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file_snapshot.go 12.31 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package orcraft
import (
const (
testPath = "permTest"
snapPath = "snapshots"
metaFilePath = "meta.json"
stateFilePath = "state.bin"
tmpSuffix = ".tmp"
// FileSnapshotStore implements the SnapshotStore interface and allows
// snapshots to be made on the local disk.
type FileSnapshotStore struct {
path string
retain int
type snapMetaSlice []*fileSnapshotMeta
// FileSnapshotSink implements SnapshotSink with a file.
type FileSnapshotSink struct {
store *FileSnapshotStore
dir string
meta fileSnapshotMeta
stateFile *os.File
stateHash hash.Hash64
buffered *bufio.Writer
closed bool
// fileSnapshotMeta is stored on disk. We also put a CRC
// on disk so that we can verify the snapshot.
type fileSnapshotMeta struct {
CRC []byte
// bufferedFile is returned when we open a snapshot. This way
// reads are buffered and the file still gets closed.
type bufferedFile struct {
bh *bufio.Reader
fh *os.File
func (b *bufferedFile) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return b.bh.Read(p)
func (b *bufferedFile) Close() error {
return b.fh.Close()
// NewFileSnapshotStoreWithLogger creates a new FileSnapshotStore based
// on a base directory. The `retain` parameter controls how many
// snapshots are retained. Must be at least 1.
func NewFileSnapshotStoreWithLogger(base string, retain int) (*FileSnapshotStore, error) {
if retain < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must retain at least one snapshot")
// Ensure our path exists
path := filepath.Join(base, snapPath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0755); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("snapshot path not accessible: %v", err)
// Setup the store
store := &FileSnapshotStore{
path: path,
retain: retain,
// Do a permissions test
if err := store.testPermissions(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("permissions test failed: %v", err)
return store, nil
// NewFileSnapshotStore creates a new FileSnapshotStore based
// on a base directory. The `retain` parameter controls how many
// snapshots are retained. Must be at least 1.
func NewFileSnapshotStore(base string, retain int, logOutput io.Writer) (*FileSnapshotStore, error) {
if logOutput == nil {
logOutput = os.Stderr
return NewFileSnapshotStoreWithLogger(base, retain)
// testPermissions tries to touch a file in our path to see if it works.
func (f *FileSnapshotStore) testPermissions() error {
path := filepath.Join(f.path, testPath)
fh, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = fh.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err = os.Remove(path); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// snapshotName generates a name for the snapshot.
func snapshotName(term, index uint64) string {
now := time.Now()
msec := now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", term, index, msec)
// Create is used to start a new snapshot
func (f *FileSnapshotStore) Create(index, term uint64, peers []byte) (raft.SnapshotSink, error) {
// Create a new path
name := snapshotName(term, index)
path := filepath.Join(f.path, name+tmpSuffix)
log.Infof("snapshot: Creating new snapshot at %s", path)
// Make the directory
if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0755); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to make snapshot directory: %v", err)
return nil, err
// Create the sink
sink := &FileSnapshotSink{
store: f,
dir: path,
meta: fileSnapshotMeta{
SnapshotMeta: raft.SnapshotMeta{
ID: name,
Index: index,
Term: term,
Peers: peers,
CRC: nil,
// Write out the meta data
if err := sink.writeMeta(); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to write metadata: %v", err)
return nil, err
// Open the state file
statePath := filepath.Join(path, stateFilePath)
fh, err := os.Create(statePath)
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to create state file: %v", err)
return nil, err
sink.stateFile = fh
// Create a CRC64 hash
sink.stateHash = crc64.New(crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ECMA))
// Wrap both the hash and file in a MultiWriter with buffering
multi := io.MultiWriter(sink.stateFile, sink.stateHash)
sink.buffered = bufio.NewWriter(multi)
// Done
return sink, nil
// List returns available snapshots in the store.
func (f *FileSnapshotStore) List() ([]*raft.SnapshotMeta, error) {
// Get the eligible snapshots
snapshots, err := f.getSnapshots()
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to get snapshots: %v", err)
return nil, err
var snapMeta []*raft.SnapshotMeta
for _, meta := range snapshots {
snapMeta = append(snapMeta, &meta.SnapshotMeta)
if len(snapMeta) == f.retain {
return snapMeta, nil
// getSnapshots returns all the known snapshots.
func (f *FileSnapshotStore) getSnapshots() ([]*fileSnapshotMeta, error) {
// Get the eligible snapshots
snapshots, err := ioutil.ReadDir(f.path)
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to scan snapshot dir: %v", err)
return nil, err
// Populate the metadata
var snapMeta []*fileSnapshotMeta
for _, snap := range snapshots {
// Ignore any files
if !snap.IsDir() {
// Ignore any temporary snapshots
dirName := snap.Name()
if strings.HasSuffix(dirName, tmpSuffix) {
_ = log.Warningf("snapshot: Found temporary snapshot: %v", dirName)
// Try to read the meta data
meta, err := f.readMeta(dirName)
if err != nil {
_ = log.Warningf("snapshot: Failed to read metadata for %v: %v", dirName, err)
// Append, but only return up to the retain count
snapMeta = append(snapMeta, meta)
// Sort the snapshot, reverse so we get new -> old
return snapMeta, nil
// readMeta is used to read the meta data for a given named backup
func (f *FileSnapshotStore) readMeta(name string) (*fileSnapshotMeta, error) {
// Open the meta file
metaPath := filepath.Join(f.path, name, metaFilePath)
fh, err := os.Open(metaPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer fh.Close()
// Buffer the file IO
buffered := bufio.NewReader(fh)
// Read in the JSON
meta := &fileSnapshotMeta{}
dec := json.NewDecoder(buffered)
if err := dec.Decode(meta); err != nil {
return nil, err
return meta, nil
// Open takes a snapshot ID and returns a ReadCloser for that snapshot.
func (f *FileSnapshotStore) Open(id string) (*raft.SnapshotMeta, io.ReadCloser, error) {
// Get the metadata
meta, err := f.readMeta(id)
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to get meta data to open snapshot: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
// Open the state file
statePath := filepath.Join(f.path, id, stateFilePath)
fh, err := os.Open(statePath)
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to open state file: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
// Create a CRC64 hash
stateHash := crc64.New(crc64.MakeTable(crc64.ECMA))
// Compute the hash
_, err = io.Copy(stateHash, fh)
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to read state file: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
// Verify the hash
computed := stateHash.Sum(nil)
if bytes.Compare(meta.CRC, computed) != 0 {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: CRC checksum failed (stored: %v computed: %v)",
meta.CRC, computed)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("CRC mismatch")
// Seek to the start
if _, err := fh.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: State file seek failed: %v", err)
return nil, nil, err
// Return a buffered file
buffered := &bufferedFile{
bh: bufio.NewReader(fh),
fh: fh,
return &meta.SnapshotMeta, buffered, nil
// ReapSnapshots reaps any snapshots beyond the retain count.
func (f *FileSnapshotStore) ReapSnapshots(currentSnapshotMeta *fileSnapshotMeta) error {
reapSnapshot := func(snapshot *fileSnapshotMeta) error {
path := filepath.Join(f.path, snapshot.ID)
log.Infof("snapshot: reaping snapshot %v", path)
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to reap snapshot %v: %v", path, err)
return err
return nil
snapshots, err := f.getSnapshots()
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to get snapshots: %v", err)
return err
deprecatedSnapshotsReaped := false
for _, snapshot := range snapshots {
if snapshot.Term > currentSnapshotMeta.Term ||
snapshot.Term == currentSnapshotMeta.Term && snapshot.Index > currentSnapshotMeta.Index {
deprecatedSnapshotsReaped = true
if deprecatedSnapshotsReaped {
// re-read list, since we've removed files
snapshots, err = f.getSnapshots()
if err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to get snapshots: %v", err)
return err
for i := f.retain; i < len(snapshots); i++ {
return nil
// ID returns the ID of the snapshot, can be used with Open()
// after the snapshot is finalized.
func (s *FileSnapshotSink) ID() string {
return s.meta.ID
// Write is used to append to the state file. We write to the
// buffered IO object to reduce the amount of context switches.
func (s *FileSnapshotSink) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return s.buffered.Write(b)
// Close is used to indicate a successful end.
func (s *FileSnapshotSink) Close() error {
// Make sure close is idempotent
if s.closed {
return nil
s.closed = true
// Close the open handles
if err := s.finalize(); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to finalize snapshot: %v", err)
return err
// Write out the meta data
if err := s.writeMeta(); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to write metadata: %v", err)
return err
// Move the directory into place
newPath := strings.TrimSuffix(s.dir, tmpSuffix)
if err := os.Rename(s.dir, newPath); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to move snapshot into place: %v", err)
return err
// Reap any old snapshots
if err := s.store.ReapSnapshots(&s.meta); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Cancel is used to indicate an unsuccessful end.
func (s *FileSnapshotSink) Cancel() error {
// Make sure close is idempotent
if s.closed {
return nil
s.closed = true
// Close the open handles
if err := s.finalize(); err != nil {
_ = log.Errorf("snapshot: Failed to finalize snapshot: %v", err)
return err
// Attempt to remove all artifacts
return os.RemoveAll(s.dir)
// finalize is used to close all of our resources.
func (s *FileSnapshotSink) finalize() error {
// Flush any remaining data
if err := s.buffered.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
// Get the file size
stat, statErr := s.stateFile.Stat()
// Close the file
if err := s.stateFile.Close(); err != nil {
return err
// Set the file size, check after we close
if statErr != nil {
return statErr
s.meta.Size = stat.Size()
// Set the CRC
s.meta.CRC = s.stateHash.Sum(nil)
return nil
// writeMeta is used to write out the metadata we have.
func (s *FileSnapshotSink) writeMeta() error {
// Open the meta file
metaPath := filepath.Join(s.dir, metaFilePath)
fh, err := os.Create(metaPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer fh.Close()
// Buffer the file IO
buffered := bufio.NewWriter(fh)
defer buffered.Flush()
// Write out as JSON
enc := json.NewEncoder(buffered)
if err := enc.Encode(&s.meta); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Implement the sort interface for []*fileSnapshotMeta.
func (s snapMetaSlice) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s snapMetaSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
if s[i].Term != s[j].Term {
return s[i].Term < s[j].Term
if s[i].Index != s[j].Index {
return s[i].Index < s[j].Index
return s[i].ID < s[j].ID
func (s snapMetaSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
