Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package chaincode
import (
const (
lifecycleName = "_lifecycle"
approveFuncName = "ApproveChaincodeDefinitionForMyOrg"
commitFuncName = "CommitChaincodeDefinition"
checkCommitReadinessFuncName = "CheckCommitReadiness"
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("cli.lifecycle.chaincode")
// XXX This is a terrible singleton hack, however
// it simply making a latent dependency explicit.
// It should be removed along with the other package
// scoped variables
var platformRegistry = platforms.NewRegistry(platforms.SupportedPlatforms...)
func addFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
// Cmd returns the cobra command for Chaincode
func Cmd(cryptoProvider bccsp.BCCSP) *cobra.Command {
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(InstallCmd(nil, cryptoProvider))
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(QueryInstalledCmd(nil, cryptoProvider))
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(GetInstalledPackageCmd(nil, cryptoProvider))
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(ApproveForMyOrgCmd(nil, cryptoProvider))
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(CheckCommitReadinessCmd(nil, cryptoProvider))
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(CommitCmd(nil, cryptoProvider))
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(QueryCommittedCmd(nil, cryptoProvider))
return chaincodeCmd
// Chaincode-related variables.
var (
chaincodeLang string
chaincodePath string
chaincodeName string
channelID string
chaincodeVersion string
packageLabel string
signaturePolicy string
channelConfigPolicy string
endorsementPlugin string
validationPlugin string
collectionsConfigFile string
peerAddresses []string
tlsRootCertFiles []string
connectionProfilePath string
waitForEvent bool
waitForEventTimeout time.Duration
packageID string
sequence int
initRequired bool
output string
outputDirectory string
var chaincodeCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "chaincode",
Short: "Perform chaincode operations: package|install|queryinstalled|getinstalledpackage|approveformyorg|checkcommitreadiness|commit|querycommitted",
Long: "Perform chaincode operations: package|install|queryinstalled|getinstalledpackage|approveformyorg|checkcommitreadiness|commit|querycommitted",
PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
common.InitCmd(cmd, args)
common.SetOrdererEnv(cmd, args)
var flags *pflag.FlagSet
func init() {
// ResetFlags resets the values of these flags to facilitate tests
func ResetFlags() {
flags = &pflag.FlagSet{}
flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeLang, "lang", "l", "golang", "Language the chaincode is written in")
flags.StringVarP(&chaincodePath, "path", "p", "", "Path to the chaincode")
flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeName, "name", "n", "", "Name of the chaincode")
flags.StringVarP(&chaincodeVersion, "version", "v", "", "Version of the chaincode")
flags.StringVarP(&packageLabel, "label", "", "", "The package label contains a human-readable description of the package")
flags.StringVarP(&channelID, "channelID", "C", "", "The channel on which this command should be executed")
flags.StringVarP(&signaturePolicy, "signature-policy", "", "", "The endorsement policy associated to this chaincode specified as a signature policy")
flags.StringVarP(&channelConfigPolicy, "channel-config-policy", "", "", "The endorsement policy associated to this chaincode specified as a channel config policy reference")
flags.StringVarP(&endorsementPlugin, "endorsement-plugin", "E", "",
fmt.Sprint("The name of the endorsement plugin to be used for this chaincode"))
flags.StringVarP(&validationPlugin, "validation-plugin", "V", "",
fmt.Sprint("The name of the validation plugin to be used for this chaincode"))
flags.StringVar(&collectionsConfigFile, "collections-config", "",
fmt.Sprint("The fully qualified path to the collection JSON file including the file name"))
flags.StringArrayVarP(&peerAddresses, "peerAddresses", "", []string{""},
fmt.Sprint("The addresses of the peers to connect to"))
flags.StringArrayVarP(&tlsRootCertFiles, "tlsRootCertFiles", "", []string{""},
fmt.Sprint("If TLS is enabled, the paths to the TLS root cert files of the peers to connect to. The order and number of certs specified should match the --peerAddresses flag"))
flags.StringVarP(&connectionProfilePath, "connectionProfile", "", "",
fmt.Sprint("The fully qualified path to the connection profile that provides the necessary connection information for the network. Note: currently only supported for providing peer connection information"))
flags.BoolVar(&waitForEvent, "waitForEvent", true,
fmt.Sprint("Whether to wait for the event from each peer's deliver filtered service signifying that the transaction has been committed successfully"))
flags.DurationVar(&waitForEventTimeout, "waitForEventTimeout", 30*time.Second,
fmt.Sprint("Time to wait for the event from each peer's deliver filtered service signifying that the 'invoke' transaction has been committed successfully"))
flags.StringVarP(&packageID, "package-id", "", "", "The identifier of the chaincode install package")
flags.IntVarP(&sequence, "sequence", "", 1, "The sequence number of the chaincode definition for the channel")
flags.BoolVarP(&initRequired, "init-required", "", false, "Whether the chaincode requires invoking 'init'")
flags.StringVarP(&output, "output", "O", "", "The output format for query results. Default is human-readable plain-text. json is currently the only supported format.")
flags.StringVarP(&outputDirectory, "output-directory", "", "", "The output directory to use when writing a chaincode install package to disk. Default is the current working directory.")
func attachFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, names []string) {
cmdFlags := cmd.Flags()
for _, name := range names {
if flag := flags.Lookup(name); flag != nil {
} else {
logger.Fatalf("Could not find flag '%s' to attach to command '%s'", name, cmd.Name())
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