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Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cluster
import (
// BlockPuller pulls blocks from remote ordering nodes.
// Its operations are not thread safe.
type BlockPuller struct {
// Configuration
MaxPullBlockRetries uint64
MaxTotalBufferBytes int
Signer crypto.LocalSigner
TLSCert []byte
Channel string
FetchTimeout time.Duration
RetryTimeout time.Duration
Logger *flogging.FabricLogger
Dialer Dialer
VerifyBlockSequence BlockSequenceVerifier
Endpoints []EndpointCriteria
// Internal state
stream *ImpatientStream
blockBuff []*common.Block
latestSeq uint64
endpoint string
conn *grpc.ClientConn
cancelStream func()
// Clone returns a copy of this BlockPuller initialized
// for the given channel
func (p *BlockPuller) Clone() *BlockPuller {
// Clone by value
copy := *p
// Reset internal state
copy.stream = nil
copy.blockBuff = nil
copy.latestSeq = 0
copy.endpoint = ""
copy.conn = nil
copy.cancelStream = nil
return &copy
// Close makes the BlockPuller close the connection and stream
// with the remote endpoint, and wipe the internal block buffer.
func (p *BlockPuller) Close() {
if p.cancelStream != nil {
p.cancelStream = nil
if p.conn != nil {
p.conn = nil
p.endpoint = ""
p.latestSeq = 0
p.blockBuff = nil
// PullBlock blocks until a block with the given sequence is fetched
// from some remote ordering node, or until consecutive failures
// of fetching the block exceed MaxPullBlockRetries.
func (p *BlockPuller) PullBlock(seq uint64) *common.Block {
retriesLeft := p.MaxPullBlockRetries
for {
block := p.tryFetchBlock(seq)
if block != nil {
return block
if retriesLeft == 0 && p.MaxPullBlockRetries > 0 {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed pulling block [%d]: retry count exhausted(%d)", seq, p.MaxPullBlockRetries)
return nil
// HeightsByEndpoints returns the block heights by endpoints of orderers
func (p *BlockPuller) HeightsByEndpoints() (map[string]uint64, error) {
endpointsInfo := p.probeEndpoints(0)
res := make(map[string]uint64)
for endpoint, endpointInfo := range endpointsInfo.byEndpoints() {
res[endpoint] = endpointInfo.lastBlockSeq + 1
p.Logger.Info("Returning the heights of OSNs mapped by endpoints", res)
return res, endpointsInfo.err
func (p *BlockPuller) tryFetchBlock(seq uint64) *common.Block {
var reConnected bool
for p.isDisconnected() {
reConnected = true
if p.isDisconnected() {
block := p.popBlock(seq)
if block != nil {
return block
// Else, buffer is empty. So we need to pull blocks
// to re-fill it.
if err := p.pullBlocks(seq, reConnected); err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed pulling blocks: %v", err)
// Something went wrong, disconnect. and return nil
// If we have a block in the buffer, return it.
if len(p.blockBuff) > 0 {
return p.blockBuff[0]
return nil
if err := p.VerifyBlockSequence(p.blockBuff, p.Channel); err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed verifying received blocks: %v", err)
return nil
// At this point, the buffer is full, so shift it and return the first block.
return p.popBlock(seq)
func (p *BlockPuller) setCancelStreamFunc(f func()) {
p.cancelStream = f
func (p *BlockPuller) pullBlocks(seq uint64, reConnected bool) error {
env, err := p.seekNextEnvelope(seq)
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed creating seek envelope: %v", err)
return err
stream, err := p.obtainStream(reConnected, env, seq)
if err != nil {
return err
var totalSize int
p.blockBuff = nil
nextExpectedSequence := seq
for totalSize < p.MaxTotalBufferBytes && nextExpectedSequence <= p.latestSeq {
resp, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed receiving next block from %s: %v", p.endpoint, err)
return err
block, err := extractBlockFromResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Received a bad block from %s: %v", p.endpoint, err)
return err
seq := block.Header.Number
if seq != nextExpectedSequence {
p.Logger.Errorf("Expected to receive sequence %d but got %d instead", nextExpectedSequence, seq)
return errors.Errorf("got unexpected sequence from %s - (%d) instead of (%d)", p.endpoint, seq, nextExpectedSequence)
size := blockSize(block)
totalSize += size
p.blockBuff = append(p.blockBuff, block)
p.Logger.Infof("Got block [%d] of size %d KB from %s", seq, size/1024, p.endpoint)
return nil
func (p *BlockPuller) obtainStream(reConnected bool, env *common.Envelope, seq uint64) (*ImpatientStream, error) {
var stream *ImpatientStream
var err error
if reConnected {
p.Logger.Infof("Sending request for block [%d] to %s", seq, p.endpoint)
stream, err = p.requestBlocks(p.endpoint, NewImpatientStream(p.conn, p.FetchTimeout), env)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Stream established successfully.
// In next iterations of this function, reuse it.
p.stream = stream
} else {
// Reuse previous stream
stream = p.stream
return stream, nil
// popBlock pops a block from the in-memory buffer and returns it,
// or returns nil if the buffer is empty or the block doesn't match
// the given wanted sequence.
func (p *BlockPuller) popBlock(seq uint64) *common.Block {
if len(p.blockBuff) == 0 {
return nil
block, rest := p.blockBuff[0], p.blockBuff[1:]
p.blockBuff = rest
// If the requested block sequence is the wrong one, discard the buffer
// to start fetching blocks all over again.
if seq != block.Header.Number {
p.blockBuff = nil
return nil
return block
func (p *BlockPuller) isDisconnected() bool {
return p.conn == nil
// connectToSomeEndpoint makes the BlockPuller connect to some endpoint that has
// the given minimum block sequence.
func (p *BlockPuller) connectToSomeEndpoint(minRequestedSequence uint64) {
// Probe all endpoints in parallel, searching an endpoint with a given minimum block sequence
// and then sort them by their endpoints to a map.
endpointsInfo := p.probeEndpoints(minRequestedSequence).byEndpoints()
if len(endpointsInfo) == 0 {
p.Logger.Warningf("Could not connect to any endpoint of %v", p.Endpoints)
// Choose a random endpoint out of the available endpoints
chosenEndpoint := randomEndpoint(endpointsInfo)
// Disconnect all connections but this endpoint
for endpoint, endpointInfo := range endpointsInfo {
if endpoint == chosenEndpoint {
p.conn = endpointsInfo[chosenEndpoint].conn
p.endpoint = chosenEndpoint
p.latestSeq = endpointsInfo[chosenEndpoint].lastBlockSeq
p.Logger.Infof("Connected to %s with last block seq of %d", p.endpoint, p.latestSeq)
// probeEndpoints reaches to all endpoints known and returns the latest block sequences
// of the endpoints, as well as gRPC connections to them.
func (p *BlockPuller) probeEndpoints(minRequestedSequence uint64) *endpointInfoBucket {
endpointsInfo := make(chan *endpointInfo, len(p.Endpoints))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var forbiddenErr uint32
var unavailableErr uint32
for _, endpoint := range p.Endpoints {
go func(endpoint EndpointCriteria) {
defer wg.Done()
ei, err := p.probeEndpoint(endpoint, minRequestedSequence)
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Warningf("Received error of type '%v' from %s", err, endpoint)
if err == ErrForbidden {
atomic.StoreUint32(&forbiddenErr, 1)
if err == ErrServiceUnavailable {
atomic.StoreUint32(&unavailableErr, 1)
endpointsInfo <- ei
eib := &endpointInfoBucket{
bucket: endpointsInfo,
logger: p.Logger,
if unavailableErr == 1 && len(endpointsInfo) == 0 {
eib.err = ErrServiceUnavailable
if forbiddenErr == 1 && len(endpointsInfo) == 0 {
eib.err = ErrForbidden
return eib
// probeEndpoint returns a gRPC connection and the latest block sequence of an endpoint with the given
// requires minimum sequence, or error if something goes wrong.
func (p *BlockPuller) probeEndpoint(endpoint EndpointCriteria, minRequestedSequence uint64) (*endpointInfo, error) {
conn, err := p.Dialer.Dial(endpoint)
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Warningf("Failed connecting to %s: %v", endpoint, err)
return nil, err
lastBlockSeq, err := p.fetchLastBlockSeq(minRequestedSequence, endpoint.Endpoint, conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &endpointInfo{conn: conn, lastBlockSeq: lastBlockSeq, endpoint: endpoint.Endpoint}, nil
// randomEndpoint returns a random endpoint of the given endpointInfo
func randomEndpoint(endpointsToHeight map[string]*endpointInfo) string {
var candidates []string
for endpoint := range endpointsToHeight {
candidates = append(candidates, endpoint)
return candidates[rand.Intn(len(candidates))]
// fetchLastBlockSeq returns the last block sequence of an endpoint with the given gRPC connection.
func (p *BlockPuller) fetchLastBlockSeq(minRequestedSequence uint64, endpoint string, conn *grpc.ClientConn) (uint64, error) {
env, err := p.seekLastEnvelope()
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed creating seek envelope for %s: %v", endpoint, err)
return 0, err
stream, err := p.requestBlocks(endpoint, NewImpatientStream(conn, p.FetchTimeout), env)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer stream.abort()
resp, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed receiving the latest block from %s: %v", endpoint, err)
return 0, err
block, err := extractBlockFromResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Warningf("Received %v from %s: %v", resp, endpoint, err)
return 0, err
seq := block.Header.Number
if seq < minRequestedSequence {
err := errors.Errorf("minimum requested sequence is %d but %s is at sequence %d", minRequestedSequence, endpoint, seq)
p.Logger.Infof("Skipping pulling from %s: %v", endpoint, err)
return 0, err
p.Logger.Infof("%s is at block sequence of %d", endpoint, seq)
return block.Header.Number, nil
// requestBlocks starts requesting blocks from the given endpoint, using the given ImpatientStreamCreator by sending
// the given envelope.
// It returns a stream that is used to pull blocks, or error if something goes wrong.
func (p *BlockPuller) requestBlocks(endpoint string, newStream ImpatientStreamCreator, env *common.Envelope) (*ImpatientStream, error) {
stream, err := newStream()
if err != nil {
p.Logger.Warningf("Failed establishing deliver stream with %s", endpoint)
return nil, err
if err := stream.Send(env); err != nil {
p.Logger.Errorf("Failed sending seek envelope to %s: %v", endpoint, err)
return nil, err
return stream, nil
func extractBlockFromResponse(resp *orderer.DeliverResponse) (*common.Block, error) {
switch t := resp.Type.(type) {
case *orderer.DeliverResponse_Block:
block := t.Block
if block == nil {
return nil, errors.New("block is nil")
if block.Data == nil {
return nil, errors.New("block data is nil")
if block.Header == nil {
return nil, errors.New("block header is nil")
if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("block metadata is empty")
return block, nil
case *orderer.DeliverResponse_Status:
if t.Status == common.Status_FORBIDDEN {
return nil, ErrForbidden
if t.Status == common.Status_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE {
return nil, ErrServiceUnavailable
return nil, errors.Errorf("faulty node, received: %v", resp)
return nil, errors.Errorf("response is of type %v, but expected a block", reflect.TypeOf(resp.Type))
func (p *BlockPuller) seekLastEnvelope() (*common.Envelope, error) {
return utils.CreateSignedEnvelopeWithTLSBinding(
func (p *BlockPuller) seekNextEnvelope(startSeq uint64) (*common.Envelope, error) {
return utils.CreateSignedEnvelopeWithTLSBinding(
func last() *orderer.SeekInfo {
return &orderer.SeekInfo{
Start: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Newest{Newest: &orderer.SeekNewest{}}},
Stop: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: math.MaxUint64}}},
Behavior: orderer.SeekInfo_BLOCK_UNTIL_READY,
ErrorResponse: orderer.SeekInfo_BEST_EFFORT,
func nextSeekInfo(startSeq uint64) *orderer.SeekInfo {
return &orderer.SeekInfo{
Start: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: startSeq}}},
Stop: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: math.MaxUint64}}},
Behavior: orderer.SeekInfo_BLOCK_UNTIL_READY,
ErrorResponse: orderer.SeekInfo_BEST_EFFORT,
func blockSize(block *common.Block) int {
return len(utils.MarshalOrPanic(block))
type endpointInfo struct {
endpoint string
conn *grpc.ClientConn
lastBlockSeq uint64
type endpointInfoBucket struct {
bucket <-chan *endpointInfo
logger *flogging.FabricLogger
err error
func (eib endpointInfoBucket) byEndpoints() map[string]*endpointInfo {
infoByEndpoints := make(map[string]*endpointInfo)
for endpointInfo := range eib.bucket {
if _, exists := infoByEndpoints[endpointInfo.endpoint]; exists {
eib.logger.Warningf("Duplicate endpoint found(%s), skipping it", endpointInfo.endpoint)
infoByEndpoints[endpointInfo.endpoint] = endpointInfo
return infoByEndpoints
// ImpatientStreamCreator creates an ImpatientStream
type ImpatientStreamCreator func() (*ImpatientStream, error)
// ImpatientStream aborts the stream if it waits for too long for a message.
type ImpatientStream struct {
waitTimeout time.Duration
cancelFunc func()
func (stream *ImpatientStream) abort() {
// Recv blocks until a response is received from the stream or the
// timeout expires.
func (stream *ImpatientStream) Recv() (*orderer.DeliverResponse, error) {
// Initialize a timeout to cancel the stream when it expires
timeout := time.NewTimer(stream.waitTimeout)
defer timeout.Stop()
responseChan := make(chan errorAndResponse, 1)
// receive waitGroup ensures the goroutine below exits before
// this function exits.
var receive sync.WaitGroup
defer receive.Wait()
go func() {
defer receive.Done()
resp, err := stream.AtomicBroadcast_DeliverClient.Recv()
responseChan <- errorAndResponse{err: err, resp: resp}
select {
case <-timeout.C:
return nil, errors.Errorf("didn't receive a response within %v", stream.waitTimeout)
case respAndErr := <-responseChan:
return respAndErr.resp, respAndErr.err
// NewImpatientStream returns a ImpatientStreamCreator that creates impatientStreams.
func NewImpatientStream(conn *grpc.ClientConn, waitTimeout time.Duration) ImpatientStreamCreator {
return func() (*ImpatientStream, error) {
abc := orderer.NewAtomicBroadcastClient(conn)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
stream, err := abc.Deliver(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
once := &sync.Once{}
return &ImpatientStream{
waitTimeout: waitTimeout,
// The stream might be canceled while Close() is being called, but also
// while a timeout expires, so ensure it's only called once.
cancelFunc: func() {
AtomicBroadcast_DeliverClient: stream,
}, nil
type errorAndResponse struct {
err error
resp *orderer.DeliverResponse
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