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consenter.go 10.72 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package etcdraft
import (
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name InactiveChainRegistry -case underscore -output mocks
// InactiveChainRegistry registers chains that are inactive
type InactiveChainRegistry interface {
// TrackChain tracks a chain with the given name, and calls the given callback
// when this chain should be created.
TrackChain(chainName string, genesisBlock *common.Block, createChain func())
//go:generate mockery -dir . -name ChainGetter -case underscore -output mocks
// ChainGetter obtains instances of ChainSupport for the given channel
type ChainGetter interface {
// GetChain obtains the ChainSupport for the given channel.
// Returns nil, false when the ChainSupport for the given channel
// isn't found.
GetChain(chainID string) *multichannel.ChainSupport
// Config contains etcdraft configurations
type Config struct {
WALDir string // WAL data of <my-channel> is stored in WALDir/<my-channel>
SnapDir string // Snapshots of <my-channel> are stored in SnapDir/<my-channel>
EvictionSuspicion string // Duration threshold that the node samples in order to suspect its eviction from the channel.
// Consenter implements etcdraft consenter
type Consenter struct {
CreateChain func(chainName string)
InactiveChainRegistry InactiveChainRegistry
Dialer *cluster.PredicateDialer
Communication cluster.Communicator
Chains ChainGetter
Logger *flogging.FabricLogger
EtcdRaftConfig Config
OrdererConfig localconfig.TopLevel
Cert []byte
Metrics *Metrics
// TargetChannel extracts the channel from the given proto.Message.
// Returns an empty string on failure.
func (c *Consenter) TargetChannel(message proto.Message) string {
switch req := message.(type) {
case *orderer.ConsensusRequest:
return req.Channel
case *orderer.SubmitRequest:
return req.Channel
return ""
// ReceiverByChain returns the MessageReceiver for the given channelID or nil
// if not found.
func (c *Consenter) ReceiverByChain(channelID string) MessageReceiver {
cs := c.Chains.GetChain(channelID)
if cs == nil {
return nil
if cs.Chain == nil {
c.Logger.Panicf("Programming error - Chain %s is nil although it exists in the mapping", channelID)
if etcdRaftChain, isEtcdRaftChain := cs.Chain.(*Chain); isEtcdRaftChain {
return etcdRaftChain
c.Logger.Warningf("Chain %s is of type %v and not etcdraft.Chain", channelID, reflect.TypeOf(cs.Chain))
return nil
func (c *Consenter) detectSelfID(consenters map[uint64]*etcdraft.Consenter) (uint64, error) {
thisNodeCertAsDER, err := pemToDER(c.Cert, 0, "server", c.Logger)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var serverCertificates []string
for nodeID, cst := range consenters {
serverCertificates = append(serverCertificates, string(cst.ServerTlsCert))
certAsDER, err := pemToDER(cst.ServerTlsCert, nodeID, "server", c.Logger)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes.Equal(thisNodeCertAsDER, certAsDER) {
return nodeID, nil
c.Logger.Warning("Could not find", string(c.Cert), "among", serverCertificates)
return 0, cluster.ErrNotInChannel
// HandleChain returns a new Chain instance or an error upon failure
func (c *Consenter) HandleChain(support consensus.ConsenterSupport, metadata *common.Metadata) (consensus.Chain, error) {
m := &etcdraft.ConfigMetadata{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(support.SharedConfig().ConsensusMetadata(), m); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal consensus metadata")
if m.Options == nil {
return nil, errors.New("etcdraft options have not been provided")
isMigration := (metadata == nil || len(metadata.Value) == 0) && (support.Height() > 1)
if isMigration {
c.Logger.Debugf("Block metadata is nil at block height=%d, it is consensus-type migration", support.Height())
// determine raft replica set mapping for each node to its id
// for newly started chain we need to read and initialize raft
// metadata by creating mapping between conseter and its id.
// In case chain has been restarted we restore raft metadata
// information from the recently committed block meta data
// field.
blockMetadata, err := ReadBlockMetadata(metadata, m)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to read Raft metadata")
consenters := map[uint64]*etcdraft.Consenter{}
for i, consenter := range m.Consenters {
consenters[blockMetadata.ConsenterIds[i]] = consenter
id, err := c.detectSelfID(consenters)
if err != nil {
c.InactiveChainRegistry.TrackChain(support.ChainID(), support.Block(0), func() {
return &inactive.Chain{Err: errors.Errorf("channel %s is not serviced by me", support.ChainID())}, nil
var evictionSuspicion time.Duration
if c.EtcdRaftConfig.EvictionSuspicion == "" {
c.Logger.Infof("EvictionSuspicion not set, defaulting to %v", DefaultEvictionSuspicion)
evictionSuspicion = DefaultEvictionSuspicion
} else {
evictionSuspicion, err = time.ParseDuration(c.EtcdRaftConfig.EvictionSuspicion)
if err != nil {
c.Logger.Panicf("Failed parsing Consensus.EvictionSuspicion: %s: %v", c.EtcdRaftConfig.EvictionSuspicion, err)
tickInterval, err := time.ParseDuration(m.Options.TickInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("failed to parse TickInterval (%s) to time duration", m.Options.TickInterval)
opts := Options{
RaftID: id,
Clock: clock.NewClock(),
MemoryStorage: raft.NewMemoryStorage(),
Logger: c.Logger,
TickInterval: tickInterval,
ElectionTick: int(m.Options.ElectionTick),
HeartbeatTick: int(m.Options.HeartbeatTick),
MaxInflightBlocks: int(m.Options.MaxInflightBlocks),
MaxSizePerMsg: uint64(support.SharedConfig().BatchSize().PreferredMaxBytes),
SnapshotIntervalSize: m.Options.SnapshotIntervalSize,
BlockMetadata: blockMetadata,
Consenters: consenters,
MigrationInit: isMigration,
WALDir: path.Join(c.EtcdRaftConfig.WALDir, support.ChainID()),
SnapDir: path.Join(c.EtcdRaftConfig.SnapDir, support.ChainID()),
EvictionSuspicion: evictionSuspicion,
Cert: c.Cert,
Metrics: c.Metrics,
rpc := &cluster.RPC{
Timeout: c.OrdererConfig.General.Cluster.RPCTimeout,
Logger: c.Logger,
Channel: support.ChainID(),
Comm: c.Communication,
StreamsByType: cluster.NewStreamsByType(),
return NewChain(
func() (BlockPuller, error) { return newBlockPuller(support, c.Dialer, c.OrdererConfig.General.Cluster) },
func() {
c.InactiveChainRegistry.TrackChain(support.ChainID(), nil, func() { c.CreateChain(support.ChainID()) })
// ReadBlockMetadata attempts to read raft metadata from block metadata, if available.
// otherwise, it reads raft metadata from config metadata supplied.
func ReadBlockMetadata(blockMetadata *common.Metadata, configMetadata *etcdraft.ConfigMetadata) (*etcdraft.BlockMetadata, error) {
if blockMetadata != nil && len(blockMetadata.Value) != 0 { // we have consenters mapping from block
m := &etcdraft.BlockMetadata{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(blockMetadata.Value, m); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal block's metadata")
return m, nil
m := &etcdraft.BlockMetadata{
NextConsenterId: 1,
ConsenterIds: make([]uint64, len(configMetadata.Consenters)),
// need to read consenters from the configuration
for i := range m.ConsenterIds {
m.ConsenterIds[i] = m.NextConsenterId
return m, nil
// New creates a etcdraft Consenter
func New(
clusterDialer *cluster.PredicateDialer,
conf *localconfig.TopLevel,
srvConf comm.ServerConfig,
srv *comm.GRPCServer,
r *multichannel.Registrar,
icr InactiveChainRegistry,
metricsProvider metrics.Provider,
) *Consenter {
logger := flogging.MustGetLogger("orderer.consensus.etcdraft")
var cfg Config
if err := viperutil.Decode(conf.Consensus, &cfg); err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed to decode etcdraft configuration: %s", err)
consenter := &Consenter{
CreateChain: r.CreateChain,
Cert: srvConf.SecOpts.Certificate,
Logger: logger,
Chains: r,
EtcdRaftConfig: cfg,
OrdererConfig: *conf,
Dialer: clusterDialer,
Metrics: NewMetrics(metricsProvider),
InactiveChainRegistry: icr,
consenter.Dispatcher = &Dispatcher{
Logger: logger,
ChainSelector: consenter,
comm := createComm(clusterDialer, consenter, conf.General.Cluster, metricsProvider)
consenter.Communication = comm
svc := &cluster.Service{
CertExpWarningThreshold: conf.General.Cluster.CertExpirationWarningThreshold,
MinimumExpirationWarningInterval: cluster.MinimumExpirationWarningInterval,
StreamCountReporter: &cluster.StreamCountReporter{
Metrics: comm.Metrics,
StepLogger: flogging.MustGetLogger("orderer.common.cluster.step"),
Logger: flogging.MustGetLogger("orderer.common.cluster"),
Dispatcher: comm,
orderer.RegisterClusterServer(srv.Server(), svc)
return consenter
func createComm(clusterDialer *cluster.PredicateDialer, c *Consenter, config localconfig.Cluster, p metrics.Provider) *cluster.Comm {
metrics := cluster.NewMetrics(p)
comm := &cluster.Comm{
MinimumExpirationWarningInterval: cluster.MinimumExpirationWarningInterval,
CertExpWarningThreshold: config.CertExpirationWarningThreshold,
SendBufferSize: config.SendBufferSize,
Logger: flogging.MustGetLogger("orderer.common.cluster"),
Chan2Members: make(map[string]cluster.MemberMapping),
Connections: cluster.NewConnectionStore(clusterDialer, metrics.EgressTLSConnectionCount),
Metrics: metrics,
ChanExt: c,
H: c,
c.Communication = comm
return comm
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