo is a map of transaction number (within the block) to MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo
type MissingBlockPvtdataInfo map[uint64][]*MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo
// MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo includes the name of the chaincode and collection for which private data is missing
type MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo struct {
Namespace, Collection string
// CollectionConfigInfo encapsulates a collection config for a chaincode and its committing block number
type CollectionConfigInfo struct {
CollectionConfig *common.CollectionConfigPackage
CommittingBlockNum uint64
// Add adds a missing data entry to the MissingPvtDataInfo Map
func (missingPvtDataInfo MissingPvtDataInfo) Add(blkNum, txNum uint64, ns, coll string) {
missingBlockPvtDataInfo, ok := missingPvtDataInfo[blkNum]
if !ok {
missingBlockPvtDataInfo = make(MissingBlockPvtdataInfo)
missingPvtDataInfo[blkNum] = missingBlockPvtDataInfo
if _, ok := missingBlockPvtDataInfo[txNum]; !ok {
missingBlockPvtDataInfo[txNum] = []*MissingCollectionPvtDataInfo{}
missingBlockPvtDataInfo[txNum] = append(missingBlockPvtDataInfo[txNum],
Namespace: ns,
Collection: coll})
// ErrCollectionConfigNotYetAvailable is an error which is returned from the function
// ConfigHistoryRetriever.CollectionConfigAt() if the latest block number committed
// is lower than the block number specified in the request.
type ErrCollectionConfigNotYetAvailable struct {
MaxBlockNumCommitted uint64
Msg string
func (e *ErrCollectionConfigNotYetAvailable) Error() string {
return e.Msg
// NotFoundInIndexErr is used to indicate missing entry in the index
type NotFoundInIndexErr string
func (NotFoundInIndexErr) Error() string {
return "Entry not found in index"
// CollConfigNotDefinedError is returned whenever an operation
// is requested on a collection whose config has not been defined
type CollConfigNotDefinedError struct {
Ns string
func (e *CollConfigNotDefinedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("collection config not defined for chaincode [%s], pass the collection configuration upon chaincode definition/instantiation", e.Ns)
// InvalidCollNameError is returned whenever an operation
// is requested on a collection whose name is invalid
type InvalidCollNameError struct {
Ns, Coll string
func (e *InvalidCollNameError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("collection [%s] not defined in the collection config for chaincode [%s]", e.Coll, e.Ns)
// PvtdataHashMismatch is used when the hash of private write-set
// does not match the corresponding hash present in the block
// See function `PeerLedger.CommitPvtData` for the usages
type PvtdataHashMismatch struct {
BlockNum, TxNum uint64
Namespace, Collection string
ExpectedHash []byte
// DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider is a dependency that is used by ledger to build collection config history
// LSCC module is expected to provide an implementation fo this dependencys
type DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider interface {
Namespaces() []string
UpdatedChaincodes(stateUpdates map[string][]*kvrwset.KVWrite) ([]*ChaincodeLifecycleInfo, error)
ChaincodeInfo(chaincodeName string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) (*DeployedChaincodeInfo, error)
CollectionInfo(chaincodeName, collectionName string, qe SimpleQueryExecutor) (*common.StaticCollectionConfig, error)
// DeployedChaincodeInfo encapsulates chaincode information from the deployed chaincodes
type DeployedChaincodeInfo struct {
Name string
Hash []byte
Version string
CollectionConfigPkg *common.CollectionConfigPackage
// ChaincodeLifecycleInfo captures the update info of a chaincode
type ChaincodeLifecycleInfo struct {
Name string
Deleted bool
Details *ChaincodeLifecycleDetails // Can contain finer details about lifecycle event that can be used for certain optimization
// ChaincodeLifecycleDetails captures the finer details of chaincode lifecycle event
type ChaincodeLifecycleDetails struct {
Updated bool // true, if an existing chaincode is updated (false for newly deployed chaincodes).
// Following attributes are meaningful only if 'Updated' is true
HashChanged bool // true, if the chaincode code package is changed
CollectionsUpdated []string // names of the collections that are either added or updated
CollectionsRemoved []string // names of the collections that are removed
// MembershipInfoProvider is a dependency that is used by ledger to determine whether the current peer is
// a member of a collection. Gossip module is expected to provide the dependency to ledger
type MembershipInfoProvider interface {
// AmMemberOf checks whether the current peer is a member of the given collection
AmMemberOf(channelName string, collectionPolicyConfig *common.CollectionPolicyConfig) (bool, error)
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/deployed_ccinfo_provider.go -fake-name DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider . DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/membership_info_provider.go -fake-name MembershipInfoProvider . MembershipInfoProvider
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