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droplet_actions.go 3.99 KB
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Ben Firshman 提交于 2014-12-04 20:28 . Vendor dependencies with Godep
package godo
import (
// DropletActionsService is an interface for interfacing with the droplet actions
// endpoints of the Digital Ocean API
// See: https://developers.digitalocean.com/#droplet-actions
type DropletActionsService interface {
Shutdown(int) (*Action, *Response, error)
PowerOff(int) (*Action, *Response, error)
PowerOn(int) (*Action, *Response, error)
PowerCycle(int) (*Action, *Response, error)
Reboot(int) (*Action, *Response, error)
Restore(int, int) (*Action, *Response, error)
Resize(int, string) (*Action, *Response, error)
Rename(int, string) (*Action, *Response, error)
doAction(int, *ActionRequest) (*Action, *Response, error)
Get(int, int) (*Action, *Response, error)
GetByURI(string) (*Action, *Response, error)
// DropletActionsServiceOp handles communication with the droplet action related
// methods of the DigitalOcean API.
type DropletActionsServiceOp struct {
client *Client
// Shutdown a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) Shutdown(id int) (*Action, *Response, error) {
request := &ActionRequest{Type: "shutdown"}
return s.doAction(id, request)
// PowerOff a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) PowerOff(id int) (*Action, *Response, error) {
request := &ActionRequest{Type: "power_off"}
return s.doAction(id, request)
// PowerOn a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) PowerOn(id int) (*Action, *Response, error) {
request := &ActionRequest{Type: "power_on"}
return s.doAction(id, request)
// PowerCycle a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) PowerCycle(id int) (*Action, *Response, error) {
request := &ActionRequest{Type: "power_cycle"}
return s.doAction(id, request)
// Reboot a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) Reboot(id int) (*Action, *Response, error) {
request := &ActionRequest{Type: "reboot"}
return s.doAction(id, request)
// Restore an image to a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) Restore(id, imageID int) (*Action, *Response, error) {
options := map[string]interface{}{
"image": float64(imageID),
requestType := "restore"
request := &ActionRequest{
Type: requestType,
Params: options,
return s.doAction(id, request)
// Resize a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) Resize(id int, sizeSlug string) (*Action, *Response, error) {
options := map[string]interface{}{
"size": sizeSlug,
requestType := "resize"
request := &ActionRequest{
Type: requestType,
Params: options,
return s.doAction(id, request)
// Rename a Droplet
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) Rename(id int, name string) (*Action, *Response, error) {
options := map[string]interface{}{
"name": name,
requestType := "rename"
request := &ActionRequest{
Type: requestType,
Params: options,
return s.doAction(id, request)
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) doAction(id int, request *ActionRequest) (*Action, *Response, error) {
path := dropletActionPath(id)
req, err := s.client.NewRequest("POST", path, request)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(actionRoot)
resp, err := s.client.Do(req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return &root.Event, resp, err
// Get an action for a particular droplet by id.
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) Get(dropletID, actionID int) (*Action, *Response, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", dropletActionPath(dropletID), actionID)
return s.get(path)
// GetByURI gets an action for a particular droplet by id.
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) GetByURI(rawurl string) (*Action, *Response, error) {
u, err := url.Parse(rawurl)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return s.get(u.Path)
func (s *DropletActionsServiceOp) get(path string) (*Action, *Response, error) {
req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", path, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
root := new(actionRoot)
resp, err := s.client.Do(req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, resp, err
return &root.Event, resp, err
func dropletActionPath(dropletID int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("v2/droplets/%d/actions", dropletID)
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