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f551be5: feat: support setting logging level config by DDL (#402) (@HanWu-Timing)
330e5be: feat: support show configs by DML (#413) (@xmh1011)
0c49634: feat: support show log level config by DDL (#403) (@xmh1011)
beb8d0b: feat: ts-cli add help command (#419) (@chen19991212)
e9fed6b: fix: continuous query print logs too often (#424) (@shilinlee)
e71d722: fix: create the same name for continuous query (#400) (@shilinlee)
7f832f9: fix: diffrent replications exist at the same time (#426) (@chen19991212)
90ba183: fix: not print logs to monitor.log for ts-monitor (#408) (@shilinlee)
bde0e11: fix: there is no data return when use select * from xxx limit xx offs… (#430) (@xiangyu5632)
0d861b0: chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.8.0 to 0.17.0 (#411) (@dependabot[bot])
de798ae: chore: synchronize the code to the community (#421) (@shilinlee)
4b0a368: refactor: ts-cli commands and flags with cobra (#412) (@xmh1011)
86b052c: style: fix the typo in sort_item.go (#416) (@Chenxulin97)