

技术布道/独立开发者 Technical Evangelism / independent developers

开源中国 · Gitee
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    thinkcmf / ThinkCMF GVP


    OSS Compass 开源指南针 / compass-projects-information

    OSS Compass 平台的元数据和反馈仓库

    KIE / droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap

    The build bootstrap contains the parent pom, guidelines and scripts for Drools, jBPM and OptaPlanner.

    KIE / kogito-pipelines

    CI/CD pipelines for Kogito

    OpenCV / ci-gha-workflow

    GitHub Actions workflows for OpenCV project

    Vue.js / docs

    📄 Documentation for Vue 3

    Vue.js / core

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

    Vue.js / create-vue

    🛠️ Quickly scaffold a Vue project with `npm init vue@3`

    Vue.js / repl

    Vue SFC REPL as a Vue 3 component

    Vue.js / awesome-vue

    🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js

    KIE / kogito-examples

    Kogito examples - Kogito is a cloud-native business automation technology for building cloud-ready business applications.

    KIE / kogito-serverless-operator

    Kubernetes operator for Kogito Serverless Workflow

    KIE / kogito-images

    Images for Kogito

    KIE / kogito-operator

    Kubernetes Operator for Kogito

    KIE / kogito-runtimes

    Kogito Runtimes - Kogito is a cloud-native business automation technology for building cloud-ready business applications.

    KIE / kie-jpmml-integration

    NATS / nats.go

    Golang client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.

    NATS / nats-server

    High-Performance server for NATS.io, the cloud and edge native messaging system.

    NATS / nats.c

    A C client for NATS

    NATS / nats.ex

    Elixir client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system. https://nats.io
