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godo.go 7.57 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Ben Firshman 提交于 2014-12-04 20:28 . Vendor dependencies with Godep
package godo
import (
headerLink "github.com/tent/http-link-go"
const (
libraryVersion = "0.1.0"
defaultBaseURL = "https://api.digitalocean.com/"
userAgent = "godo/" + libraryVersion
mediaType = "application/json"
headerRateLimit = "X-RateLimit-Limit"
headerRateRemaining = "X-RateLimit-Remaining"
headerRateReset = "X-RateLimit-Reset"
// Client manages communication with DigitalOcean V2 API.
type Client struct {
// HTTP client used to communicate with the DO API.
client *http.Client
// Base URL for API requests.
BaseURL *url.URL
// User agent for client
UserAgent string
// Rate contains the current rate limit for the client as determined by the most recent
// API call.
Rate Rate
// Services used for communicating with the API
Actions ActionsService
Domains DomainsService
Droplets DropletsService
DropletActions DropletActionsService
Images ImagesService
ImageActions ImageActionsService
Keys KeysService
Regions RegionsService
Sizes SizesService
// ListOptions specifies the optional parameters to various List methods that
// support pagination.
type ListOptions struct {
// For paginated result sets, page of results to retrieve.
Page int `url:"page,omitempty"`
// For paginated result sets, the number of results to include per page.
PerPage int `url:"per_page,omitempty"`
// Response is a Digital Ocean response. This wraps the standard http.Response returned from DigitalOcean.
type Response struct {
// Links that were returned with the response. These are parsed from
// request body and not the header.
Links *Links
// Monitoring URI
Monitor string
// An ErrorResponse reports the error caused by an API request
type ErrorResponse struct {
// HTTP response that caused this error
Response *http.Response
// Error message
Message string
// Rate contains the rate limit for the current client.
type Rate struct {
// The number of request per hour the client is currently limited to.
Limit int `json:"limit"`
// The number of remaining requests the client can make this hour.
Remaining int `json:"remaining"`
// The time at w\hic the current rate limit will reset.
Reset Timestamp `json:"reset"`
func addOptions(s string, opt interface{}) (string, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(opt)
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
return s, nil
u, err := url.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return s, err
qv, err := query.Values(opt)
if err != nil {
return s, err
u.RawQuery = qv.Encode()
return u.String(), nil
// NewClient returns a new Digital Ocean API client.
func NewClient(httpClient *http.Client) *Client {
if httpClient == nil {
httpClient = http.DefaultClient
baseURL, _ := url.Parse(defaultBaseURL)
c := &Client{client: httpClient, BaseURL: baseURL, UserAgent: userAgent}
c.Actions = &ActionsServiceOp{client: c}
c.Domains = &DomainsServiceOp{client: c}
c.Droplets = &DropletsServiceOp{client: c}
c.DropletActions = &DropletActionsServiceOp{client: c}
c.Images = &ImagesServiceOp{client: c}
c.ImageActions = &ImageActionsServiceOp{client: c}
c.Keys = &KeysServiceOp{client: c}
c.Regions = &RegionsServiceOp{client: c}
c.Sizes = &SizesServiceOp{client: c}
return c
// NewRequest creates an API request. A relative URL can be provided in urlStr, which will be resolved to the
// BaseURL of the Client. Relative URLS should always be specified without a preceding slash. If specified, the
// value pointed to by body is JSON encoded and included in as the request body.
func (c *Client) NewRequest(method, urlStr string, body interface{}) (*http.Request, error) {
rel, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u := c.BaseURL.ResolveReference(rel)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if body != nil {
err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, u.String(), buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", mediaType)
req.Header.Add("Accept", mediaType)
req.Header.Add("User-Agent", userAgent)
return req, nil
// newResponse creates a new Response for the provided http.Response
func newResponse(r *http.Response) *Response {
response := Response{Response: r}
return &response
func (r *Response) links() (map[string]headerLink.Link, error) {
if linkText, ok := r.Response.Header["Link"]; ok {
links, err := headerLink.Parse(linkText[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
linkMap := map[string]headerLink.Link{}
for _, link := range links {
linkMap[link.Rel] = link
return linkMap, nil
return map[string]headerLink.Link{}, nil
// populateRate parses the rate related headers and populates the response Rate.
func (r *Response) populateRate() {
if limit := r.Header.Get(headerRateLimit); limit != "" {
r.Rate.Limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(limit)
if remaining := r.Header.Get(headerRateRemaining); remaining != "" {
r.Rate.Remaining, _ = strconv.Atoi(remaining)
if reset := r.Header.Get(headerRateReset); reset != "" {
if v, _ := strconv.ParseInt(reset, 10, 64); v != 0 {
r.Rate.Reset = Timestamp{time.Unix(v, 0)}
// Do sends an API request and returns the API response. The API response is JSON decoded and stored in the value
// pointed to by v, or returned as an error if an API error has occurred. If v implements the io.Writer interface,
// the raw response will be written to v, without attempting to decode it.
func (c *Client) Do(req *http.Request, v interface{}) (*Response, error) {
resp, err := c.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
response := newResponse(resp)
c.Rate = response.Rate
err = CheckResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
return response, err
if v != nil {
if w, ok := v.(io.Writer); ok {
io.Copy(w, resp.Body)
} else {
return response, err
func (r *ErrorResponse) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v: %d %v",
r.Response.Request.Method, r.Response.Request.URL, r.Response.StatusCode, r.Message)
// CheckResponse checks the API response for errors, and returns them if present. A response is considered an
// error if it has a status code outside the 200 range. API error responses are expected to have either no response
// body, or a JSON response body that maps to ErrorResponse. Any other response body will be silently ignored.
func CheckResponse(r *http.Response) error {
if c := r.StatusCode; c >= 200 && c <= 299 {
return nil
errorResponse := &ErrorResponse{Response: r}
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err == nil && len(data) > 0 {
json.Unmarshal(data, errorResponse)
return errorResponse
func (r Rate) String() string {
return Stringify(r)
// String is a helper routine that allocates a new string value
// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func String(v string) *string {
p := new(string)
*p = v
return p
// Int is a helper routine that allocates a new int32 value
// to store v and returns a pointer to it, but unlike Int32
// its argument value is an int.
func Int(v int) *int {
p := new(int)
*p = v
return p
// Bool is a helper routine that allocates a new bool value
// to store v and returns a pointer to it.
func Bool(v bool) *bool {
p := new(bool)
*p = v
return p
// StreamToString converts a reader to a string
func StreamToString(stream io.Reader) string {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
return buf.String()
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