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openGauss / ham4db

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generate_base.go 23.83 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
copyright 2017 shlomi noach, github inc.
licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");
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package init
// GenerateSQLBase lists all sql statements required to init the ham4db backend
func GenerateSQLBase() (sqlBase []string) {
// hamDatabaseInstance hold all base info for database that be managed
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance (
uptime int unsigned,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
cluster_id varchar(100),
cluster_name varchar(200),
cluster_alias varchar(200),
db_type varchar(50) not null,
db_id varchar(128),
db_version varchar(200),
db_alias varchar(200),
db_state varchar(128),
db_role varchar(128),
pl_region varchar(200),
pl_data_center varchar(200),
pl_zone varchar(200),
environment varchar(32),
last_attempted_check_timestamp timestamp null default '1971-01-01 00:00:00',
last_checked_timestamp timestamp null default current_timestamp,
last_seen_timestamp timestamp null,
is_last_check_partial_success tinyint unsigned,
upstream_host varchar(200) not null default '',
upstream_port smallint unsigned not null default 0,
downstream_hosts text,
downstream_count smallint unsigned,
replication_state varchar(128),
replication_depth tinyint unsigned,
replication_downstream_lag int,
is_co_master tinyint unsigned,
is_read_only tinyint unsigned,
is_allow_tls tinyint unsigned,
is_replication_credentials_available tinyint unsigned,
has_replication_filters tinyint unsigned,
has_replication_credentials tinyint unsigned,
primary key (hostname, port)
create index idx_hdi_upstream_host_port on ham_database_instance (upstream_host, upstream_port)
create index idx_hdi_cluster on ham_database_instance (cluster_name)
create index idx_hdi_last_checked on ham_database_instance (last_checked_timestamp)
create index idx_hdi_last_seen on ham_database_instance (last_seen_timestamp)
// TODO delete table ham_database_instance_last_analysis and ham_database_instance_analysis_changelog, use ham_topology_failure_detection instead?
// hamDatabaseInstanceLastAnalysis record database analysis code and keep update when analysis code change
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_last_analysis (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
analysis_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
analysis varchar(128) not null,
primary key (hostname, port)
create index idx_hdila_analysis_timestamp on ham_database_instance_last_analysis (analysis_timestamp)
// hamDatabaseInstanceAnalysisChangelog record database analysis code, delete when expire
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_analysis_changelog (
changelog_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
analysis_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
analysis varchar(128) not null,
primary key (changelog_id)
create index idx_hdiac_analysis_timestamp on ham_database_instance_analysis_changelog (analysis_timestamp)
create index idx_hdiac_instance_timestamp on ham_database_instance_analysis_changelog (hostname, port, analysis_timestamp)
// hamTopologyFailureDetection record replication analysis entry for failure detection
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_topology_failure_detection (
detection_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
db_type varchar(50) not null,
in_active_period tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
start_active_period_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
end_active_period_unix_time int unsigned not null,
processing_node_hostname varchar(200) not null,
processing_node_token varchar(128) not null,
analysis varchar(128) not null,
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
cluster_alias varchar(200) not null,
count_affected_downstream smallint unsigned not null,
downstream_hosts text not null,
is_actionable tinyint not null default 0,
primary key (detection_id)
create index idx_htfd_in_active_start_period on ham_topology_failure_detection (in_active_period, start_active_period_timestamp)
create unique index idx_htfd_host_port_active_recoverable on ham_topology_failure_detection (hostname, port, in_active_period, end_active_period_unix_time, is_actionable)
// hamTopologyRecovery record database recovery info like when to start, which node to process and so on
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_topology_recovery (
recovery_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
db_type varchar(50) not null,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
in_active_period tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
start_active_period_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
end_active_period_unix_time int unsigned,
end_recovery_timestamp timestamp null default null,
processing_node_hostname varchar(200) not null,
processing_node_token varchar(128) not null,
is_successful tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
successor_hostname varchar(200),
successor_port smallint unsigned,
successor_alias varchar(128),
analysis varchar(128) not null,
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
cluster_alias varchar(200) not null,
count_affected_downstream int unsigned not null,
downstream_hosts text not null,
participating_instances text not null,
lost_downstream text not null,
all_errors text not null,
is_acked tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
acked_timestamp timestamp null default null,
acked_by varchar(128) not null,
acked_comment text not null,
last_detection_id bigint unsigned not null,
recovery_uid varchar(128) not null,
primary key (recovery_id)
create index idx_htr_in_active_start_period on ham_topology_recovery (in_active_period, start_active_period_timestamp)
create index idx_htr_start_active_period on ham_topology_recovery (start_active_period_timestamp)
create unique index uidx_htr_hostname_port_active_period on ham_topology_recovery (hostname, port, in_active_period, end_active_period_unix_time)
create index idx_htr_cluster_name_in_active on ham_topology_recovery (cluster_name, in_active_period)
create index idx_htr_end_recovery_timestamp on ham_topology_recovery (end_recovery_timestamp)
create index idx_htr_acked on ham_topology_recovery (is_acked, acked_timestamp)
create index idx_htr_last_detection_id on ham_topology_recovery (last_detection_id)
create index idx_htr_recovery_uid on ham_topology_recovery (recovery_uid)
// hamTopologyRecoveryBlocked record blocked topology and indicates what recovery they are blocked on
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_topology_recovery_blocked (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
analysis varchar(128) not null,
last_blocked_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
blocking_recovery_id bigint unsigned not null,
primary key (hostname, port)
create index idx_hbtr_cluster_blocked on ham_topology_recovery_blocked (cluster_name, last_blocked_timestamp)
create index idx_hbtr_last_blocked_timestamp on ham_topology_recovery_blocked (last_blocked_timestamp)
// hamTopologyRecoveryStep record all step in a recovery process
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_topology_recovery_step (
step_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
recovery_uid varchar(128) not null,
audit_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
message text not null,
primary key (step_id)
create index idx_htrs_recovery_uid on ham_topology_recovery_step (recovery_uid)
// hamDatabaseInstanceCandidate mark a given instance as suggested for successoring a master in the event of fail over, delete when expire
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_candidate (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
cluster_id varchar(100),
db_type varchar(50) not null,
last_suggested_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
priority tinyint unsigned not null default 1,
promotion_rule varchar(20) not null,
primary key (hostname, port)
create index idx_hcdi_last_suggested_timestamp on ham_database_instance_candidate (last_suggested_timestamp)
// hamDatabaseInstanceDowntime record downtime info, when/why/who
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_downtime (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
downtime_active tinyint unsigned,
begin_timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp,
end_timestamp timestamp null default null,
owner varchar(128) not null,
reason text not null,
primary key (hostname, port)
create index idx_hdid_end_timestamp on ham_database_instance_downtime (end_timestamp)
// hamDatabaseInstanceMaintenance record who and why do maintenance on database
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_maintenance (
maintenance_id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
db_type varchar(50) not null,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
maintenance_active tinyint unsigned default null,
begin_timestamp timestamp null default null,
end_timestamp timestamp null default null,
processing_node_hostname varchar(200) not null,
processing_node_token varchar(128) not null,
explicitly_bounded tinyint unsigned not null,
owner varchar(128) not null,
reason text not null,
primary key (maintenance_id)
create unique index uidx_hdim_maintenance on ham_database_instance_maintenance (maintenance_active, hostname, port)
create index idx_hdim_active_timestamp on ham_database_instance_maintenance (maintenance_active, begin_timestamp)
create index idx_hdim_active_end_timestamp on ham_database_instance_maintenance (maintenance_active, end_timestamp)
// hamDatabaseInstanceTopologyHistory record database topology periodically
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_topology_history (
snapshot_unix_time int unsigned not null,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
upstream_host varchar(200) not null,
upstream_port smallint unsigned not null,
version varchar(128) not null,
primary key (snapshot_unix_time, hostname, port)
create index idx_dith_snpsht_unix_time_clst_name on ham_database_instance_topology_history (snapshot_unix_time, cluster_name(60))
// hamHostnameResolve record mapping for resolved hostname and hostname, delete when expire
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_hostname_resolve (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
resolved_hostname varchar(200) not null,
resolved_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (hostname)
create index idx_hhr_resolved_timestamp on ham_hostname_resolve (resolved_timestamp)
// hamHostnameResolveHistory record mapping for resolved hostname and hostname
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_hostname_resolve_history (
resolved_hostname varchar(200) not null,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
resolved_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (resolved_hostname)
create index idx_hhrh_hostname on ham_hostname_resolve_history (hostname)
create index idx_hhrh_resolved_timestamp on ham_hostname_resolve_history (resolved_timestamp)
// hamHostnameUnresolved record mapping for unresolved hostname and hostname, delete when expire
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_hostname_unresolved (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
unresolved_hostname varchar(200) not null,
last_register_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (hostname)
create index idx_hhu_unresolved_hostname on ham_hostname_unresolved (unresolved_hostname)
create index idx_hhu_last_register_timestamp on ham_hostname_unresolved (last_register_timestamp)
// hamHostnameUnresolvedHistory record history mapping for unresolved hostname and hostname, not delete
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_hostname_unresolved_history (
unresolved_hostname varchar(200) not null,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
last_register_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (unresolved_hostname)
create index idx_hhuh_hostname on ham_hostname_unresolved_history (hostname)
create index idx_hhuh_last_register_timestamp on ham_hostname_unresolved_history (last_register_timestamp)
// hamHostnameIp record ip for hostname, both ipv4 and ipv6
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_hostname_ip (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
ipv4 varchar(128) not null,
ipv6 varchar(128) not null,
last_updated_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (hostname)
// hamHostAttribute record attribute and value for host
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_hostname_attribute (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
attribute_name varchar(128) not null,
attribute_value varchar(128) not null,
submit_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
expire_timestamp timestamp null,
primary key (hostname, attribute_name)
create index idx_hha_attribute_name on ham_hostname_attribute (attribute_name)
create index idx_hha_attribute_value on ham_hostname_attribute (attribute_value)
create index idx_hha_submit_timestamp on ham_hostname_attribute (submit_timestamp)
create index idx_hha_expire_timestamp on ham_hostname_attribute (expire_timestamp)
// hamClusterDomainName record mapping for cluster name and domain name
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_cluster_domain_name (
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
domain_name varchar(200) not null,
last_register_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (cluster_name)
create index idx_hcdn_domain_name on ham_cluster_domain_name (domain_name(32))
create index idx_hcdn_last_register_timestamp on ham_cluster_domain_name (last_register_timestamp)
// hamClusterAlias record mapping for cluster name and alias
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_cluster_alias (
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
alias varchar(200) not null,
last_register_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (cluster_name)
create unique index uidx_hca_alias on ham_cluster_alias (alias)
create index idx_hca_last_register_timestamp on ham_cluster_alias (last_register_timestamp)
// hamClusterAlias record mapping for cluster name and alias if manual override or need to replace when recovery
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_cluster_alias_override (
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
alias varchar(200) not null,
primary key (cluster_name)
// hamDatabaseInstanceTls record if database need to connect by tls
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_tls (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
required tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
primary key (hostname, port)
// hamDatabaseInstanceTag record tag for database instance
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_tag (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
db_type varchar(50) not null,
cluster_id varchar(100) not null,
tag_name varchar(128) not null,
tag_value varchar(128) not null,
last_updated_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (hostname, port, db_type, cluster_id, tag_name)
create index idx_hdit_tag_name on ham_database_instance_tag (tag_name)
// hamDatabaseInstancePool record the list of database for a pool, delete when expire
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_database_instance_pool (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
pool varchar(128) not null,
register_timestamp timestamp not null default '1971-01-01 00:00:00',
primary key (hostname, port, pool)
create index idx_hdi_pool on ham_database_instance_pool (pool)
// hamAccessToken record token info, delete when expire
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_access_token (
token_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
public_token varchar(128) not null,
secret_token varchar(128) not null,
generate_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
generate_by varchar(128) not null,
is_acquired tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
is_reentrant tinyint unsigned not null default 0,
acquired_timestamp timestamp not null default '1971-01-01 00:00:00',
primary key (token_id)
create unique index uidx_hat_public_token on ham_access_token (public_token)
create index idx_hat_generate_timestamp on ham_access_token (generate_timestamp)
// hamAudit record audit log, what happened to database
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_audit (
audit_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
audit_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
audit_type varchar(128) not null,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
port smallint unsigned not null,
cluster_id varchar(100),
cluster_name varchar(200) not null,
message text not null,
primary key (audit_id)
create index idx_ha_timestamp on ham_audit (audit_timestamp)
create index idx_ha_host_port on ham_audit (hostname, port, audit_timestamp)
// hamGlobalRecoveryDisable enable or disable recovery globally, insert 1 to disable
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_global_recovery_disable (
disable_recovery tinyint unsigned not null,
primary key (disable_recovery)
// hamDeployment record current ham4db version
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_deployment (
deployed_version varchar(128) not null,
deployed_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (deployed_version)
// hamNodeActive record node anchor info used to grab leadership
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_node_active (
anchor tinyint unsigned not null,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
token varchar(128) not null,
first_seen_active_timestamp datetime not null default '1971-01-01 00:00:00',
last_seen_active_timestamp datetime not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (anchor)
// hamNodeHealth record node when register and update periodically
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_node_health (
hostname varchar(200) not null,
token varchar(128) not null,
first_seen_active_timestamp timestamp not null default '1971-01-01 00:00:00',
last_seen_active_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
extra_info varchar(128) not null,
command varchar(128) not null,
app_version varchar(64) not null,
db_backend varchar(255) not null,
incrementing_indicator bigint unsigned not null default 0,
primary key (hostname, token)
create index idx_hnh_last_seen_active_timestamp on ham_node_health (last_seen_active_timestamp)
// hamNodeHealthHistory record node health when register, and delete when expire
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_node_health_history (
history_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
hostname varchar(200) not null,
token varchar(128) not null,
first_seen_active_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
extra_info varchar(128) not null,
command varchar(128) not null,
app_version varchar(64) not null,
primary key (history_id)
create index idx_hnhh_first_seen_active_timestamp on ham_node_health_history (first_seen_active_timestamp)
create unique index uidx_hnhh_hostname_token on ham_node_health_history (hostname, token)
// hamKvStore record key/value info
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_kv_store (
store_key varchar(255) not null,
store_value text not null,
last_updated_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (store_key)
// hamRaftTable hold all table and index for raft, include data/log/snapshot
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_raft_store (
store_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
store_key varbinary(512) not null,
store_value blob not null,
primary key (store_id)
create index idx_hrstore_store_key on ham_raft_store (store_key)
create table if not exists ham_raft_log (
log_index bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
term bigint unsigned not null,
log_type int unsigned not null,
data blob not null,
primary key (log_index)
create table if not exists ham_raft_snapshot (
snapshot_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
snapshot_name varchar(128) not null,
snapshot_meta varchar(4096) not null,
created_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (snapshot_id)
create unique index uidx_hrsnp_snapshot_name on ham_raft_snapshot (snapshot_name)
// hamAgent record agent info which collect info from native database and exec command from ham4db for failure recovery or manage
sqlBase = append(sqlBase, []string{
create table if not exists ham_agent (
agt_hostname varchar(200) not null,
agt_ip varchar(128) not null,
agt_port smallint unsigned not null,
check_interval int unsigned not null,
last_updated_timestamp timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
primary key (agt_hostname, agt_ip, agt_port)
