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The major language of this community

2019-11-29 15:23


As you may see, currently, In community there were several issues and PRs. some of them are in Chinese, but some are in English.


I would throw out the question which language would this community prefer?

  1. English only
  2. Chinese only
  3. Mix
  4. English with translation service(translate Chinese into English automatically)

please leave your selection and opinion with comments.


Regarding to the translation service, I research into it for a while, the easiest way is to integrate cloud service. as far as I know the Tencent cloud provide this kind of service now[1], and it also provide the api and sdk.

Any other comments or suggestion are appreciated.


评论 (13)

freesky-edward 创建了需求

Hey @freesky-edward, Welcome to openEuler Community.
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That means the developpers can comment below every pull request or issue to trigger Bot Commands.
Please follow instructions at https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/blob/master/en/command.md to find the details.

freesky-edward 添加了

perhaps we can launch a vote here :eyes:

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Hi all, I would prefer 1-English as the prior option for community members, while for contributors, they could choose what they are used to for issue or pull request, followed by our comments in the same language.

+1 for the translating service which make the community contents in Chinese be more friendly to English contributors.


Hi all,

+1 for #1, English only.

  1. openEuler is not only for engineers speaking Chinese.
  2. development itself is global, as may projects/code have relationship with many open source projects most of which use English.
  3. most of the contributors have good English, at least reading.

To provide a translation service is not a bad idea, but I would rather not provide. Engineers can use translation service by themselves like google translate when necessary.

@xiangxinyong it is necessary to launch voting system, but I don't recommend to use voting for this discussion, as the amount of contributors is still small now.

No matter whether English only will be the first choice for the community, the first barrier is that gitee itself provides Chinese only registration and login method, which is not friendly to other language speaking people, no matter he is developer or IT service engineer.

The second concern about the language option depends on what’s the target users/developers/operation and maintenance engineers/manufactures for openEuler, or vision in short. You have to speak language your target audience can understand.

For example, if some vendor who developed a distribution based on openEuler was sold to France, then the local maintenance engineers should be able to enhance his knowledge and skill from the openEuler community by himself. This is the open source way, you can find anything to help yourself.

I don't think machine translation can do good enough job for the case I mentioned. Microsoft website provides machine translation for their websites many years ago, but the technology articles are quite hard to understand after machine tranlation, I would rather to read the original document instead.

So when we talk about language option for the community, it depends on the vision of the community.

@joehuang_huawei Good point.
openEuler's vision is to be adopted globally. And we are looking for developers not only from China but also from oversea.

@Fred_Li yep. we can vote here.
Actually we have already got some votes:)

@joehuang_huawei Very impressive.

As we may see, in comparison to Chinese, English is more popular and more friendly to developers and engineers all around the world. That would make everyone be able to get what they need from community, specially in English. I guess this is also your point, right? :smile:

Indeed, the Gitee website should support English which may involve with some business work.

Since the result is clear, we need support English during the discussion.


this issue is closed by: @Fred_Li.

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