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network.go 45.55 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package nwo
import (
docker "github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
// Organization models information about an Organization. It includes
// the information needed to populate an MSP with cryptogen.
type Organization struct {
MSPID string `yaml:"msp_id,omitempty"`
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Domain string `yaml:"domain,omitempty"`
EnableNodeOUs bool `yaml:"enable_node_organizational_units"`
Users int `yaml:"users,omitempty"`
CA *CA `yaml:"ca,omitempty"`
type CA struct {
Hostname string `yaml:"hostname,omitempty"`
// A Consortium is a named collection of Organizations. It is used to populate
// the Orderer geneesis block profile.
type Consortium struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Organizations []string `yaml:"organizations,omitempty"`
// Consensus indicates the orderer types and how many broker and zookeeper
// instances.
type Consensus struct {
Type string `yaml:"type,omitempty"`
Brokers int `yaml:"brokers,omitempty"`
ZooKeepers int `yaml:"zookeepers,omitempty"`
// The SystemChannel declares the name of the network system channel and its
// associated configtxgen profile name.
type SystemChannel struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Profile string `yaml:"profile,omitempty"`
// Channel associates a channel name with a configtxgen profile name.
type Channel struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Profile string `yaml:"profile,omitempty"`
BaseProfile string `yaml:"baseprofile,omitempty"`
// Orderer defines an orderer instance and its owning organization.
type Orderer struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Organization string `yaml:"organization,omitempty"`
// ID provides a unique identifier for an orderer instance.
func (o Orderer) ID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", o.Organization, o.Name)
type OrdererCapabilities struct {
V2_0 bool `yaml:"v20,omitempty"`
// Peer defines a peer instance, it's owning organization, and the list of
// channels that the peer should be joined to.
type Peer struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Organization string `yaml:"organization,omitempty"`
DevMode bool `yaml:"devmode,omitempty"`
Channels []*PeerChannel `yaml:"channels,omitempty"`
// PeerChannel names of the channel a peer should be joined to and whether or
// not the peer should be an anchor for the channel.
type PeerChannel struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Anchor bool `yaml:"anchor"`
// ID provides a unique identifier for a peer instance.
func (p *Peer) ID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", p.Organization, p.Name)
// Anchor returns true if this peer is an anchor for any channel it has joined.
func (p *Peer) Anchor() bool {
for _, c := range p.Channels {
if c.Anchor {
return true
return false
// A profile encapsulates basic information for a configtxgen profile.
type Profile struct {
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Orderers []string `yaml:"orderers,omitempty"`
Consortium string `yaml:"consortium,omitempty"`
Organizations []string `yaml:"organizations,omitempty"`
// Network holds information about a fabric network.
type Network struct {
RootDir string
StartPort uint16
Components *Components
DockerClient *docker.Client
NetworkID string
EventuallyTimeout time.Duration
MetricsProvider string
StatsdEndpoint string
TLSEnabled bool
PortsByBrokerID map[string]Ports
PortsByOrdererID map[string]Ports
PortsByPeerID map[string]Ports
Organizations []*Organization
SystemChannel *SystemChannel
Channels []*Channel
Consensus *Consensus
OrdererCap *OrdererCapabilities
Orderers []*Orderer
Peers []*Peer
Profiles []*Profile
Consortiums []*Consortium
Templates *Templates
colorIndex uint
// New creates a Network from a simple configuration. All generated or managed
// artifacts for the network will be located under rootDir. Ports will be
// allocated sequentially from the specified startPort.
func New(c *Config, rootDir string, client *docker.Client, startPort int, components *Components) *Network {
network := &Network{
StartPort: uint16(startPort),
RootDir: rootDir,
Components: components,
DockerClient: client,
NetworkID: helpers.UniqueName(),
EventuallyTimeout: time.Minute,
MetricsProvider: "prometheus",
PortsByBrokerID: map[string]Ports{},
PortsByOrdererID: map[string]Ports{},
PortsByPeerID: map[string]Ports{},
Organizations: c.Organizations,
Consensus: c.Consensus,
Orderers: c.Orderers,
Peers: c.Peers,
SystemChannel: c.SystemChannel,
Channels: c.Channels,
Profiles: c.Profiles,
Consortiums: c.Consortiums,
Templates: c.Templates,
TLSEnabled: true, // set TLS enabled by default
if network.Templates == nil {
network.Templates = &Templates{}
for i := 0; i < network.Consensus.Brokers; i++ {
ports := Ports{}
for _, portName := range BrokerPortNames() {
ports[portName] = network.ReservePort()
network.PortsByBrokerID[strconv.Itoa(i)] = ports
for _, o := range c.Orderers {
ports := Ports{}
for _, portName := range OrdererPortNames() {
ports[portName] = network.ReservePort()
network.PortsByOrdererID[o.ID()] = ports
for _, p := range c.Peers {
ports := Ports{}
for _, portName := range PeerPortNames() {
ports[portName] = network.ReservePort()
network.PortsByPeerID[p.ID()] = ports
return network
// ConfigTxPath returns the path to the generated configtxgen configuration
// file.
func (n *Network) ConfigTxConfigPath() string {
return filepath.Join(n.RootDir, "configtx.yaml")
// CryptoPath returns the path to the directory where cryptogen will place its
// generated artifacts.
func (n *Network) CryptoPath() string {
return filepath.Join(n.RootDir, "crypto")
// CryptoConfigPath returns the path to the generated cryptogen configuration
// file.
func (n *Network) CryptoConfigPath() string {
return filepath.Join(n.RootDir, "crypto-config.yaml")
// OutputBlockPath returns the path to the genesis block for the named system
// channel.
func (n *Network) OutputBlockPath(channelName string) string {
return filepath.Join(n.RootDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s_block.pb", channelName))
// CreateChannelTxPath returns the path to the create channel transaction for
// the named channel.
func (n *Network) CreateChannelTxPath(channelName string) string {
return filepath.Join(n.RootDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s_tx.pb", channelName))
// OrdererDir returns the path to the configuration directory for the specified
// Orderer.
func (n *Network) OrdererDir(o *Orderer) string {
return filepath.Join(n.RootDir, "orderers", o.ID())
// OrdererConfigPath returns the path to the orderer configuration document for
// the specified Orderer.
func (n *Network) OrdererConfigPath(o *Orderer) string {
return filepath.Join(n.OrdererDir(o), "orderer.yaml")
// ReadOrdererConfig unmarshals an orderer's orderer.yaml and returns an
// object approximating its contents.
func (n *Network) ReadOrdererConfig(o *Orderer) *fabricconfig.Orderer {
var orderer fabricconfig.Orderer
ordererBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(n.OrdererConfigPath(o))
err = yaml.Unmarshal(ordererBytes, &orderer)
return &orderer
// WriteOrdererConfig serializes the provided configuration as the specified
// orderer's orderer.yaml document.
func (n *Network) WriteOrdererConfig(o *Orderer, config *fabricconfig.Orderer) {
ordererBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(config)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(n.OrdererConfigPath(o), ordererBytes, 0644)
// ReadConfigTxConfig unmarshals the configtx.yaml and returns an
// object approximating its contents.
func (n *Network) ReadConfigTxConfig() *fabricconfig.ConfigTx {
var configtx fabricconfig.ConfigTx
configtxBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(n.ConfigTxConfigPath())
err = yaml.Unmarshal(configtxBytes, &configtx)
return &configtx
// WriteConfigTxConfig serializes the provided configuration to configtx.yaml.
func (n *Network) WriteConfigTxConfig(config *fabricconfig.ConfigTx) {
configtxBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(config)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(n.ConfigTxConfigPath(), configtxBytes, 0644)
// PeerDir returns the path to the configuration directory for the specified
// Peer.
func (n *Network) PeerDir(p *Peer) string {
return filepath.Join(n.RootDir, "peers", p.ID())
// PeerConfigPath returns the path to the peer configuration document for the
// specified peer.
func (n *Network) PeerConfigPath(p *Peer) string {
return filepath.Join(n.PeerDir(p), "core.yaml")
// ReadPeerConfig unmarshals a peer's core.yaml and returns an object
// approximating its contents.
func (n *Network) ReadPeerConfig(p *Peer) *fabricconfig.Core {
var core fabricconfig.Core
coreBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(n.PeerConfigPath(p))
err = yaml.Unmarshal(coreBytes, &core)
return &core
// WritePeerConfig serializes the provided configuration as the specified
// peer's core.yaml document.
func (n *Network) WritePeerConfig(p *Peer, config *fabricconfig.Core) {
coreBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(config)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(n.PeerConfigPath(p), coreBytes, 0644)
// peerUserCryptoDir returns the path to the directory containing the
// certificates and keys for the specified user of the peer.
func (n *Network) peerUserCryptoDir(p *Peer, user, cryptoMaterialType string) string {
org := n.Organization(p.Organization)
return n.userCryptoDir(org, "peerOrganizations", user, cryptoMaterialType)
// ordererUserCryptoDir returns the path to the directory containing the
// certificates and keys for the specified user of the orderer.
func (n *Network) ordererUserCryptoDir(o *Orderer, user, cryptoMaterialType string) string {
org := n.Organization(o.Organization)
return n.userCryptoDir(org, "ordererOrganizations", user, cryptoMaterialType)
// userCryptoDir returns the path to the folder with crypto materials for either peers or orderer organizations
// specific user
func (n *Network) userCryptoDir(org *Organization, nodeOrganizationType, user, cryptoMaterialType string) string {
return filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", user, org.Domain),
// PeerUserMSPDir returns the path to the MSP directory containing the
// certificates and keys for the specified user of the peer.
func (n *Network) PeerUserMSPDir(p *Peer, user string) string {
return n.peerUserCryptoDir(p, user, "msp")
// OrdererUserMSPDir returns the path to the MSP directory containing the
// certificates and keys for the specified user of the peer.
func (n *Network) OrdererUserMSPDir(o *Orderer, user string) string {
return n.ordererUserCryptoDir(o, user, "msp")
// PeerUserTLSDir returns the path to the TLS directory containing the
// certificates and keys for the specified user of the peer.
func (n *Network) PeerUserTLSDir(p *Peer, user string) string {
return n.peerUserCryptoDir(p, user, "tls")
// PeerUserCert returns the path to the certificate for the specified user in
// the peer organization.
func (n *Network) PeerUserCert(p *Peer, user string) string {
org := n.Organization(p.Organization)
return filepath.Join(
n.PeerUserMSPDir(p, user),
fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s-cert.pem", user, org.Domain),
// OrdererUserCert returns the path to the certificate for the specified user in
// the orderer organization.
func (n *Network) OrdererUserCert(o *Orderer, user string) string {
org := n.Organization(o.Organization)
return filepath.Join(
n.OrdererUserMSPDir(o, user),
fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s-cert.pem", user, org.Domain),
// PeerUserKey returns the path to the private key for the specified user in
// the peer organization.
func (n *Network) PeerUserKey(p *Peer, user string) string {
org := n.Organization(p.Organization)
keystore := filepath.Join(
n.PeerUserMSPDir(p, user),
// file names are the SKI and non-deterministic
keys, err := ioutil.ReadDir(keystore)
return filepath.Join(keystore, keys[0].Name())
// OrdererUserKey returns the path to the private key for the specified user in
// the orderer organization.
func (n *Network) OrdererUserKey(o *Orderer, user string) string {
org := n.Organization(o.Organization)
keystore := filepath.Join(
n.OrdererUserMSPDir(o, user),
// file names are the SKI and non-deterministic
keys, err := ioutil.ReadDir(keystore)
return filepath.Join(keystore, keys[0].Name())
// peerLocalCryptoDir returns the path to the local crypto directory for the peer.
func (n *Network) peerLocalCryptoDir(p *Peer, cryptoType string) string {
org := n.Organization(p.Organization)
return filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", p.Name, org.Domain),
// PeerLocalMSPDir returns the path to the local MSP directory for the peer.
func (n *Network) PeerLocalMSPDir(p *Peer) string {
return n.peerLocalCryptoDir(p, "msp")
// PeerLocalTLSDir returns the path to the local TLS directory for the peer.
func (n *Network) PeerLocalTLSDir(p *Peer) string {
return n.peerLocalCryptoDir(p, "tls")
// PeerCert returns the path to the peer's certificate.
func (n *Network) PeerCert(p *Peer) string {
org := n.Organization(p.Organization)
return filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s-cert.pem", p.Name, org.Domain),
// PeerOrgMSPDir returns the path to the MSP directory of the Peer organization.
func (n *Network) PeerOrgMSPDir(org *Organization) string {
return filepath.Join(
// OrdererOrgMSPDir returns the path to the MSP directory of the Orderer
// organization.
func (n *Network) OrdererOrgMSPDir(o *Organization) string {
return filepath.Join(
// OrdererLocalCryptoDir returns the path to the local crypto directory for the
// Orderer.
func (n *Network) OrdererLocalCryptoDir(o *Orderer, cryptoType string) string {
org := n.Organization(o.Organization)
return filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", o.Name, org.Domain),
// OrdererLocalMSPDir returns the path to the local MSP directory for the
// Orderer.
func (n *Network) OrdererLocalMSPDir(o *Orderer) string {
return n.OrdererLocalCryptoDir(o, "msp")
// OrdererLocalTLSDir returns the path to the local TLS directory for the
// Orderer.
func (n *Network) OrdererLocalTLSDir(o *Orderer) string {
return n.OrdererLocalCryptoDir(o, "tls")
// ProfileForChannel gets the configtxgen profile name associated with the
// specified channel.
func (n *Network) ProfileForChannel(channelName string) string {
for _, ch := range n.Channels {
if ch.Name == channelName {
return ch.Profile
return ""
// CACertsBundlePath returns the path to the bundle of CA certificates for the
// network. This bundle is used when connecting to peers.
func (n *Network) CACertsBundlePath() string {
return filepath.Join(
// GenerateConfigTree generates the configuration documents required to
// bootstrap a fabric network. A configuration file will be generated for
// cryptogen, configtxgen, and for each peer and orderer. The contents of the
// documents will be based on the Config used to create the Network.
// When this method completes, the resulting tree will look something like
// this:
// ${rootDir}/configtx.yaml
// ${rootDir}/crypto-config.yaml
// ${rootDir}/orderers/orderer0.orderer-org/orderer.yaml
// ${rootDir}/peers/peer0.org1/core.yaml
// ${rootDir}/peers/peer0.org2/core.yaml
// ${rootDir}/peers/peer1.org1/core.yaml
// ${rootDir}/peers/peer1.org2/core.yaml
func (n *Network) GenerateConfigTree() {
for _, o := range n.Orderers {
for _, p := range n.Peers {
// Bootstrap generates the cryptographic material, orderer system channel
// genesis block, and create channel transactions needed to run a fabric
// network.
// The cryptogen tool is used to create crypto material from the contents of
// ${rootDir}/crypto-config.yaml. The generated artifacts will be placed in
// ${rootDir}/crypto/...
// The gensis block is generated from the profile referenced by the
// SystemChannel.Profile attribute. The block is written to
// ${rootDir}/${SystemChannel.Name}_block.pb.
// The create channel transactions are generated for each Channel referenced by
// the Network using the channel's Profile attribute. The transactions are
// written to ${rootDir}/${Channel.Name}_tx.pb.
func (n *Network) Bootstrap() {
_, err := n.DockerClient.CreateNetwork(
Name: n.NetworkID,
Driver: "bridge",
sess, err := n.Cryptogen(commands.Generate{
Config: n.CryptoConfigPath(),
Output: n.CryptoPath(),
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
sess, err = n.ConfigTxGen(commands.OutputBlock{
ChannelID: n.SystemChannel.Name,
Profile: n.SystemChannel.Profile,
ConfigPath: n.RootDir,
OutputBlock: n.OutputBlockPath(n.SystemChannel.Name),
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
for _, c := range n.Channels {
sess, err := n.ConfigTxGen(commands.CreateChannelTx{
ChannelID: c.Name,
Profile: c.Profile,
BaseProfile: c.BaseProfile,
ConfigPath: n.RootDir,
OutputCreateChannelTx: n.CreateChannelTxPath(c.Name),
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
// concatenateTLSCACertificates concatenates all TLS CA certificates into a
// single file to be used by peer CLI.
func (n *Network) ConcatenateTLSCACertificates() {
bundle := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, tlsCertPath := range n.listTLSCACertificates() {
certBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tlsCertPath)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(n.CACertsBundlePath(), bundle.Bytes(), 0660)
// listTLSCACertificates returns the paths of all TLS CA certificates in the
// network, across all organizations.
func (n *Network) listTLSCACertificates() []string {
fileName2Path := make(map[string]string)
filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(n.RootDir, "crypto"), func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
// File starts with "tlsca" and has "-cert.pem" in it
if strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), "tlsca") && strings.Contains(info.Name(), "-cert.pem") {
fileName2Path[info.Name()] = path
return nil
var tlsCACertificates []string
for _, path := range fileName2Path {
tlsCACertificates = append(tlsCACertificates, path)
return tlsCACertificates
// Cleanup attempts to cleanup docker related artifacts that may
// have been created by the network.
func (n *Network) Cleanup() {
nw, err := n.DockerClient.NetworkInfo(n.NetworkID)
err = n.DockerClient.RemoveNetwork(nw.ID)
containers, err := n.DockerClient.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{All: true})
for _, c := range containers {
for _, name := range c.Names {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "/"+n.NetworkID) {
err := n.DockerClient.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{ID: c.ID, Force: true})
images, err := n.DockerClient.ListImages(docker.ListImagesOptions{All: true})
for _, i := range images {
for _, tag := range i.RepoTags {
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, n.NetworkID) {
err := n.DockerClient.RemoveImage(i.ID)
// CreateAndJoinChannels will create all channels specified in the config that
// are referenced by peers. The referencing peers will then be joined to the
// channel(s).
// The network must be running before this is called.
func (n *Network) CreateAndJoinChannels(o *Orderer) {
for _, c := range n.Channels {
n.CreateAndJoinChannel(o, c.Name)
// CreateAndJoinChannel will create the specified channel. The referencing
// peers will then be joined to the channel.
// The network must be running before this is called.
func (n *Network) CreateAndJoinChannel(o *Orderer, channelName string) {
peers := n.PeersWithChannel(channelName)
if len(peers) == 0 {
n.CreateChannel(channelName, o, peers[0])
n.JoinChannel(channelName, o, peers...)
// UpdateChannelAnchors determines the anchor peers for the specified channel,
// creates an anchor peer update transaction for each organization, and submits
// the update transactions to the orderer.
func (n *Network) UpdateChannelAnchors(o *Orderer, channelName string) {
tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "update-anchors")
defer os.Remove(tempFile.Name())
peersByOrg := map[string]*Peer{}
for _, p := range n.AnchorsForChannel(channelName) {
peersByOrg[p.Organization] = p
for orgName, p := range peersByOrg {
anchorUpdate := commands.OutputAnchorPeersUpdate{
OutputAnchorPeersUpdate: tempFile.Name(),
ChannelID: channelName,
Profile: n.ProfileForChannel(channelName),
ConfigPath: n.RootDir,
AsOrg: orgName,
sess, err := n.ConfigTxGen(anchorUpdate)
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
sess, err = n.PeerAdminSession(p, commands.ChannelUpdate{
ChannelID: channelName,
Orderer: n.OrdererAddress(o, ListenPort),
File: tempFile.Name(),
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
// CreateChannel will submit an existing create channel transaction to the
// specified orderer. The channel transaction must exist at the location
// returned by CreateChannelTxPath. Optionally, additional signers may be
// included in the case where the channel creation tx modifies other
// aspects of the channel config for the new channel.
// The orderer must be running when this is called.
func (n *Network) CreateChannel(channelName string, o *Orderer, p *Peer, additionalSigners ...interface{}) {
channelCreateTxPath := n.CreateChannelTxPath(channelName)
for _, signer := range additionalSigners {
switch t := signer.(type) {
case *Peer:
sess, err := n.PeerAdminSession(t, commands.SignConfigTx{
File: channelCreateTxPath,
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
case *Orderer:
sess, err := n.OrdererAdminSession(t, p, commands.SignConfigTx{
File: channelCreateTxPath,
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
panic("unknown signer type, expect Peer or Orderer")
createChannel := func() int {
sess, err := n.PeerAdminSession(p, commands.ChannelCreate{
ChannelID: channelName,
Orderer: n.OrdererAddress(o, ListenPort),
File: channelCreateTxPath,
OutputBlock: "/dev/null",
return sess.Wait(n.EventuallyTimeout).ExitCode()
Eventually(createChannel, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(Equal(0))
// CreateChannelFail will submit an existing create channel transaction to the
// specified orderer, but expect to FAIL. The channel transaction must exist
// at the location returned by CreateChannelTxPath.
// The orderer must be running when this is called.
func (n *Network) CreateChannelFail(channelName string, o *Orderer, p *Peer, additionalSigners ...interface{}) {
channelCreateTxPath := n.CreateChannelTxPath(channelName)
for _, signer := range additionalSigners {
switch t := signer.(type) {
case *Peer:
sess, err := n.PeerAdminSession(t, commands.SignConfigTx{
File: channelCreateTxPath,
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
case *Orderer:
sess, err := n.OrdererAdminSession(t, p, commands.SignConfigTx{
File: channelCreateTxPath,
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
panic("unknown signer type, expect Peer or Orderer")
createChannelFail := func() int {
sess, err := n.PeerAdminSession(p, commands.ChannelCreate{
ChannelID: channelName,
Orderer: n.OrdererAddress(o, ListenPort),
File: channelCreateTxPath,
OutputBlock: "/dev/null",
return sess.Wait(n.EventuallyTimeout).ExitCode()
Eventually(createChannelFail, n.EventuallyTimeout).ShouldNot(Equal(0))
// JoinChannel will join peers to the specified channel. The orderer is used to
// obtain the current configuration block for the channel.
// The orderer and listed peers must be running before this is called.
func (n *Network) JoinChannel(name string, o *Orderer, peers ...*Peer) {
if len(peers) == 0 {
tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "genesis-block")
defer os.Remove(tempFile.Name())
sess, err := n.PeerAdminSession(peers[0], commands.ChannelFetch{
Block: "0",
ChannelID: name,
Orderer: n.OrdererAddress(o, ListenPort),
OutputFile: tempFile.Name(),
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
for _, p := range peers {
sess, err := n.PeerAdminSession(p, commands.ChannelJoin{
BlockPath: tempFile.Name(),
Eventually(sess, n.EventuallyTimeout).Should(gexec.Exit(0))
// Cryptogen starts a gexec.Session for the provided cryptogen command.
func (n *Network) Cryptogen(command Command) (*gexec.Session, error) {
cmd := NewCommand(n.Components.Cryptogen(), command)
return n.StartSession(cmd, command.SessionName())
// ConfigTxGen starts a gexec.Session for the provided configtxgen command.
func (n *Network) ConfigTxGen(command Command) (*gexec.Session, error) {
cmd := NewCommand(n.Components.ConfigTxGen(), command)
return n.StartSession(cmd, command.SessionName())
// Discover starts a gexec.Session for the provided discover command.
func (n *Network) Discover(command Command) (*gexec.Session, error) {
cmd := NewCommand(n.Components.Discover(), command)
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "--peerTLSCA", n.CACertsBundlePath())
return n.StartSession(cmd, command.SessionName())
// ZooKeeperRunner returns a runner for a ZooKeeper instance.
func (n *Network) ZooKeeperRunner(idx int) *runner.ZooKeeper {
colorCode := n.nextColor()
name := fmt.Sprintf("zookeeper-%d-%s", idx, n.NetworkID)
return &runner.ZooKeeper{
ZooMyID: idx + 1, // IDs must be between 1 and 255
Client: n.DockerClient,
Name: name,
NetworkName: n.NetworkID,
OutputStream: gexec.NewPrefixedWriter(
fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[32m[o]\x1b[%s[%s]\x1b[0m ", colorCode, name),
ErrorStream: gexec.NewPrefixedWriter(
fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[91m[e]\x1b[%s[%s]\x1b[0m ", colorCode, name),
func (n *Network) minBrokersInSync() int {
if n.Consensus.Brokers < 2 {
return n.Consensus.Brokers
return 2
func (n *Network) defaultBrokerReplication() int {
if n.Consensus.Brokers < 3 {
return n.Consensus.Brokers
return 3
// BrokerRunner returns a runner for an kafka broker instance.
func (n *Network) BrokerRunner(id int, zookeepers []string) *runner.Kafka {
colorCode := n.nextColor()
name := fmt.Sprintf("kafka-%d-%s", id, n.NetworkID)
return &runner.Kafka{
BrokerID: id + 1,
Client: n.DockerClient,
AdvertisedListeners: "",
HostPort: int(n.PortsByBrokerID[strconv.Itoa(id)][HostPort]),
Name: name,
NetworkName: n.NetworkID,
MinInsyncReplicas: n.minBrokersInSync(),
DefaultReplicationFactor: n.defaultBrokerReplication(),
ZooKeeperConnect: strings.Join(zookeepers, ","),
OutputStream: gexec.NewPrefixedWriter(
fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[32m[o]\x1b[%s[%s]\x1b[0m ", colorCode, name),
ErrorStream: gexec.NewPrefixedWriter(
fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[91m[e]\x1b[%s[%s]\x1b[0m ", colorCode, name),
// BrokerGroupRunner returns a runner that manages the processes that make up
// the kafka broker network for fabric.
func (n *Network) BrokerGroupRunner() ifrit.Runner {
members := grouper.Members{}
zookeepers := []string{}
for i := 0; i < n.Consensus.ZooKeepers; i++ {
zk := n.ZooKeeperRunner(i)
zookeepers = append(zookeepers, fmt.Sprintf("%s:2181", zk.Name))
members = append(members, grouper.Member{Name: zk.Name, Runner: zk})
for i := 0; i < n.Consensus.Brokers; i++ {
kafka := n.BrokerRunner(i, zookeepers)
members = append(members, grouper.Member{Name: kafka.Name, Runner: kafka})
return grouper.NewOrdered(syscall.SIGTERM, members)
// OrdererRunner returns an ifrit.Runner for the specified orderer. The runner
// can be used to start and manage an orderer process.
func (n *Network) OrdererRunner(o *Orderer) *ginkgomon.Runner {
cmd := exec.Command(n.Components.Orderer())
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("FABRIC_CFG_PATH=%s", n.OrdererDir(o)))
config := ginkgomon.Config{
AnsiColorCode: n.nextColor(),
Name: o.ID(),
Command: cmd,
StartCheck: "Beginning to serve requests",
StartCheckTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
//After consensus-type migration, the #brokers is >0, but the type is etcdraft
if n.Consensus.Type == "kafka" && n.Consensus.Brokers != 0 {
config.StartCheck = "Start phase completed successfully"
config.StartCheckTimeout = 30 * time.Second
return ginkgomon.New(config)
// OrdererGroupRunner returns a runner that can be used to start and stop all
// orderers in a network.
func (n *Network) OrdererGroupRunner() ifrit.Runner {
members := grouper.Members{}
for _, o := range n.Orderers {
members = append(members, grouper.Member{Name: o.ID(), Runner: n.OrdererRunner(o)})
return grouper.NewParallel(syscall.SIGTERM, members)
// PeerRunner returns an ifrit.Runner for the specified peer. The runner can be
// used to start and manage a peer process.
func (n *Network) PeerRunner(p *Peer, env ...string) *ginkgomon.Runner {
cmd := n.peerCommand(
commands.NodeStart{PeerID: p.ID(), DevMode: p.DevMode},
fmt.Sprintf("FABRIC_CFG_PATH=%s", n.PeerDir(p)),
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, env...)
return ginkgomon.New(ginkgomon.Config{
AnsiColorCode: n.nextColor(),
Name: p.ID(),
Command: cmd,
StartCheck: `Started peer with ID=.*, .*, address=`,
StartCheckTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
// PeerGroupRunner returns a runner that can be used to start and stop all
// peers in a network.
func (n *Network) PeerGroupRunner() ifrit.Runner {
members := grouper.Members{}
for _, p := range n.Peers {
members = append(members, grouper.Member{Name: p.ID(), Runner: n.PeerRunner(p)})
return grouper.NewParallel(syscall.SIGTERM, members)
// NetworkGroupRunner returns a runner that can be used to start and stop an
// entire fabric network.
func (n *Network) NetworkGroupRunner() ifrit.Runner {
members := grouper.Members{
{Name: "brokers", Runner: n.BrokerGroupRunner()},
{Name: "orderers", Runner: n.OrdererGroupRunner()},
{Name: "peers", Runner: n.PeerGroupRunner()},
return grouper.NewOrdered(syscall.SIGTERM, members)
func (n *Network) peerCommand(command Command, env ...string) *exec.Cmd {
cmd := NewCommand(n.Components.Peer(), command)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, env...)
if ConnectsToOrderer(command) && n.TLSEnabled {
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "--tls")
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "--cafile", n.CACertsBundlePath())
// In case we have a peer invoke with multiple certificates,
// we need to mimic the correct peer CLI usage,
// so we count the number of --peerAddresses usages
// we have, and add the same (concatenated TLS CA certificates file)
// the same number of times to bypass the peer CLI sanity checks
requiredPeerAddresses := flagCount("--peerAddresses", cmd.Args)
for i := 0; i < requiredPeerAddresses; i++ {
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "--tlsRootCertFiles")
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, n.CACertsBundlePath())
return cmd
func flagCount(flag string, args []string) int {
var c int
for _, arg := range args {
if arg == flag {
return c
// PeerAdminSession starts a gexec.Session as a peer admin for the provided
// peer command. This is intended to be used by short running peer cli commands
// that execute in the context of a peer configuration.
func (n *Network) PeerAdminSession(p *Peer, command Command) (*gexec.Session, error) {
return n.PeerUserSession(p, "Admin", command)
// PeerUserSession starts a gexec.Session as a peer user for the provided peer
// command. This is intended to be used by short running peer cli commands that
// execute in the context of a peer configuration.
func (n *Network) PeerUserSession(p *Peer, user string, command Command) (*gexec.Session, error) {
cmd := n.peerCommand(
fmt.Sprintf("FABRIC_CFG_PATH=%s", n.PeerDir(p)),
fmt.Sprintf("CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=%s", n.PeerUserMSPDir(p, user)),
return n.StartSession(cmd, command.SessionName())
// OrdererAdminSession execute a gexec.Session as an orderer node admin user. This is used primarily
// to generate orderer configuration updates
func (n *Network) OrdererAdminSession(o *Orderer, p *Peer, command Command) (*gexec.Session, error) {
cmd := n.peerCommand(
fmt.Sprintf("FABRIC_CFG_PATH=%s", n.PeerDir(p)),
fmt.Sprintf("CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=%s", n.OrdererUserMSPDir(o, "Admin")),
return n.StartSession(cmd, command.SessionName())
// Peer returns the information about the named Peer in the named organization.
func (n *Network) Peer(orgName, peerName string) *Peer {
for _, p := range n.PeersInOrg(orgName) {
if p.Name == peerName {
return p
return nil
// the function creates a new DiscoveredPeer from the peer and chaincodes passed as arguments
func (n *Network) DiscoveredPeer(p *Peer, chaincodes ...string) DiscoveredPeer {
peerCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(n.PeerCert(p))
return DiscoveredPeer{
MSPID: n.Organization(p.Organization).MSPID,
Endpoint: fmt.Sprintf("", n.PeerPort(p, ListenPort)),
Identity: string(peerCert),
Chaincodes: chaincodes,
// Orderer returns the information about the named Orderer.
func (n *Network) Orderer(name string) *Orderer {
for _, o := range n.Orderers {
if o.Name == name {
return o
return nil
// Organization returns the information about the named Organization.
func (n *Network) Organization(orgName string) *Organization {
for _, org := range n.Organizations {
if org.Name == orgName {
return org
return nil
// Consortium returns information about the named Consortium.
func (n *Network) Consortium(name string) *Consortium {
for _, c := range n.Consortiums {
if c.Name == name {
return c
return nil
// PeerOrgs returns all Organizations associated with at least one Peer.
func (n *Network) PeerOrgs() []*Organization {
orgsByName := map[string]*Organization{}
for _, p := range n.Peers {
orgsByName[p.Organization] = n.Organization(p.Organization)
orgs := []*Organization{}
for _, org := range orgsByName {
orgs = append(orgs, org)
return orgs
// PeersWithChannel returns all Peer instances that have joined the named
// channel.
func (n *Network) PeersWithChannel(chanName string) []*Peer {
peers := []*Peer{}
for _, p := range n.Peers {
for _, c := range p.Channels {
if c.Name == chanName {
peers = append(peers, p)
// This is a bit of a hack to make the output of this function deterministic.
// When this function's output is supplied as input to functions such as ApproveChaincodeForMyOrg
// it causes a different subset of peers to be picked, which can create flakiness in tests.
sort.Slice(peers, func(i, j int) bool {
if peers[i].Organization < peers[j].Organization {
return true
return peers[i].Organization == peers[j].Organization && peers[i].Name < peers[j].Name
return peers
// AnchorsForChannel returns all Peer instances that are anchors for the
// named channel.
func (n *Network) AnchorsForChannel(chanName string) []*Peer {
anchors := []*Peer{}
for _, p := range n.Peers {
for _, pc := range p.Channels {
if pc.Name == chanName && pc.Anchor {
anchors = append(anchors, p)
return anchors
// AnchorsInOrg returns all peers that are an anchor for at least one channel
// in the named organization.
func (n *Network) AnchorsInOrg(orgName string) []*Peer {
anchors := []*Peer{}
for _, p := range n.PeersInOrg(orgName) {
if p.Anchor() {
anchors = append(anchors, p)
// No explicit anchor means all peers are anchors.
if len(anchors) == 0 {
anchors = n.PeersInOrg(orgName)
return anchors
// OrderersInOrg returns all Orderer instances owned by the named organaiztion.
func (n *Network) OrderersInOrg(orgName string) []*Orderer {
orderers := []*Orderer{}
for _, o := range n.Orderers {
if o.Organization == orgName {
orderers = append(orderers, o)
return orderers
// OrgsForOrderers returns all Organization instances that own at least one of
// the named orderers.
func (n *Network) OrgsForOrderers(ordererNames []string) []*Organization {
orgsByName := map[string]*Organization{}
for _, name := range ordererNames {
orgName := n.Orderer(name).Organization
orgsByName[orgName] = n.Organization(orgName)
orgs := []*Organization{}
for _, org := range orgsByName {
orgs = append(orgs, org)
return orgs
// OrdererOrgs returns all Organization instances that own at least one
// orderer.
func (n *Network) OrdererOrgs() []*Organization {
orgsByName := map[string]*Organization{}
for _, o := range n.Orderers {
orgsByName[o.Organization] = n.Organization(o.Organization)
orgs := []*Organization{}
for _, org := range orgsByName {
orgs = append(orgs, org)
return orgs
// PeersInOrg returns all Peer instances that are owned by the named
// organization.
func (n *Network) PeersInOrg(orgName string) []*Peer {
peers := []*Peer{}
for _, o := range n.Peers {
if o.Organization == orgName {
peers = append(peers, o)
return peers
// ReservePort allocates the next available port.
func (n *Network) ReservePort() uint16 {
return n.StartPort - 1
type PortName string
type Ports map[PortName]uint16
const (
ChaincodePort PortName = "Chaincode"
EventsPort PortName = "Events"
HostPort PortName = "HostPort"
ListenPort PortName = "Listen"
ProfilePort PortName = "Profile"
OperationsPort PortName = "Operations"
AdminServicePort PortName = "AdminService"
ClusterPort PortName = "Cluster"
// PeerPortNames returns the list of ports that need to be reserved for a Peer.
func PeerPortNames() []PortName {
return []PortName{ListenPort, ChaincodePort, EventsPort, ProfilePort, OperationsPort, AdminServicePort}
// OrdererPortNames returns the list of ports that need to be reserved for an
// Orderer.
func OrdererPortNames() []PortName {
return []PortName{ListenPort, ProfilePort, OperationsPort, ClusterPort}
// BrokerPortNames returns the list of ports that need to be reserved for a
// Kafka broker.
func BrokerPortNames() []PortName {
return []PortName{HostPort}
// BrokerAddresses returns the list of broker addresses for the network.
func (n *Network) BrokerAddresses(portName PortName) []string {
addresses := []string{}
for _, ports := range n.PortsByBrokerID {
addresses = append(addresses, fmt.Sprintf("", ports[portName]))
return addresses
// OrdererAddress returns the address (host and port) exposed by the Orderer
// for the named port. Command line tools should use the returned address when
// connecting to the orderer.
// This assumes that the orderer is listening on or and is
// available on the loopback address.
func (n *Network) OrdererAddress(o *Orderer, portName PortName) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("", n.OrdererPort(o, portName))
// OrdererPort returns the named port reserved for the Orderer instance.
func (n *Network) OrdererPort(o *Orderer, portName PortName) uint16 {
ordererPorts := n.PortsByOrdererID[o.ID()]
return ordererPorts[portName]
// PeerAddress returns the address (host and port) exposed by the Peer for the
// named port. Command line tools should use the returned address when
// connecting to a peer.
// This assumes that the peer is listening on and is available on the
// loopback address.
func (n *Network) PeerAddress(p *Peer, portName PortName) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("", n.PeerPort(p, portName))
// PeerPort returns the named port reserved for the Peer instance.
func (n *Network) PeerPort(p *Peer, portName PortName) uint16 {
peerPorts := n.PortsByPeerID[p.ID()]
return peerPorts[portName]
func (n *Network) nextColor() string {
color := n.colorIndex%14 + 31
if color > 37 {
color = color + 90 - 37
return fmt.Sprintf("%dm", color)
// StartSession executes a command session. This should be used to launch
// command line tools that are expected to run to completion.
func (n *Network) StartSession(cmd *exec.Cmd, name string) (*gexec.Session, error) {
ansiColorCode := n.nextColor()
return gexec.Start(
fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[32m[o]\x1b[%s[%s]\x1b[0m ", ansiColorCode, name),
fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[91m[e]\x1b[%s[%s]\x1b[0m ", ansiColorCode, name),
func (n *Network) GenerateCryptoConfig() {
crypto, err := os.Create(n.CryptoConfigPath())
defer crypto.Close()
t, err := template.New("crypto").Parse(n.Templates.CryptoTemplate())
pw := gexec.NewPrefixedWriter("[crypto-config.yaml] ", ginkgo.GinkgoWriter)
err = t.Execute(io.MultiWriter(crypto, pw), n)
func (n *Network) GenerateConfigTxConfig() {
config, err := os.Create(n.ConfigTxConfigPath())
defer config.Close()
t, err := template.New("configtx").Parse(n.Templates.ConfigTxTemplate())
pw := gexec.NewPrefixedWriter("[configtx.yaml] ", ginkgo.GinkgoWriter)
err = t.Execute(io.MultiWriter(config, pw), n)
func (n *Network) GenerateOrdererConfig(o *Orderer) {
err := os.MkdirAll(n.OrdererDir(o), 0755)
orderer, err := os.Create(n.OrdererConfigPath(o))
defer orderer.Close()
t, err := template.New("orderer").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"Orderer": func() *Orderer { return o },
"ToLower": func(s string) string { return strings.ToLower(s) },
"ReplaceAll": func(s, old, new string) string { return strings.Replace(s, old, new, -1) },
pw := gexec.NewPrefixedWriter(fmt.Sprintf("[%s#orderer.yaml] ", o.ID()), ginkgo.GinkgoWriter)
err = t.Execute(io.MultiWriter(orderer, pw), n)
func (n *Network) GenerateCoreConfig(p *Peer) {
err := os.MkdirAll(n.PeerDir(p), 0755)
core, err := os.Create(n.PeerConfigPath(p))
defer core.Close()
t, err := template.New("peer").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"Peer": func() *Peer { return p },
"ToLower": func(s string) string { return strings.ToLower(s) },
"ReplaceAll": func(s, old, new string) string { return strings.Replace(s, old, new, -1) },
pw := gexec.NewPrefixedWriter(fmt.Sprintf("[%s#core.yaml] ", p.ID()), ginkgo.GinkgoWriter)
err = t.Execute(io.MultiWriter(core, pw), n)
马建仓 AI 助手
