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edgegateway.go 8.16 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Fabio Rapposelli 提交于 2014-12-11 10:13 . Godeps save and enable commands
* Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache v2 License.
package govcloudair
import (
types "github.com/vmware/govcloudair/types/v56"
type EdgeGateway struct {
EdgeGateway *types.EdgeGateway
c *Client
func NewEdgeGateway(c *Client) *EdgeGateway {
return &EdgeGateway{
EdgeGateway: new(types.EdgeGateway),
c: c,
func (e *EdgeGateway) Refresh() error {
if e.EdgeGateway == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot refresh, Object is empty")
u, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(e.EdgeGateway.HREF)
req := e.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "GET", *u, nil)
resp, err := checkResp(e.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error retreiving Edge Gateway: %s", err)
// Empty struct before a new unmarshal, otherwise we end up with duplicate
// elements in slices.
e.EdgeGateway = &types.EdgeGateway{}
if err = decodeBody(resp, e.EdgeGateway); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error decoding Edge Gateway response: %s", err)
// The request was successful
return nil
func (e *EdgeGateway) Remove1to1Mapping(internal, external string) (Task, error) {
// Refresh EdgeGateway rules
err := e.Refresh()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
var uplinkif string
for _, gifs := range e.EdgeGateway.Configuration.GatewayInterfaces.GatewayInterface {
if gifs.InterfaceType == "uplink" {
uplinkif = gifs.Network.HREF
newedgeconfig := e.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration
// Take care of the NAT service
newnatservice := &types.NatService{}
// Copy over the NAT configuration
newnatservice.IsEnabled = newedgeconfig.NatService.IsEnabled
newnatservice.NatType = newedgeconfig.NatService.NatType
newnatservice.Policy = newedgeconfig.NatService.Policy
newnatservice.ExternalIP = newedgeconfig.NatService.ExternalIP
for k, v := range newedgeconfig.NatService.NatRule {
// Kludgy IF to avoid deleting DNAT rules not created by us.
// If matches, let's skip it and continue the loop
if v.RuleType == "DNAT" &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalIP == external &&
v.GatewayNatRule.TranslatedIP == internal &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalPort == "any" &&
v.GatewayNatRule.TranslatedPort == "any" &&
v.GatewayNatRule.Protocol == "any" &&
v.GatewayNatRule.Interface.HREF == uplinkif {
// Kludgy IF to avoid deleting SNAT rules not created by us.
// If matches, let's skip it and continue the loop
if v.RuleType == "SNAT" &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalIP == internal &&
v.GatewayNatRule.TranslatedIP == external &&
v.GatewayNatRule.Interface.HREF == uplinkif {
// If doesn't match the above IFs, it's something we need to preserve,
// let's add it to the new NatService struct
newnatservice.NatRule = append(newnatservice.NatRule, newedgeconfig.NatService.NatRule[k])
// Fill the new NatService Section
newedgeconfig.NatService = newnatservice
// Take care of the Firewall service
newfwservice := &types.FirewallService{}
// Copy over the firewall configuration
newfwservice.IsEnabled = newedgeconfig.FirewallService.IsEnabled
newfwservice.DefaultAction = newedgeconfig.FirewallService.DefaultAction
newfwservice.LogDefaultAction = newedgeconfig.FirewallService.LogDefaultAction
for k, v := range newedgeconfig.FirewallService.FirewallRule {
// Kludgy IF to avoid deleting inbound FW rules not created by us.
// If matches, let's skip it and continue the loop
if v.Policy == "allow" &&
v.Protocols.Any == true &&
v.DestinationPortRange == "Any" &&
v.SourcePortRange == "Any" &&
v.SourceIP == "Any" &&
v.DestinationIP == external {
// Kludgy IF to avoid deleting outbound FW rules not created by us.
// If matches, let's skip it and continue the loop
if v.Policy == "allow" &&
v.Protocols.Any == true &&
v.DestinationPortRange == "Any" &&
v.SourcePortRange == "Any" &&
v.SourceIP == internal &&
v.DestinationIP == "Any" {
// If doesn't match the above IFs, it's something we need to preserve,
// let's add it to the new FirewallService struct
newfwservice.FirewallRule = append(newfwservice.FirewallRule, newedgeconfig.FirewallService.FirewallRule[k])
// Fill the new FirewallService Section
newedgeconfig.FirewallService = newfwservice
// Fix
newedgeconfig.NatService.IsEnabled = true
output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(newedgeconfig, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
debug := os.Getenv("GOVCLOUDAIR_DEBUG")
if debug == "true" {
fmt.Printf("\n\nXML DEBUG: %s\n\n", string(output))
b := bytes.NewBufferString(xml.Header + string(output))
s, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(e.EdgeGateway.HREF)
s.Path += "/action/configureServices"
req := e.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "POST", *s, b)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.vmware.admin.edgeGatewayServiceConfiguration+xml")
resp, err := checkResp(e.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error reconfiguring Edge Gateway: %s", err)
task := NewTask(e.c)
if err = decodeBody(resp, task.Task); err != nil {
return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding Task response: %s", err)
// The request was successful
return *task, nil
func (e *EdgeGateway) Create1to1Mapping(internal, external, description string) (Task, error) {
// Refresh EdgeGateway rules
err := e.Refresh()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
var uplinkif string
for _, gifs := range e.EdgeGateway.Configuration.GatewayInterfaces.GatewayInterface {
if gifs.InterfaceType == "uplink" {
uplinkif = gifs.Network.HREF
newedgeconfig := e.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration
snat := &types.NatRule{
Description: description,
RuleType: "SNAT",
IsEnabled: true,
GatewayNatRule: &types.GatewayNatRule{
Interface: &types.Reference{
HREF: uplinkif,
OriginalIP: internal,
TranslatedIP: external,
Protocol: "any",
newedgeconfig.NatService.NatRule = append(newedgeconfig.NatService.NatRule, snat)
dnat := &types.NatRule{
Description: description,
RuleType: "DNAT",
IsEnabled: true,
GatewayNatRule: &types.GatewayNatRule{
Interface: &types.Reference{
HREF: uplinkif,
OriginalIP: external,
OriginalPort: "any",
TranslatedIP: internal,
TranslatedPort: "any",
Protocol: "any",
newedgeconfig.NatService.NatRule = append(newedgeconfig.NatService.NatRule, dnat)
fwin := &types.FirewallRule{
Description: description,
IsEnabled: true,
Policy: "allow",
Protocols: &types.FirewallRuleProtocols{
Any: true,
DestinationPortRange: "Any",
DestinationIP: external,
SourcePortRange: "Any",
SourceIP: "Any",
EnableLogging: false,
newedgeconfig.FirewallService.FirewallRule = append(newedgeconfig.FirewallService.FirewallRule, fwin)
fwout := &types.FirewallRule{
Description: description,
IsEnabled: true,
Policy: "allow",
Protocols: &types.FirewallRuleProtocols{
Any: true,
DestinationPortRange: "Any",
DestinationIP: "Any",
SourcePortRange: "Any",
SourceIP: internal,
EnableLogging: false,
newedgeconfig.FirewallService.FirewallRule = append(newedgeconfig.FirewallService.FirewallRule, fwout)
output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(newedgeconfig, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
debug := os.Getenv("GOVCLOUDAIR_DEBUG")
if debug == "true" {
fmt.Printf("\n\nXML DEBUG: %s\n\n", string(output))
b := bytes.NewBufferString(xml.Header + string(output))
s, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(e.EdgeGateway.HREF)
s.Path += "/action/configureServices"
req := e.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "POST", *s, b)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.vmware.admin.edgeGatewayServiceConfiguration+xml")
resp, err := checkResp(e.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error reconfiguring Edge Gateway: %s", err)
task := NewTask(e.c)
if err = decodeBody(resp, task.Task); err != nil {
return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding Task response: %s", err)
// The request was successful
return *task, nil
马建仓 AI 助手
